Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 7

Chapter 7: The Map

Adam’s attitude towards the Eden people could be glimpsed from the bonfire feast.

He wouldn’t just sit back and enjoy; he cooked using ingredients found by the Eden people, bringing them things they had never seen before.

Grilled meat was an unprecedented experience, so everyone was both fascinated and enjoyed it immensely, with some even shedding tears. Some members of the Tyrannosaurus Clan held a bare-knuckle fighting contest to see who could eat more.

The transmigrator watched all these vibrant scenes with glee.

They were not just “NPCs.”

Adam had realized this from the beginning.

“How does it feel?”

He asked Jeanne d’Arc Alter, who was biting into the honey-glazed dinosaur meat beside him.

For once, she honestly shared her thoughts.

“The flavor is quite good. It’s somewhat like chicken.”

“Is that so? It seems my cooking skills haven’t rusted yet.”

Watching Adam smile, Jeanne d’Arc Alter looked down, seemingly lost in thought.

“Unlike me, you haven’t been betrayed, meaning you still have a home to return to. Doesn’t that make you sad?”

Since her words unusually lacked aggressiveness and even seemed a bit soft, Adam opened his mouth in surprise, then he looked up at the “starry sky” made of fireflies.

“There’s no need to dwell too much on sadness. Everyone can only move forward; there’s no turning back.”

He stretched his right hand towards the sky, then clenched it as if trying to encompass it.

“I’ll achieve it, I’ll start from scratch and climb with all my might towards the stars and eventually open the path home. If time is the obstacle, then I’ll surpass time too.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

A passion hotter than the flames on the other side radiated from Adam. Since crossing over, he had not once felt even a hint of hesitation.

Hesitate here, hesitate there.

He had grown weary of such things long ago.

Rather than fretting over when the “rain” will stop, he’d rather look for an “umbrella.”

“Such naive optimism.”

Jeanne d’Arc Alter shook her head.

Yet, the slight curve of her lips betrayed her inner thoughts.

“Let’s just say you’re complimenting me. Speaking of moving forward, I’ve more or less figured out what to do next.”

“Although I’m not interested, I’ll still have to contribute, so go ahead and tell me.”

Adam began to outline his plan.

First, he confirmed with her whether she could sense the presence of an exceptionally powerful dragon kind.

Fortunately, the distance was not too far. If they were in what would become the British Isles before it separated from the Eurasian continent, then Jeanne d’Arc Alter’s sensation was very likely indicating the presence of the Dragon of Albion on that land.

The next issue was how to advance and return without getting lost.

While there were makeshift methods, considering future needs, Adam thought it best to recruit a related great person.

By spending 200 brilliance points and one influence card (thus unable to choose one at the end of the turn), he could lock the “pool” to a person from the relevant field.

As for not gambling on a random selection of three, it was because the quota for great persons was two, and without dismissing one, no new recruitment could be made.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Direct dismissal seemed like a loss.

Thus, Adam chose to create an influence card.

In this era, influencing the Eden people, who had not yet developed, was much simpler than it would be later.

He called Zephyr and several members of the Pterosaur Clan.

“Have you ever thought about how to remember the way back when you’re out exploring or how to tell others how to get there?”

The Eden people looked at each other.

Eventually, Zephyr, the most experienced among them, spoke.

“The sun. Sets. Rises. And. Companion. Remember. Path.”

“So, it’s often difficult for others to go to places you’ve been.”

Zephyr nodded.

Adam then snapped his fingers (a gesture the clan members curiously tried to imitate).

“Next, I’ll teach you what’s called a ‘map’.”

He took a relatively flat stone and a sharp stone knife.

“Let’s call the direction where the sun rises ‘east’, and where it sets ‘west’.”

With enough strength and some learned techniques, Adam could make relatively clear carvings on the stone. He drew a cross, marking simple symbols for sunrise and sunset.

Then he pointed to the top and bottom directions.

“This is north and south. With this knowledge, you can start making maps.”

Treasure and pirate themes had been popular for a while.

Naturally, Adam had exposure to them, often directing the props team to ensure the “treasure maps” looked realistic rather than like children’s doodles.

Using the bonfire as a center, he drew a map of the nearby area, with Jeanne d’Arc Alter offering some suggestions, given her background as a commander.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Under their guidance, the adept Pterosaur Clan members quickly learned to find their way with the map, even enjoying walking back and forth, wearing silly happy smiles.

As for Zephyr.

He began trying to record the places he remembered on the stone.

To Adam’s surprise or delight, Zephyr instinctively learned to use dyes—he immediately thought of the plants he had once collected.

When Zephyr saw his hands stained, he thought his life was over, so the memory was particularly vivid.

“Sometimes I feel a bit threatened.”

Adam chatted with Jeanne d’Arc Alter.

“What I know, will they soon surpass it? How then can I lead them forward?”

The girl didn’t know how to respond.

So she didn’t mock him.

Of course, Adam didn’t expect a response; he had his own answer.

“When the time is right, I should start learning and researching new things. Maybe, with some luck, meeting the Dragon of Albion will do.”

How to utilize the overflowing life force of the planet (Grand Source).

Although magic was a discipline that emerged later in the dominance of primates, the ancient being of the highest dragon kind should know some techniques to wield marvelous powers.

Just needing a start, like learning to “boil water” using “planet life force,” he could attempt to construct a system.

For the sake of making good science fiction and fantasy movies, for interesting settings, his “speculation” and “hypothesis” in technology had considerable experience and skill.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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