You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 30.2

Chapter 30.2

After clocking in at the company, Xu Yuan handled her work as usual and then called Meng Zhengrong’s assistant.

Xu Yuan had interacted with Meng Zhengrong’s assistant several times. It was said that he had been by Meng Zhengrong’s side since he took over the Meng family business. He was a very capable young man.

Summoned by the boss’s wife, Assistant Sun hurriedly came to the finance department without delay.

Xu Yuan had already tidied up his desk and greeted Sister Zhou. When Assistant Sun arrived, she smiled at him. “Assistant Sun, I hope I didn’t disturb your work?”

Assistant Sun quickly replied, “Not at all.”

“I’d like to ask, do the colleagues handling charity projects in the company have a special office?” Xu Yuan picked up her bag and headed towards the door. Assistant Sun quickly followed.

“Yes, they do, on the eleventh floor.”

“Very good.” As they spoke, they arrived at the elevator. Xu Yuan turned to Assistant Sun with a smile. “Assistant Sun, how about we go for afternoon tea together?”

Assistant Sun speculated inwardly about various things, but dared not show it, so he could only readily agree.

There’s a tea restaurant downstairs in the company, located in the city center with slightly higher prices, but many white-collar workers nearby come here to eat; the taste is pretty good.

“How many colleagues are responsible for the charity projects?” Meng Zhengrong hadn’t had a chance to discuss this with Xu Yuan, but Xu Yuan wasn’t in a hurry, perhaps hoping to learn more from Assistant Sun.

Assistant Sun recalled for a moment and truthfully told her.

“Are they all recruited by the HR department?” Xu Yuan asked again.

Executive assistants are versatile talents, often knowing more than the leaders about many matters.

“Yes. Regardless of which department, all employees are hired according to the company’s recruitment process. This is the case for the secretarial department, and it’s the same for me.”

Assistant Sun’s words were very intriguing. Xu Yuan guessed that he wanted to tell her that even though Shen Ming was in charge of the public welfare project, the employees under him were not his own, but the company’s.

“I wonder how these employees are treated…”

Assistant Sun knew Xu Yuan was probing for information. The boss’s wife and the boss are husband and wife, and the boss and Shen Ming are uncle and nephew… He decisively replied, “As far as I know, in addition to base salaries and regular benefits, their bonuses and performance are tied to project development.”

Xu Yuan took a sip of her iced milk tea and continued, “President Meng asked me to learn about charity work, and I’ve only recently married him. I’m not very familiar with Uncle Shen either…”

When talking to smart people, you don’t need to be too straightforward. She believed Assistant Sun could understand her intentions.

Assistant Sun thought for a while and said bluntly, “Manager Shen is usually very busy with work, and I seldom have the opportunity to meet him…”

Ah, understood.

Xu Yuan understood that Shen Ming rarely appeared in the company, so she could roughly infer that he probably didn’t have a close relationship with the department’s employees and mainly focused on making money.

After finishing afternoon tea, Xu Yuan and Assistant Sun returned to the company. Assistant Sun carried two large bags of takeaway afternoon tea snacks.

In the elevator, Xu Yuan smiled, “I’m troubling you again today, both with carrying things for me and taking me to the charity project department.”

Assistant Sun: “It’s my duty. Please don’t hesitate.”

Soon they arrived on the eleventh floor. Xu Yuan walked ahead, and Assistant Sun followed behind.

The charity project department wasn’t large, as it wasn’t a main department of the company. As soon as they entered, a colleague sitting furthest away stood up. He knew Assistant Sun from before and had seen Xu Yuan from a distance, suddenly feeling awkward.

Because he had just been browsing the web with nothing to do, everyone was passing time like this.

Xu Yuan pretended not to notice and smiled, “Is Manager Shen here?”

“Yes, he is,” the male colleague stuttered.

Before long, Shen Ming came out. When he saw Xu Yuan, he was surprised. He hadn’t expected her to come so early and especially in a situation where Meng Zhengrong wasn’t present. “Xiao Yuan, why are you here?”

Xu Yuan saw Shen Ming, completely unsurprised. After yesterday’s incident, Shen Ming would definitely be on guard. She estimated that from today onward, he would stay holed up in the department.

Knowing this, she had timed her visit accordingly.

Xu Yuan walked up to Shen Ming and had Assistant Sun place the packed takeaway on an empty table. Then she smiled at Shen Ming, “Uncle, are you blaming me? I was too busy the past few days and didn’t come to greet you. I happened to have some free time today, so I came to see you. I’m not disturbing you, am I?”

Shen Ming didn’t mind Xu Yuan. He thought she was just a naive girl who didn’t understand anything and was still a child. What really bothered him was Meng Zhengrong. Seeing Xu Yuan come over now, although he was puzzled, he wasn’t completely thrown off guard. “Disturb? Why would you be disturbing? If you come, I’m always available, no matter when.”

“Is everyone busy?” After smiling at Shen Ming, Xu Yuan turned to the colleagues sitting in their seats and said, “If you’re not busy, come and have something to eat.”

The colleagues hesitated, but Shen Ming remained silent for a moment before saying, “If there’s no work, come over.”

Several employees then got up.

“Actually, I came here today because I felt everyone is usually too exhausted. Uncle should know that, right? A few days ago, Zhengrong and I went to visit sick children in impoverished areas. We just went through the motions and already found it very exhausting. I imagine you guys are even more tired from your daily work?” Xu Yuan looked at the department’s young employees, quite surprised. They were all very young, probably recent graduates.

One of the bolder employees cautiously asked, “You went to impoverished areas with President Meng?”

There hadn’t been any news in the company yet, so it was normal for employees not to know.

Shen Ming suddenly restrained his smile, but Xu Yuan pretended not to notice and smiled at the employee, “Yes, President Meng cares a lot about this area, so he dragged me along.”

These were all young people with dreams. If they weren’t truly interested in charity work, who would apply for such a position? It wasn’t a popular job, but after joining Meng corporation, they found that the company simply didn’t care about this area. Many projects were just going through the motions. They privately discussed whether to resign. Now hearing the boss’s wife say that the boss personally went to impoverished areas for charity?

They couldn’t help but be excited. It’s just that the person in front of them had a special status. Even if they were excited and wanted to say something, they didn’t know how to say it appropriately.

Shen Ming tactfully changed the subject, “It’s not just Zhengrong. I’ve dedicated my whole life to charity work. Xiao Yuan, you don’t know. Those who can persist in this area are all capable of enduring hardship and have perseverance. I’ve seen many people who were initially enthusiastic but disappeared after a few days.”

Xu Yuan smiled in agreement, “Naturally, we will follow Uncle’s lead. But Zhengrong and I have only been once, and we already felt physically overwhelmed. Uncle, you’re in your fifties this year, right? Zhengrong told me yesterday that your health hasn’t been as robust in the past couple of years.”

Shen Ming felt annoyed inwardly but could only force a smile, “Oh, no, doctors say I’m in good health.”

Xu Yuan interrupted what he wanted to say and smiled, “Even with good health, you’re still in your fifties. Uncle, you should rest well. Look, there are so many young people here in this department who are passionate about charity. Sometimes you should let yourself relax and take a break.”

After saying this, she didn’t look at Shen Ming but smiled at the colleagues present, “President Meng and I are both very interested in charity work, especially after this visit to impoverished areas. We were deeply moved. Although President Meng is usually busy and can’t find time, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. Now, I will also work with you all to strive for charity work and help more people. Please guide me in the future.”

The colleagues were initially stunned but then excitedly applauded.

The boss’s wife joining them? Is there anything more inspiring than this?

Does this mean the company will focus more on this area in the future and do more to help society? Will they no longer waste time here?

Shen Ming’s face was very ugly, unable to hide his displeasure. He had thought Meng Zhengrong would at least use their recent actions within the company as an excuse to let Xu Yuan gradually take over the charity projects. He never expected Xu Yuan to come and announce this matter herself while Meng Zhengrong was absent, completely catching everyone off guard!

Of course, Xu Yuan also noticed Shen Ming’s expression. Why did she need Meng Zhengrong to bring her into the charity project department? She was Xu Yuan, the boss’s wife of the Meng family. Did she need any excuses or reasons?

If Meng Zhengrong had to ask Shen Ming to extend this conversation, who knew how long it would take? She didn’t want to wait for even a moment.

If she announced it herself, what could Shen Ming say? What objections could he possibly have? Behind her stood the Xu family. Even if Shen Ming was resentful, he had to swallow his grievances!

Just as Shen Ming was about to speak, Xu Yuan preempted him with a smile, “Uncle, you will definitely help me get started as soon as possible, right? Pretty please.”

“Th-this is natural.” Shen Ming had let her say whatever she wanted. What else could he say? He endured the pain in his lungs and forced a smile.

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