Wilderness Livestream Room [Interstellar]
Wilderness Livestream Room | Chapter: 30 

Although everyone was out for a stroll, Su Ge’s purpose was definitely different from the others. 

The aliens were portrayed as selfless and noble beings, representing a higher species driving civilization forward. In contrast, Su Ge hailed from a backward and impoverished species, characterized by selfish tendencies focused on satisfying their daily hunger. Consequently, their purposes are different and destined for distinct goals. 

After all, compared to the aliens with their nutrient solutions, Su Ge felt it was best to go with the flow when it came to saving people; the main focus should be on quickly capturing prey to bring back. 

According to Rong Shi’s plan, if yesterday’s situation hadn’t occurred, they would definitely continue searching for other participants in this grassland and mountain area. However, with yesterday’s events, all plans would certainly need to change. 

So, early in the morning after Meng woke up, Rong Shi decisively decided to return to the safe point first. After all, it was highly unlikely that Meng’s current condition would allow him to be dragged around east and west. 

And so, the group quickly set out on the road back to the safe point. 

Throughout the journey, Su Ge always walked at the rear, her eyes observing all the nearby animals: the feline creatures lurking in the bushes, the herds of antelope drinking by the water, the rabbits happily running around on the ground, and so on. She didn’t miss any of them, constantly evaluating their potential for successful capture. 

If the storage conditions allow, Su Ge actually wanted to hunt a relatively large animal so she could eat for a long time. But it’s clearly not allowed under the current conditions. The weather is too hot, there’s no salt, and if you gather too much meat at once, it’s easy for it to go bad. 

In this situation, Su Ge shifted her focus more to small animals like rabbits and wild chickens. 

Soon, she spotted her prey, a group of rabbits. 

To be honest, for children like Su Ge from ancient martial arts families, being sent to the mountains for training from a young age, tasks like catching rabbits were simply nothing. In just a few minutes, she was already carrying five or six rabbits and heading back towards the group. 

However, when she looked up and met the gaze of the larger group, she found a group of aliens staring at her in astonishment. 

Especially Lana, she rubbed her eyes and asked Li Ya standing beside her, “Did the Earthlings bring a small aircraft? The speed and movements just now don’t seem like something a normal species could do…” 

Li Ya looked at Lana and thought: “How intriguing. If Earthlings could bring a small aircraft here, Then I could bring the energy stone converter here.” 

This was the second time Zigmadar’s group had seen Su Ge demonstrate this ancient martial arts. The last time they saw it was at night, and the lighting was poor, so they couldn’t see clearly. But this time was different. In broad daylight, they could see everything clearly. 

But it was precisely because they could see everything so clearly that it made them even more shocked. This completely defied the laws of planetary gravity. 

While the aliens were still in shock, Su Ge had already walked over and pointed to the clear water source by the river not far away, saying, “I need to go to the riverbank for something. Will you wait for me for a while, or go ahead?” 

“We’ll wait for you.” At this moment, all the aliens were internally shaken by the scene they had just witnessed, speaking almost in unison. 

What happened next, however, left all the aliens pale-faced and trembling. 

If cleaning Meng’s wound neatly last night, although gruesome, was done to save a life and they could still bear it, when they saw Su Ge walk to the riverbank not far away and take out a dagger, a strong sense of unease rose in their hearts. 

And then… 

Before these aliens could react, they saw Su Ge efficiently bleed, skin, gut, and dress the rabbits in one smooth motion, like flowing clouds and flowing water, without any hesitation. The skillful operation made everyone understand one thing — this definitely wasn’t the first time the Earthlings had done this, and it probably wouldn’t be the last! 

Instantly, all the aliens except for those standing by the river watching Su Ge handle the rabbits tightly embraced each other. 

Goodness gracious! Earthlings are terrifying! 

After cleaning and preparing the rabbits, Su Ge tied them together with a rope made of grass because she didn’t bring water out today as her backpack was still filled with it. So she could only carry them temporarily with one hand while using the rope provided by the organizers to tie up the remaining four or five live rabbits with the other hand, taking them all away together. 

Throughout the process of handling the rabbits, Rong Shi silently watched Su Ge. As a soldier, even though he hadn’t experienced real war, he had seen scenes of bloodshed before, so he remained quite indifferent. 

Even on the way back, he took the rabbits Su Ge had killed in his hand and said, “You seem very skilled.” 

“It’s okay. Anyone would become proficient if they did this kind of thing often,” Su Ge said, referring to her frequent training sessions with her cousins in the deep mountains and forests when they were exiled. 

“I noticed you almost always make a fatal strike when slaughtering these animals. Is it because they are small?” Rong Shi was genuinely curious about Earth’s creatures. 

“That’s a big part of it,” Su Ge thought for a moment. It was indeed because they were small. After all, she couldn’t knock down a mammoth with just one move, let alone a cow. 

“What about the other small part?” In fact, aside from the disdain between planetary races, Rong Shi found himself increasingly interested in Earth. Even Su Ge’s every little action intrigued him, and upon closer examination, he could find many differences between them. 

“That’s probably because of their body structure.” 

Wasn’t there once such a story? A medical student found out her boyfriend was cheating on her, and she gave him more than forty stabs, skillfully avoiding the fatal areas, and in the end, he only had minor injuries. So, familiarity with body structure actually had a great advantage in combat. Not to mention just killing a rabbit. 

Children from ancient martial arts families like them, who had been sleeping with acupoints, muscle distribution, and bone structure since childhood, might not be doctors, but they were very familiar with the body structure of living beings. 

Although they were not of the same race, not from the same planet, and had no previous contact, there were some things that were universal. When Rong Shi heard Su Ge mention the term “body structure,” he was clearly surprised. 

Despite the widespread use of photon weapons in the current Interstellar Alliance, it doesn’t mean that physical fitness training has been abandoned in today’s armies. Quite the contrary, they still undergo extensive physical training. One of the mandatory courses for Rong Shi when he just enlisted was studying the body structures of various races. 

Since the emergence of intelligent beings in the universe and after many years of evolution, the races in the Interstellar Alliance are actually quite similar. While there might be some subtle differences in their body structures, they are not significantly different overall. 

“Does slaughtering these creatures also require knowledge of body structure?” Rong Shi looked at the skinned rabbits in his hand, which were rather difficult to look at, and indeed noticed that the wounds on these rabbits were all around the joints, without breaking any bones. 

“It’s not necessarily required to know body structure, but using it makes the process much more efficient,” Su Ge replied. 

“It seems like you’ve mastered body structure very well.” Rong Shi, who had experienced warfare, understood Su Ge’s words very well and genuinely praised her. 

Hearing such praise, Su Ge’s face lit up with a big smile. “It’s just like understanding the human body. Once you understand one, you can understand them all. After becoming familiar with it a few times, it becomes second nature.” 

The aliens who overheard all these conversations… 

Huddled together, while trembling.

“How familiar you sound, what does that mean? What does it mean!! Organizer, can we still quit now?!! 

Earthlings are truly terrifying!!! 

Su Ge doesn’t know if it’s her imagination, but she always feels that when they are returning to safety, the whole procession of aliens becomes much quieter. It’s not like when they arrived, all chattering away. Their like city kids seeing everything in the countryside as fresh and new. But on the way back, everyone is as quiet as a chicken. The men quietly switch their loads on their backs, and the other woman also stays so quiet that Su Ge sometimes forgets her existence. 

Of course, if it were just quietness, it would be understandable, but Su Ge finds that they are even more proactive in doing things. Especially when she casually orders something, these people even seem eager to do it, as if competing to get it done. What strange chemical reaction has occurred? 

Su Ge may not understand, but from the god’s-eye-view perspective of the live broadcast audience, everything is crystal clear. 

【Earthlings are just too terrifying! 】 

【What did the Earthling mean just now by saying “how familiar you sound”? 】 

【Earthlings are synonymous with rudeness, brutality, and barbarism! Get out of the Interstellar Alliance!】 

【23333, the survival instinct of aliens is so strong!】 

【Hahaha, they suddenly become so obedient. Indeed, no matter when, having a strong fist is more effective than anything else.】 

【Those who say Earthlings are rude and bloody must not have heard what Rong Shi said. Rong Shi praised this Earth woman for doing well, what Rong Shi said is always right!】 

【Is everything Rong Shi does always right? Are you all clear-headed?】 

【The Royal Major General is always right no matter what he does! 】 

【That’s right! If the Royal Major General says Earthlings did well, we support Earthlings! Those who say Earthlings are not good, please shut up! 】 


The live broadcast continued amidst the audience’s chatter. Unlike the audience outside who could argue for hours over a small issue, in the broadcast, Su Ge and the others had returned to the safe point by late afternoon. 

Meng and Lana completed their task and choose their own base, but because Meng was still injured, they couldn’t build their house yet. Also, it was getting late, so they had to share accommodation with others for the night. 

Meng was fine with it; being male, he could stay with anyone. But Lana faced a bit of trouble. There were only four women in the safe zone now. Abing and Narita hadn’t returned from the forest yet and the one left is Su Ge. 

If she had to stay with Su Ge… 

Lana shook her head like a tambourine, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at Li Ya—because tonight, Meng would be staying with Li Ya. “I’ll stay with you guys; I absolutely won’t be a bother. I’ll take good care of Meng!” 

“It’s good to stay with Su Ge; her place is nice!” Li Ya remembered how a few days ago, He had helped her by fixing the roof after he struggled to start a fire. Earthlings are really… 

Too cunning, no, scratch that! They’re just very resourceful! o(╥﹏╥)o 

“No, let me stay with you guys!” Lana recalled how cleanly Su Ge had cut away the decayed flesh from Meng the night before and how effortlessly she had killed rabbits during the day. Tears were almost streaming down her face. “No, no, no, I’m so unkempt. How could I have the nerve to stay in Su Ge’s nice house!” 

Li Ya: And you have the nerve to come stay at my place… =.= 

However, Su Ge remained oblivious to these arguments. Upon returning to the safe point, she made a beeline for her residence with a clear purpose in mind. The nutrient solution Rong Shi had given her two days ago was likely ineffective by now. Her stomach rumbled like a beating gong, and the rabbits she had caught earlier seemed to beckon her to devour them hastily. Su Ge had no energy left to spare for any other concerns. 

Her speed was so fast that even when Rong Shi tried to say something to her, she didn’t notice. Racing like the wind, all Rong Shi was left with was a hand awkwardly raised and then awkwardly lowered… 

“My tank, my basin, my bowl, my treasures, it’s been two days, but please don’t ruin them with overcooking. It must be a success, or I’ll be left without even utensils to eat with!” 

“I’m starving, literally starving. That darn nutrient solution has no taste at all. I can’t understand how these aliens manage to swallow it! Oh, wait, is this live? Oops, this part should definitely not be heard by anyone else, it might jeopardize interstellar peace.” 

“How do these rabbits eat? Oh, it’s so frustrating. Why is there no salt here? How am I supposed to live without salt? Roasted meat loses all its flavor without salt; it might as well be grass!” 

“I’ve never been one to prioritize eating, but here I feel like a waste just eat just to stay alive…” 

Su Ge was muttering to herself all the way while carrying the rabbits, and she was speaking in Mandarin instead of using the common language, which amused the Earthlings watching the live broadcast. 

【Su Ge Mei Mei’s got that rhythm of rambling on, hilarious! She’s back and her first concern is not about her shelter but about her pots and pans. That’s real life for you. 】 

【This is obviously an innate trait of Earth’s Chinese people; they’ll disregard anything for the sake of food.】 

【Didn’t you see just now? Rong Shi wanted to talk to her, but she didn’t even spare him a glance; she snatched the rabbits and ran, afraid others wouldn’t give them to her.】 

【Banging the floor, wait for me to talk about ‘real life’!】 

【Hahaha, Su Ge Mei Mei means she wants the organizers to cut this part off…】 

【Su Ge Mei cares too much about her image. At a time like this, she’s still worried about how others might react? Did she forget this is a twenty-four-hour broadcast? 】 

【What are these Earthlings saying? It’s such a strange language; I can’t understand a thing.】 

【Can someone who understands Earth’s language translate? From the Earthlings’ comments, it seems like she said something interesting.】 

【You guys actually come to watch Earthling’s live broadcasts? You have no ambition! 】 

【If you don’t come to Earth’s live broadcast, how would you know we’re watching Earthlings’ live broadcasts? Idiot.】 


Back in her own residence, Su Ge was too busy to do anything else. She went straight to the corner of her residence where she had her pottery kiln, pulling away the stones and clay sealing the opening. Peering inside, her anxiety eased down as she saw what lay within. 

The kiln had long cooled down; amidst the ashes, there sat a small water jar about half a person’s height, along with two small clay pots and three or four bowls, all quietly resting inside. 

Su Ge reached in and took out the pots and bowls. Truth be told, the shapes of these pottery items were far from aesthetically pleasing; they could barely be considered leak-proof. Still, Su Ge was quite satisfied; after all, with these items, she had taken a substantial step towards being able to cook. 

After walking for two days, she had finished the water she brought with her long ago. Rushing back as she did, Su Ge hadn’t even had time to wait to boil water; she had to quench her thirst with a few gulps of the water she had boiled two days ago before she could do anything else. 

After washing the pots clean, she placed the skinned rabbits inside. Su Ge finally had her hands free to deal with the small water jar. 

The volume of this jar was designed to match Su Ge’s backpack. Her idea was simple: she could carry enough water for two days with one trip. Of course, the best solution would be to dig a well, but with her current capabilities and tools, that idea was just wishful thinking. 

The water in her backpack needed to be boiled before drinking, and Su Ge’s small water jar wasn’t very large either. So, while she heated water in one of the pots, she began to process the rabbits. 

During her journey, Su Ge not only gathered plenty of herbs but also brought back some wild vegetables like wild onions and wild ginger. Unfortunately, she didn’t have her backpack with her that day, or she could have brought back even more. 

However, the wild vegetables she had were enough to last her for a day or two. She washed the wild onions and ginger, sliced them, and stuffed them into the rabbit’s bellies. Despite the lack of salt, Su Ge used the materials at hand to perform the simplest processing without skipping anything. 

Today, she even collected a few stalks of lemongrass along the way, cutting them into segments. Some of it she stuffed inside the rabbits, and some she placed on the outside. Then, she wrapped the rabbits in large leaves and covered them with a layer of mud before placing them under the fire. 

During this time, Su Ge quickly took out all the herbs she had collected for sorting. She could tell that the organizers had made up their minds to let them fend for themselves. People couldn’t avoid getting sick if they only ate grains and cereals, especially on this barren planet where anything could happen. If she didn’t prepare various commonly used herbs now, when she really got a headache, fever, or diarrhea, she’d be left without any option. 

It was meticulous work, and although Su Ge had collected a considerable amount of herbs this time, there were many different types, making the sorting and cleaning quite troublesome. 

She spent nearly two hours on this task. By the time she had boiled all the water in her backpack and poured it into the small water jar, she felt she had reached a stopping point. And at that moment, her rabbits were also cooked. 

As someone who grew up under the traditional education of China, Su Ge believed in fate between people. However, after these few days, she firmly believed that between humans and aliens, there might only be a karmic fate of enmity. 

Just like now, she had just dug out the “Beggar’s rabbit” from the pit under the fire, when she heard a chaotic sound of footsteps approaching her residence from afar. With the experience of the first time, Su Ge didn’t act rashly. She just lifted her eyes and looked towards the small slope at the entrance of the residence. 

In no time at all, Li Ya and three or four others rushed over, shouting as they ran, “Su Ge, Su Ge, come and see quickly, there’s a new problem with Meng again.” 

As soon as these people rushed into Su Ge’s camp, they saw her holding a round object like a stone, which she had dug out from under the bonfire, cradled in her hands, the preciousness of which was like encountering a priceless treasure. 

Su Ge’s face clearly showed disdain, which she did not hide at all. Though she remained silent, it was obvious that she did not welcome any uninvited guests. 

“Uh, maybe we, uh, came at the wrong time?” Li Ya looked at Su Ge placing the “stone” on a flat rock beside her, then casually picked up the wooden sword and struck it at the stone. Finally, he seemed to realize something. 

Su Ge didn’t even raise her eyes, and a strong and heavy sound of disgust came out from her nose, “Hmph!” 

“Sorry, we just…” 

Before Li Ya could finish his sentence, they saw an indescribable strange fragrance drifting out of the “stone” as Su Ge’s wooden sword struck it, fracturing it into pieces. 

Instantly, whether it was Li Ya, Ron, Sela, or Zigmadar, all their anxieties, all their words, were silenced, and everyone flared their nostrils, quietly experiencing the scent they had never smelled before. 

Different from all the fragrances they had smelled before, it wasn’t the scent of flowers, plants, minerals, or energy stones. Instead, it was a brand-new fragrance, spreading continuously in the air, penetrating their nostrils, and stimulating their senses. 

Not knowing what was happening and as if they were sick, the mouths of the four people began to salivate involuntarily. They swallowed heavily, their eyes completely fixed on the “stone” that Su Ge had cracked open. 

What was it!!!! 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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