Wilderness Livestream Room [Interstellar]
Wilderness Livestream Room | Chapter: 10 


Su Ge’s approach couldn’t be understood at the moment, and similarly, people from other planets couldn’t understand it either. 

【What on Earth is this human doing? Why did she cut such a large piece of a strange creature’s corpse?】 

【So, disgusting! How could she just go ahead and handle these things like that? 】 

【I feel really sorry for our Major General now. How could he team up with such an uncivilized and disgusting race? It’s just unbearable!】 

【I’m going to complain to the organizers. This kind of race must be eliminated. Earthlings are simply interstellar tumors! How could they do such disgusting things! 】 


Unlike the one-sided mockery and cursing to Su Ge by other planets in the Interstellar Alliance, Earth was quite cheerful. 

【Ah! That’s a mammoth! Oh my God, what kind of planet did the organizers find? There are actually mammoths, and they’re alive, not specimens!】 

【Mammoths are so huge! So, this is what they look like! 】 

【Did you see that clearly? Didn’t it get killed by that alien as soon as it appeared? 】 

【Right… Did the aliens have weapons? 】 


【The aliens are so powerful in combat. I’m suddenly feeling deeply worried about Su Ge’s situation! Su Ge, you must not offend them! Our lives are at stake! 】 

【By the way, the purpose of Su Ge cutting such a large piece of meat is…】 

【Wow, barbecue time!】 

【I think marinating it would be better.】 

【Actually, boiling it might be good too!】 

【Hot pot!】 


There were no more large animals like mammoths on the rest of the journey. However, the two were still very cautious during their walk, or rather, Su Ge was very cautious. 

No matter how strong Earthlings were, they couldn’t be as powerful as aliens, at least not as powerful as the people from the Milky Way galaxy. 

So, in this completely unfamiliar environment, she appeared even more careful. She walked while constantly observing the surroundings and continuously evaluating the differences between this strange barren planet and Earth. 

So far, the oxygen content in the air of this planet is higher, and the humidity is also higher, which has resulted in very dense vegetation on this planet. Since entering this planet, Su Ge has observed that most of the things she could see were green. 

The trees, dense grass, and land covered with various vegetation, especially in this air, the smell of plants decaying and rotting permeated everywhere. Even in some dark corners, Su Ge saw some rarely seen mushrooms. 

More and more evidence indicated that the ecological environment of this barren planet was extremely similar to Earth’s, so much so that Su Ge had an unrealistic guess that it couldn’t be that the organizers really favored Earth. 

If not, then what was the method of “Wilderness Livestream” in choosing barren planets? As a completely new participant, Su Ge looked at Rong Shi. 

“Rong Shi, do you know how ‘Wilderness Livestream’ chooses the barren planets?” As a newcomer participating in this kind of program for the first time and as a newcomer from a newly classified fifth-class planet in the Interstellar Alliance, Su Ge humbly asked the powerful alien in the universe with humility. 

“It’s random.” This question is not a secret to people in the Interstellar Alliance. Although Rong Shi has been too busy in the Royal Army in recent years to pay much attention to this program, he was a loyal viewer of this program when he was a child. 

“According to the rules of ‘Wilderness Livestream’, at the end of this episode, the next barren planet will be randomly drawn from the most popular planet in this episode, and then the program will have a three-month hiatus. During this time, the organizers will go back to understand and evaluate the drawn barren planet again and based on the results of the understanding and evaluation, they will come up with test questions.” Seeing Su Ge’s complete lack of understanding, Rong Shi patiently explained some common knowledge known to people. 

“Test questions?” Su Ge suddenly shuddered, remembering the set of questions she did in the hall. “Is it the set of questions done in the hall?” 

“Yes, it’s that set of questions.” Rong Shi nodded, then he also remembered that in that set of questions, Su Ge also got the best score, so he smiled and said, “You’re lucky.” 

Indeed, luck was on her side! 

According to Rong Shi, this deserted planet they had come to had actually been drawn three months ago, and Earth had joined the Interstellar Alliance less than three months ago. This was like a pie falling from the sky right into their mouths. If the previous participant had drawn a post-war ruin, or an abandoned planet, or a barren planet completely unsuitable for human life, then there would be nothing for her to do afterwards. 

Eight thousand kilometers wasn’t actually a long distance, but once placed on an undeveloped planet, it seemed somewhat distant. 

Fortunately, Rong Shi was formidable in combat. Although his strength was greatly reduced when he left the high-tech combat mechs and moved on land, he still had more than enough to deal with the creatures on these deserted planets. 

For Rong Shi, the more he walked in the forest, the more he was grateful to be teamed up with Su Ge. He always thought his sense of direction was very strong, and even the most complicated road conditions were nothing to him. But on this deserted planet, for the first time, he found that his pride in his sense of direction in space was completely shattered. 

Although Su Ge had taught him to recognize the directions of “east, south, west, north,” he still made frequent mistakes in practice, especially in this forest where he was constantly disoriented. Several attempts to identify directions had resulted in huge deviations, making Rong Shi start to doubt whether his sense of direction was really excellent. 

“Are you really sure this is the northeast direction?” This was the question Rong Shi most frequently asked when it came to identifying directions. 

He asked so many times that even Su Ge sighed. 

It seems that the directions are indeed a difficult puzzle of the century. Not only do humans find them troublesome, but even aliens cannot escape this curse. 

“If I’m not mistaken, we should be less than three hundred meters away from the safe point.” Su Ge’s calculation ability was strong, so she had been silently calculating the straight-line distance from the landing point to the safe point all the way. 

“Are you sure?” Rong Shi turned to look around, finding dense forests everywhere, not much different from the path they had just traveled. 

“Of course.” After confirming again with the notebook and pen allowed by the organizers, Su Ge nodded firmly. She put away the notebook and pen, then walked in front of Rong Shi. “I’ll lead the way from here.” 

“No need…” Before Rong Shi could finish his sentence, he felt a huge shadow darting out from their side diagonally. Its movement was so fast that even Rong Shi didn’t react in time. 

It wasn’t that Rong Shi hadn’t noticed something abnormal, but everything on the entire planet seemed abnormal to his perception. Therefore, he couldn’t accurately distinguish which things were dangerous and which were not. 

From entering the forest until now, Rong Shi had managed to overcome dangers all the way. Which is entirely due to his formidable combat strength. But now, this danger lurking in the darkness of the forest caught him off guard. All he could do was shout warnings while rushing toward the shadow. 

But then he froze. 

Su Ge, who had just been standing there, had disappeared. It was as if she had never existed. She vanishes right before Rong Shi’s eyes. 

Was… was she swallowed by the danger just now? 

Rong Shi’s heart tightened instantly. He immediately assumed a defensive posture, his gaze scanning the surroundings, quietly waiting for that silent danger to strike again. 

Soon enough, it did. A shadow fell directly in front of Rong Shi. In an instant, Rong Shi attacked like lightning, but after encountering the danger, he froze once again. 

The thing he had just attacked should have been quite large, so why was what he captured now so small? 

With suspicion in his mind, his gaze swept over what he held in his hand. Then he froze completely. He saw a very ugly creature’s head in his hand—sharp nose and mouth, dark color, long hair, and a pair of large ears. 

However strange its appearance, it couldn’t conceal the fact that it was a creature’s head, and it had only one head. 

Although the Interstellar Alliance had many strange planets and races, there was absolutely no race that could survive with just a head. So… Rong Shi could be sure that the head in his hand had been severed by someone. 

By whom? 

It could only be Su Ge. Besides himself, she was the only one here. 

But where was she? 

“Su Ge? Where are you?” Rong Shi looked around, then widened his eyes. He saw the Earth woman who had just stood in front of him seemed to have left the gravitational pull of the planet, floating gracefully in midair… 

No, not gracefully floating. She held the knife provided by the organizers in her hand, attacking a winged monster in a strange posture. And not far from them lay another dark creature, one without a head. 

Clearly, the head in his hand belonged to that creature. 

Rong Shi thought to go over and help, but before he could take a step, he saw Su Ge had already killed the monster and descended gracefully like a feather not far from him. 

Rong Shi was completely stunned. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. 

Meanwhile, his astonished face was magnified on the live broadcast, sparking a huge discussion throughout the galaxy. 

【Ah, even when surprised, our Major General is still so charming!】 

【What did I just see? Is the Earthling floating in midair?】 

【Yes, you saw it right! I also saw the Earthling floating in midair! This must be cheating!】

【Exactly! Cheating! It’s definitely cheating! The live broadcast rules clearly state that each participant can only bring two personal items. I specifically checked. The Earthling brought paper and pen. She must have concealed something; she definitely brought a miniature aircraft!】 

【It must be! We need to complain to the organizers! Why did they give the green light to such a backward garbage planet! I suspect they’ve taken bribes!】 

【We can’t let people from garbage planets trample our rules like this! We demand that the Earthling be eliminated; she’s not worthy!】 

【Right! She’s not worthy!】


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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