Voyeurism chapter 22

Originally, Yu Guang didn’t intend to pay attention to the somewhat presumptuous request from the unknown number.

But after pondering for a moment, he still got off the bed and took out that set of clothes.

There was a full-length mirror behind the door of their dormitory. It was bought by Gao Leilin—when he just entered his freshman year, he had several girlfriends and usually paid attention to dressing. The full-length mirror was basically what he used. When Yu Guang needed to organize his clothes, he would instinctively go to the small mirror on the balcony to look.

But now Gao Leilin was not there. Yu Guang stood in front of the mirror, shaking out the shirt and trying it on.

He had just flipped the collar and didn’t find the brand logo or size tag, but the material of the shirt didn’t seem like something from a street stall. It was probably something custom-made.

The shirt fit him well, with the shoulders wide enough and the waistline fitting snugly.

Just by peeking from a distance, it was absolutely impossible to achieve such a standard of fit for a custom-made garment.

The only reason Yu Guang could think of was the night he got drunk—

The finger marks on his lower back explained everything.

His body had been measured by someone else’s hands.


Although he was still very unhappy, the hidden sense of excitement gradually spread.

Yu Guang smirked lightly and adjusted the collar.

The V-neck opening was a bit deep, not only completely exposing the neck and collarbone, but even bending slightly would reveal a bit more.

The thoughts of the gift giver were clear as day.

Staring at himself in the mirror for a long time, Yu Guang bent over to put on the shorts.

The fabric of the shorts was slightly stiff, A-line in shape, and the length was just to the midpoint of the thigh. Yu Guang’s thin legs made the shorts look even wider, so from a distance, it looked like a skirt.

In short, it wasn’t very serious.

He wasn’t wrong in scolding him, that person was indeed a purebred pervert.

Yu Guang found a good angle to cover his face and took two photos.

It had to be said, black and white pairing was always a classic and never cliché.

The first photo had the arm blocking the collar, just an ordinary white shirt with black shorts, looking as innocent as a high school student who had just finished school.

Only when it switched to the second photo and saw the wide-open sexy neckline did it dawn on him—

This wasn’t a high school student at all but a degenerate scoundrel.

Chuckling, he opened the photo editor and pixelated out everything in the background of the dorm room that could reveal his true identity. He didn’t want to be threatened by the other party with this photo.

After finishing these tasks, he leisurely sent a text message back to the unknown number.

Yu Guang: The photo is taken, what are you going to offer in exchange?

[Unknown Number]: How about inviting you for a drink on Friday night?

Yu Guang: I dare not drink your wine.

[Unknown Number]: Really? Are you sure?

Smooth talker, Yu Guang muttered in his heart.

His purpose had been achieved, and he couldn’t be bothered to deal with the person on the other side of the phone screen anymore.

Yu Guang kept his promise and sent the two photos via MMS, regardless of what kind of reply he would get, he set his phone to silent and went to bed.

Before falling asleep, he silently thought: On Friday, I must expose that pervert who likes to hide in the dark corners.

Friday night.

With a faint sense of anticipation, Yu Guang hesitated in front of the mirror for a while, wondering what to wear to BLUE tonight.

Little did he know, he was just delaying for a moment and was caught by Gao Leilin asking questions.

Gao Leilin’s attitude towards him had changed a lot recently, and Yu Guang wasn’t stupid. He knew what the change was due to.

But he was perverse, an absolute egoist.

Regarding Gao Leilin’s abnormality, he chose not to point it out or expose it, maintaining a “Schrodinger’s cat” status of occasional annoyance and occasional vanity.

But the current situation was undoubtedly annoying—he felt irritated.

Gao Leilin’s questioning filled his ears.

It was nothing but nagging like “Why did you promise not to work at the bar, and then break your word” and “The bar is messy, easy to be taken advantage of by unscrupulous people” and the like. He sounded like an old woman.

Yu Guang soon became impatient, lowering his eyebrows and enduring his anger.

But he couldn’t let the image he had painstakingly cultivated collapse.

“I need money,” he muttered softly.

Yu Guang wasn’t lying; he really needed money.

His mom had stopped his bank card, but he was unwilling to compromise because of this.

He still smoked the most expensive cigarettes, drank the most expensive alcohol, and never skimped on gifts for his senior…

“Isn’t eight hundred a week enough?” Gao Leilin’s grip on his wrist made him feel very painful. “Is your family in debt?”

Yu Guang: …

After a moment of silence, he marveled at Gao Leilin’s rich imagination on one hand and thanked him for finding a good reason for himself on the other.

Yu Guang forcefully pulled out his hand and saw that it was indeed red.

But he just glanced at it quickly and soon lowered his head, silent and tacit, seemingly tacitly agreeing with Gao Leilin’s words just now. His lips were bitten so hard that they turned pale, devoid of any color.

This move worked immediately.

Gao Leilin saw him looking depressed and didn’t nag anymore.

The ears suddenly became quiet, and Yu Guang was too lazy to choose clothes again. Seizing the moment when Gao Leilin was dazed, he put on the shirt and shorts given by the unknown number, grabbed his backpack, and ran out of the door.

The weather in City N was extremely changeable, scorching hot during the day but bone-chilling cold in the evening.

Yu Guang’s bare knees and calves were blown by the wind, causing his sweat to stand on end.

It wasn’t very convenient to climb over the wall in shorts.

When he climbed, he didn’t notice, but when he landed, he realized that his previously exposed knees had scraped against the rough brick wall. He couldn’t help but regret wearing these shorts that didn’t cover his knees.

In the dim light of the street lamp, it was hard to see how serious the injury to his knee was. The pain wasn’t intense, more like a tingling sensation, nothing serious. Yu Guang didn’t pay much attention to it.

Leisurely walking to the entrance of the bar, Yu Guang was greeted by a bartender he knew, who gave him a teasing look.

“Are you trying to look younger today?” Was he referring to his outfit?

Nodding slightly, Yu Guang didn’t deny it either, chuckling as he patted the other person’s shoulder and walked in.

As he walked further in, the lights became more vibrant, the pounding music deafening, and the colorful neon lights projected onto the dance floor, reflecting the various people wearing masks.

Not only were the guests wearing masks, but all the servers and bartenders were also wearing masks.

Yu Guang only then remembered the introduction details of tonight’s mask-themed night activity that he saw on the illuminated board at the entrance.

He wasn’t wearing a mask now, so he stood out quite a bit, attracting uncomfortable gazes like he was some sort of anomaly.

Furrowing his brows, he deliberately avoided the crowd and made his way around, not heading to the bar counter as he usually did.

The incident of drugging his drink last time had indeed crossed a line.

Because he considered Lena a friend, he wasn’t so quick to forgive her.

He circled around to the employee break room behind the venue, where the noise was much quieter.

He found Andy, the manager of this area, and asked for a temporary badge and a fox mask.

He had a contract with BLUE, but it was just a semi-part-time contract as a server—flexible working hours, no guaranteed salary, all based on commission and tips, with a lower commission rate than regular employees.

Nevertheless, even with all that, the hourly wage for “part-time” here was higher than anywhere else.

“Table A8, and we’re missing a companion, go after you finish dressing up,” Andy said, grabbing a matcha cake and pausing before putting it in his mouth, then offering it to Yu Guang, “Want some?”

“I don’t like sweets,” Yu Guang shook his head and declined.

Andy slapped his forehead, saying, “Oh! I forgot again that you don’t like sweets. Go on then, go on.”

A8 table had three men and two women. When Yu Guang approached, there was only one man left sitting in the center of the table without a companion.

Unobtrusively assessing his employer for the next few hours, Yu Guang smiled lightly, bowed, and walked over to sit beside the man.

Unlike the masks distributed for free by BLUE, the man wore an old-fashioned gold-plated full-face mask, which, if Yu Guang wasn’t mistaken, was intricately carved with Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures.

Dressed in a navy blue casual suit with two buttons slightly open at the collar, the straight trousers enveloped his slender and well-proportioned legs.

After surveying the man from head to toe, Yu Guang smelled a familiar scent when he reached for the deck of cards on the table—

A woody scent, with a unique fragrance reminiscent of the pine wood scent in a temple shrine.

It was too familiar, almost like an invisible trigger hidden under his skin.

Yu Guang instantly thought of Ye Si.

Uncontrollably, his gaze turned back to the man beside him.

The gold-plated mask exuded the divine aura of the Buddha, yet the burning crimson cigarette between the man’s fingertips emitted an air of worldliness.

And then there was the crucifix earring hanging from the man’s earlobe.

Very strange.

A person wearing a Sanskrit mask was actually wearing a crucifix earring at the same time, as surprising as a Buddhist also professing Christianity.

Yu Guang looked closely and noticed that the crucifix on the man’s earlobe wasn’t like his own clip-on earrings, but was actually pierced through the flesh with a silver pin.

It wasn’t Ye Si—Ye Si didn’t have pierced ears.

“Do you know how to cut cards?”

Yu Guang was startled by the sudden question in his ear, snapping back to reality, only to find that it was the man next to him asking him.

Nodding quickly, Yu Guang said, “Yes, I do.”

For some reason, there seemed to be an aura emanating from this man that was similar to Ye Si’s, both terrifying and inexplicably alluring.

“Cut the cards, then. Let’s play something simple,” the man nodded towards him, chin lifted slightly. “Every time you lose, you unbutton one button.”

There was a hint of playful mockery in his tone.

Yu Guang furrowed his brows inwardly, feeling challenged for once.

“And what if you lose?” He stared into the narrow eyes beneath the gold-plated mask, feeling a strange familiarity.

But the eye contact was fleeting, and he heard the man chuckle softly twice:

“For every time I lose, I’ll grant you a wish.”

“Any wish?” Yu Guang’s tone was somewhat incredulous.

He felt that the man was betting too much. Either he was a fearless madman, or he was an absolute rationalist with ambitions.

The man’s eyes under the mask curved slightly, as if smiling.

“Of course,” Yu Guang heard the man reply with a raised tone.

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