You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 28.2

Chapter 28.2

Around four o’clock, Mother Meng hurried over. Xu Yuan didn’t have the habit of wearing makeup at home, and the biggest difference between before and after makeup was her complexion.

Plus, Xu Yuan hadn’t rested well these past few days. When Mother Meng saw her like this, she believed what her younger brother had said.

Compared to feeling sorry for her daughter-in-law, Mother Meng felt more sorry for her son.

Seeing Mother Meng’s not-so-good complexion, Xu Yuan was prepared and went into the bedroom with Mother Meng. Xu Yuan calmly brewed flower tea for Mengmu and waited for her questions.

Mengmu placed one hand on Xu Yuan’s hand. “Why do you look so haggard after just two days away? What’s the matter with this Madam Wang that made you go to such a remote place? Even if you go, you should be honest with your mother. Did they neglect your food and accommodation?”

Madam Wang was really caught in the crossfire. Before leaving, Madam Wang clearly told Xu Yuan that due to limited conditions there, she wouldn’t worry too much about food and lodging. Xu Yuan believed that if conditions permitted, Madam Wang would definitely try her best to make them comfortable.

After all, it was clear that Madam Wang hoped she could persevere.

Xu Yuan couldn’t lie. She couldn’t evade questions that would come up so easily. If she lied and muddled through this time, it would probably be enough to overturn the good impression she had previously cultivated in Mother Meng’s mind.

“Mom, the places that need our help are definitely poor, but you can rest assured. Zhengrong considered it more carefully than I did. He insisted on driving there in a RV, so we’re quite comfortable.”

Xu Yuan paused for a moment, noticing that Mother Meng’s expression had softened a lot. Only then did she continue, “As for the food, you know everywhere is not as good as home. The butler prepared a lot of food for us before departure. Although it wasn’t the best food, they really didn’t neglect us. If my complexion is bad, it’s because of the train ride. I can only blame the bad weather that day.”

If Mother Meng thought Madam Wang was not considerate enough, even if she wouldn’t directly show her dissatisfaction with Madam Wang, she would probably have some opinions in the future.

Regardless of Madam Wang’s purpose or thoughts, at least she had pointed it out.

If it weren’t for Madam Wang, she wouldn’t have known she could do charity work.

Although Mother Meng had some objections, she eased up a lot. “You’re such a kind person. No matter what, this trip was hard for you. Xiao Yuan, you’re the jewel of our Meng family and your family’s pride. There’s no reason for you to endure hardships in the countryside. Our Meng family also engages in charity. Don’t worry about this in the future. If you’re unwilling to refuse, Mom will help you talk to Madam Wang.”

Xu Yuan now understood. Before, why Meng Zhengrong didn’t deal with the younger uncle was because there was no suitable candidate to take over charity work and because of Mother Meng.

Mother Meng and the younger uncle had a good relationship, and Mother Meng usually took good care of her natal family. As long as the younger uncle said something in front of Mother Meng, it was enough to give Meng Zhengrong a headache.

Xu Yuan didn’t speak. She was considering what role she should play in this matter to be most appropriate.

It was absolutely impossible to clash with Mother Meng. No matter what kind of person Mother Meng was, it was better to maintain a good relationship with her for now.

Most importantly, she didn’t need to confront Mother Menghead-on, which had no benefit to her.

Thinking about this, Xu Yuan looked very embarrassed. She took Mother Meng’s hand and said, “Mom, I won’t hide it from you. Actually, I don’t want to do charity work. When Madam Wang talked to me before, I thought it would be interesting.”

Mother Meng followed her words, “Then don’t do it in the future. Our company also has this charity project.”

Xu Yuan was even more embarrassed, with a face full of words and stopped, “But Zhengrong told me that he hopes I will continue.”

She had thought about it and pushed the pot to Meng Zhengrong. Anyway, Mother Meng cared most about her children. No matter what, she wouldn’t be the same. If Mother Meng was determined that she wanted to do it and Meng Zhengrong accompanied her to suffer, that wouldn’t be good.

Now there is only one, let Mother Meng know, all of this is Meng Zhengrong’s decision.

Mother Meng wondered, “Why?”

Xu Yuan sighed, “I actually just want to learn something from the company. I’m not willing to run around like this. But Zhengrong told me that the Meng family is far behind other companies in this area, and he also said that the wives of other company bosses are doing charity work. Like Madam Wang, because she has been insisting on doing it, the reputation of the Wang family is very good.”

Mother Meng frowned.

“Zhengrong also said that the people in the company, always do not be as good as their own to win the reputation, he usually works so hard, mom, you do not know, sometimes I see him still working after getting off work. My heart is also very sad. I can’t help him with his work, but now that he has asked for it, I have to continue doing it no matter how hard or tiring it is.”

Xu Yuan’s speaking speed was not fast, her voice was very gentle.This time is an exception. This is our first time. We will learn from our experience in the future and will definitely not be like this time.”

Mother Meng was a little unconvinced and asked hesitantly, “Did Zhengrong really ask you to do it?”

“Yeah.” Xu Yuan nodded.

Yes, he asked her to do it. In a sense, she didn’t lie.

Seeing that Mother Meng still wanted to continue questioning, Xu Yuan subtly shifted the topic, “But I discussed with him that after I got pregnant, we will put it on hold for the time being.”

Mother Meng is not old, her friends and relatives all already have grandchildren, Mother Meng was jealous when she saw them. But now the word “pregnancy” had captured her attention, so she could not care about anything else. She asked hurriedly, “Do you mean you are preparing for pregnancy?”

“Zhengrong said that we need to take care of our body now.”

She does need to take care of her body, but she didn’t say when.

Mother Meng suddenly enlightened. There is also a smile in her eyes, “I don’t know about the company’s affairs, but you and Zhengrong have already discussed it. I don’t have much to say. Just be careful when you go out next time. If you really can’t, bring the cook with you next time.”

“That’s natural, Zhengrong usually works so hard. So, I can’t let him eat badly.”

Mother Meng was completely reassured upon hearing this. She had originally thought they were just fooling around, but now she knew they were sensible. She had nothing more to worry about. “Xiao Yuan, Zhengrong is older than you, which is what you young people call a generation gap. Before marrying you, he was focused solely on work, inevitably neglecting to be considerate towards you at times after the marriage. Be patient with him. Both your father and I see all the efforts you put into this family.”

“Mom, the way you put it, this is my family too.”

“‘Good child.”

Seeing Mother Meng happy, Xu Yuan could finally breathe easy, believing it would be difficult for little uncle  to sow discord between them again in the short term.

In the afternoon, Meng Zhengrong rushed back after a meeting. He was afraid that Xu Yuan could not handle it alone, but when he entered the room, he saw his mother and Xu Yuan sitting on the sofa discussing the plot of the TV series. The atmosphere was so harmonious that he felt relieved but also a little disappointed.

He had thought Xu Yuan would be challenged by his mother, giving him a chance to play the hero.

But the planned scenario had no place to be used. Ai.

However, seeing Xu Yuan not being troubled by his mother, he was also happy.

He knew very well what kind of person his mother was. Fortunately, he wasn’t spoiled by her. He was very determined and basically no one could influence his decisions.

For example, before marriage, Mother Meng asked him if he could live in the old house after marriage, or use a villa near the old house as a new house, but he flatly refused.

Because he knows very well that throughout history, there are probably not many people who live with or live very close to their mother-in-law and get along particularly well with them.

Things that are far away are fragrant, while things that are near are smelly. After he gets married, he will have his own small family. If his family is not harmonious, how can he concentrate on his work?

In short, for the sake of good health and a harmonious marriage, don’t let your parents interfere in your family affairs.

Meng Zhengrong changed his shoes and came to sit next to his mother on the sofa, casually asking, “Mom, when did you come? I was just about to go pick you up.”

“‘Come here, I have something to tell you.” Seeing her son come back, Mother Meng exchanged a look with Xu Yuan, then took Meng Zhengrong upstairs.

Xu Yuan caught Mother Meng’s look, smiled, and continued watching TV. She could roughly guess what Mother Meng wanted to talk to Meng Zhengrong about.

Meng Zhengrong followed his mother to the study, completely puzzled.

After closing the study door, Mother Meng looked her son up and down. He had lost some weight, but he still looked energetic. She lowered her voice and asked, “Did you ask Xiao Yuan to do charity work?”

Meng Zhengrong was dumbfounded. What was going on? How did the conversation start like this?

He did want her to do charity work, that’s true. But why did it sound… strange?

“‘Zhengrong, Xiao Yuan is still young and has never suffered. You want her to do charity work. Mom knows you’re doing it for the good of the company, so I won’t question your decision. But you must remember her kindness and be more considerate to her in daily life. These days I’ve spent with her, I think she’s a very good girl. You must treat her well.”

As a mother, how could she not know what kind of person Meng Zhengrong was in the past?

Let’s not talk about the past. Those are things of the past. Now she wanted to tell her son to take his marriage seriously and be more considerate of his wife.

She just hoped her son and daughter-in-law could get along well, and then have a chubby baby. That would satisfy her.

Meng Zhengrong finally understood Xu Yuan’s strategy. It seemed she had shifted the blame onto him—he was the distant and inconsiderate husband, while she was the silently dedicated and selfless wife, always thinking of her husband’s good. Well, well, he couldn’t help but applaud her.

He was annoyed, but couldn’t show it.

On one hand, Meng Zhengrong was irritated by being tricked by Xu Yuan.

But at the same time, he was somewhat relieved. At least for now, it appeared his wife wasn’t foolish at all.


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