You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 34.1

Chapter 34.1

Meng Zhengrong emerged from the restroom and scanned the room, spotting Shen Ming and his wife. Initially intending to leave, he reconsidered, feeling it would be too easy to just walk away. He adjusted his suit and approached them with a calm and composed smile.

Shen Ming and his wife felt uneasy, unsure of how Meng Zhengrong might confront them. However, they reassured themselves, thinking he wouldn’t dare act rashly against them given their familial ties. With this thought, they managed to maintain a semblance of composure, convinced Meng Zhengrong wouldn’t do anything drastic.

“Uncle, Aunt,” Meng Zhengrong greeted them, his smile not reaching his eyes. “Xiao Yuan called to say she’s not feeling well, so I’ll be leaving first. I hope you won’t mind.”

Shen Ming sighed in relief. “Of course, of course. You should go quickly. Xiao Yuan’s health is more important.”

“Really?” Meng Zhengrong chuckled, the sound unsettling. “Xiao Yuan will be pleased to know you’re so concerned about her. I’ll be sure to convey your thoughts.”

Shen Ming’s wife forced a laugh. “We’re family, no need for such formality.”

“By the way, Uncle, you’re turning fifty-two, right?” Meng Zhengrong asked, eyeing Shen Ming.

A sense of foreboding washed over Shen Ming, but he couldn’t ignore the question with so many people present. He forced a smile and nodded. “Yes, that’s right.”

“Well, the gift earlier was from Xiao Yuan, but as your nephew, I should also give something.” Meng Zhengrong looked between Shen Ming and his wife, smiling. “On behalf of the company, I’ll give you an extended vacation. You haven’t had a proper rest in over a decade, so why not take Aunt along and travel a bit? All expenses are on me.”

Mrs. Sheng smile faltered, caught off guard by Meng Zhengrong’s sudden proposal. With so many business associates present, they couldn’t easily refuse. They were truly stuck.

Meng Zhengrong, as if fearing Shen Ming might decline, called over a server, took a glass of wine, and raised it to the guests. “Everyone here, please witness this. My uncle is getting on in years, still a few years from retirement, but as his nephew, seeing his hair turn white year after year makes me worry. My birthday gift to him is an indefinite holiday.”

An older businessman, familiar with Meng Zhengrong, quickly caught on and clapped. “President Meng is truly filial. Mr. Shen can now enjoy life with his wife, such envy!”

“Mr. Zong, you understand me,” Meng Zhengrong nodded to him with a smile. “My uncle has always been kind to me. Recently, I’ve been pondering what gift would be suitable. In the end, a peaceful life is the best gift for him. My uncle has worked tirelessly for the company…”

Meng Zhenrong looked at Shen Ming and bowed deeply. “Thank you, Uncle, for your support and help all these years. The Meng family and I will never forget your contributions. Please rest assured, Uncle, I will not disappoint you. I will lead the Meng family and our employees to greater heights.”

Some people, who hadn’t yet grasped the situation, thought Shen Ming was taking this opportunity to retire. Regardless of whether it was true, since Meng Zhenrong had spoken, most of the guests, who were there to curry favor with him, naturally went along with his words.

“President Meng, this gift must be to Director Shen’s liking. I must say, I’m only forty, and I already envy the thought of retiring…”

“Indeed, Manager Shen can now enjoy a carefree life, traveling with his wife. Meanwhile, we still have to work hard.”

“I’m not envious of anyone anymore, except for Director Shen.”

Shen Ming glanced at his wife. Although her face was not looking well, she managed to squeeze out a forced smile.

Given the situation, the only way to resolve it was to follow Meng Zhenrong’s lead and hope that by being so understanding, he would not hold today’s events against them any further.

There was no point in continuing a futile struggle.

Mrs. Shen could only nod slightly. Shen Ming, understanding her gesture, composed himself and cheerfully placed a hand on Meng Zhenrong’s shoulder. “Uncle trusts you. I had been hesitating about whether to request early retirement. I’ve been struggling with this decision, as my health has been deteriorating with age. But I didn’t want to burden you with the company alone, so I held back. The fact that you considered this for me today…”

At this point, Shen Ming choked up. “Uncle has not pampered you in vain all these years. Do your best, and if you need me, I’ll help you however I can, even if I can’t move anymore.”

Who would have thought Meng Zhenrong would act this way?

He gave no one a chance to react.

Those unaware of the inside story assumed Shen Ming was using this birthday party to announce his retirement. The Shen family members were too angry to speak, forced to maintain smiles.

Shen Xin, unwilling to accept the situation, wanted to confront Meng Zhenrong, but Shen Cheng pulled her back.

“Don’t make things worse!” Shen Cheng hissed quietly.

Shen Xin, normally the good-tempered one, was startled into silence.

After drinking a glass of wine with Shen Ming, Meng Zhenrong left. As he walked to the parking lot, Shen Cheng followed silently.

It was only today that Meng Zhenrong realized that Shen Ming and his wife were so bold, partly due to his tolerance. Every time he encountered a situation since taking over the Meng family, it was more severe than this. If he had been willing to be a bit harsher, Shen Ming would have left the company years ago.

Although he knew the Shen couple wouldn’t dare to harm Xu Yuan after this incident, Meng Zhenrong found it intolerable that they would use Xu Yuan’s past sorrows against her.

He didn’t know when it happened, but he had started to see her as his real wife—not just in name, but as a partner in success and failure.

He didn’t want to continue the standoff or waste any more time. Whether Shen Ming left willingly or not, he had to go.

Thus, in an unexpected turn of events, the Shen couple had hit a nerve in Meng Zhenrong that even he hadn’t realized.

After Meng Zhenrong left, Chen Hao emerged from the restroom, pale-faced.

Sun Zhi, who had been waiting by the restroom door, quickly approached him. She didn’t know what had happened and wanted to ask but hesitated seeing Chen Hao’s expression.

“Let’s go back,” Chen Hao said softly.

For some reason, Sun Zhi felt that Chen Hao had changed. Even though he knew Xu Yuan was married to Meng Zhenrong, he had never looked like this, his youthful arrogance and pride visible on his face—something fitting for his age, and he had the credentials for it.

“Did something happen?” Sun Zhi hesitated, asking.

She felt she needed to know. If Meng Zhenrong intended to go after the Chen family, she would definitely break up with Chen Hao. The Chen family couldn’t stand against the Meng family; it would be like hitting a rock with an egg, and she didn’t want to become collateral damage.

If Meng Zhenrong was just giving Chen Hao a warning, then it wouldn’t harm her. After this incident, Chen Hao would probably give up his lingering feelings for Xu Yuan entirely.


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