You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 28.1

Chapter 28.1

Chen Hao sat on the balcony, flipping through his phone. His fair, slender fingers hovered over Xu Yuan’s number in his contacts, but he couldn’t bring himself to call.

Initially, he didn’t want to break up with Xu Yuan and hadn’t even considered it. Like most men, when faced with Sun Zhi’s flirtatious advances, he couldn’t resist. He swore that even after making a mistake with Sun Zhi, he never intended to leave Xu Yuan. It was Xu Yuan who wanted to break up. He had tried to win her back, but it was useless. Just as he decided to play the long game, Xu Yuan went and married Meng Zhengrong.

He knew she wanted to cut off any thoughts he had of rekindling their relationship. At first, he was sad, but compared to the high and mighty Xu Yuan, Sun Zhi’s gentle and attentive nature won him over.

Maybe this wasn’t such a bad thing. At least he didn’t have to be torn between two women.

But things didn’t go as he imagined. Without his relationship with Xu Yuan, his so-called good friends stopped contacting him. Even at social gatherings, no one approached his parents for a chat anymore.

This change shocked the Chen family. Without the support of the Xu family, the Chen family could hardly maintain their status in A City’s social circle.

Chen Hao felt regretful, but it was too late. Xu Yuan would never divorce Meng Zhengrong.

His thoughts were contradictory. On one hand, he wished things could go back to how they were. On the other hand, he hoped Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong would last forever because if Xu Yuan divorced Meng Zhengrong, who knew if the Meng family would hold the Chen family accountable?

Going up against the Meng family would be like hitting a rock with an egg. He wasn’t that foolish, so he hoped Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong would stay together.

Seeing Xu Yuan recently was unexpected. He knew they would meet eventually but didn’t expect her attitude to be like that.

Since then, Chen Hao’s thoughts had been consumed with what Xu Yuan meant by her behavior. Even when he was with Sun Zhi, he couldn’t focus.

He wanted to contact Xu Yuan, to say anything. He had a shameful thought that as long as Xu Yuan still had a bit of feeling for him, he would feel better.

After all, hadn’t she liked him a lot before?

Not liking someone anymore and knowing they had found new happiness didn’t mean he wanted her to forget him.

This thought he could only keep to himself, never daring to tell anyone.

Sun Zhi came in carrying shopping bags. Seeing Chen Hao on the balcony, she put the groceries in the fridge. After finishing, she walked up behind him, bent down to hug him, resting her chin on his shoulder, her lips brushing his cheek.

“What are you thinking about?” Sun Zhi’s voice was sweet and gentle. Even when arguing, she never raised her voice. “You’ve not been eating well these past few days, so I bought some good ribs to make soup for you later.”

Chen Hao quickly put away his phone. “You don’t need to go to all that trouble. If I want soup, I can just go home.”

Sun Zhi noticed his action but didn’t get angry. Instead, she kissed his cheek and playfully said, “Can the soup your housekeeper makes compare to mine? I’m worried about you losing weight.”

Chen Hao felt a moment of guilt.

Despite all Sun Zhi had done for him, enduring his parents’ criticism and friends’ disapproval, he was still preoccupied with a married woman.

He thought for a moment, patted her hand, and said softly, “Didn’t you say your friend’s shoes were nice the other day? I’ll give you money to buy them.”

Sun Zhi’s smile grew sweeter. “You’re so good to me.”

“You’re my girlfriend. If I’m not good to you, who should I be good to?”

Sun Zhi said sweetly, “Being with you, I don’t mind any of these things. I’m willing to endure hardships.”

Hearing this, Chen Hao sighed inwardly. Xu Yuan would never have such thoughts or say such things.

While Chen Hao went to the bedroom to play games, Sun Zhi busied herself in the kitchen.

Making soup takes at least a few hours. The open kitchen in Chen Hao’s apartment made the place look bright. Standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows, she could see the traffic and people below. This was the life she wanted.

Holding a cup of coffee, standing on the polished floor, with a faint fragrance in the air.

For this life, betraying a friend or two didn’t matter.

Chen Hao was the best she had ever found but the least well-off among Xu Yuan’s acquaintances.

Without Chen Hao, she would revert to being an ordinary person struggling to live in A City.

Wearing cheap clothes and shopping at wet markets.

Without Chen Hao, this would be her life.

She absolutely didn’t want that. Used to spacious houses, moving back to a cramped rental would be unbearable.

And Xu Yuan? Without Chen Hao, she still married Meng Zhengrong, living a splendid and comfortable life.

Why should she feel guilty? Ultimately, it’s survival of the fittest. She believed Xu Yuan would understand one day.

She knew Chen Hao had seen Xu Yuan recently. Whatever Xu Yuan said or did, it distracted him. But it didn’t matter; she had ways to keep his heart.

Meng Zhengrong returned to the company. After handling the piled-up work, it was already noon. Rushing home to have lunch with Xu Yuan was unrealistic, so he called his assistant to bring lunch.

Before he could eat, his uncle showed up.

Meng Zhengrong’s uncle, Shen Ming, was from the Shen family, once a prominent family in A City. But by his grandfather’s generation, they had declined, now relying on the Meng family.

To facilitate company management, the Shen family had requested that Shen Ming be given a comfortable position in the Meng Corporation. His annual salary and bonuses were enough for a lavish life in A City, as the Meng family wouldn’t shortchange Mother Meng’s brother.

Shen Ming had been in the Meng Corporation for over a decade. Even if he initially had no power, he had accumulated some over the years.

If Shen Ming had any competence, Meng Zhengrong wouldn’t want to make things difficult for him. But his uncle was adept at embezzling money.

After taking over the company, Meng Zhengrong had examined the accounts. While others were somewhat discreet, his uncle, relying on his status, was blatant.

Before, he didn’t have time to address this, but now he had to. Shen Ming’s embezzlement was too much to ignore.

“Uncle, what brings you here?” Despite his dislike, Meng Zhengrong asked politely, putting down his work.

Shen Ming, unperturbed, sat on the sofa, glanced around the office, and said, “Zhengrong, is this your lunch? Is the cafeteria staff trying to get fired, neglecting the president?”

Meng Zhengrong disliked this attitude, and his smile faded.

Everyone in the company knew Meng Zhengrong’s temperament. Even his retired father avoided angering him.

Shen Ming quickly changed the subject, “Zhengrong, I heard you and your wife went to the countryside for poverty alleviation? Is that true?”

The inevitable had come.

Meng Zhengrong nodded. “Yes.”

Shen Ming’s face turned awkward.”Don’t we have charity projects in the company? Why do you need to go to those remote places? If your parents knew about this, they would probably blame me. I often go to the countryside for inspection. The conditions there are extremely poor. Your wife, a rich lady, can’t stand it.”

Meng Zhengrong gave him a look, causing Shen Ming to shiver.

“Uncle, you’re mistaken,” Meng Zhengrong calmly adjusted his cufflinks. “You know the Wang family, right? Madam Wang is older than my mother, yet she does it. So, why can’t my wife and I do it?”

Shen Ming, startled, smiled and said, “You’re right. I misspoke. I know you’re capable of enduring hardships. You’ve always been tough.”

“Uncle, you didn’t come just for this, did you?” Meng Zhengrong asked. “If so, a phone call would suffice. No need for the trouble.”

Shen Ming laughed, “What are you saying? An uncle caring for his nephew is no trouble.”

“Thank you for your concern, then.”

“You must be busy with work after just returning. I won’t disturb you.” Shen Ming stood up. “Come to my house for dinner sometime. Your aunt was asking about you yesterday.”

Meng Zhengrong nodded. “Sure, if we have time, Xu Yuan and I will come.”

As Shen Ming left, both their expressions changed.

Meng Zhengrong’s smile vanished, and Shen Ming’s did too.

Shen Ming had managed the company’s charity projects before Meng Zhengrong took over. Although it seemed unimportant, those in the know understood the potential for profit.

Recently, Shen Ming heard that Meng Zhengrong and his wife had gone to the countryside for a charity inspection. This was a bad sign. Meng Zhengrong had never shown interest in charity before. Shen Ming had planned to pass this position to his son.

Now, Meng Zhengrong’s interest was alarming. Was he planning a reform?

That couldn’t happen. Shen Ming would fight to keep this lucrative position.

Back in his office, Shen Ming sat for a while before calling his sister.

Mother Meng answered the call while out for beauty treatments.

“Sister, did you know Zhengrong is back?” Shen Ming tried to stay calm, sounding cheerful.

Mother Meng knew and was planning to visit Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan’s new house for dinner.

She was pleased. “Yes, I know. Xu Yuan called me this morning.”

She liked Xu Yuan, finding her more communicative than her son had been.

Mother Meng now really likes Xu Yuan. Before, her son rarely called her when he was away from home. Now with a sensible daughter-in-law, she understands her son’s situation better than before.

Xu Yuan called Mother Meng before getting off the train and said she would come back to the old house for dinner at night. However, Mother Meng felt sorry for her son and daughter-in-law and said she would come over to eat by herself, so they didn’t have to make a special trip.

Shen Ming’s face looked serious, but his tone was gentle. “Sister, why don’t you persuade Zhengrong to go back and rest for a few days?’

When Mother Meng heard this, she sat up, frowned, and asked, “What do you mean by that?”

“I just went to find Zhengrong. Originally, I wanted to have a meal with him and ask about his situation. But when I saw him, it had only been two days since I last saw him, and he had lost a lot of weight. Sister, I really feel sorry for him. I wanted to advise him to rest more, but I know his temperament—he’s a workaholic.”

As for whether Meng Zhengrong had really lost weight, Shen Ming hadn’t noticed at all.

But now that he mentioned it to Mother Meng, when she sees Meng Zhengrong again, even if he hasn’t lost weight, with the preconceived notion in mind, she will think he has.

Shortly after Shen Ming left the office, Meng Zhengrong thought for a moment and called Xu Yuan’s mobile number.

Xu Yuan had already woken up from a nap and was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV.

“Is there something wrong?” It was past dinner time, so Meng Zhengrong couldn’t have called her for no reason. There must be something.

Meng Zhengrong tapped his fingers on the table, his voice deep, “My uncle just came by and asked if we went to the countryside for poverty alleviation.”

Xu Yuan responded with an acknowledgment. This younger uncle was indeed impatient. As soon as Meng Zhengrong came back, he couldn’t wait to confirm it. However, this was also within her expectations.

Meng Zhengrong paused and added, “Knowing him, he will probably go to find my mom. Get ready. If there’s anything you can’t handle, just call me directly. Don’t try to handle it alone.”

For Xu Yuan, him saying this was already satisfactory.

She had been in contact with Mother Meng for a while now. If she couldn’t handle Mother Meng, she would have died hundreds of times in her previous life.

“Got it,” Xu Yuan added, “Thank you.”

Meng Zhengrong couldn’t help but smile wryly at this, “Thank you? I should be the one saying that. No, no, we’re married. Say ‘thank you’ for what?”

In the end, they were the ones who benefited.

Xu Yuan’s biggest fear was Meng Zhengrong becoming a hands-off boss. Even if he ignored everything, she could still control the current situation. But if he expressed his willingness to help her and stood by her side, things would be much easier for her.

After all, she couldn’t afford to lose her job at the financial department.


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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