You Are the One I Prayed For
You Are The One I Prayed For Chapter 3

“Changyang, your brushwork has changed a bit.”

In the art room, while Dong Changyang was demonstrating painting to the children, the art class’s aunt immediately noticed the change in Dong Changyang’s brushwork.

Dong Changyang’s brush paused, and a smile appeared on her face. “Has it gotten better or worse?”

“Of course, it’s gotten better,” Aunt Jiang couldn’t help but praise. “Before, your wrist strength was somewhat insufficient, making your strokes seem light. Although the lines were smooth, they weren’t rounded enough. Now, these issues are almost all gone. How did you manage that?”

“Uh, just a silly method—doing some wrist strength training,” Dong Changyang said somewhat bashfully. When she had shown her work to Chen Huanzhi, she had been quite confident, but that confidence was shattered instantly.

The next evening, Chen Huanzhi invited a teacher over and had her watch the teacher paint the entire time.

Dong Changyang remained in a state of “shock” from beginning to end.

The teacher of the art class she was currently attending, Aunt Jiang (Jiang Yu), was already a famous young female painter in the province. Her ink orchid paintings could win awards in national competitions. But compared to the gentleman Chen Huanzhi had invited, she was like a beginner.

When it comes to Chinese painting, the ancient scholars who specialized in painting were naturally more adept and focused more on the expression of artistic conception. And the teacher Chen Huanzhi invited to teach painting was, of course, an expert in this field.

Even though it wasn’t direct one-on-one instruction, the paintings Dong Changyang saw through Chen Huanzhi’s “eyes” were enough for her to benefit greatly. In today’s terms, it was like a top professor from a top art academy tutoring her. Such a good fortune was beyond her wildest dreams.

“Changyang, I heard you won first place. Congratulations,” Jiang Yu patted Dong Changyang’s shoulder. “I also heard that the provincial art high school is trying to recruit you?”

“Word travels fast?” Dong Changyang didn’t deny it, just curious about how quickly the news had spread.

“Of course, they even came here to see your paintings before,” Jiang Yu answered proudly.

“Listen to me, if the conditions are right, you won’t go wrong by attending this high school. I can’t vouch for everyone, but Zhou Yang, the special-grade art teacher at this high school, graduated with a master’s degree from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. His teacher is a big name in our field.”

“How can someone so amazing be teaching at a high school?” A month ago, Dong Changyang might have jumped with excitement upon hearing Zhou Yang’s credentials, but now, after witnessing the skills of the teacher Chen Huanzhi had invited, she remained much more composed.

Jiang Yu, thinking Dong Changyang didn’t understand the benefits, sighed inwardly, attributing it to her youth. She explained in simpler terms, “Silly girl. Those of us who study Chinese painting aren’t as highly regarded as those who study oil painting.

Nowadays, the wealthy want to send their children to learn oil painting and sketching. Those who study oil painting can go abroad for further studies and participate in various art exhibitions, but the paths for Chinese painting are much more limited. If you want to advance in Chinese painting, you must choose your mentor wisely.

Our field places great importance on mentorship and background. If you can get into the Central Academy of Fine Arts or the China Academy of Art, don’t choose any other school. Zhou Yang is originally from our province.

I heard his painting has hit a bottleneck in recent years, so he’s teaching at a high school to broaden his horizons. He might leave in a year or two. So you must seize this opportunity, learn from him, and when it comes to the art entrance exams, having a connection like his will ensure you won’t be eliminated!”

The path of an art exam student, especially in Chinese painting, is not an easy one.

Changyang has no power or influence and is easily bullied.

Jiang Yu herself doesn’t have much talent or skill in painting and has already reached her peak. Changyang is like a half-disciple to her. Although she can’t teach Dong Changyang much, she can at least share some insights from her experience to help her avoid some detours.

“Thank you, Aunt Jiang,” Dong Changyang was truly moved. Girls her age are often prone to sentimentality.

Although her life was indeed not as stable and happy as most people’s, it didn’t mean she hadn’t encountered any good things.

For example, the community director who always helped her, her teachers at Thirteenth Middle School, and Jiang Yu—all of whom had helped her a lot in her short life.

Now, there might be another person, Chen Huanzhi.

With so much kindness from so many people, Dong Changyang didn’t feel her life was lacking compared to others.

“Why say such things?” Jiang Yu felt a bit embarrassed.

Dong Changyang’s complexion was somewhat pale, possibly due to malnutrition or perhaps from spending most of her time indoors painting and rarely going outside to get any sun. However, her hair and eyes were very dark, and this combination on her face, while not necessarily making her a stunning beauty, gave her an appearance that made people instinctively want to protect her when she looked at them with full attention.

Fragile, yet strong.

“Starting tomorrow, you don’t need to come to the art class to help out. Stay home and practice your painting, and be careful not to injure your hands…”

Jiang Yu’s words were rambling but made Dong Changyang feel very warm.

While Dong Changyang’s life was gradually getting on track, an unexpected situation arose for Chen Huanzhi, who had previously lived a worry-free life.

“Your Highness.”

“No need for formalities, Ah Heng, come over here.” The Crown Prince was more than ten years older than Chen Huanzhi, who was his second companion reader. Although Chen Huanzhi was officially a companion reader, their relationship resembled that of a senior and a junior who shared mutual respect and admiration.

Chen Huanzhi’s given name was Heng, with the courtesy name Huanzhi, which was given by his teacher after his coming-of-age ceremony. Most people called him by his courtesy name. However, the Crown Prince had always called him “Ah Heng,” and since it was a habit, no one dared to ask the Crown Prince to change it.

“Your Highness, formalities cannot be neglected.”

“Fine, but you’re becoming more of a pedant as you age.” The Crown Prince’s eldest daughter was only four years younger than Chen Huanzhi and was at the most endearing age of girlhood.

However, his own daughter was too lively, while Chen Huanzhi was overly mature.

“You are right, Your Highness,” Chen Huanzhi replied respectfully.“Alright, Ah Heng, today I have called you here for a serious matter.” The Crown Prince’s expression turned solemn, and the surrounding servants, understanding the cue, left the room, leaving only the Crown Prince, Chen Huanzhi, and a few trusted aides.

Seeing the Crown Prince’s seriousness and the presence of the trusted advisors, Chen Huanzhi understood the gravity of the situation.

The Crown Prince had held his position for ten years. His maternal family was now reduced to a few distant relatives who no longer enjoyed any titles. The Crown Princess’s family was impressive, but after giving birth to a son and a daughter in three years, her health had suffered, and she scarcely managed any palace affairs. Out of affection, the Crown Prince did not burden her with worries.

The Empress had died young, and the current Empress’s own son was only three years old, so there was no immediate conflict with the Crown Prince. The trouble came from his other brothers, who had grown up and knew that the Crown Prince’s maternal family was weak. Each of them was eager to pull the Crown Prince down from his position.

The Emperor, once a wise ruler in his youth, had grown softer with age and tended to turn a blind eye to his children’s actions, meting out mild punishment. As a result, the Crown Prince often had to endure grievances.

“Ah Heng, take a look at the accounts, and you’ll understand.” The Crown Prince sighed slightly and pushed a stack of account books towards Chen Huanzhi.

Chen Huanzhi, being exceptionally bright, quickly skimmed through the books, and the room fell into silence.

After reading, Chen Huanzhi finally understood why the Crown Prince looked so grim.

Despite high officials and nobles often claiming that “gold and silver are mundane things,” they are precisely the ones who cannot do without such “mundane things.”

Especially for people like them, money was indispensable.

Currently, military power is almost entirely in the hands of the Emperor. The Grand Yan Dynasty was founded on military achievements, and the neighboring tribes are restless, maintaining a balance between the civil and military officials since its establishment. However, the princes are strictly prohibited from gaining any military power.

Even the Crown Prince dared not interfere with the military. He could only make minor moves and cultivate trusted followers.

Without the ability to touch military power and with capable ministers in the court playing dead or feigning ignorance, financial resources became exceptionally important.

“The situation in Jiangnan is still manageable, but there was a corruption case there the year before last, and now it’s under close scrutiny. We can’t make any significant moves there. The real problem is the businesses in the capital. They’ve been suffering losses for the past two years, and the accounts are a mess,” the Crown Prince sighed.

He had learned governance, balance, civil and military affairs, but never how to make money.

The businesses in the capital, while not the fastest or most lucrative, were invaluable for gathering information.

Shops selling jewelry for noblewomen, antiquities, teahouses, and elegant inns were not gold mines, but they provided a substantial income.

Now, except for the jewelry shop that could still maintain itself, the other businesses were almost all losing money.

Especially the teahouse, which was virtually deserted.

However, these days, there are very few people who can do business, and these industries operate in secrecy. The Crown Prince is closely watched and dares not get too close to those big merchants.

After all the struggles, these account books were finally placed directly in front of the Crown Prince.Upon seeing the figures in these books, the Crown Prince felt his vision darken and hastily called his trusted advisors.

Even they were left speechless.

Well-versed in understanding human nature, they found themselves out of their depth in matters of business.

“My younger brothers have also been pouring money into ventures recently. Perhaps it’s because of their wealthy maternal families. Some of their shops would rather not make a profit than lose customers. They even opened shops opposite those under my name. Individually, it’s manageable, but together, it’s infuriating!”

In essence, they were taking advantage of the Crown Princess’s poor health, as she couldn’t manage these sources of income.

The Crown Prince could promote a few more concubines, but his relationship with the Crown Princess was strong, and her health was fragile. If he increased the concubines’ influence, they might clash with the Crown Princess, potentially causing more trouble.

It’s easy to invite trouble, but hard to send it away.

To be honest, Your Highness, you conduct yourself too much like a gentleman, your heart is too broad. In terms of the demeanor of a monarch, you probably can’t match the decisiveness of the Second Prince.

However, it is precisely because of Your Highness’s sense of loyalty and righteousness that Chen Huanzhi and the Chen family are more willing to follow you.

The Grand Yan Dynasty is quickly moving towards a peaceful and prosperous era. Emperors renowned for military achievements like those of previous generations are no longer quite fitting for the times.

“Your Highness, I can certainly give it my best shot. However, initially, I may only be able to take over a few shops and practice my hand,” Chen Huanzhi understood why both the Crown Prince and his advisors were looking at him expectantly.

After all, Chen Huanzhi’s maternal grandmother, his mother’s side, was once famous in the capital as the “Goddess of Wealth,” and her shops were exceptionally prosperous. If it weren’t for the Chen family toning down their activities under the Crown Prince’s guidance over the years, the identity of the “God of Wealth” in the capital would still be a mystery.

“No problem at all, I’ll start with these few,” the Crown Prince said, handing over several account books to Chen Huanzhi as if relieved of a heavy burden. “If things become hopeless, you can close them down. I refuse to believe that those brothers of mine can continue to lose money in business!”

Hmm, how are we going to handle the rest?

“Your Highness, I have an idea, please forgive my presumption.” Chen Huanzhi thought for a moment and came up with a suggestion.

“No need to be so polite, Ah Heng. Speak freely,” replied the Crown Prince.

“The Eldest Princess shares the same mother as you, and the Young County Princess is now of age to handle affairs. Why not appoint the Eldest Princess as the assistant and the Young County Princess as the lead to jointly manage these shops? We can also directly involve the Crown Princess in this matter. Before His Majesty, it’s a straightforward reason: the Young County Princess is dutifully managing family affairs on behalf of her mother. If they encounter difficulties, the Young County Princess can speak directly to the Empress Mother with His Majesty’s support. With the face of His Majesty and the Empress Mother, even if these shops continue to lose money, there will be a limit.”

“Those troublesome princes should also see if they have the guts to compete with their niece!”

“Well, that’s a good idea,” the Crown Prince pondered, already envisioning the faces of his younger brothers when they heard about it. After all, none of them had daughters or their daughters were too young to handle such matters!

“I doubt my brothers will have the face to compete with this. If they really want to challenge this, they’ll have to use the prestige of their elders. My darling Jiao Jiao hasn’t suffered much…”

“Your Highness,” Chen Huanzhi interrupted the Crown Prince’s musings, “if that’s the case, let the Young County Princess go to His Majesty and the Empress Mother, shed a few tears, and act a bit spoiled.”

“Could those grown princes really stoop to such a childish stance?”

“…Ah Heng,” the Crown Prince was momentarily stunned. “Why do I feel like this isn’t quite your usual style?”

Since growing up, Chen Huanzhi had been chased by countless noble ladies in the capital. Back then, he would shy away at the sight of women, which had led to quite a few jokes.

Now, not only could he converse confidently, but he could also suggest letting a woman handle affairs and even suggest making her cry, which was truly hard to comprehend.

“Your Highness is overthinking.”

Chen Huanzhi simply recalled a remark made by Dong Changyang before, finding it quite apt.

Women could handle half of everything, and some things were indeed more convenient for them to do!

“Never mind, since you’re not willing to say more, I won’t ask further.” The Crown Prince himself had been through enough to know that Ah Heng had probably hit on something.

After discussing serious matters, the Crown Prince invited Chen Huanzhi to share a meal together, and Chen Huanzhi could only agree to stay.

“I feel like the solution you proposed earlier has something to do with Jiao Jiao,” the Crown Prince said after the meal, smiling faintly at Chen Huanzhi. “I also know how persistent she can be with you.”

He couldn’t blame his daughter for that.

Originally born into the royal family, the number of men Jiao Jiao could meet was limited. Chen Huanzhi, distinguished among men, was only a few years older than Jiao Jiao. Her teenage infatuation with him was quite normal.

“Your Highness,” Chen Huanzhi glanced at the Crown Prince, “there’s a difference in status between me and the county princess.”

He certainly wouldn’t admit that he deliberately found something for the county princess to do.

Managing these shops wasn’t something that could be done quickly. Maybe he wouldn’t need to see the county princess for a year or two.

“That doesn’t matter.”

“Your Highness, I also need to go back to study painting at home. I’ll take my leave for today.” Chen Huanzhi gave up arguing with the Crown Prince about these matters and just wanted to leave this place of gossip.

“Oh right, Ah Heng, the palace sent a lot of rare agarwood, very fragrant. I remember you like incense, take some back with you.” The Crown Prince felt he might have joked a bit too much earlier and quickly made amends.

“Perfect timing, there’s some that Jiao Jiao brought over from her playthings before. Light it up and see if you like it. If so, take more.” The Crown Prince took out a piece of agarwood from the pile of books. “Alright, I won’t say anymore. I was just joking around. I can’t say these things to anyone else.”

His daughter was old enough to care about face, so he couldn’t say this in front of her. It was fun to tease in private.

Chen Huanzhi remained reserved in his tone.

The Crown Prince meant well, and Chen Huanzhi couldn’t refuse. He reached out and lit the agarwood.

As the fragrance filled the air, scenes from Changyang’s world appeared before him, and Chen Huanzhi suddenly remembered the matter.

It was still early in the day. Normally at this time, Dong Changyang would either be reading dense and small-charactered books, or helping with cleaning or painting.

Their unspoken agreement was generally not to pry into each other’s lives when they had things to attend to.

But clearly, this was an exception.

What was Changyang doing right now?

Chen Huanzhi didn’t have time to dwell on it.Reality quickly provided him with an answer.

In another world, Dong Changyang pushed aside the mahjong tiles, and with a tone Chen Huanzhi rarely heard, she exclaimed joyfully, “Sorry, Aunt Wang, looks like you just lost again, so you owe a few more bucks.”

“All suited, I won again!”

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