You ah, You
You ah, You | Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Under the expectant gazes and urging of everyone, Ying Nian reluctantly stepped up.

The coach waved over Yi Shen, “Yi Shen, come on, have a solo match with her!”

Yi Shen, who was called out, stepped forward but declined, “Maybe not. Let the captain do it instead. My play is all over the place; it wouldn’t be good.”

The other fans quickly chimed in, “No way!”

“You’re really good!”

“Your play isn’t messy at all…”

The coach, realizing that Yi Shen might be too competitive and could win too quickly, reconsidered and agreed with his suggestion. “Linran, you take over.”

In an instant, everyone turned to look at Yu Linran. Even Ying Nian found herself staring at him, but as soon as their eyes met, she quickly looked away in a panic.

Yu Linran had a bit of an eccentric personality. Besides training and matches, he found many things meaningless, and meaningless activities were the last things he wanted to spend time on.

His teammates all assumed that Yu Linran would refuse, but to their surprise, he said nothing and simply nodded, then walking forward slowly.

The account for the solo match had been prepared in advance by the staff, which made Ying Nian feel relieved. Luckily, she didn’t have to log in with her own account—if that username were seen by so many people…

As her thoughts wandered, the game finished loading.

The two were now set for a one-on-one duel, with no tricks or distractions—just pure skill.

However, the match turned out to be a disaster of unprecedented proportions.

Ying Nian couldn’t dodge a single one of Yu Linran’s skills. Finally, when Yu Linran deliberately missed a skill, Ying Nian somehow managed to walk right into it. From that point on, she embarked on a path of “skill collision,” where every time she moved, she flawlessly collided with an incoming skill.

If her chance of dodging a skill was ten percent, then her probability of hitting one was two hundred percent.

The spectators were stunned. The coach let out an “Uh…” completely at a loss for how to comment.

Among the other fans, someone whispered, “Isn’t she a fan of Captain Yu? My goodness, even if she’s a fan, she doesn’t have to hold back like this. She’s trying too hard…”

Xiaoxiao covered her face as she listened.

How could she have forgotten? The last time Ying Nian shared a screenshot of her game results, it was a complete disaster. Ying Nian’s current performance… probably wasn’t her holding back at all; this was likely her true skill level—absolutely no room for doubt.

Yi Shen watched with a growing headache. While his memory wasn’t as sharp as Yu Linran’s, he recognized Ying Nian the moment she walked in. Since she was a fan of Yu Linran, he figured she’d be happier soloing against him rather than Yi Shen. His intention had been to do something nice by giving her the chance to interact with Yu Linran, but who would have thought…

After all this time, her skills hadn’t improved one bit, which was impressive in its own way.

Cheng Run and Lin Shan sidled up next to Yi Shen. The former muttered under his breath, “That skill level…”

Lin Shan finished for him, “Is terrifying.”

“Do you remember that time you guys grabbed my phone?” Yi Shen rubbed his temples as he quietly spoke to them.

“Which time…? Oh, you mean the time you fell off the bed?”

Yi Shen glared at them before continuing, “The game stats in that screenshot were from our captain’s fan. Do you remember?”

“You mean…” Lin Shan looked over at the two players facing off in front of the computer, and raised his eyebrow. “It’s her?”

Yi Shen nodded.

Cheng Run and Lin Shan exchanged glances, both at a loss for words.

They couldn’t help but wonder what Yu Linran was feeling right now. They’d have to make sure to interview him later in the evening to find out. After all, if it were either of them, they’d definitely be at their wits’ end.

She’s a fan, so you can’t go too hard and beat her too fiercely, but dragging the match out like this is a form of psychological torture for any professional player!

For the first time, they felt genuine sympathy for the usually unflappable Yu Linran. It was clear he was holding back, but what good did it do? Even when he deliberately aimed his skills off-target, she somehow managed to run right into them. What an extraordinary girl!

Bo Can might not have known the full extent of the underlying complexities, but for a professional player who holds himself to high standards and rigorously hones his skills every day, watching this female fan’s gameplay was nothing short of “mental torture.” He, along with the rest of his teammates, silently reached the same conclusion.

Yi Shen might have a stark contrast between his on-stage and off-stage personalities, but Bo Can was similar in that regard. As the only one on the team whose baby fat hadn’t fully disappeared, his round, childlike face made it hard for anyone to associate him with the fierce presence he displayed in competition.

At this moment, Bo Can’s baby face was filled with concern.

Poor Brother Yu—always the one who gets pushed out first to endure all kinds of trials as the captain.

His respect for Yu Linran grew even more.

The whole team had “broadened their horizons” in a way they hadn’t expected. Meanwhile, at the computer, Ying Nian and Yu Linran were still in their solo match.

Ying Nian’s thoughts was spinning, her face flushed red with embarrassment, and she couldn’t even bring herself to glance at Yu Linran’s expression.

—When is this public humiliation going to end?!

Whether Yu Linran heard her inner plea or simply couldn’t endure it any longer, he executed a series of maneuvers that Ying Nian couldn’t possibly grasp, combined with a string of well-placed skills, and swiftly took down the hero she was controlling in just a few moves.




The room fell into complete silence.

The coach quickly stepped in to lighten the mood, smiling as he said, “The young lady was just too nervous and made a few mistakes, no big deal.”

Ying Nian stood up, feeling guilty. She desperately wanted to tell the coach that this wasn’t a mistake—this was her normal level of play…

The coach and staff quickly changed the subject, engaging in some light conversation before inviting everyone to move on to tour other parts of the facility. In addition to the gaming room, the base also had a gym designed for the players’ physical well-being and other daily amenities.

Ying Nian, disheartened by her poor gaming performance, had been standing still, barely paying attention to the conversations around her. When she finally looked up to follow the group to the next area, she realized that Yu Linran was right beside her.

Xiaoxiao had been pulled into a conversation and was walking ahead, leaving Ying Nian trailing at the back of the fan group, seemingly having drifted into the SF members’ team.

After much internal debate, Ying Nian bit her lip and forced herself to walk alongside Yu Linran.

She had already embarrassed herself so much! At the very least, let her stay near Yu Linran a little longer to enjoy the scent that seemed to linger around him!

Ying Nian’s mind was full of her own little thoughts, but then, unexpectedly, the person next to her spoke.

Yu Linran’s voice was soft, “Your gaming skills… are very poor.”

…He even paused seriously in the middle of the sentence.

Ying Nian felt a bit embarrassed, with a tiny tinge of irritation, and she replied in a low voice, “…I know.”

He had already beaten her; was it necessary to drag her through the mud afterward? This guy!

She thought he was just making a passing comment, but to her surprise, he continued talking to her. As they toured the other facilities of the base, Yu Linran kept his eyes forward, his posture straight, yet the two of them engaged in a quiet conversation that only they could hear.

“You probably don’t play games much.”

“Not much… Well, I used to play, and I was pretty good at it…” The latter part of her sentence trailed off, losing confidence.

“For example?”

“For example… um, Lianliankan?” (a tile-matching puzzle game)


“And there’s also Tetris, Crazy Arcade, Pocket Money Wars…”

As Ying Nian listed off the games, she started realizing how off-track she was, so she quickly added, “But I mostly play things like Sudoku, Nine Rings, and Rubik’s Cube!”

Yu Linran raised his eyebrow slightly. That suggested she wasn’t lacking in intelligence and probably had a sharp mind. So how could her gaming skills be so shockingly poor?

The conversation halted there, and an awkward silence began to spread. Ying Nian still didn’t dare to look at Yu Linran’s face, too afraid to meet his gaze. Yet, with him so close beside her, their arms occasionally brushing against each other. The friction of their sleeves creating a subtle sound, and his unique scent enveloping her senses, it felt like the very air around them was filled with his presence.

It was as if she could no longer sense anyone else’s existence.

Aside from her pounding heartbeat and the slight warmth in her cheeks, it felt like the only thing left in this space was just her and him.

This brief interaction felt like stolen bliss, as if she were savoring the sweetness of a dream.

But unfortunately, dreams don’t last long.

A few minutes later, Xiaoxiao turned back to look for her, just as one of Yu Linran’s teammates called his name. He left her side and rejoined his teammates.

Ying Nian suppressed the fleeting sense of loss that crossed her heart and took Xiaoxiao’s hand as she reached out through the crowd.

After touring the various facilities at the base, the fans gained a general understanding of what the team members’ daily lives were like.

The group sat down in the lounge to rest, feeling a bit tired after the long tour. With more than two hours left until dinner, they decided to order some afternoon tea.

Ying Nian had barely sat down when she began to feel a slight discomfort in her stomach. Realizing her period was only a few days away, she remembered how she often experienced cramps in advance. Normally, she would just endure it, but being at SF’s base, she started to worry. What if her period suddenly came early?

The thought of staining her skirt in front of everyone was horrifying—she’d rather run into a wall than face that embarrassment.

After considering her options, Ying Nian decided to go to a convenience store to buy a small pack of pads, just in case. She checked the map on her phone and saw that there was a convenience store less than 500 meters away. She turned to the female staff member beside her, and asked quietly, “Excuse me, I need to buy something. Is it okay if I go out for a bit?”

The staff member replied, “What do you need to buy? I can go get it for you.”

“No, no, that’s not necessary!” Ying Nian quickly waved her hand. “I don’t want to trouble you. I can go myself.” She showed her phone to the staff member. “Is the location shown on the map accurate?”

“Yes, after you go out, turn left and walk a little further; it’s right there.”

Ying Nian thanked her, told Xiaoxiao she’d be back soon, and then headed out with the staff member.

She didn’t ask the staff member to walk her all the way; instead, she expressed her gratitude repeatedly at the door, not wanting to take up more of her time.

After finding the convenience store, she quickly picked out a small pack of pads. They were thin and small enough to fit in her pocket, so after paying, she tucked them away.

Just as she was about to leave, she paused and pointed to a nearby jar of candy. “I’ll take a lollipop too—peach flavor, please.”

After another quick electronic payment, she took the lollipop from the cashier and was about to head out when she saw Yi Shen stride into the store.

“Oh, you’re here too?” Yi Shen greeted her in a friendly, casual tone, as if they were old acquaintances. His easygoing manner left the usually sociable Ying Nian momentarily at a loss.

“Ah… hello!” Ying Nian snapped out of her thoughts and greeted him.

Yi Shen smiled at her and walked over to the upright freezer, opened the door, and took out a bottle of energy drink before heading to the cashier to pay.

Ying Nian asked curiously, “Weren’t they ordering afternoon tea?”

“Yeah, they ordered delivery, but I’m not a fan of milk tea, so I told the coach not to include me,” Yi Shen explained, pulling a hundred-yuan bill out of his pocket.

The cashier hesitated for a moment before taking the bill. When the cash register drawer popped open, the cashier glanced inside and looked troubled. “Sorry, I can’t make change for this… We’re out of small bills and the next batch hasn’t arrived yet. Can you pay with your phone?”

The cash register only had a few fifty and twenty-yuan bills, nothing smaller.

“Huh?” Yi Shen patted his pockets. “But I didn’t bring my phone, just this bill…”

Ying Nian silently thanked her luck for not leaving too quickly. “I’ll pay,” she offered, then she opened the payment interface on her phone and let the cashier scan the code.

Yi Shen scratched his head, feeling a bit embarrassed. “Thanks for the help. I’ll pay you back when we get back.”

“It’s really no big deal…”

“No, I insist!” Yi Shen replied firmly, leaving no room for her to refuse.

With nothing more to say, they walked back together, maintaining a polite distance—enough space for another person to comfortably stand between them.

They returned to the base’s lounge, one after the other. Ying Nian sat back in her original spot, not thinking much about the incident.

However, Yi Shen didn’t want to take advantage of a fan, especially a female fan. As soon as he sat down, he remembered that his phone was charging in the bedroom and clicked his tongue in mild frustration.

He considered getting up to fetch it but worried about being scolded by the coach for walking around too much. Instead, he nudged Yu Linran, who was sitting next to him, with his elbow. “Hey, bro, do you have any cash on you? Or can I borrow your phone for a moment?”

Yu Linran asked, “What do you need it for?”

“I went to the convenience store earlier without any cash, and someone paid for me. I need to pay them back!” Yi Shen explained. “I can’t take advantage of a fan like that!”

Yu Linran looked at him for a couple of seconds and then said, “I don’t have cash, only my phone.”

Yi Shen nodded eagerly, “The phone will work too!”

“How much?”

“Seven yuan.”

Yu Linran took out his phone, tapped on the screen a few times, and handed it to Yi Shen. “Have her scan the QR code. Once she’s done, give it back to me.”

Yi Shen agreed, and when he glanced over, he saw Ying Nian getting up as if she was heading to the restroom. He quickly hunched over and followed her.

“Hey, wait up—”

He caught up to Ying Nian at the corner and called out to her, “I need to pay you back. Scan this QR code!”

Seeing that he had come over personally, Ying Nian felt it would be rude to refuse again. She took out her phone and scanned the code. Hearing the familiar “ding” of the transaction, she nodded at Yi Shen and continued on her way to the restroom.

Yi Shen casually glanced at the screen, saw that the interface was processing, and without wasting any more time, returned the phone to Yu Linran.

Ying Nian went to the restroom, and after finishing up, she unlocked her phone with her fingerprint. However, instead of seeing a successful payment notification, the screen showed a friend request interface.

Why didn’t Yi Shen just use a payment QR code directly?

Though puzzled, she still sent the friend request.

Shortly after, the request was accepted, and the other side transferred seven yuan to her. Ying Nian accepted the payment without saying much. Since he was a member of SF, she thought to herself that if he didn’t delete her, she would keep him as a contact!

Before leaving the restroom, Ying Nian added a note to the newly added WeChat friend: “Y Shen.”


Hello, I'm Avrora (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I like reading novels, especially romance and action. So I want to share with you some novels that I think are good to read through my translation. My lovely readers, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do.(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) See my other projects on my Ko-fi page (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I hope you enjoy my translation (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Thank you 😘

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