Wilderness Livestream Room [Interstellar]
Wilderness Livestream Room | Chapter: 7 


What to do? What methods are available now to quickly resolve this awkward situation? It’s like those dazzling movies online where someone slips and does a split, blinding everyone with their incredible agility. She wants to pull off something like that now, preferably something that would make the alien from the Milky Way Galaxy kneel down and call her “daddy”. 

But why can’t she think of anything?! 

Su Ge only felt her heart racing with embarrassment, blood rushing to her head, her face turning beet red. She couldn’t think of a way out, of course, there’s also the matter of not wanting to lose money. She felt really panicked… 

It seems like she didn’t understand. 

With a barely visible sigh, Rong Shi blinked his eyes, it seemed that although she could understand the common language, it wasn’t too good. If it was too complicated or spoken too quickly, she couldn’t understand. It’s really… headache. 

The sudden quietness in the air was what they feared the most. 

Just as the two were staring at each other, suddenly, from the spacecraft, came that familiar and distinctive mechanical female voice: “Please all participants return to their spacecraft to receive the wilderness guidance task.” 

Presumably, they were afraid that participants would stray too far if they left the spacecraft, so the voice from inside the spacecraft was quite loud, and it repeated several times in a row. Even participants who had already walked three hundred meters away would likely hear this voice and be brought back. 

Finally breaking the awkward silence, Su Ge couldn’t wait to give a dry laugh to Rong Shi and pointed towards her own spacecraft, “I’ll go back to my spacecraft to receive the task.” 

Without waiting for any reaction from Rong Shi, as if being chased by a ghost, she directly plunged into her spacecraft. 

Watching Su Ge leave in a hurry, Rong Shi smirked, “Earthlings are really strange.” 

Just out of the awkward atmosphere and feeling like she had never seen Rong Shi, Su Ge muttered to herself: Aliens are really difficult to deal with… o(╥﹏╥)o 

“Please find the nearest participant and combine the fragments in their hands to read Wilderness Guidance Task One!” Su Ge stared blankly at the half piece of the task in her hand. Wait, the nearest participant to her? Isn’t that Rong Shi? 

Does this mean she has to combine the fragments with Rong Shi? In other words, they have to team up forcibly??? 

Suddenly, she felt as if over ten thousand wild horses of frustration were galloping wildly in her heart, each one screaming in agony — 

To the organizers of “Wilderness Livestream,” please, can you be more humane? Do you have to force team-ups like this just to boost ratings? Is your supply of task fragments so scarce? Do they have to be used by two people? Can’t one person complete it alone? 

Just as Su Ge was internally venting her frustration like a storm, she heard Rong Shi’s crisp voice outside the spacecraft, “Have you found your task fragment?” 

Afraid that Su Ge wouldn’t understand the common language, Rong Shi slowed down his speech as much as possible, even waving the other half of the task fragment in his hand in hopes of helping her understand his meaning. 

Su Ge turned around, only to see Rong Shi standing outside her spacecraft, vigorously shaking the half of the task fragment in his hand. She instinctively wanted to hide her own task fragment. 

You didn’t see it, you didn’t see it, you didn’t see it! Important things must be said three times! I absolutely, absolutely don’t want to team up with you…! 

Before Su Ge could delude herself further, Rong Shi had already lowered his gaze and seen the task fragment in her hand, his eyes flashing slightly. 

At this moment, Rong Shi felt that learning a new language was indeed important. Of course, if he couldn’t learn it, it didn’t matter. Just like now, he could act directly without needing to continue explaining to the other party. He figured that after combining the fragments, this Earthling would understand his meaning. 

So, Su Ge could only watch helplessly as Rong Shi swiftly took the half of the task fragment from her palm with lightning speed and decisively combined it with the fragment in his own hand. 

The speed of Rong’s actions caught Su Ge completely off guard. She stood there, stunned, staring wide-eyed as Rong pieced together the fragments. “No… wait…” 

Ah, ah, ah! An alien stealing things! Is there no justice left?! (ᗒᗩᗕ) 

The two fragments in their hands merged perfectly, and only then did Rong Shi glance at the Earthling. His voice flowed from his lips, “What?” 

Who gave you the right to take things from my hand! Didn’t your planet teach you manners? Or are you all just uncivilized!   

“Alright, now we’re teammates.” A faint golden light flashed, the two task fragments fused into one, splitting into two pieces of light gold, and automatically adhering to the chests of the two, signifying that they had formed a team. 

Who wants to team up with you! Did you even ask for my opinion?! 

Once the team emblem settled in place, a mechanical female voice emanated from it, “Wilderness Guidance Task One: Mature hunters know the secrets of survival in the wild. When you arrive in a strange place, what should you do first? Of course, you need a safe point as your base. We’ve selected such a safe point for you.” 

“Now, all you need to do is walk to that safe point.” 

“Now, measure the distance between the safe point and the Golden Team.” 

“Distance measured.” 

“The safe point is located northeast of the Golden Team’s current position, eight kilometers away. Golden Team, please walk to it as soon as possible. Newcomer tip: It’s more dangerous to stay outside the safe point overnight.” 

After delivering these instructions, the emblem on their chests dimmed, completely concealing its presence as if it had turned invisible. 

After a long sigh, Su Ge convinced herself, alright, although what just happened was extremely embarrassing for her, it probably wasn’t worth mentioning to others and would soon be forgotten. There was no need to dwell on it. Being happy was the most important thing in life.  

Joining a team was joining a team. Besides, teaming up with a Royal Major General from the Milky Way Galaxy might have its benefits, right? At least she could maybe boost her viewership, and who knows, maybe with the Minister of External Affairs intervening due to the increased viewership, they might let go of the incident with her spacecraft, right? Right! 

Just as Su Ge had prepared herself mentally and decided to fully accept the fact of teaming up with Rong Shi, he noticed Rong Shi standing aside with a slight frown, as if encountering some dilemma. This made Su Ge start to feel uneasy again— 

Could it be that there was something very difficult mentioned in the task assignment just now? It doesn’t seem like it, or did she misunderstand? 

It’s confusing. 

At this moment, Rong Shi indeed encountered a dilemma. It’s not that explaining how difficult it is to communicate with this earthling was the issue, but rather, he didn’t know how to explain the term “northeast direction” to the other party. 

Because, it seemed like he was encountering this term for the first time too. 

After a few seconds of contemplation, Rong Shi turned to look at Su Ge and found the other party staring at him with those clear black-and-white eyes. Subconsciously, he sighed and gestured with his hands while slowly explaining to Su Ge, “Just now, this thing told us that our next step is to go to a safe point, and this safe point is located in the northeast direction.” 

As Su Ge listened to Rong Shi deliberately slowing down his speech, she suddenly felt a very strange feeling. What is this person doing? Repeating the words of the task device and gesturing… 

Wait, could he think I don’t understand? 

As an intelligent being that suddenly comprehended Rong Shi’s strange behavior, Su Ge felt an unprecedented sense of wonder. She coldly watched Rong Shi continue to struggle to explain the “northeast direction” to her, and suddenly, she realized the truth like a bolt from the blue— 

Wait, could this person simply not know what “northeast direction” is! 

Instantly, she felt elevated, having a kind of godlike vision of disdain for all beings. She pointed in the northeast direction with her hand, and at the same time, interrupted Rong Shi’s laborious explanation, “Over there.” 

“What?” The sudden opening of the mouth by Su Ge, the “strange earthling” who had been silent from the beginning in Rong Shi’s eyes, caught him slightly off guard. He carefully discerned and, although her accent was slightly strange, she was indeed speaking a common language, and the meaning she expressed was to point in a direction. 

He was somewhat unsure of what Su Ge was saying, so he imitated her accent and repeated, “Over there?” 

Su Ge felt even more strange. Clearly, it seemed like both were discussing the same issue, but why did it now sound like gibberish? She decided to explain it completely, “What I mean is, the northeast direction mentioned in the task device is in that direction. If there are no obstacles, it will take an hour and a half to walk eight kilometers.” 

This time it was Rong Shi’s turn to be stunned. He couldn’t quite believe what he heard. The earthling, whom he had always thought wasn’t very proficient in the common language, was actually speaking it fluently and proficiently to him. “You understand the common language?” he asked incredulously. 

“Who told you I don’t understand?” 

Rong Shi: “…” 

Fortunately, Rong Shi is different from those petty people who’s overly concerned about their face. After just a few seconds of being stunned, his attention was completely occupied by another question: “How do you know that’s the northeast direction?” 

Su Ge: “…” 

In front of her was one of the most powerful aliens in the entire Interstellar Alliance. As a Class V planet newcomer who had just joined the Interstellar Alliance, Su Ge felt that she should speak politely, so as not to provoke unnecessary hatred for herself and her home planet. 

After all, to live comfortably, one must be tough when necessary and back down when necessary. 

“Do you know the directions of east, west, south and north? ” Su Ge tried to make her tone gentle and friendly, even putting on a faint smile like a mask on her face. 

Without hesitation, one of the most powerful aliens in the Interstellar Alliance shook their head decisively. 

Su Ge: “…” 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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