Would You Confess Your Love To A Mafia Heiress?
Would You Confess Your Love To A Mafia Heiress? Chapter 2

Chapter 2 At This Point, Let’s Just Sleep


A crisp sound of desk-slapping echoed in the quiet office,

“Su Jiang, have you gone crazy?!”

“Do you think that having good grades gives you the right to do whatever you want?”

In the office, Teacher Zhang was trembling with anger, pointing at Su Jiang, looking extremely disappointed.

In the past, Su Jiang would occasionally doze off in class, and Teacher Zhang would often turn a blind eye to it.

But today’s incident was completely different in nature. To put it mildly, it was disrespectful to the teacher; to put it bluntly, it was a disregard for school rules and discipline, promoting a negative atmosphere.

Once this matter reached the ears of the school leaders, it would be hard to explain. He felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Su Jiang lowered his head, behaving like a well-behaved child, standing in front of Teacher Zhang.

“Old Zhang, let me explain…”

“What did you call me?!”

“Ahem… Teacher Zhang!”

Su Jiang secretly scolded himself, as he was used to calling him that, and it slipped out naturally.

“Well, there is actually a reason for this.”

“Uh… the reason is…”

Su Jiang’s brain raced, unsure of what excuse to come up with in this situation.

He couldn’t possibly tell Teacher Zhang about the system, could he?

Unable to think of a clever excuse, Su Jiang decided to take a bold step.

“The reason is, I want to start dating!”


Teacher Zhang was bewildered. After all that hesitation, you come up with this?

You publicly confessed in front of the whole class, and you think I wouldn’t know you wanted to start dating?


Teacher Zhang pressed his chest, took a deep breath with difficulty, and then exhaled slowly, trying to calm his turbulent emotions.

He couldn’t get angry; it wasn’t worth ruining his health over a student’s mistake. He still had a responsibility to guide him back on the right path.

Su Jiang cautiously watched Teacher Zhang take a deep breath, his eyes filled with anxiety and unease, tentatively asking, “You don’t believe me?”


The breath that Teacher Zhang had just calmed down instantly became chaotic again, and he widened his eyes.

Don’t believe me?

I dare not believe it!

“Well, Su Jiang, I understand the teenage boys at your age, having some adolescent impulses is normal.”

“But, confessing in front of so many people, do you have any respect for me? Do you have any respect for the school rules?” He paused, then continued, “Moreover, you are currently in your freshman year, academic performance is crucial for your future employment…”

Teacher Zhang started using PUA techniques again, putting pressure on the freshmen with this rhetoric.

“Teacher, I think my grades are fine.”

“What about An Rou…”

“She ranked second in the surprise quiz for the whole school,” Su Jiang responded calmly.

Teacher Zhang was speechless, momentarily caught off guard by this revelation.

Damn, how come both of your grades are so good?

Su Jiang’s good grades were solely due to his non-stop studying before, completing all the first-year knowledge in advance to relax early.

Given Su Jiang and An Rou’s current grades, they could easily secure the highest scholarship in the final exams.

Moreover, Su Jiang has a natural talent for mathematics, and many teachers hope to take him to competitions.

“In conclusion, go apologize to An Rou properly, then write a three-thousand-word self-criticism for me!”

“And for this matter, I will call your parents.”

Upon hearing this punishment, Su Jiang nodded lightly, indicating his agreement.

As expected, the school wouldn’t impose severe penalties on him.

After all, he entered Jiang University as the top scorer in the college entrance examination.

As long as it’s not a matter of principle, the university’s leadership usually turns a blind eye to such incidents.

“Get out!”

Teacher Zhang waved his hand to dismiss Su Jiang, feeling annoyed whenever he saw him, needing some time alone to calm down.

Su Jiang obediently walked out of the office and returned to the classroom.

Pushing the door open, ignoring the gazes of others, he immediately walked up to An Rou and deeply bowed.

“I’m sorry, Classmate An Rou. I was impulsive just now. Please pretend that the incident didn’t happen.”

An Rou blinked her beautiful and captivating eyes, her lips slightly curling up, revealing a lovely smile.

“It’s okay, Su Jiang.”

Anyway, you’re doomed tonight!

After receiving An Rou’s forgiveness, Su Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

The trouble caused by the silly beginner task of the dumb system should be over.

All that’s left is a three-thousand-word self-criticism.

As for Teacher Zhang’s threat to call his parents, Su Jiang wasn’t worried at all.

Knowing his parents’ easy-going nature, they would probably ask if the girl had accepted his confession.

Meanwhile, Teacher Zhang also entered the classroom, seeming to have calmed down in a short time and ready to resume the class.

“While we still have ten minutes, I’ll finish this problem. It might take a few extra minutes, so please bear with me.”

As soon as the class was going to be delayed, there was a chorus of groans from below. It’s one thing to have class delays in high school, but in university, too?

Su Jiang had just returned to his seat when Wang Ziyang handed him a thumbs-up.

Turning his head, he met Wang Ziyang’s admiring gaze.

“Su, you’re awesome!”

“Confessing to An Rou in public, you really know how to pick your moments.”

“The group chat is blowing up right now!”

Su Jiang raised an eyebrow at the comments, discreetly took out his phone from under the desk, and opened the class group chat.

Sure enough, a few students who weren’t paying attention in class were having a lively chat in the group.

“Do you know what nickname they’ve given you?”

“They just called you ‘Leg Brother’ in the group chat.”

“When you mentioned An Rou’s white legs, the whole group went crazy. You’re simply a role model!”

Wang Ziyang kept talking non-stop, but Su Jiang didn’t want to listen anymore.

Covering his forehead, Su Jiang let out a soft sigh.

His reputation was probably ruined.

Hopefully, the rewards from the system could bring him some comfort.

“System, activate the newbie reward.”

[Newbie reward activated, congratulations to the host for acquiring the advanced skill – Firearms Proficiency!]

In an instant, a wealth of knowledge about firearms flooded Su Jiang’s mind, causing him to furrow his brow involuntarily.

After a long time, Su Jiang finally digested this knowledge. Now, he was well-versed in various firearms and ammunition, even proficient in using them.

But… what use did he have for this?

What about my foundational pill? What about my ability to split mountains with a single sword?

In the harmonious society of Jiangdu City, such a peaceful and warm place, why would I need this Firearms Proficiency?

Su Jiang was truly exasperated. Can’t this system give me something useful?

“System, can we change this skill?”


“Then do I have a skill like splitting mountains with a single sword?”


“So, how can I stop being this host?”

[Host death, system automatically releases!]

“Damn it…”

Su Jiang was cursing inwardly at this moment, while the system basically ignored him.

What good was this lousy skill? Did I have to risk my life for it?

Su Jiang remembered that if he didn’t complete the task within thirty seconds, the system would eliminate him.

He was almost scared to death at that moment.

And all he got in return was this useless Firearms Proficiency.

“Such a waste!”

Seeing the system still not responding to him, and Teacher Zhang still at the podium explaining that ridiculous problem, Su Jiang grew more and more frustrated. He decided to just rest his head on his hand.

At this point, let’s just go to sleep.

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