Wilderness Livestream Room [Interstellar]
Wilderness Livestream Room | Chapter: 31 

Inside the stone, it was pitch black. Although it smelled very fragrant, it looked far from appealing. This made Li Ya and the others feel a bit more at ease.

However, if you asked them where this comfort came from, they couldn’t quite explain. Perhaps it was the contrast of such a fragrant thing looking so unappealing, yet still being cherished like a treasure by Earthlings. It made them realize that certain aspects of Earthlings were indeed quite baffling. 

But this inexplicable comfort didn’t last long. Right after Su Ge peeled off the stone-like outer shell, she reached out again to peel away the black thing inside. As she did, the strange fragrance in the air reached its peak. 

You can’t judge a person by appearance, just as you can’t measure the sea with a bucket. 

The same applies to food. If you judge it before trying, you might find yourself laughed at by the food itself. However, this simple truth was evidently not understood by the aliens. 

As the leaf was peeled away, it revealed an oily brown color underneath, glistening in the firelight with a texture that was hard to describe. The aliens seemed to exhaust their vocabulary trying to describe its color, but their bodies reacted more honestly than their minds. 

Their nostrils flared almost simultaneously, and their mouths began to water. What kind of reaction was this?

Unfamiliar, very unfamiliar. 

Logically, all species should feel a sense of wonder towards the unknown. However, this unfamiliar, unknown thing was irresistibly enticing. It made them want to approach, to possess, and to devour it. 

Unconsciously, the four of them were drawn by the fragrance and they stand beside Su Ge, staring eagerly at the food that was revealed. 

At that moment, Su Ge, who had been looking down, raised her head and asked with a very annoyed expression, “Do you need something from me?” 

All the wonderful scenes they’re imagining were suddenly interrupted. Li Ya and the others were momentarily stunned, staring blankly for several seconds. It wasn’t until they saw Su Ge raise her eyebrows that they snapped out of it. 

“Oh, yes, yes!” Although they came to their senses, they were still immersed in that captivating fragrance. Their mouths responded, but their minds refused to think about their business. After a while, Li Ya finally clapped his hands, remembering why they came to see Su Ge. 

“Yes, we do need something from you. Please come and check on Meng. It seems like there’s something wrong with him,” Ron said urgently, pushing aside the still-stammering Li Ya, who was fixated on the food in Su Ge’s hand.

Ron’s expression was indeed extremely urgent. Of course, it would have been more convincing if he hadn’t subconsciously wiped some unknown liquid from the corner of his mouth while speaking. 

Given their previous experience with stolen water, even though these aliens swore they only consumed nutrient solutions and would never touch anything else, Su Ge was filled with deep suspicion and vigilance towards them. 

While pointing to a distance, she tore off a rabbit leg and stuffed it into her mouth, speaking indistinctly, “Stay away from me, I can hear you.” 

“You can hear us more clearly if you’re closer,” Zigmadar said, driven by the enticing aroma. Despite their conscious thought to keep their distance, none of the aliens actually wanted to move. Zigmadar even offered a reason he didn’t really believe himself. 

Su Ge replied, “I’m not deaf.” 

These words didn’t hold much meaning. Su G eplaced the remaining rabbit in a pot, covered it with a small basin, and left it on the extinguished campfire to warm with the residual heat. She then picked up the half-eaten, thick, juicy rabbit leg and stood up, saying to them, “If you have something to say, say it. If not, I’m going to sleep.” 

Zigmadar’s eyes were fixed on the rabbit leg. Hearing Su Ge’s words, he naturally followed up, “If you’re going to sleep, what about the rest of your…?” 

Before he could finish, Ron interrupted him with a slap and continued, “Meng seems to be in a bad state.” 

Su Ge frowned, “Is his temperature very high?” 

“Not exactly.” Ron thought for a moment and pointed to his stomach. “It hurts here.” 

Su Ge was not a doctor. She had only learned a bit about herbal medicine and some first aid skills during family training sessions in the mountains. If you asked her to diagnose an illness… 

Immediately, she shook her head. “You should contact the organizers directly. I can’t help with this.” 

It was clear that Li Ya and Meng knew each other from before. From yesterday to today, aside from Lana being particularly worried about Meng due to guilt, the only person who had been consistently concerned was Li Ya. 

Li Ya immediately shook his head and refused. “No, we can’t call the organizers. If we call them, it means quitting.” 

When he mentioned the word “quitting,” a hint of discomfort appeared on Li Ya’s face, but it quickly subsided. He was standing directly opposite Su Ge, so Su Ge saw it clearly.

Honestly, the show “Wilderness Live” had been a huge hit for so many years not just because the show itself had highlights, but more importantly because planets of all kinds showed great enthusiasm for it. 

Developed planets, such as Class I and Class II, enjoyed this show mainly to display their strength, essentially as a way to show off. However, those from Class III, IV, and even V planets participated with a clear purpose: to improve the strength of their own planets.

This is evident from the participants in the selection process. Candidates from Class I and Class II planets are usually well-known figures in the galaxy. Choosing them naturally aims to prominently showcase their planets on the show. In contrast, candidates from Class III, IV, and V planets typically possess special abilities. Their goal isn’t to stand out during the show but to secure a stable and lasting presence.

Ideally, they’d stay successful until the end of the program. After all, sometimes, the longer you stay, the more attention and resources you can garner. 

This holds true for both the planets themselves and the individuals representing them on the show. 

Su Ge understood this well. She was in the same situation. Despite being a descendant of martial arts, martial arts in modern society were mainly for entertainment. People enjoyed watching, but few were willing to learn, let alone expect any economic gain from it.

Contrary to what people might imagine about her family being some martial arts clan with great wealth and influence, the reality was quite different. Su Ge came from an ordinary family. Her parents had regular jobs and income, supporting them in an average house. Perhaps the only perk was owning some land back in their hometown tended by her uncles, which provided them with cheaper rice and eggs annually. During her school years, she had to study hard to compete for school placements. Even in college, she had to strive for scholarships. Only by studying hard and earning more points could she have a chance at finding a good job after graduation.

Like countless young people in China, apart from her proficiency in martial arts and being sent to the mountains for training during every summer and winter vacation by her elders, she really didn’t have anything special about her. 

She desperately hoped for change, to make life a little better for her family through her efforts. It was with this idea in mind that she participated in the selection process. However, she never imagined she would be chosen. 

Whether it was her unwillingness to give up halfway or the fact that the show offered a cash prize for the contestants who made it to the end, Su Ge never entertained the thought of quitting after joining the program. 

After hearing Li Ya’s refusal, although she didn’t know the specific reason, she felt she could understand why. 

So she sighed, “But I don’t know how to handle it. I’m only good with external injuries. I can’t help with his stomach ache. I’m not a doctor, I don’t know how to deal with this kind of thing.” 

Li Ya remained silent for a few seconds. He admitted that what Su Ge said was right. However, recalling what Meng said to him about never giving up, he still gritted his teeth and insisted, “It’s okay, you go and take a look. If it really doesn’t work out, we’ll find the organizers.” 

He paused for a moment, then smiled again, “When we can make an effort, we must make an effort. We can’t leave regrets behind, after all, it’s not easy to participate in this program.” 

Yes, everyone has their own difficulties, and behind everyone there is their own story. Su Ge didn’t consider herself a saint, she wasn’t interested in knowing everyone’s past, but there was one thing Li Ya didn’t say wrong: when we can make an effort, we must make an effort, we can’t leave regrets behind. 

She bit her lip and thought for a few seconds before saying, “I can go take a look, but… I’m not a doctor, I can’t diagnose. If it’s really something I can’t handle, you guys should contact the organizers quickly.” 

There was one thing she didn’t say: no opportunity was worth her life. If she lost her life because of that inappropriate request, it truly wouldn’t be worth it. 

Li Ya nodded. Obviously, getting Su Ge’s agreement made him feel relieved.

Meng’s condition was not very good. 

The wound on his leg didn’t deteriorate further, and there were even signs of recovery. His body temperature had also returned to normal. This seemed like a positive change. However, he was now bent over, lying on his side in Li Ya’s shelter, looking like a shrimp that had been steamed for too long, and he kept groaning. 

After some inquiry, Meng couldn’t articulate much due to his weakness. However, Lana provided some crucial information, listing symptoms such as vomiting, stomach pain, and watery excretions. 

Su Ge: … 

The symptoms increasingly sounded like gastrointestinal distress caused by indulging in cold treats during summer, alternating between frozen watermelon, spicy hotpot, and occasional barbecues. 

Watery excretions should be diarrhea, right? But do aliens also get diarrhea? They should be consuming nutrient liquids. If everything they ingest is liquid, do they even experience diarrhea? 

Su Ge really wasn’t a doctor. Her understanding of medicine was barely more than that of an average person. She could barely explain such complex issues. 

“What did he eat?” Although she couldn’t explain, finding the cause was still possible. Su Ge laid Meng flat and gently pressed on his abdomen, noticing his obvious reflexive response, indicating tenderness. 

“It’s just nutrient liquid,” Lana said, looking at Su Ge with a strange gaze, as if saying, “What else would we eat besides nutrient liquid? Your question is pointless.” 

Su Ge: Okay, since what he eats hasn’t changed, the only variable outside our control should be the water. 

“Has he been drinking water these past few days?” Based on her observations during the days she spent with these aliens, they were also evolved beings. Their current appearances were mostly related to the objective environment of their planet. But fundamentally, they weren’t much different from humans; they needed to eat and drink. 

“Yes, just the water from the grassland.” Lana nodded earnestly. But as she answered seriously, she seemed to recall something, her expression turning somewhat grim. 

“Is the water you drink clean?” Suge asked casually. 

“It looks very clean.” Lana’s expression was conflicted. “We choose the clearest water to drink, and to avoid toxins, we only drink from areas where other creatures have already drunk from. But…” Her voice trailed off, and her expression grew increasingly uneasy. “Could this be the problem?” 

“It’s likely,” Su Ge shrugged. “From the current situation, it doesn’t seem like a wound-related issue, but rather a problem caused by drinking water. Just because other animals drink from there doesn’t mean it’s safe for you. They’ve grown up in this environment, they’re accustomed to it, but you’re not. Your bodies doesn’t have their immunity. So, remember, disinfect the water before drinking.” 

Su Ge didn’t just say the last sentence to Lana; she looked around at the others present and reiterated it very seriously. 

“Is there a specific treatment?” Rong Shi didn’t follow to Su Ge’s base; he stayed here. Mainly, he was worried that if any real problem arose, Lana wouldn’t be able to handle it alone. He was nervous too, since under these circumstances, if any problem did arise, none of them could solve it. 

Luckily, Su Ge seemed to have made a diagnosis. 

Looking at Rong Shi, Su Ge thought for a moment, then sincerely answered his question, “I’m not a doctor. My diagnosis is based on my common sense. If I were to handle this, I would only use methods from Earth, and these methods may not be acceptable to you.” 

Meng had never been in such pain before. His external wounds still throbbed with fiery pain, and his stomach churned violently. He had been helped outside by Rong Shi several times before, but the pain hadn’t diminished much, which made him unusually restless and anxious. 

In a daze, he heard Su Ge speak. He reluctantly opened his eyes and indeed saw that earthling. Without knowing why, seeing this earthling calmed his restless heart that had been in turmoil. He quickly interjected, “I can accept it.” Then he reiterated cautiously, “I can accept it any method” 

Su Ge: =.= 

Have I already told you that your life is actually like a melodramatic TV series? The timing of your awakening always seems so miraculous and coincidental…︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ 

Lana couldn’t help but tremble, and the other four people couldn’t help but tremble either. At this moment, they all remembered the scene from the previous night. 

By the bonfire, this earth woman waved a sharp dagger, calmly and composedly slicing the flesh from Meng’s legs. In the middle of Meng’s dying struggles and occasional cries of agony, her calm demeanor and steady technique made her seem devoid of species empathy which is downright terrifying. 

Too terrifying. 

This woman is too terrifying. 

Her methods are too terrifying. 

The last time Meng’s leg hurt, she cut it off, so does that mean this time, with Meng’s stomach hurting, she’s going to cut his stomach open too? Goodness, is this how earthlings treat injuries? 

They must protect themselves well, absolutely not get hurt, absolutely not let themselves become the protagonists of that scene! o(╥﹏╥)o 

Perhaps it’s because of their different upbringing, and also because he has been serving in the military, Rong Shi actually doesn’t seem to have much empathy like ordinary aliens. Just like now, he didn’t feel anything wrong with what Su Ge said; instead, he asked proactively, “Are we cutting open the stomach this time?” 

Su Ge: …=.= 

Brother, actually, you’re the devil. 

“Not really,” Su Ge smirked dryly, looking down at Meng, trying to calm his nerves. “Just drinking some herbal concoction. Can you accept that?” 

Meng nodded repeatedly. 

If he could accept getting cut with a knife, what else couldn’t he accept? 

This time, when they returned to the camp, Rong Shi followed voluntarily. All the aliens kept a considerable distance from Su Ge, showing that they needed some space and time to soothe their anxious hearts. 

“How do you treat illnesses on your planet?” Su Ge always got a feeling from the horrified and completely unaccepting expressions of these aliens, as if they had no idea about these simple medical procedures. After all, aliens couldn’t possibly never get sick. 

Rong Shi was slightly taken aback, not expecting Su Ge to suddenly bring up this topic. But quickly, based on what he knew, he answered her, “In the Milky Way Galaxy, there is a specialized medical planet. If someone falls ill, they can be directly transported to the planet through teleportation channels. During the teleportation process, specialized medical ships scan and collect data. Once on the medical planet, all treatment plans are available.” 

Su Ge: …Sounds impressive. 

“Do you need to use knives?” 

“No, our treatment methods are non-invasive. After entering the medical planet, a person can recover within twenty-four hours at most. Even on the battlefield, injuries like Meng’s are not an issue. We have miniature robots we carried on us; they handle it quickly and efficiently, without any delays.” 

“In fact, in our Milky Way Galaxy, people rarely suffer from illnesses. Because for us, sickness is just a matter of sleeping it off and getting better. People don’t really have a concept of it.” Rong Shi said this in a very casual tone, as if discussing whether the weather was good today with Su Ge. 

Su Ge: … 

This isn’t just impressive, it’s truly remarkable. There are still many diseases on Earth that can’t be solved, and there are many healthcare workers fighting on the front lines. When faced with large-scale public safety emergencies, they throw themselves into the fray with their own flesh and blood. 

Since coming to this program, Su Ge has felt envy for the first time. She also hopes that the medical standards on her planet can reach this level. She hopes that the healthcare workers on their planet can diagnose safely, rather than risking their lives. She also wishes that ordinary people who fall ill could be treated so simply, instead of losing their lives in despair. 

Perhaps her expression of longing was too evident on her face, as Rong Shi suddenly felt the intensity of this longing in his heart. He stopped and looked at Su Ge, saying, “In the Interstellar Alliance, medical resources can be shared, but…” 

If you were to ask Su Ge what she hates most in this world, it would definitely be this kind of conversation. 

“But what?” 

“But it’s tiered access.” Rong Shi carefully explained to Su Ge, “Which means, medical resources are shared according to the planet’s rank. The higher the planet’s rank, the more medical resources it has.” 

“Like your planet?” 

“Typically, a Class I planet can have its own independent medical system, and it decreases from there. Class V planets probably only receive partial medical knowledge.” Rong Shi knew what Su Ge wanted to ask. 

Su Ge suddenly froze. 

This world has never been fair; she has known that since she was young. To achieve more fairness requires one’s own strength, but sometimes, that strength demands too much. 

At that moment, Su Ge suddenly understood the weight of the hands that the Earth’s Minister of Foreign Affairs had placed on her shoulders before she left Earth. She suddenly understood what the Minister meant by saying she must do her best. 

From then until she entered her residence, Su Ge remained silent. It was Rong Shi who showed a keen interest in her actions, pointing to the various plants she had separated and asking, “What are these for?” 

As Su Ge boiled the herbs for the diarrhea remedy, she replied. Soon, the air was filled with a scent completely unfamiliar to Rong Shi, a scent that arose from the evaporation of the plants, carrying the essence of spring. 

Rong Shi watched as the plants in the clay pot tumbled up and down, and the soup gradually changed color, filled with various wonders. “Can these heal diseases?” 

“They can treat Earthlings.” 

“Your Earth is truly…” Rong Shi paused, unable to find the right words. After several seconds, he continued, “It’s truly a miraculous planet.” 

Su Ge smiled, her eyes crescent-shaped, serene, and charming. 

Indeed, Earth is a miraculous planet, and we Earthlings are not only miraculous but also diligent. So… all the planets of the Interstellar Alliance, please wait and see! 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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