You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 27.2

Chapter 27.2

Xu Yuan got up and wanted to go to the bathroom. Meng Zhengrong, who was resting with his eyes closed, heard the sound, opened his eyes, and sat up, asking, “Where are you going?”

In this unfamiliar environment, he really didn’t want Xu Yuan out of his sight.

Xu Yuan: “To the bathroom.”

Meng Zhengrong’s expression was a bit strange. After a while, he said, “Take care.”

He really didn’t know what else to say.

Ever since he went to that bathroom, he decided that unless he was unbearably thirsty, he would avoid drinking water. Each visit to the bathroom on this train made him question his life choices.

At first, Xu Yuan didn’t understand Meng Zhengrong’s meaning. When she stood at the bathroom door, hesitated for a while, held her breath, and walked in, she came out with a very solemn expression.

At this moment, Xu Yuan even admired Meng Zhengrong a little. Such a person, accompanying her to a poor town to offer warmth, squeezing into a train, and now enduring such a bathroom…

Just as she was about to cross a carriage to return to her seat, a young boy with a red face blocked her way.

Xu Yuan, puzzled, looked at the young man and asked, “Excuse me, is there something you need?”

The young man frequently glanced to the side, and Xu Yuan followed his gaze to see a man and a woman looking their way, seemingly cheering the boy on.

Seeing Xu Yuan looking over, the man and woman quickly turned their heads, pretending to enjoy the scenery.

What’s going on?

“Uh, miss, could you give me your WeChat?” The young man didn’t even dare to look Xu Yuan in the eyes. He stared at the ground. “I wanted to ask when I first saw you…”

Xu Yuan finally understood what he wanted.

Setting aside her marital status, this boy was too young, and she didn’t like men who stuttered and didn’t dare to look her in the eye.

Xu Yuan politely declined, “I’m sorry, I’m already married. My husband is waiting for me.”

The young man clearly couldn’t believe her words, as Xu Yuan looked very young. But seeing the diamond ring on her right ring finger, he understood everything. His fair face turned even redder, and he even bowed to Xu Yuan, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

After saying that, he didn’t dare look at Xu Yuan and quickly turned around and ran away.

Xu Yuan was in a good mood, not for any particular reason. In her previous life, she was not bad-looking, but because of her identity, she was destined to be devoid of romantic relationships.

No one ever hit on her, oh, wait, that’s not true, but those instances had nothing to do with romance.

No matter how long Xu Yuan pretended to be a man, deep down, she was still a woman. Having someone interested in her naturally made her secretly pleased.

Today, she received her first flirtation from the opposite sex.

Xu Yuan continued walking toward the carriage, in a good mood. Before reaching her seat, she saw Meng Zhengrong coming over, looking displeased. He asked in a low voice, “What did that person want?”

Although she was pleased, Xu Yuan wasn’t foolish. Even if Meng Zhengrong had no feelings for her, she was still his wife. No man likes such things. Xu Yuan’s expression remained unchanged as she replied, “Nothing, just asked for the time.”

Meng Zhengrong’s mouth twitched. He had to suspect that his intelligence in her eyes was negative.

Otherwise, how could she come up with such a clumsy excuse to brush him off?

He had stood at the aisle entrance and saw a man blocking her way from afar. As a man himself, Meng Zhengrong could understand why other men would be moved by her, but she was his wife. Legally, she was his spouse. So, no matter how understanding, he still had the urge to kick the other man away.

Fortunately, he restrained himself. Getting jealous over a stranger’s flirtation is a privilege for teenage boys. For someone in his thirties, doing so would make Xu Yuan despise him, and he would feel childish.

A mature and stable man wouldn’t get angry because of another man.

Xu Yuan sat on her bunk, humming a song in a good mood.

Both men and women would be happy about such things, and she was no exception.

She didn’t even bother to hide the expression on her face. Meng Zhengrong saw this and, although very unhappy, couldn’t say anything. He could only sit opposite her with a sullen face.

He now positioned himself as a very gentlemanly suitor.

Naturally, he couldn’t contradict himself. Meng Zhengrong mentally noted this and prepared to educate her properly after she started liking him.

Time on the train passed slowly. By evening, Meng Zhengrong made two cups of instant noodles, one for each. Instant noodles smell good but lose their appeal after one bite. Someone passed by with a cart selling boxed meals. Meng Zhengrong glanced at it and thought the boxed meal looked worse than instant noodles.

In the past two days, they hadn’t had much rest. After eating the noodles, they brushed their teeth and washed their faces. Bathing was out of the question. Each played on their phones and fell asleep before the lights went out.

The train wasn’t as smooth as high-speed rail and made noise, but strangely, the more it shook, the better they slept.

They woke up to daylight, brushed their teeth, washed their faces, and prepared to get off the train.

The passengers, just waking up, were still groggy. But hearing the broadcast introducing City A, they excitedly remarked.

This scene mirrored most people in the world. Though ordinary, their simple pleasures brought much joy.

Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan didn’t have much luggage, but many people were disembarking.

He held the suitcase in one hand and Xu Yuan’s hand tightly in the other.

Although Xu Yuan felt awkward, she knew that with so many people around, she had to stick with him. If they got separated, it would be troublesome, so she obediently followed him.

After finally exiting the station, City A had fully entered summer. Though it was early morning, with the sun already up, it wasn’t too hot.

Meng Zhengrong made a call, and within three minutes, a man in a black suit arrived to pick them up.

Sitting comfortably in the car again, Xu Yuan felt a sense of being in a different world.

Without analyzing the disparity between rich and poor, Xu Yuan had only one thought in her mind—being rich is good.

No matter how precious ordinary life is, in both her past and present lives, she was not content with being ordinary.

Because they slept soundly on the train, Meng Zhengrong looked much better than the previous day. Seeing it was still early, he asked his assistant to drive them home. He needed a bath, a shave, and a change into formal wear, bidding farewell to his down-to-earth self of the past two days to return to his normal life.

“You should rest at home today,” Meng Zhengrong said to Xu Yuan. “Or take a few days off.”

“I’ll go to the company tomorrow,” Xu Yuan paused. “We took photos, right? Strike while the iron is hot.”

Meng Zhengrong had planned to take some time in the coming days to spread the photos within the company, ostensibly as a demonstration for employees but actually to publicize his charitable actions. Xu Yuan initially thought the same but now wanted to take this opportunity to take charge of the Meng’s charity projects.

“Are you ready? Don’t you need to prepare?”

If his relatives were easy to deal with, he wouldn’t have endured so long.

Xu Yuan nodded, “Haven’t you been preparing for years?”

Meng Zhengrong wouldn’t have said that without doing some homework.

Hearing this, Meng Zhengrong smiled, “Okay, we’ll talk more tonight.”

From their interaction on the train, it was clear that if they worked together, they would be very compatible.

What benefited him also benefited her. By removing these obstacles, the power within the Meng family would return to them.

For Meng Zhengrong, a harsh reality was that whether it was his uncle, aunt, or other relatives, it was better to reclaim their power and give it to his wife.

Relatives are relatives, and a wife is a wife. Legally, the spouse is the primary heir.

They reached a consensus and didn’t discuss it further. Within an hour, they arrived back at the villa.

After taking a shower, Xu Yuan went to bed, while Meng Zhengrong, still energetic, ate breakfast slowly in the dining room.

Looking at the bright floor-to-ceiling windows, the smooth marble floor, and the spotless furniture, Meng Zhengrong felt very comfortable.

The middle-aged butler, who had worked for the Meng family for over a decade, had a good relationship with Meng Zhengrong. Seeing him happy, he asked with a smile, “Are you happy going out with your wife this time?”  

Meng Zhengrong thought about it for a moment. Although the living conditions were uncomfortable, the food was unappetizing, and even going to the restroom was a nightmare, thinking about the details of his time with Xu Yuan made him feel that the hardship was worth it.

“It wasn’t too bad,” Meng Zhengrong paused. “But next time my wife and I go out, it would be great if you could prepare more food for us.”

The butler couldn’t hide his surprise. “Why? Was the food outside not good?”

This time, Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan had joined Madam Wang’s group. Mother Meng was on good terms with Madam. Wang, which is why she felt assured letting her son and daughter-in-law go to a remote place.

But now, from what Meng Zhengrong was implying, had they not had enough to eat during the trip?

If Mother Meng found out, it would be quite a situation.

“The food outside just isn’t as good as what we have at home,” Meng Zhengrong glanced at the butler. “Don’t mention this to my mother.”

The butler understood perfectly. “Understood.”

He was very clear about his role; when Mother Meng inquired about the big and small happenings in the villa, he only mentioned trivial matters.

Meng Zhengrong had a meeting in the afternoon, but after breakfast, he planned to go to the company. Before leaving, he specifically went upstairs to the bedroom, quietly tiptoeing to the bedside.

She was the cutest and most obedient when she was asleep.

At times, like yesterday on the train, when he looked at her for a bit too long, she would ask, “Why are you looking at me?”

How was he supposed to answer that?

Undeniably, Xu Yuan was becoming almost perfect in Meng Zhengrong’s heart.

But just close, Meng Zhengrong thought. If Xu Yuan liked him, she would be perfect.

Meng Zhengrong watched Xu Yuan for a while, then got up and left the bedroom. As he walked to the garage, he picked up his phone and started typing something.

Yes, he changed Xu Yuan’s contact name in his phone and WeChat from “Xu Yuan” to “Wife.”


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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