You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Although Xu Nuo has already discussed with Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan is willing to go to work willingly, but Meng Zhengrong still has some doubts. Just to be sure, before falling asleep, he asked in a low voice, “Xiao Yuan, do you really want to work at Meng Corporation?”

In fact, prior to this, Meng Zhengrong had already reserved a position for Xu Yuan, a department manager in a department that was not too busy, but after Xu Yuan went once, she never went again.

Based on previous events, Meng Zhengrong had some doubts about whether Xu Yuan really wanted to go to work. If she was coerced by her family and ended up being blamed, he would be the one who suffered. Moreover, behaving like going to play at work to some extent would lead to discussions among the employees behind their backs, which was not what he wanted to see.

Xu Yuan also knew from Mother Xu that the original owner had once worked at Meng Corporation, but she only stayed for a day and didn’t go back again. Meng Zhengrong’s current concerns were understandable.

She remained silent for a moment and slowly said, “It’s boring at home, and being idle is no fun. Maybe going to work would be more interesting.”

Of course, this was not her sincere opinion, but considering the original owner’s personality, she wouldn’t want to arouse Meng Zhengrong’s suspicion by saying otherwise.

“Alright.” Meng Zhengrong had a feeling of ‘just as I expected’ in his heart. “The higher-ups at Meng Corporation have already seen you. Tomorrow, when you go to work, within a day or two, everyone will know that you’re Mrs. Meng. No one will trouble you. If you find it boring, you can leave early without notifying anyone.”

This was a reassuring statement for Xu Yuan and also a form of psychological preparation for himself.

He never really thought that Xu Yuan would stay at Meng Corporation for long. If she could stay for half a year and even arrive late and leave early every day, that would already be a pleasant surprise.

It wasn’t that Meng Zhengrong looked down on Xu Yuan. It was just that in his heart, Xu Yuan was like a delicate flower kept in a greenhouse. Now that they were married, she had simply moved from one greenhouse to another.

Of course, Meng Zhengrong was more than happy to take care of this flower.

Meng Zhengrong’s meaning was clear to Xu Yuan, and she had no intention of arguing. She just smiled and said, “In that case, will my salary be deducted?”

“Who dares to deduct your salary,” Meng Zhengrong paused and chuckled, “the entire Meng Corporation belongs to you.”

He didn’t deny that his words now were meant to make the little girl happy. At this moment, he hoped that Xu Yuan would be happy.

Now that the lights were off and the curtains were drawn, Xu Yuan couldn’t see Meng Zhengrong’s face, so she had no psychological barriers to engage in such a conversation with him. “Really? Does that mean I can ask for any salary I want?”

She didn’t really care about the money, but she suddenly realized that between her and Meng Zhengrong, there needed to be some intimacy as people would expect, especially now that they were married. During the day, she couldn’t guarantee it, but at night, when she couldn’t see his face, with a bit of self-suggestion, on days when her mood was good, she could interact with him romantically.

At this moment, Meng Zhengrong was thinking the same thing. When there was no need to be busy with work and had enough time, he was willing to develop feelings with Xu Yuan. If he was busy, then he would just let things happen naturally.

Taking a ten-minute break for a chat right now was acceptable.

“Of course, it’s all yours.”

Meng Zhengrong’s meaning was clear, and Xu Yuan could hear it. She didn’t intend to say much, just smiled and said,”That’s good, then.”

After hearing Xu Yuan’s response, Meng Zhengrong felt completely at ease.

The next morning, after breakfast, Xu Yuan went to work in the company by car with Meng Zhengrong.

Xu Yuan tried to keep her distance from Meng Zhengrong as much as possible. Meng Zhengrong glanced at her and couldn’t help but admire her appearance and style today.

Her makeup was light, making her fair and translucent skin even more radiant. Xu Yuan’s favorite color, green, made her look fresh, natural, and lively.

City A started to heat up today. She was wearing a rough wood green sleeveless dress, and she looked fresh, natural and lively.

The color that makes the eyes feel the most comfortable is green. Meng Zhengrong now felt comfortable both in his eyes and in his heart. After some time, the car arrived at the parking lot, and the driver respectfully opened the car door. Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong got out of the car.

“The head of the Finance Department is going to have a baby in about two months and will take a six-month maternity leave. She’s a good person, and I haven’t thought about changing the Finance Manager in recent years. So, during her absence, a supervisor will take over some of her work. I plan to assign you to work in the Finance Department. What do you think?” Meng Zhengrong explained his decision.

The most suitable person for the job was her. After all, she was now Mrs. Meng, and no one would dare to cause trouble under the boss’s watchful eye.

“I have no objections.”

Hearing Xu Yuan’s agreement, Meng Zhengrong was completely reassured.

A group of employees in the Finance Department who had been watching the scene unfold in the morning were taken aback. They hadn’t seen Xu Yuan before, and now, with her arrival, they were all stunned. They didn’t know who this beautiful woman was.

The Finance Manager, Lynn, was a pregnant woman with a big belly. I don’t know if it was because of her pregnancy. She gave people a very gentle feeling. When she saw Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan coming over, she quickly stood up and picked up the phone to tell the assistant outside. Make coffee.

Meng Zhengrong’s hand naturally rested on Xu Yuan’s shoulder.

This is a show of affection in front of subordinates, which helps to establish prestige for Xu Yuan. 

Xu Yuan, however, felt extremely uncomfortable. There was a moment when she even thought about giving Meng Zhengrong a toss over her shoulder, but she didn’t dare.

‘This isn’t the emperor, this isn’t the emperor, this isn’t the emperor!’

She encouraged herself in this way.

Meng Zhengrong introduced Xu Yuan to the Finance Manager, Lynn, saying, “This is my wife, and she’ll be troubling you in the future.”

Finance Manager Lynn extended her hand to shake hands with Xu Yuan, “Mrs. Meng, I’m nearly a generation older than you. If you don’t mind, you can call me Sister Zhou.”

“Sister Zhou, I’ll rely on you in the future.” Xu Yuan understood that it would be best to appear as unpretentious as possible in front of someone like Sister Zhou. She blinked at Sister Zhou.

Sister Zhou had made herself clear earlier, she was nearly a generation older than Xu Yuan. Despite her status as Mrs. Meng, her real role here would be more like a younger sister. In this way, Sister Zhou would likely be more willing to teach her useful things.

Xu Yuan had a good appearance, and with her makeup and attire today, she looked youthful and innocent, like a recent graduate.

Sister Zhou smiled but didn’t say anything. It was clear that she didn’t dislike Xu Yuan, which was a favorable outcome.

After speaking with Sister Zhou, Meng Zhengrong turned back and walked out with Xu Yuan, with Sister Zhou following behind.

Meng Zhengrong walked a few steps and then seemed to remember something, so he turned back.

He naturally knew that the Finance Department’s employees were watching closely, although they appeared to be working or making phone calls. Xu Yuan was still young and inexperienced, lacking work experience. She had always been pampered and sheltered, so he worried that she might not be able to handle this environment.

As her husband, he felt that he should do something for her.

To boldly announce to all the employees that she was his wife, the boss’s wife, seemed somewhat contrived, and he wasn’t accustomed to such actions.

Meng Zhengrong walked up to Xu Yuan and, in a voice that everyone could hear, said with a smile, “For lunch, should I have my secretary bring you food, or do you want to join me upstairs?”

Several employees couldn’t help but gasp in surprise. By now, they all knew that this beautiful woman’s identity was definitely not ordinary.

Xu Yuan understood Meng Zhengrong’s intention. She should be grateful in theory, but facing this situation, she was already doing well by not letting her legs go weak. She couldn’t pretend to return the same affectionate gaze.

She couldn’t even fake it.

Xu Yuan could only muster the courage to say, “Either option is fine.”

“Then let’s have lunch together.”

Meng Zhengrong wanted to pat her head again, but he quickly realized that it might be overacting, so he refrained himself.


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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