Wilderness Livestream Room [Interstellar]
Wilderness Livestream Room | Chapter: 29 

Earth is a very backward planet, Earth is a very poor planet, Earth is a planet with not very advanced technology. 

This is the stereotype of Earthlings by aliens who are unfamiliar with them. 

Earthlings are very strange. 

This is the unified perception of all aliens who have had contact with Su Ge for some time. 

How strange is she? Her physical condition seems very weak, but she often manages to perform some unrealistic actions that defy gravity, and moreover, she is as skilled in combat as Rong Shi.  

She often manipulates things that aliens don’t understand, knows many strange creatures, and has a lot of knowledge about aliens they wouldn’t encounter in eight lifetimes. 

The aliens had a specific understanding of Su Ge before, but now their understanding of her has been refreshed. 

They only saw Su Ge first rinsing Meng’s wound with the water from her bottle. The icy water poured onto the wound was both painful and cold, causing Meng to shiver involuntarily. Su Ge glanced at Meng, then found a thick stick near the fire and handed it to Meng’s lips. “Bite down on this.” 

Meng looked somewhat puzzled, while Su Ge smiled lightly and casually, “I’m afraid you might not be able to resist later. Yelling would waste the little energy you have left.” 

Meng’s head was already dizzy and he didn’t really understand Su Ge’s meaning, he simply obediently bit down on the stick Su Ge handed him. However, his lack of understanding wasn’t important now because he quickly passed out. 

After confirming that Meng had firmly bitten down on the stick, Su Ge looked up at Zigmadar and Sela, saying, “You two firmly hold down his legs, don’t let him move.” Then she turned to Ron and Li Ya, saying, “You two hold down his upper body, similarly, do not let him move.” 

Her gaze fell on Lana, and after a moment of thought, she said, “You stay further away from us, and no matter what happens, do not come closer, do not make a sound.” 

This posture was quite worrisome. Although Lana involuntarily took a few steps back, her concern was evident. She directly asked, “Earthling, are you really sure you can heal him? Are you really sure? If you can’t, just say it. Don’t be like this. I’m getting anxious. You all look terrifying. He is a comrade, not an enemy.” 

Indeed, the current situation was a bit too tense. Four big men were directly holding Meng down on the ground, while Rong Shi held a sharp knife in his hand, roasting it over the fire. 

Su Ge completely ignored Lana’s words. She simply glanced at the knife in Rong Shi’s hand, which had turned red on both sides from the heat. She directly took it and, facing Meng, who was already in a semi-dazed state, said, “Bite down on the stick.” 

Anyone who had seen Su Ge butcher meat knew that her knife skills were excellent. With a swift and precise motion, each piece of meat she cut was uniform in size and thickness. 

However, none of the people present had anticipated that one day these knife skills would be used on a person. 

While Su Ge was talking to Meng and while everyone’s attention was still on Meng, Su Ge took action. 

Except for Rong Shi, who kept his attention fixed on Su Ge, no one else really saw how Su Ge acted. Even Rong Shi only felt that all he could see was the lingering image of the fiery red knife. When he blinked again, the largest piece of rotten flesh attached to Meng had already been cut off. 

With Su Ge’s swift movements of the knife came a sudden howl of pain from Meng. He then tightly bit down on the stick in his mouth, but his body instinctively struggled and stiffened. 

This shaking made Su Ge’s operation a bit difficult. Frowning, she coldly instructed the four people holding Meng’s body, “Put in more effort, don’t let him move.” 

The several people who had been shocked by the scene almost subconsciously followed Su Ge’s orders, immediately exerting more force to press down on Meng, who was struggling with all his might. 

The fiery red knife swiftly scraped away the rotten flesh on Meng’s thigh, while Su Ge remained calm and composed. She appeared extraordinarily indifferent, unaffected by Meng’s pain, Lana’s screams, or even the fear of the people holding Meng’s body. She remained aloof, quietly and methodically carrying out her task. 

Such composure, such a strong mental fortitude, even Rong Shi couldn’t help but admire her from the bottom of his heart. 

For a soldier, killing someone is actually quite simple, but it’s exceptionally difficult to wield a knife on one’s own comrade. Rong Shi didn’t know how Su Ge, such a young woman from Earth, managed to stay calm, but he had to admit that her composure gave him immense confidence. He even had a blind feeling that with this woman here, Meng wouldn’t encounter any problems. 

He would recover. 

This confidence also calmed Rong Shi down, allowing him to focus more on helping Su Ge with other tasks, such as grinding some plants she had just taken out into a paste, or restraining Lana, who had lost control of her emotions. 

Meng felt like he had never experienced such prolonged pain before. The increasingly intense pain kept assaulting his body, making him want to pass out, yet for some reason, his body remained stubbornly resilient. The pain was long-lasting and intense, and within a few moments, he felt himself drenched in sweat from head to toe. 

The fiery dagger, while slicing through the putrid flesh, also served the most primitive purpose of disinfecting the wounds. Along with the sizzling sound, a distinct aroma floated in the air – a result of proteins being seared and burnt. At this moment, this scent lingered around each person’s nostrils, accompanied by the trembling of pain and whimpering, creating a scene that even the bravest men found unsettling. 

Every second felt like an eternity, and everyone hoped that each stroke of Su Ge’s dagger would be the last. 

In fact, Su Ge’s movements were swift. Even with the abundance of rot on Meng’s wound, Su Ge took only two minutes to clean it thoroughly. 

As she lifted the dagger and carefully inspected the wound, Ron’s voice trembled, almost as fragile as a spider’s silk: “Is it… is it done already?” 

“Yes, I can apply the medicine now.” Su Ge didn’t look at Ron. Her focus was entirely on Meng’s wound. After confirming everything was fine, she reached out to Rong Shi, who promptly handed her the thick, sticky herbal paste he had meticulously prepared. 

Su Ge inspected the pile of herbal paste. It had been squeezed and kneaded carefully, neatly arranged on a cleaned leaf, accompanied by a long strip torn from a piece of clothing. It was evident that Rong Shi was experienced in treating wounds, which greatly aided Su Ge at this moment. 

After ensuring everything was in order, Su Ge used the cloth strip to bandage the wound first and then applied the herbal paste around it. Such a large wound was not suitable for direct application; a slight oversight could lead to severe infection. Su Ge only applied the medicine around the wound, hoping to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect. 

Meng was quite fortunate. After the mosquito incident yesterday, Su Ge had been very attentive to gather various herbs during their journey. The 758th desolate planet was densely vegetated, with plants similar to those on Earth. Therefore, this morning, Su Ge collected quite a few herbs, including those for stopping bleeding and treating wounds. 

Even Su Ge herself hadn’t expected to use these herbs so soon. 

The wound on Meng’s thigh throbbed fiercely, but soon after came a cold sensation. He didn’t know what the Earthling had placed near his wound, but it instantly alleviated his pain, causing his tensed body to relax. A sigh of relief escaped him, and the next moment, he slipped into unconsciousness. 

The sudden limpness and weakness of Meng’s body made everyone who was holding onto his limbs extremely nervous. Li Ya’s voice changed, but he dared not let go, shouting anxiously, “Su Ge, Su Ge, what’s wrong with him! Is he…?” 

She didn’t finish the sentence, but everyone realized the possibility, and they all panicked, especially Lana, who was shouting and about to rush towards Su Ge. If it weren’t for Rong Shi stopping her, the situation would have been even worse. Nevertheless, the scene became extremely chaotic for a moment. 

Su Ge calmly glanced at Li Ya, then took a moment to check Meng’s breathing and pulse before withdrawing her hand and continuing to bandage the wound calmly. Even her voice was calm to the extreme: “He just fainted, nothing serious.” 

Amidst the panic, Su Ge’s calm and composure suddenly became a huge relief, calming everyone down from their frenzy. Zigmadar watched Su Ge, who appeared perfectly normal while bandaging the wound, and felt as though she was not tending to a living person, but rather the meat she had sliced that night… 

He wanted to speak, but when he opened his mouth, he felt parched, his voice hoarse as if he had fallen seriously ill. He swallowed desperately, moistening his throat before asking, “Su Ge, is he okay now?” 

Su Ge glanced up at Zigmadar and noticed the four bumps on his head rapidly flashing green. Unable to resist, she asked, “What does the green light flashing on your head mean?” 

“N-nervous?” Zigmadar’s brain seemed to short-circuit, and he could only stutter out a response to Su Ge. 

Su Ge chuckled, “Nervous about what?” With that, she gestured for everyone to release Meng. 

The four of them let go of Meng, all sitting down heavily on the ground. Only now did they realize that they were soaked through as if they had been pulled out of the water. 

Ron and Sela couldn’t help but shiver, Li Ya wasn’t in much better shape, her teeth chattering continuously . Zigmadar wiped his face with his hand, sweat dripping down, and glanced at Su Ge, asking, “Are you okay?” 

“What could happen to me? I haven’t even chopped any meat yet.” Su Ge carefully wiped the dagger clean and sheathed it before looking up and gesturing to the four big men, “Get him closer to the fire and keep him warm.” 

Ron had been watching Su Ge treat the wound, but he was surprised that she hadn’t applied the herbs directly to the wound. He asked, “Why didn’t you apply them directly to the wound?” 

Su Ge still hasn’t figured out how to explain this issue in a universal language. Rong Shi, beside her, spoke slowly, “The wound area is too large. If we apply medicine directly, it might actually lead to a more severe infection.” 

Someone chimed in to help explain, and Su Ge nodded in agreement, “Yes, that’s what I meant.” 

After saying this, she turned to look at Lana. By now, Lana, who had screamed earlier, was sitting on the ground, completely exhausted. She had been restrained by Rong Shi until she learned that Meng was okay. Now, her emotions were on the verge of collapse. She looked up at Su Ge, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her voice trembled intensely, “Is he really just unconscious? Is he really okay?” 

Su Ge thought carefully before responding, “He is indeed unconscious, but I can’t guarantee he’s okay yet. After all, without a specific remedy, the medicine I gave him is all herbal. I don’t know how effective it will be. Now it depends on his physical condition.” 

Lana’s heart, which had just begun to calm, suddenly tensed up once more. She gazed at Su Ge, her teeth on the verge of chattering, her voice trembling so much it was hard to understand, “Will… will he die?” 

“It doesn’t seem like it, considering the organizers haven’t shown any movement yet.” Su Ge smiled, “If you’re worried, would you like to take care of him tonight?” 

“Me?” Lana was already filled with guilt and helplessness about the situation. Now, hearing that she could help, her whole spirit trembled, “Can I really help?” 

“Yes, you can. Just give him some water, some nutrient solution if you have it, wipe his sweat if he gets a fever at night, use cold water to wipe his limbs and chest, just be careful not to get it on the wound.” Su Ge yawned heavily after casually saying a few more words. 

Back on Earth, she was always the perfect early sleeper and riser, but since arriving on this desolate planet, all her good habits seemed to have vanished. Just moments ago, her nerves were stretched tight due to the urgency of the situation, but now that she had completed her tasks, she felt a wave of exhaustion sweep over her. 

Seeing her struggling to stay awake, Rong Shi said, “You should get some rest. I’ll take over to watch.” 

“Alright, you guys have worked hard,” Su Ge replied, genuinely tired. There was quite a difference in stamina between Earthlings and extraterrestrials, and today, with all the climbing and trekking, she felt drained. Combined with the recent events, she didn’t feel like being polite to others. She just lay down on the other side of the campfire and fell asleep without even turning over. 

No one else slept that night. 

The scene of bloodshed had just been broadcasted live in the studio, evidently shocked the multitude of viewers. 

It had been a long, long time since there had been any war in the Interstellar Alliance. The bloodiest images the audience had been exposed to until now were probably the ones of Su Ge cutting a piece of meat from the mammoth’s body that day. However, today’s live broadcast had plunged all the aliens into an irresistible state of shock. 

【What just happened?】 

【What was that Earth woman doing just now?】 

【He actually used a dagger against the people of this great advanced planet? I can’t believe such barbaric things are happening in this civilized era. From this, we can see how terrible Earth is as a planet and how terrible Earthlings are as a race!】 

【Which planet is that? The bullet comment is off. Are you trying to be funny? Even if you lack knowledge, please learn some common sense, okay? 】 

【It’s obvious that this alien named Meng had various abnormal physical conditions due to severe external injuries just now. In this situation, Su Ge Mei Mei only started treating him! 】 

【Do you Earthlings call this treatment? I really don’t know what to say about your shallowness and ignorance. Do you think we don’t get sick? Do you think we don’t go to medical institutions?】 

【Since I was born, I have never heard of such a treatment method. Now you’re telling us that barbarism is civilization. Is this world going crazy? Indeed, letting Earth participate in this kind of program is an expression of ignorance!】 

【Only truly arrogant and ignorant people would regard their ignorance as truth.】 

【Translate the above into common language.】 

【What he means is that only those who know nothing pretend to know everything!】 


【Wow, our Major General is amazing. He didn’t even blink his eyes under such a terrifying and bloody scene! Truly worthy of being a Major General! 】 

【I am a military surgeon, and I have to responsibly say that the treatment method used by this Earth woman is the best choice in an environment like this desolate planet. Although it looks very bloody and barbaric, it is effective.】 

【Earthlings, take off your disguise!】 

【I think some people in the studio are really too much. Is it only okay for you to insult Earth? Others speak a fair word, and they’re pretending to be Earthlings? What logic is this!】 

【We are Monierians. Honestly, we have been following Meng all along. You don’t know how hardworking and kind Meng is. He ended up in this condition just for Lana. However, according to the rules, if he doesn’t recover, he will be eliminated. So, we were very sad today. We thought he would be eliminated, but thankfully, with the help of the Earthling! 】 

【That person who claims to be from the planet Monier, are you sure that person from our planet will be fine with the help of Earthlings? 】 

【It’s possible the organizers won’t make it in time to rescue him; he might be carted away tomorrow! 】 

【That’s too malicious! You’re launching a personal attack! 】 

【Official Response: XXX, due to violation of the Interstellar Civilizations Treaty, your account has been terminated. 】 

【Earthlings, dare you make a bet? If that Monier person is taken away by the organizers tomorrow, you all will get out of this show! 】 

【Are you one of the organizers? Are you from the Interstellar Alliance? A good-for-nothing who just sits in front of a screen spouting nonsense, who do you represent?】 

【Go cool off somewhere else!】 


The sun rose as usual. 

On the desolate planet 756, the celestial body that orbited around it was certainly not the sun, but like the sun, it diligently rose every day without fail, never taking a day off. 

When the eastern sky just began to glow with a faint light, Su Ge’s internal biological clock urged her to rise from the ground with a groan. 

Rubbing her eyes and yawning, she sat up, the campfire in front of her was almost extinguished, the fiery charcoal beneath a layer of white ash emitted a faint red glow. 

“Awake?” Rong Shi ‘s voice rang in Su Ge’s ears. 

Looking around in response to the sound, Su Ge finally saw the situation of all the aliens around her. 

Across the campfire was Meng, who had just cleaned up the rotten meat yesterday, lying quietly there, his complexion was still not very good, but his overall condition was much better than when Su Ge first saw him yesterday. 

“Did you sleep yesterday?” Su Ge stood up and walked towards Meng, casually asking Rong Shi. 

“No,” Rong Shi answered casually, as if it was not a big deal at all, but when he met Su Ge’s gaze, he explained, “We often undergo extreme training in the army, staying up all night is not a big deal.” 

Sitting between Su Ge and Meng, Rong Shi s fair and slightly glowing skin was still as beautiful as ever, he didn’t look tired at all, completely unaware that he had stayed up all night. Su Ge felt somewhat unwilling as she looked at his stunning appearance. 

It seemed that no matter which planet, this handsome man was particularly favored by fate. Staying up all night was completely nothing to him. If you replaced him with a woman, try not sleeping for a night and see, not to mention dark circles, just the complexion would turn as pale as if you had a serious illness. 

It wasn’t until Su Ge walked to Meng’s side that Lana, who had been guarding him, woke up. The past few days seemed to have filled her with terror. The moment she woke up just now, she almost made an attacking gesture, but when she saw it was Su Ge, she relaxed and put down the attack in her hand. 

Lana exhaled, and quickly asked Su Ge, “How is he?” 

Su Ge reached out and touched Meng’s temperature. She actually didn’t know what the normal body temperature of a Monier was, whether it was higher or lower than that of Earthlings. She could only compare it to last night’s condition. His temperature had indeed dropped significantly, and his lips were moist, his skin elastic. It seemed that Lana had taken good care of him last night and made sure that he won’t be dehydrated. 

“The infection seems to be under control, but such a large wound on his leg won’t heal so quickly.” Su Ge carefully examined Meng’s condition and replied, “Of course, whether he improves or not depends on when he wakes up today.” 

Before Su Ge finished speaking, she heard Meng let out a low groan. “It hurts so much.” 

Lana was stunned for a moment, her large eyes filled with surprise. She smiled broadly at Su Ge and immediately rushed over, almost in tears of joy. 

Su Ge standing aside: =.= 

Excuse me, are you shooting a TV drama? Are you filming a movie? Your timing of waking up is really coincidental, like a scripted plot. Were you pretending to sleep just now? Were you waiting for the director to call for action? 

Really, your situation seems so unlikely that it’s hard not to overthink it. ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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