Wilderness Livestream Room [Interstellar]
Wilderness Livestream Room | Chapter: 27 

Each of these words made sense to Rong Shi individually, but together, he had no idea what kind of strange operation this was. However, it didn’t stop him from accepting it. He nodded and sat down by the campfire. 

Only at this point did Rong Shi finally calm down. He took a deep breath, allowing his wildly beating heart to settle. The radiant smile on Su Ge’s face had stirred something within him, and the touch of her hand as she took the nutrient solution from his palm left his skin burning. 

Sitting there with his head down, Rong Shi still couldn’t quite understand his feelings, but seeing Su Ge’s smile confirmed that giving her the nutrient solution was not a mistake. No, it was absolutely the right thing to do. 

He might be a little short on nutrient solution, but none of that mattered compared to the indescribable joy he felt at this moment. 

With this joy, Rong Shi even felt the wind around him carrying a faint fragrance. 

In fact, after a whole day of getting ready mentally and getting used to it, even if Su Ge ate a whole mammoth today, Rong Shi wouldn’t mind. After all, every race has different survival habits. Even if he couldn’t do it, he would try to accept it, as that was the greatest respect he could offer. 

In short, no matter what strange things happened today on Su Ge’s side, Rong Shi was determined not to run away in a panic and act impolitely. 

Besides, his mood was indescribably good right now. 

However, what Rong Shi was worried about didn’t happen. He watched with great curiosity as Su Ge placed the container on the burning campfire, then used a bottle to pour water from her backpack into the container. 

The next part was just waiting. Rong Shi watched intently as the water in the clay pot changed. Despite the darkening sky, Rong Shi, with his excellent night vision, could see clearly. 

The water in the container started calm, then small bubbles appeared, growing larger until all the bubbles gathered in the center and started rolling. The entire container of water became lively, and a hot white mist rose from the open container. 

At this moment, Su Ge realized that she had only made large containers, which could be used to boil water or make soup, but she hadn’t made small containers like bowls or cups. This meant that even though she wanted to offer Rong Shi some hot water, there was no way to do so. 

After rummaging through the things in her hands, Su Ge finally used the bottle to scoop a small half-bottle of hot water from the container and handed it to Rong Shi, “It’s very hot, you have to wait for it to cool down a bit before drinking.” 

Taking the bottle, Rong Shi felt the heat of the water while lifting the bottle to observe it carefully: “Heating the water we collected today to boiling with the container, this process is disinfection?” 

“Yes, actually many viruses cannot withstand high temperatures. During the boiling process, these viruses die, so boiling water is the simplest and most effective method of disinfection.” At this point, Su Ge didn’t forget to clarify to avoid any misinterpretation: “Of course, this is just the method on Earth, you don’t have to take it too seriously.” 

Rong Shi, however, seriously observed the water in the bottle and found that it was indeed much clearer. After analyzing it in his mind, he earnestly said to Su Ge, “I think the methods of your home planet are very useful.” 

Maybe it was because she had faced many frustrations during the day, but it felt like the evening brought her many joys. Su Ge’s mood was incredibly uplifted, especially at this moment. 

In her country, there is a saying that one only loves their country more when abroad, meaning that only in a foreign land does one truly miss their homeland, and any praise from outsiders about their country is more gratifying than praise for oneself. 

At this moment, listening to Rong Shi’s words of approval, Su Ge felt this deeply. Her happiness was indescribable, even though she was already smiling, there was an unexplainable sweetness welling up from her heart. 

Earth had received recognition from people of another planet. Although it was just a little bit, only a little bit, that feeling of being acknowledged moved her so much that her eyes couldn’t help but start to heat up. She held back, smiling even more happily, “Our Earth has many other useful and great things! You just don’t know about them!” 

Normally, even if Rong Shi didn’t agree with such words, he would still show a respectful smile. But today was different. At this moment, it seemed as though he was convinced by this girl from a distant, barren Class V planet called Earth. Gazing at her dazzlingly bright smile, Rong Shi seemed to hear his heart pounding rapidly in his left chest, hitting his calm soul, making it burn along with her enthusiasm. 

【I don’t know if I saw it wrong, but I think Su Ge’s eyes were red just now. 】 

【You didn’t see it wrong, her eyes were indeed red. I think I can understand that feeling.】 

【Yes, hearing someone praise your homeland while abroad is incredibly moving, even more so on an alien planet.】 

【Oh, I suddenly find this alien called Rong Shi particularly pleasing to the eye!】 

【Major General  Rong Shi belongs to the whole universe. If you sincerely love him, we might consider letting Earth join the ranks of those who love him!!!】 

【The one above is silly.】 

【Boiling water? Haha, what an outlandish and absurd method! 】 

【I’m starting to look down on Rong Shi more and more. No matter what, he’s a Royal Major General of the Milky Way Galaxy, right? He must have seen a lot, yet he’s getting swayed by such small tricks from Earthlings.】 

【Yeah, just look at him. It’s as if he’s completely lost the face of the Milky Way Galaxy. And it’s supposed to be a Class I galaxy, yet he thinks what a Class V galaxy says makes sense? Does he even use his brain?】 

【What’s wrong with our Milky Way Galaxy? I don’t think the Major General did anything wrong! And up to now, the Earthlings haven’t held us back at all. Is there anything wrong with our Major General recognizing their methods?】 

【Don’t pay attention to the previous comments. They’re just jealous of our Major General.】 

【Jealous? I think Rong Shi has disgraced himself too much. He actually gave nutritional fluid to an Earthling. Aren’t Earthlings supposed to be humanely destroyed? And he gives them nutritional fluid? Is the Milky Way Galaxy’s meticulous training producing someone who doesn’t know right from wrong?】 

【I also think Rong Shi’s actions were inappropriate. Giving his nutritional fluid to an Earthling who has made no contributions—is he stupid? If I remember correctly, there’s a limited amount of nutritional fluid.】 

【He’s probably interested in the Earthling.】 

【Are you blind? With a great beauty like Nalita around, would Rong Shi be interested in an Earthling? The ones making these comments must be Earthlings themselves. Go back to your garbage planet and dream on!】 


Nutritional fluid really has no taste at all… 

Su Ge smacked her lips, seriously savoring the nutritional fluid that swirled in her mouth for a while. She wanted to express her firsthand experience with this high-tech alien product, but in the end, all she could conclude was this: other than making you feel not hungry, it had no other effect. 

Maybe aliens grew up eating this stuff and never tasted anything else, so they were not picky about this so-called “food” that was as bland as water. But for Su Ge, calling this thing “food” was an insult to the sacred concept of food. 

Okay, after all those complaints, Su Ge is still very grateful to Rong Shi. After all, with this nutrient solution, she can maintain her physical strength for at least twenty-four hours, up to forty-eight hours. With so much time, Su Ge feels she can calmly find more food. 

After all, she doesn’t think she’ll get a second nutrient solution. 

With the nutrient solution as a base and after seeing off Rong Shi, Su Ge stayed up all night. She used the method of making the open-mouthed jar to make an even larger container, which could be considered a small water tank for now. After finishing it, she stuffed this thing into the already dried oven, lit a blazing fire, sealed the oven again, and then went to sleep. 

Because she stayed up a bit late the previous night, Su Ge woke up a bit late the next day. After checking on the progress of the oven and tidying herself up, when she went to the meeting point, she was a little late. She glanced around and found that everyone was there except for Nalita. 

The original group of five didn’t say anything, instead, they warmly greeted each other. It was Saro from Pila Star who raised his eyelids and said indifferently, “You did a good job helping everyone fend off mosquitoes yesterday, but that can’t be an excuse for your lateness.” 

Su Ge: Black question mark face???  

Did this alien misunderstand something? 

The mugwort I gave you yesterday was to earn your resources later on. Do you now think I was playing the role of a good Samaritan yesterday? Or do you still think I did that yesterday to please you? It seems you still don’t understand the dangers of the human world… 

Su Ge smirked, not even rolling her eyes at Saro, but Zigmadar and Sela both threw Saro a sympathetic glance, leaving him puzzled for a moment. 

But before these emotions could escalate, a hurried voice came from afar, “Oh dear, oh dear, I overslept, don’t blame me, don’t blame me, Rong Shi, wait for me, don’t blame me!” 

Looking around, all they could see was Nalita running and yelling from her camp towards them. 

Saro turned his head upon hearing Nalita’s voice, revealing an undisguised smile. Although he didn’t say anything, Su Ge could understand the expression, feeling as if she were a blind fan looking at her idol, seeing everything in a positive light. 

“Isn’t she also late?” Ron didn’t follow celebrities, but that didn’t stop him from complaining. Even though they had just met and had no conflicts, for some reason, both Ron and Li Ya seemed to unconsciously align themselves with Su Ge. 

Just like Saro’s comment on Su Ge earlier, although he didn’t speak, it didn’t mean he was pleased. Now that Nalita was even later than Su Ge, he unceremoniously began counting the minutes against her. 

“How can they be the same! Trala Star is a Class II planet, and who is Nalita? Nalita was one of the top ten best interstellar beings last year according to the Interstellar Alliance!” Saro was indeed a fan of Nalita’s, and upon hearing Ron’s comment, he turned to spray him without hesitation. 

“Being late on a Class II planet is acceptable, but being late on a Class V planet is not? What kind of logic is that?” 

“That’s right! What’s the problem? Shouldn’t a Class V planet arrive early and wait for everyone? This is what lower-class planets should do. They actually dare to make higher-class people wait for them. We didn’t cause them trouble, so they should be grateful. What more do they want?” Saro looked particularly arrogant, squinting and sneering. 

“You…” Although up until now Ron also thought Su Ge, this Earthling from a Class V planet, was somewhat cunning, it didn’t mean he agreed with Saro’s racial discrimination. He was about to retort when he saw Rong Shi raise his hand to stop him. 

Rong Shi said to Saro, “Everyone is equal on this barren planet…” 

“According to what you’re saying, does that mean my Class V race is inferior to your higher-class planets?” Rong Shi’s words were interrupted by Su Ge’s crisp, even slightly mocking voice before he could finish. 

“Does that even need to be said? If your lower-class races weren’t so despicable, do you think Earth would still be at the Class V level?” Saro lightly scoffed, making it impossible for anyone to refute. 

Su Ge continued to smile. She glanced at Saro, then shifted her gaze to Abing and Flynn. Although both of them frowned, thinking Saro had gone too far by directly tearing off that layer of skin, they didn’t stop Saro’s words, indicating they also shared the same thoughts. 

“Alright then, since you all think so, don’t come to me for help in the future.” Su Ge, after confirming the thoughts of a few people, spread her hands out, expressing herself very plainly. 

But this honest and straightforward expression immediately drew Saro’s retort, his voice raised without reservation, “What nonsense are you talking about! Do you think people from higher-class planets would come to you for help?” 

Flynn, who had been silent all this time, also chuckled at this moment, “I think before Class V planets break their heads trying to make some moves to boost their planet’s fame, they should first learn how to be wise beings, truly cultured beings would never say such ignorant things.” 

Although Abing also felt that Su Ge’s words were somewhat exaggerated, she noticed that none of the other five people who had contacted other planets had objected to her words, and even subconsciously thought that what she said was correct… 

Suddenly, Abing had an incredible idea. Could it be that this earthling really had some special abilities and can do things that they couldn’t? 

Although this possibility was very small, it didn’t mean it was impossible. 

If this thing was really possible, if she did something inappropriate now and fell out with this earthling, wouldn’t it be true that once a problem arose, there would be no solution? 

She didn’t come to this show to fool around like those from other planets, to boost the fame of her planet, or to boost her own name; she came here for her own future. 

So, she couldn’t mess things up, and definitely couldn’t fall out with anyone, after all, her years of life experience told her that no one knows what influence someone might have on you in the future.

Realizing this, Abing swallowed the retort that had already reached her lips. Instead, she just stared at the earth woman in front of her with a very serious look, which she used for the first time. 

To be honest, her body structure was very similar to the people from the Milky Way Galaxy, but she had black hair, slightly warm-colored skin, and black eyes. If we were to talk about outstanding looks, she definitely couldn’t match Rong Shi, but she had a special kind of beauty. 

At this moment, she stood among participants from different types of planets, appearing calm and natural, completely unlike the typical attitude of a fifth-class planet’s race when they encountered a higher-ranking one, where they might feel awkward or inferior. 

In her presence, it was as if she were completely unaware of the situation. Her back was straight, her face wore a confident and serene smile. Even when she heard Flynn and Saro’s accusations, there was no hint of anger, as if she had long since dismissed their words as meaningless nonsense. 

It was truly an enviable calmness. 

Unaware herself, Abing’s lips curved slightly. Then, she turned to Saro and Flynn and asked, “Which side are we choosing later?” 

Her question was subtle enough to cut through the tension that had already become stiff. Flynn quickly replied, “Either side, let’s go to the forest.” 

Though Saro was still very angry, both of his companions seemed unwilling to argue further on this topic. Plus, Nalita had already rushed to their side, so he could only awkwardly hold back his voice. 

Nalita’s face beamed with a bright smile. Without hesitation, she dashed towards Rong Shi, seemingly intending to make physical contact. 

However, Rong Shi’s movements and reactions were much faster than Nalita’s. He took a few steps to the side without hesitation, dodging Nerita’s enthusiasm and bluntly refusing, “Miss, I’m not accustomed to being touched by strangers. Could you keep your distance?” 

Nalita, a big star who was usually adored by people, probably rarely faced such cold treatment. When she heard Rong Shi’s indifferent rejection, a hurt expression appeared on her face. “Rong Shi, what are you saying? We’re teammates!” 

Rong Shi immediately shook his head. “No, you’re not in the team we’re forming.” 

Nalita widened her eyes upon hearing this, then turned to Abing with an incredulous expression, shouting, “Why aren’t we teammates? Didn’t I say yesterday that I wanted to be on the same team as Rong Shi?” 

Abing resisted the urge to roll her eyes and calmly stated, “Teaming up requires mutual consent.” 

Implicitly saying that Rong Shi didn’t agree. 

However, Nalita seemed unwilling to understand this. She just frowned and said, “Then I don’t want to be on the same team as you.” 

Abing’s eyebrows barely furrowed. She glanced at Flynn nearby, who clearly wasn’t keen on serving this young lady either. He nodded, “Fine, we’ll be a team of two. You can choose whoever you want to team up with.” 

He looked over at Saro, his teammate for the past two days, and asked, “Who do you want to team up with?” 

Saro hadn’t quite caught up with what had just happened, and he instinctively replied, “Aren’t I on the same team as Nalita?” 

Flynn smirked, his gaze at Saro filled with mockery, but he didn’t say much. He just turned to Abing and said, “Let’s go, we’re heading to the forest.” 

With that, Flynn turned and walked away. Abing nodded at Rong Shi and the others before following Flynn. They moved swiftly, disappearing without leaving even a shadow behind. 

Nalita frowned a little, feeling somewhat unhappy. She hadn’t quite taken a liking to Flynn during their time together; his temper was too unpredictable, and he didn’t seem very friendly towards her. It was probably for the best they were splitting up now. She turned to Rong Shi and said, “Rong Shi, I don’t have a teammate now. Can I team up with you?” 

However, Rong Shi seemed to completely ignore her. He’s already walking towards the back mountain with the other five. It was Sela who showed a mischievous smile, “Sorry, big star, but you’re late. You don’t have the option to choose a team anymore. Our team is already full.” 

Nalita: ….. ╭(* _ *)╮ 

Nalita wanted to catch up, but in the end, she couldn’t. She could only stand there helplessly, watching Rong Shi’s team quickly leave the safe zone. Just when she was furious, Saro asked with a smile, “Nalita, should we go to the forest now?” 

Nalita felt really bad after being rejected by Rong Shi but considering her star effect, she had to maintain a smile. Unfortunately, this smile seemed overly awkward and stiff when viewed on the screen of the livestream. 

Of course, the online audience, with their penchant for sarcasm, didn’t let this opportunity slip by. Mixed with various other comments, the livestream chat quickly turned chaotic. 

For Su Ge, this was really just a minor matter. Their focus today was on searching for the remaining team members and finding food. 

Since Abing’s team chose the forest, Rong Shi had already chosen to head to the mountainside before Su Ge arrived. 

They bypassed the safe zone and began climbing the mountain from the side. There was a gentle slope on that side, making the climb less exhausting. However, even so, after about two hours of trekking, they finally reached the mountaintop. When they looked down below, almost everyone was stunned. 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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