Would You Confess Your Love To A Mafia Heiress?
Would You Confess Your Love To A Mafia Heiress? Chapter 4

Chapter 4: I Really Like Your Legs

“Misunderstanding? I don’t think it’s a misunderstanding!”

“Because of you, my reputation has started to deteriorate.”

“They even spread rumors that we’ve been childhood sweethearts, ridiculous!”

An Rou snorted coldly, her voice carrying a hint of chilliness. Grinding her teeth, Su Jiang found her demeanor strangely cute.

“Weren’t you brave this afternoon?” An Rou questioned, her face inching closer to Su Jiang.

Su Jiang awkwardly smiled, attempting to explain, “Um… I was a bit impulsive this afternoon, but that was because…”

“Aren’t you supposed to be bold?” An Rou didn’t let Su Jiang finish and continued to interrogate.

“I… I just…”

“And you dare to say you like my legs!” An Rou suddenly raised her voice, a hint of cunning flashing in her eyes.

“Now, tell me, are my legs white or not? Will you still speak?”

[Alert! Host triggered a task. Please answer the question truthfully, or face consequences!]

Damn it!

Don’t you dare come out to cause trouble now!

Su Jiang was going crazy internally, cursing the dysfunctional system.

I don’t ask for your help, but please don’t make things worse.

After much internal struggle, fearing punishment or even elimination by the system, Su Jiang closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and followed his true feelings.

“Why are you silent now? Weren’t you brave during the day?”

“An Rou, your legs are really white and beautiful. I really like your legs!”

After saying this, Su Jiang felt his face burning like fire, experiencing a level of shame and embarrassment he had never felt before.

Even if he usually had a thick skin, at this moment, he felt utterly ashamed.

Ah, it would be better to die. Su Jiang’s eyes were completely devoid of light.

There are countless ways to live and die, and he chose social death.

[Alert! Congratulations to the host for completing the task and receiving a random reward!]

[Random reward being drawn…]

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the intermediate skill – Martial Arts Proficiency!]

In an instant, a plethora of martial arts techniques and combat styles flooded Su Jiang’s mind, clear and detailed, as if he had practiced them countless times.

At this moment, Su Jiang was pleasantly surprised to find that he could easily untie the ropes binding him.

Just as he was about to act, he suddenly looked up and saw An Rou blushing, looking at him with a mix of embarrassment and anger.

The two black-clad bodyguards beside him were also stunned by his words, secretly giving him a thumbs-up.

Su Jiang: ???

Wait, why are you giving me a thumbs-up?

Are you guys from the underworld so abstract?

Su Jiang was unaware that although An Rou was a favored young lady in the family, she was also mischievous and playful.

From top to bottom, no one dared to provoke An Rou in the An family.

If someone upset An Rou, they would face her various retaliations for a long time, making them constantly on guard.

Even the family head and young master found dealing with An Rou troublesome, but it was also a way of showing affection towards her.

After Su Jiang’s remarks, the two bodyguards could only think: “Good luck, young man.”

Originally, An Rou just wanted to scare Su Jiang a bit, to make him feel fear.

But now, with Su Jiang’s words, things had taken a different turn.

The young lady would definitely not let this guy off the hook!

He’s doomed.

“You… Shameless! Disgusting! Idiot! Filthy scoundrel!” An Rou’s face turned bright red, her voice trembling, angrily pointing at Su Jiang and cursing.

For the first time in her life, she was so bluntly discussing her legs, which made her feel incredibly humiliated and angry.

Su Jiang felt embarrassed, but she felt even more so.

Fortunately, there was no one else around. If Su Jiang had said those words during the day in the classroom, she would have been embarrassed to death on the spot.

“Go to hell, you filthy scoundrel!”

An Rou shouted in anger, lifting her foot to kick Su Jiang, as if she wanted to vent all her frustrations in that one kick.

However, at that moment, Su Jiang had already untied the ropes binding him and calmly dodged An Rou’s attack.

An Rou didn’t expect Su Jiang to be able to move freely. Her kick was filled with resentment, using all her strength.

After missing her kick, her balance instantly wavered, her body swaying a few times, on the verge of falling.

“Help! Save me!”

“Miss, be careful!”

The two bodyguards originally thought Su Jiang was still bound and couldn’t move, so they didn’t pay much attention to his actions.

When they saw Su Jiang effortlessly untie the ropes and dodge An Rou’s attack, both of them were shocked and momentarily frozen. By the time they wanted to step forward to protect An Rou, it was already too late.

What made them break out in a cold sweat was the sight of a sharp pair of scissors right where An Rou was about to fall. The consequences would have been unimaginable if she had landed on it.

An Rou, now realizing the imminent danger, looked panicked. However, she couldn’t control her body’s movement and could only helplessly watch as the ground approached, the scissors growing larger in her eyes. Filled with despair, she closed her eyes in helplessness.


The next moment, instead of the anticipated pain, she found herself enveloped in a soft, warm embrace. There was a faint scent of smoke and laundry detergent, causing her to wrinkle her nose and take a few more sniffs.

As she slowly lifted her head, she met Su Jiang’s somewhat helpless gaze.

“Are you okay?” Su Jiang’s voice was caring as he securely held An Rou’s waist, ensuring she wouldn’t fall.

An Rou blinked, looking somewhat dazed at Su Jiang. Then, a blush crept onto her face as she softly said, “Th-thank you.”

“So quick on his feet!”

“I couldn’t even see his movements clearly just now; his reflexes are incredible.”

Seeing An Rou standing unharmed, the two bodyguards breathed a sigh of relief, their faces showing a sense of relief.

However, their shock didn’t dissipate; it deepened due to the stunning scene they had just witnessed.

Recalling Su Jiang’s actions – swiftly untying the ropes, deftly dodging An Rou’s kick, and then swiftly moving to catch her before she fell – all in less than two seconds!

As bodyguards of the An family, they had seen their fair share of battles, but they believed they couldn’t have reacted as swiftly as Su Jiang did just now. They couldn’t even untie the ropes themselves.

Others might not know, but they were well aware. The knots they tied were complex; if one step was wrong, the knot couldn’t be undone. Even if they tried to untie the ropes themselves, it would take time, and they definitely couldn’t do it as quickly as Su Jiang did.

Both of them had the same thought in their minds.

“This young man is extraordinary!”

Su Jiang paid no attention to their thoughts. His heart was racing, his focus entirely on the fragile being in his arms.

Gently holding An Rou, feeling the fragrance and warmth emanating from her, he looked into her captivating eyes and swallowed nervously.

Su Jiang has never held a girl’s hand in his life.

This sudden sense of intimacy left him feeling a bit bewildered but also exceptionally wonderful.

So, this is what a hug feels like?

No wonder Wang Ziyang is always in love.

This accelerated heartbeat feeling is indeed quite fascinating.

The two of them gazed at each other, unaware of how many seconds had passed.

“Ahem, Miss, are you okay?”

The bodyguard couldn’t bear it anymore. Being experienced, he immediately sensed that something was amiss.

The young lady was in her teenage years, and if this continued, things could go awry.

So, he promptly spoke up to alert them.

“Ah? Oh… I’m fine!”

An Rou immediately pushed Su Jiang away, took a few steps back, feeling a bit reluctant to part.

“Well, considering you just saved me, I’ll let you go this time. Hurry up and leave!”

An Rou glanced around nervously, avoiding eye contact with Su Jiang.

Su Jiang blinked, not making a move.

“Kid, don’t push your luck. I’m letting you go, so get moving. Do you want to push your luck and end up in big trouble?”

The bodyguard was getting annoyed. What’s up with this kid not wanting to leave?

An Rou blushed even more. Was he trying to stay with her a little longer?

“No… I’m not staying.”

Su Jiang looked helpless, sighed, and said, “You brought me here, how would I know where this is? How can I leave when I don’t even know the way out? You should send me back!”

An Rou and the bodyguard suddenly realized their oversight. They had forgotten about this detail for a moment.

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