Wilderness Livestream Room [Interstellar]
Wilderness Livestream Room | Chapter: 33 

The lack of food can create tension and drive evolution within a species. When we look at human history closely, it’s evident that each stage of human evolution is connected to changes in what people ate. 

Although the history of aliens in the Interstellar Alliance cannot be directly compared to human history, there is one common thing: the depletion of food will undoubtedly mark the arrival of a new environment, which could be either better or worse. 

Unfortunately, no one wants to experiment with such a new environment. Therefore, when it comes to finding the remaining teammates, everyone is exceptionally proactive and enthusiastic. 

Even Amphit from Lemon Star and Yilan from Roberta Star, who had just arrived at the safe point, actively joined the search for the remaining teammates. 

To save time, everyone was divided into two teams. Su Ge led one team deep into the forest, while Rong Shi, who was not very adept at navigating, led the other team to search the forest perimeter. 

As for Lana, she stayed at the safe point to continue taking care of Meng. At this time, no one was concerned about who was contributing more or less effort. This was because, after the organizers announced that if even one teammate were eliminated, everyone would face punishment, everyone began to understand the concept of teamwork. 

In this team, it was already fulfilling one’s duty if everyone managed not to be eliminated. If someone could find other teammates, it would be a contribution to the team. 

Standing at the edge of the forest, Rong Shi felt a bit uneasy. He checked Su Ge’s team once more.

If Rong Shi could have things his way, he wouldn’t want to be separated from Su Ge. But facing reality, it was just not possible. Being the only two contestants who could navigate, they had to split up to save time searching.

Of course, if Rong Shi could navigate confidently and accurately, he wouldn’t let Su Ge lead the team deeper into the forest. Even though he knew it was the best and most logical arrangement, he couldn’t shake off an overwhelming sense of worry.

Therefore, in terms of team allocation, Rong Shi tried to assign the stronger members to Su Ge’s team. This included Zigmadar, Sela, and Amphit. The relatively weaker members, such as Ron, Li Ya, and Yilan, stayed with Rong Shi. 

“Be careful. If anything happens…” Rong Shi initially wanted Su Ge to fire a flare, but thinking it over, he realized there was no such thing on this desolate planet. He could only sigh, “Make markers along the way. If you encounter any situation, come back quickly. Don’t fight in the end.” 

While nodding, Su Ge was feeling a strange sensation while quietly observed Rong Shi. Was she sensing something wrong? At this moment, why did she feel like this man was acting like a husband worried about his wife going out? 

Wife? Su Ge was startled for a moment, then immediately shook her head wildly in her mind. Su Xiao Ge, are you crazy? How could you have such an incredible thought even in your daydreams? Do you understand reproductive separation? These are aliens! Are your tastes now so extreme that you’re considering different species? This is too much! 

Worried about you! Why are you having such ridiculous feelings? Oh my God, what are you thinking? Stop it, stop it, let these crazy and stupid thoughts go away quickly! 

Under Rong Shi’s slightly worried gaze, Su Ge was directing a dramatic soap opera in her own mind, which only added more goosebumps to her skin. She waved repeatedly at Rong Shi, shouting that she understood, and then, as if escaping, she led a few people quickly into the forest. 

Rong Shi, keenly sensing he was being despised: …Did I offend her somehow? 

Back in the depths of the forest, Amphit followed Su Ge while constantly observing the surroundings. He made sure to carve marks on the most prominent tree trunks along their path. 

After making the forty-eighth mark, Amphit began to feel a sense of confusion and unease. He felt completely lost again. All the trees around looked exactly the same. Were they really on the right path? 

While carving the final mark on the tree trunk, Amphit looked up at the few people resting ahead, especially feeling a surge of unease when he saw that the leader was a human from Earth. 

To be honest, as a participant from a third-class planet, his aversion to Earthlings might not be as intense as that of participants from first or second-class planets. However, he still harbored distrust towards the species from fifth-class planets. This was his first time meeting a human from Earth, and having never interacted with her before, his feelings told him not to trust her. 

But logically, his clear-headed experience told him that other participants would never gamble with their lives and competition eligibility recklessly. Zigmadar and Sela were participants from first and second-class planets, respectively, and they completely obeyed Rong Shi’s arrangements. They even followed every command from this human from Earth, which in itself was telling something. 

These two conflicting emotions constantly tore at Amphit’s heart. Finally, he couldn’t hold back any longer and humbly asked the human, “Su Ge, are we going in the right direction?” 

Su Ge was busy recording the route they had taken and noting the plants she had observed in each forest area in her notebook. She specifically marked areas that might have food. This was her habit. Since arriving on this desolate planet 756, this little notebook had never left her side. 

Upon hearing Amphit’s question, Su Ge responded without even looking up, “Yes.” 

“How do you know it’s right?” Though aware that his questioning might seem rude, Amphit felt it necessary to ensure their safety. 

Su Ge paused her writing for a moment, then glanced at Amphit. Unlike her relationship with Zigmadar and Sela, she hadn’t established a trust bond with him, so his questions were expected. Moreover, Amphit’s tone was polite and lacked of any arrogance, which made Su Ge more inclined to respond kindly. 

She smiled, “When the organizers took something from your pockets, there was a beam of light.” 

Amphit thought back and realized she was right. There had been a beam of light descending upon each of them. But what did that have to do with the direction they were headed? 

Since he had already started asking, it felt natural to continue. Amphit voiced his confusion again. 

“The beam was very high,” Su Ge gestured upwards. “Even through the forest, you could clearly see the positions of the other beams. I’m heading towards the direction of the beams that were deep within the forest. I believe that as long as we move quickly, finding them shouldn’t be an issue.” 

Su Ge answered Amphit’s question seriously and confidently, providing a clear explanation. 

Amphit was astonished. “The beam only appeared for a few seconds. Did you really observe all that in such a short time?” 

Su Ge raised her eyebrows incredulously. “A few seconds isn’t long enough?” 

Amphit: …My apologies, it seems I underestimated my own foolishness. 

At this moment, a sudden “shush-shush” sound came from the forest. The noise was extremely sharp and resonant, especially in the otherwise silent forest. The group exchanged glances and immediately hid behind some large trees, preparing for an attack. 

Su Ge held her breath. It didn’t take long before she saw a wild boar stumbling in their direction. It looked unusually panicked, not at all like a boar casually out foraging, but more like one fleeing for its life. 

Her judgment was confirmed just a few seconds later. A massive python, as thick as an adult man’s waist, emerged from the low bushes behind the boar. The snake’s body was brown, with camouflaging patterns on its scales. It slithered rapidly through the forest, keeping its body low and parallel to the ground. 

The light filtering through the forest leaves shone on the snake, reflecting a cold, slick gleam that conveyed an indescribable sense of danger. 

This was the second time Zigmadar had encountered such a creature. The last time, he had narrowly escaped an attack, thanks to Su Ge and Rong Shi, who had struck a lethal blow together. But now, a sense of tension filled his heart. 

In terms of combat strength, Zigmadar thought that he, Sela, and Amphit together were no match for Rong Shi alone. Could the three of them, along with Su Ge, really handle such a terrifying creature? 

The question that Zigmadar was pondering was also on Su Ge’s mind. Pythons are generally non-venomous, relying primarily on constricting their prey. This means that during the upcoming battle, getting too close or moving too slowly could result in being caught by the snake. 

Fortunately… Su Ge glanced at Zigmadar. He was very strong, so even if one of the team members got constricted, he should be able to free them. 

With this contingency plan in mind, Su Ge felt much more reassured. She took out a wooden sword and a dagger from her backpack, holding one in each hand. She nodded to Sera, who was closest to her, and said in a low voice, “I’ll go first. You guys flank it later, but be careful not to get too close to the python.” 

Sela responded with an “OK” gesture, a signal Su Ge had established with the team before entering the forest. Now it was proving useful. 

Over the past few days, Su Ge had come to trust Sela’s ability to follow through on plans. Even though Zigmadar and Amphit were quite far from her, she believed Sela could relay the instructions effectively. 

True to her expectations, as soon as Su Ge darted from behind the tree toward the giant python like a flash of lightning, Sela quickly jumped between Zigmadarand Amphit to pass the message. Within seconds, the three of them swiftly emerged from the forest, rushing towards Su Ge. 

At this moment, Su Ge’s wooden sword had already struck heavily on the python’s head. While her strength might not match Zigmadar, her extensive experience wandering in the forest had given her a wealth of knowledge on dealing with wild animals. Thus, her strikes were cunningly placed. 

The wooden sword hit the seam in the python’s skull directly, and the impact from the blade caused the skull to crack open. The python’s movement slowed immediately, and it started rolling from side to side, exposing its vulnerable belly. 

Taking advantage of its slowed pace, Su Ge didn’t hesitate for a moment. She leaped onto its body and drove her sharp dagger fiercely into the python’s vulnerable spot. 

Her attack was merciless and brutal. The python rolled up quickly, attempting to lift its head towards Su Ge, but the injury to its vulnerable spot prevented it. Moreover, the human who had just been riding it seemed to have been flung off like escaping a gravitational pull. 

On the forest floor, there was only the python rolling continuously. Its body twisted into various positions, but it was clear that it was teetering on the edge of anger and collapse. Su Ge shouted to the three people who were about to approach the python, “Don’t get too close. Ranged attacks are the best option.” 

Ranged attacks? 

The group hesitated for a moment, then Zigmadar took a step back and effortlessly uprooted a small tree, about as thick as his arm. Without a second thought, he swung it fiercely at the python. 

Using the direction of the tree’s roots, which were covered in mud and stones, Zigmadar struck the python heavily, quickly inflicting severe injuries. The python, which had been trying to constrict the tree roots at first, soon found it impossible to move. It wasn’t until this moment that Su Ge, suspended in mid-air all this time, signaled to the others to approach. 

Immediately, everyone pounced on the python like hungry tigers, wielding their weapons mercilessly. Although all of them except Su Ge were ordinary individuals, their combat prowess was not to be underestimated. The python, despite its size and strength, couldn’t withstand the assault from so many people. In less than a moment, it met its end. 

Forests are indeed dangerous places. The python had just finished dealing with everyone, not even taking a moment to rest, when it heard the sound of rustling once again. Looking in the direction of the noise, all it saw was the wild boar that had just been chased coming back! 

Naturally, its return wasn’t a gesture of gratitude. Instead, it was met with fierce eyes and a pair of large, menacing fangs gleaming at the corners of its mouth. 

As the saying goes, “A wild boar first, then a bear, and finally a tiger.” 

This means that in the forest, the most ferocious and difficult-to-handle animals are not the felines like tigers, but wild boars, followed closely by bears. The so-called king of beasts, the tiger, barely makes it to third place. It’s easy to imagine just how terrifying wild boars can be. 

For a lone contestant encountering one, or for those unfamiliar with these creatures, dealing with a behemoth of a wild boar weighing over two hundred pounds is extremely dangerous. However, luck wasn’t on the wild boar’s side today; its opponent was Su Ge. 

Under Su Ge’s precise command and fierce, accurate attacks, the aggressive wild boar had little time before it collapsed to the ground like the python before it. 

Su Ge approached to inspect the wild boar and found its flesh firm and elastic all over—truly premium meat! 

Instantly, her spirits lifted. Even if she didn’t encounter any other contestants today, having this wild boar alone made it worth it. She quickly directed Zigmadar and Amphit to drag the boar to a spot under a nearby tree, made a mark, and, still feeling uneasy, cut down several branches with lush leaves to cover the boar, disguising it. Only then did she stand up straight, feeling content. 

“Are you planning to take this thing back to eat?” Zigmadar and Sela, who Su Ge had become quite familiar with, had initially found the idea of Earthlings eating meat unacceptable. However, now they had calmly accepted and accommodated it. 

“Yeah, but I can’t carry it. I’ll rely on you when we get back,” Su Ge showed no mercy when it came to exploiting extraterrestrials. 

“Then you need to make a bigger basin for me,” Zigmadar wasn’t naive either. He immediately went along with it, making his own request. His quick response made Su Ge feel like she was the one being taken advantage of. 

“Okay then.” 

As the two shook hands in agreement, Amphit, who had been listening to their conversation on the side, suddenly felt a sense of panic. Did she hear correctly? Was this Earthling planning to eat that terrifying creature? 

Did she really mean “eat” in the way he imagined it, or was it another meaning he didn’t understand? 

The forest was vast, and the beams of light that appeared only served a rough direction for Su Ge. After traveling for about three hours, Su Ge instructed everyone to sit down and rest, while she took out a piece of rabbit meat to eat and studied the direction, they should take next. 

From the moment they decided to enter the forest and prepared to do so, to now, at least three or four hours had passed, maybe even close to four. Su Ge believed that people in the forest wouldn’t stay in one place waiting for rescue for such a long time. So, the question now was: which way would they go? 

Combining her own map with her thoughts, Su Ge fell into contemplation. 

And Amphit, sitting nearby, was also lost in thought—seriously, stuffing things into their mouths, she really couldn’t understand Earthlings. Did they not have nutrient fluid? 

Ah, it’s really quite pitiful that there are planets where they can’t even consume nutrient fluid. 

However, Amphit couldn’t help but sniff. What was that thing she was eating? It smelled so good, and how did it have that color? The shiny appearance of the food made him subconsciously swallow a large amount of saliva in his mouth. He couldn’t explain his strange behavior. 

After quickly finishing her meal, Su Ge turned to the three of them and said, “I’ll consider the possible directions and positions they might take, and we’ll try the nearby areas later…” 

As the wind rustled through the forest leaves, creating a faint rustling sound, Sela suddenly raised her hand, signaling Su Ge to stop. 

Alrakians were natural scouts; their scouting abilities were innate from birth. Even ordinary Alrakians who hadn’t enlisted in the military had superior scouting abilities compared to people from other planets, especially given their acute hearing. 

Since entering the forest, it was Sela’s acute hearing that had helped them avoid several sudden crises. Now, when he raised his hand, everyone immediately fell silent, focusing all their attention on Sela. 

Furrowing his brows slightly, Sela carefully distinguished the other sounds amidst the rustling of the leaves in the wind. Suddenly, he stood up abruptly, lowering his voice as she spoke to the others, “Quick, something seems very wrong.” 

Everyone quickly stood up and followed Sela as she swiftly navigated through the forest. Fortunately, the forest was filled with various large trees, and they quickly found one to climb up. 

Perched on the largest branch of the tree, they cautiously parted the branches to peer into the forest below, but they didn’t see anything alarming. 

Thirty seconds passed, and they found nothing. A minute went by, still nothing. A minute and a half passed, and there was still no sign of anything. 

Amphit hesitated, “Sela, did you mishear something?” 

“It’s impossible. I didn’t mishear. I did hear something coming from that direction…” Sela pointed in the direction they had just fled from. Before she could lower her hand, they heard the scattered and chaotic sounds approaching rapidly. 

In the blink of an eye, it was as if several people had leaped out of a magical cave. Su Ge saw several figures rushing towards them from the direction they had just escaped from, accompanied by flapping sounds. 

As Su Ge focused, her heart eased slightly. 

The people charging ahead were none other than Abing and Flynn, along with two unfamiliar faces, likely their Guagaka and Glaki, who were mentioned by Amphit.

Unfortunately, their situation was exceptionally dangerous. Behind them, a familiar sight— the large black bats that Su Ge and Rong Shi had encountered before— followed closely, emitting hissing sounds as they rapidly closed in. Their speed was such that mere legs wouldn’t be enough to outrun them. Before long, the four were surrounded by the swarm of black bats! 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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