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Chapter 14: Escape
“She’s not awake yet?” Hong Si Niu entered the cave, his feet muddy. Ruyi flinched at his approach; the iron chain on her wrist clinked. She avoided his gaze, lowering her head submissively. “She woke once, but quickly fainted again,” she explained. “She had a terrible fever at dawn, sweating profusely. Then… she became like this. I fear she’s burning up and dying.”
Shen Fu lay on the ground, pale and sweating, her lips colorless. Only the faint rise and fall of her chest indicated she was still alive.
Hong Si Niu frowned. “Useless…” He seemed to curse both Ruyi and Shen Fu.
He was old. Age was inevitable. Rainy days brought aching joints, his hair grew whiter, his teeth loosened. Death’s shadow loomed.
He’d lost interest in simple killing. Human life was like weeds; only a child with a new sickle found joy in cutting them down. He craved not killing, but conquest. The fiercer a woman’s resistance, the more excited he became. It proved his vitality, his control. This feeling even overshadowed his fear of death.
He’d had high hopes for Shen Fu. Her twin blades and vigilance spoke of resilience. She wouldn’t give up easily. He’d anticipated his most thrilling hunt.
But before the game began, illness struck Shen Fu.
Reluctantly, he approached her, checking her pulse.
Ruyi’s heart pounded. Unsure of his intentions, she could only comply.
His calloused fingers pressed against Shen Fu’s neck. His face was inches from hers.
Suddenly, Shen Fu tensed. She launched herself upward, her forehead slamming into Hong Si Niu’s head.
He was unprepared for her resistance. His head rang. “You damn—” he roared.
Shen Fu’s hand shot up. Fine green powder arced through the air, coating Hong Si Niu’s eyes and cheeks. Before the rest landed, she rolled away. Hong Si Niu screamed.
He couldn’t see. Tears mixed with a strange reddish foam streamed from his eyes. The powder bubbled and corroded his skin.
So potent? Shen Fu knew the powder was dangerous, but not this potent. She grimaced, remembering keeping it hidden in her waistband for days. She was lucky to be alive.
The powder on the ground seemed harmless, quickly dissolving. Only Hong Si Niu’s face revealed its true horror.
Shen Fu didn’t hesitate. There was no time to waste.
Blinded and burning, Hong Si Niu became a raging beast, desperate to take others down with him. He couldn’t see, but neither the chained Ruyi nor the injured Shen Fu could outrun him.
He lunged at Shen Fu. “I’ll kill you—!” he shrieked. “Bitch! Whore!”
Shen Fu had noticed his dagger. Hunters used them for gutting and skinning. While he was blinded, she’d quietly drawn it.
Pressed against the wall, as his hand tightened around her neck, she thrust the dagger into his throat.
Perhaps Hong Si Niu was a demon. Even with a dagger in his neck, he didn’t die immediately. His grip tightened, her vertebrae cracking.
Shen Fu’s grip weakened, her consciousness fading. Instinctively, she held the dagger, deepening the wound. Blood gurgled.
From the powder to the struggle, only moments passed. When Ruyi recovered, Hong Si Niu was blinded, a dagger in his throat, on the verge of death.
Even without intervention, he wouldn’t survive.
But seeing Shen Fu’s purple face, Ruyi picked up a stone.
The stone crushed his skull. His body went limp.
Shen Fu gasped. Cool air filled her lungs. She slumped to the ground. “Thank you,” she whispered to Ruyi.
Ruyi stared blankly at Hong Si Niu’s body, then sat down.
The fight had been short, but exhausting. Shen Fu’s recently reset limbs were aggravated.
Exhausted, she longed to sleep, but she couldn’t. Without medical attention, she’d worsen.
Ignoring her body’s pleas, she slowly pushed herself up, using the wall for support. She began to reset her dislocated hip.
It was a brutal injury. Even the best physician couldn’t guarantee success.
Shen Fu relied on her knowledge of anatomy, forcing the joint back into place. Muscles tore. Her training aided in healing, preventing her from losing consciousness. Even so, by the time she’d reset one leg, her face was ashen, sweat pooled beneath her, and blood trickled from her chin.
Each sound sent a shiver down Ruyi’s spine.
Their survival depended on escape.
Shen Fu’s injuries were severe, requiring immediate medical attention.
Ruyi, weakened, could barely walk. Their escape from the remote cave into the wilderness was a daunting task.
Insects, snakes, wild animals…
Shen Fu, though raised in the mountains, was unprepared for this. Her martial arts skills were hampered by her injuries.
They encountered a venomous snake. It was Ruyi, driven by fear, who killed it, despite never having killed anything before.
Worse, Shen Fu developed a fever. Burning with delirium, she’d lost consciousness, her weight pressing against Ruyi. Somehow, Ruyi carried her to a dilapidated temple.
They’d barely reached it when the rain began.
When Shen Fu awoke, she was in a comfortable room.
“Miss Ruyi…”
“Miss Ruyi…”
Voices called from outside.
“Miss Ruyi, let me help you!” a maid offered.
Ruyi, holding water, said coldly, “No need.”
She entered the room, placed the basin and towels, and closed the door. She dampened a towel and approached the bed.
“You’re awake!” Ruyi exclaimed.
Shen Fu’s thoughts were sluggish. She slowly turned, recognizing Ruyi. “Where… where are we…?” she croaked.
Ruyi didn’t answer directly. Instead, she sat on the edge of the bed and asked with concern, “Does the wound hurt? Are you dizzy? Is there any other discomfort?”
Shen Fu, interrupted, subconsciously replied, “The wound doesn’t hurt; my head is a little dizzy, but it’s alright. I should sleep more.”
“Are you hungry?” Ruyi asked. “Would you like something to eat?”
Shen Fu’s stomach rumbled. Embarrassed, she covered her mouth, but Ruyi smiled softly.
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Hi, Readers! 👋 I’m a translator passionate about Chinese Baihe (GL/Yuri) stories. Translating takes time (and coffee ☕), so your support means everything! Support me on Ko-fi! Thank you! 💙