Voyeurism chapter 8

The dance floor of the bar was filled with moving figures, colorful lights dividing the dimness.

It was a place of revelry and indulgence.

The suddenly amplified rock music was a bit harsh, causing Yu Guang to furrow his brow. He skillfully navigated through the crowd and made his way to the restroom.

The water was still cool when it splashed against his fingertips on this early spring day.

Yu Guang’s fingertips paused slightly as he suddenly remembered the temperature of those hands, which were delicate and beautiful whether holding a pen or stroking a cat.

He had never held Ye Si’s hand, not even accidentally brushed against it.

But in his countless imaginings, the temperature of the senior’s hand should be like this cool, clear water.

Slightly chilly, distant yet noble.

Like a celestial being observing the mundane world with a cold gaze from high above the palaces and pavilions of jade.

So Yu Guang didn’t adjust the water temperature but instead let the entire palm of his hand be immersed in the flowing water.

The clear water splashed against his skin, creating ripples and tiny bubbles, and slightly reddening the skin on the back of his hand from the cold.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation, tilting his head back slightly to gaze at the bright light of the mirror.

The falling strands of hair obstructed his view, so he swept them away with his eyelashes, feeling ticklish and unsuitable for the bar.

Yu Guang shook his head, using the water droplets on his hand to slick back all the stray hair.

The huge mirror in front of the sink reflected his youthful appearance.

With slightly dampened hair slicked back, revealing a fair and full forehead, his peach-blossom eyes shimmered like stars, flickering with a hint of mischief that teased the heart.

Yu Guang didn’t have any special feelings about his own face, giving it a cursory glance before pulling out a pair of silver-black punk earrings from the compartment of his backpack.

The skull-shaped earrings were carved with intricate detail, with uneven pits and bumps on the skull polished to look extremely realistic.

It felt cool to the touch, not like ordinary silver or iron, very lightweight, and it didn’t hurt when clipped onto the earlobes.

Yu Guang couldn’t remember who gave him this pair of earrings anymore.

Rummaging through his memories, it seemed that when he first came to BLUE in his freshman year, he accidentally bumped into someone. That person said he looked too innocent and would be easily deceived.

The second week when he came again, Lena handed these two earrings to him, saying they were ordered to be given to him by the guest from last time.

He’s been wearing them for over a year now.

He couldn’t even remember what that person looked like anymore, but the habit of wearing earrings at BLUE remained, continuing to this day.

Yu Guang lightly tapped the small skull on his earlobe with his fingertips and then took it off to examine it.

Whether it was because he didn’t use them frequently or because the material was of good quality, there were almost no signs of wear on the skull on this earring, and it looked as shiny as new.

Oh well, why should he care about these things?

With a soft chuckle, he took out a cigarette, shook off the excess water from his head, and pushed the door open.

The waves of sound hit him like a landslide, making him feel a bit suffocated all of a sudden.

The colorful flashing lights changed with the frequency of the music, and the men and women reveling in the midnight scene blurred their features, like discarded out-of-focus photographs.

Yu Guang skillfully navigated through the crowded masses and arrived at the bar counter.

With a flick of his hand, his black backpack was tossed into the clutter box under the counter.

Lena was busy mixing drinks, the sound of shaking glasses ringing out, but she still noticed the familiar sound of Yu Guang tossing his backpack into the box and raised an eyebrow.

“Here already?”


They were familiar enough with each other, so Yu Guang didn’t need to be polite. He sat on a high stool, propped his chin on his hand, and watched Lena mix drinks.

Lena was one of the few people Yu Guang considered a friend, and that was probably more than half the reason he liked to come to BLUE.

The other reasons were a bit unclear to him.

Subconsciously, he just liked BLUE.

Chaotic, dim, noisy…

All kinds of men and women sank into it, desires incubating and taking shape in the warm bed.

Hot and lonely, breeding invisible pathogens.

Here, he could find the refuge he had long sought.

Putting away the deliberately feigned obedience, discarding the tired disguises, baring his fangs, and indulging briefly.

He had become a part of it too.

Yu Guang exhaled lightly, his gaze returning to Lena.

Lena was undoubtedly very beautiful.

Extremely alluring beauty.

Her golden hair was styled into large waves, with a winged eyeliner and fiery red lips. Her movements in mixing drinks were clean and smooth, the glint of her slender sequins on her tight uniform reflecting the light.

Watching her mix drinks was an ultimate visual pleasure.

When she pushed a glass filled with various colored liquors in front of you, her slender jade fingers with red nail polish lightly flicked.

It would make one lose their soul.

But Yu Guang had seen it countless times, and his immunity was at its peak.

He glanced at the male college student who was captivated by Lena’s charm, smirked ambiguously, and after the student left, he lifted his chin towards Lena who was wiping the glasses.

“Another one.”

Lena didn’t respond to his comment, “What would you like to drink today?”

“Just mix me something.”

Half a moment later, a champagne-colored cocktail was placed in front of Yu Guang.

As he raised his head, Lena’s smiling face was right in front of him, her red lips parted as she said, “little fish~ It’s a new specialty cocktail, give it a try~”

“So I’m your guinea pig again.” Despite his words, Yu Guang still took the glass and took a sip.

Lena often asked him to try the taste of new specialty cocktails because he had a good tolerance for alcohol and could remain sober even after drinking low or high-proof drinks, giving objective and fair evaluations.

But this drink seemed different.

After just a few sips, his head started to feel dizzy.

His reaction seemed to be getting slower too.

It had been a long time since he last felt drunk, and he vaguely felt that his current reaction didn’t seem like being drunk, but he couldn’t say what it was.

Yu Guang tried to keep his eyes open and focused on Lena, but the alcohol was numbing his brain nerves much faster than he had imagined.

With his eyelids drooping weakly, Yu Guang seemed to see a familiar tall figure in the dim corner.

For a moment, his mind cleared, but it was only for a moment.

In a daze, the shadowy figure was gone, as if his drunken imagination had just conjured it up.

He closed his eyes, propped his arm against his forehead.

Suddenly, he felt a little low.

The champagne-colored liquid in the highball glass rippled slightly, and Yu Guang gazed absentmindedly at it.

The alcohol rushed in like the wind, and in an instant, everything went dark.

Just before plunging into the dark abyss, he saw Lena’s hesitant expression.


A faint scent of driftwood on the tip of his nose.

In his mind, a fleeting delusion flashed—

This scent really seems like…

If only Senior Ye Si were here.

[1]Author’s Note:

What will happen to Little Fish after being drugged? (ง ˙o˙)ว


1 Author’s Note:

What will happen to Little Fish after being drugged? (ง ˙o˙)ว

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