Voyeurism chapter 16

A good night’s sleep.

When Yu Guang woke up completely, it was already bright outside, and the phone screen showed that it was already nine thirty-nine.

He was genuinely surprised for a moment.

It had been a long time since he had experienced the feeling of waking up naturally, and the time had passed so long that he couldn’t quite remember.

Staring at the pure black blackout curtain above the bed, Yu Guang felt a wave of panic rising from the depths of his heart. Mercury deleted

From childhood to adulthood, as the exemplary student praised by teachers and parents, he was the perfect benchmark, an impeccable machine that didn’t require a soul.

Yu Guang would wake up at six ten in the morning, regardless of whether he had slept early or late the night before. Even the roosters on the farm weren’t as punctual as him.

The repeated wake-up time of six ten was finally broken, shattered.

Yet he was plunged into panic.

Yanking open the blackout curtain, allowing the light to invade every corner, he anxiously asked:

“What time is it now?”

No one answered.

Those three were still asleep, their snores sometimes loud, sometimes soft.

Yu Guang jumped out of bed and ran to the balcony to look at the sun.

The sunny day after the rain was cleaner than ever, with branches and leaves shining brightly, and the small bamboo forest was glaringly green.

Only then did he believe that the time on his phone hadn’t deceived him.

He had really slept until after nine o’clock.

Yu Guang suddenly remembered the ‘good night’ from last night, more effective than sleeping pills, and couldn’t help but open the messaging app.

While he was asleep, the unknown number had sent another multimedia message.

—Thanks to that person, he had seen the rainbow last night.

A double rainbow stretched across the night sky, faintly suspended above the full moon, like a halo, and yet like the long bow of the night god.

He searched online and found out that this phenomenon was called a moonbow, simply put, it was a rainbow formed by the refraction of moonlight, usually appearing on the brightest full moon days.

Yesterday happened to be March fifteenth, the once-a-month full moon day. So, what was said last night couldn’t be considered a prediction.

The heavy rain last night broke many immature plants, leaving the fallen ones hanging in mid-air.

The newly blooming peach blossoms hadn’t had a chance to enjoy the spring before they died, covering the ground with clusters of pink, white, and red, creating the colors of late spring.

Yu Guang stared at the petals trampled dirty on the ground, crushed and chipped, very few intact flowers survived the fall.

Until he reached the pavilion—

Senior Ye Si held one, the luckiest dead peach blossom in the world.

Bright and shiny, untouched by dust.

Yu Guang felt that Jiang Xiyue was like that peach blossom, a lucky one dancing on the bones of thousands of fallen flowers.

But as he looked around, even at the scattered crowd by the Swan Lake not far away, he didn’t see Jiang Xiyue.

Joy was like a soap bubble in the sunlight, rising quickly and then bursting. Yu Guang tried hard to straighten his lips to hide his emotions, timidly asking:

“Senior Ye Si, why isn’t Jiang jie here today…?”

Ye Si didn’t rush to answer, his gaze leisurely scanning the young man from head to toe, his brows slightly furrowed.

“Do you wish she were here?” Ye Si asked in return.

Today, he wore a light beige thin velvet hoodie, sweatpants, a black backpack, looking like an underage high school student.

Most of his slender neck, with faintly visible blue veins, was covered by the hoodie’s round collar, fully covered, far less beautiful than the unbuttoned white shirt he used to wear.

Ye Si licked his slightly upturned fangs without leaving a trace, suddenly feeling a bit nostalgic for the little guy who was enchanted and collapsed in his arms.

The boy had a slender waist, with two cute dimples. His earlobes were also full and round, plump and fleshy, looking good no matter what earrings he wore.

He should get his ears pierced, Ye Si thought.

“Why aren’t you wearing a white shirt today?” he asked seemingly casually.

Ye Si knew that the sweet-smelling little guy had been following him around, and every time he dressed up and appeared in front of him like a brightly wrapped gift.

His most common outfit was that white shirt.

The semi-transparent buttons were often not fastened to the top, revealing the smooth lines of his collarbone and fair neck—among all parts of the human body, they were the most attractive to him.

Yu Guang occasionally bent down, his pale chest revealing a pink cherry that was faintly visible, a small one, and one could even imagine the subtle sound it made rubbing against the shirt fabric…

He knew Yu Guang was doing it on purpose.

But this little trick was harmless. Throughout history, there had been countless people who had similar expectations of him.

So, for Ye Si, this spring scenery was not too profound after all.

At first, Yu Guang was just a fun pastime for him when he was bored, but unexpectedly—

The scent was quite nice.

He hadn’t experienced the feeling of enjoying something to the fullest for a long time.

But Yu Guang was the most influential one in this long time, the closest one to him.

The white shirt seemed to be a predetermined trigger word for Yu Guang. His expression visibly dimmed, and even the short, upright fluff on his head wilted.

Ye Si raised an eyebrow slightly, noticing that the other party seemed genuinely upset and sad, not just pretending.

“The clothes are dirty—” Yu Guang muttered, his lips pursed, and Ye Si’s gaze paused for a moment.

The plump, slightly upturned lip bead was bitten slightly red by Yu Guang, like a cherry wetted by the rain, and also like a ruby behind the glass showcase at an auction.

Gorgeous to the point of being dazzling.

Towards the pitifully beautiful little fox, Ye Si always had a bit more patience. He was willing to indulge and follow Yu Guang’s lead.

“Who made it dirty?”

“My roommate…” Yu Guang carefully lifted his gaze to assess Ye Si’s expression.

He seemed only timid, but his hand hidden behind him had already gripped his sleeve tightly, trembling slightly. His breath was quicker than usual.

No one knew that fireworks had already been set off in his heart—

The fact that the senior would care about such trivial matters, did it imply that their relationship had progressed further?

With a slight glance around, Yu Guang confirmed again:

Jiang Xiyue was not there,

If Jiang Xiyue could just stay away…

Ye Si suddenly lowered his gaze and looked at him, “Which roommate.” A very flat sentence, with a simple tone, but Yu Guang still felt a sense of intimidation.

Yu Guang’s shoulders couldn’t help trembling a few times.

Afraid that his murmur in the depths of his heart would be seen through by the senior, Yu Guang nervously rolled his Adam’s apple, trying to steady his voice as he spoke:

“Zheng Cheng… he always bullies me…” If pretending to be pitiful could earn him some sympathy, then nothing could be better.

Yu Guang’s eyelids kept twitching, a blush spreading from his neck to his cheeks, seemingly feeling particularly awkward about what he had just asked for help with.

But Ye Si didn’t say anything, just gave a faint “Hmm” in response.

But Yu Guang didn’t feel disappointed either.

Nothing could escape the accumulation of small things, hints needed to be trained into conditioned reflexes over multiple repetitions, and affection also needed to be accumulated continuously. Similarly, Ye Si’s sympathy was also like this.

Nothing was inherently superior.

He was prepared enough and patient enough.

Ye Si beckoned for him to come closer.

Yu Guang eagerly complied, his Adam’s apple restrained from rolling a few times, taking a small step forward under Ye Si’s gaze.

The faint woody scent mixed with the natural smell of fresh mud after the rain, as they stood closer, drifted under Yu Guang’s nose.

Sniffing carefully, there was also the fragrance of peach blossoms.

Following the senior’s instructions, Yu Guang sat down on the low stool beside the stone table in the pavilion—this was the seat chosen by Ye Si.

They were very close to each other, and if his hand moved a few inches to the left, it would touch Ye Si’s right arm.

Yu Guang lowered his head, hiding behind his bangs, staring straight at the only bright spot in his narrow field of vision.

The senior’s skin was really fair, cold-toned white, lifeless white, like the walls of a hospital.

Just by looking at his complexion, anyone would think he was a frail, reclusive patient.

But Yu Guang knew that wasn’t the case.

Under the civilized clothing, Ye Si’s muscular lines were smooth and compact, muscles slightly bulging when exerted, with veins and blood vessels faintly visible on the surface.

Sexy enough to make his heart flutter.

In the traceless warmth of the dream, he had hugged this arm countless times, rubbed his cheek against it, or lingered on its waist and abdomen…

The damp wind tugged at him, pulling him into a dizzying high altitude in the dream, and then pulling him into this arm again.

“Yu Guang, Yu Guang?!”

Ye Si called him repeatedly, finally waking him up from the enchanting daydream.

Lifting his eyelids slightly, Yu Guang’s gaze swept from Ye Si’s chin, and he stared blankly, wondering if Senior Ye Si knew that the obedient boy sitting next to him had imagined countless offenses in his mind?

His thoughts flashed by in an instant.

“Ah… sorry, I spaced out just now…” he apologized anxiously, pressing his burning cheek against the cold back of his hand.

The soft flesh squeezed slightly, and the vermilion, moist lips parted.

He had practiced in front of the mirror many times—this angle… Ye Si should like it.

He secretly glanced over, seeing Ye Si staring at him, his expression unchanged, Yu Guang sighed inwardly, thinking, Senior Ye Si is indeed difficult to please.

“It’s nothing.” Ye Si didn’t inquire about the reason for his distraction, but tore off a sheet of paper from the sketchbook he carried with him and handed it to him.

Naturally yellowed, the paper reflected a peach blossom tree drawn with a fountain pen, with clusters of flower buds on the branches, half-opened or not yet open.

It should be a tree on campus these days.

“This is for you,” he heard Ye Si say with a slight smile.

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