You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 35.4

Chapter 35.4

The rest of the drive was blessedly quiet. Xu Yuan sensed that dinner tonight would be unpleasant, unsure why Shen Xin was so hostile towards her. They hadn’t had much interaction before.

Upon arriving at the old house, Shen Xin rushed ahead of Xu Yuan, hugging Mother Meng and saying coquettishly, “Auntie, I missed you so much!”

Mother Meng was fond of Shen Xin and her brother Shen Cheng. She patted Shen Xin’s head and said, “You should come over more often and keep Auntie company.”

“Auntie, my cousin has really forgotten about his family since he got married. Just now, my sister-in-law said she wasn’t feeling well, and my cousin wouldn’t let me talk,” Shen Xin pouted, pretending to complain.

Just as Mother Meng was about to say something, Meng Pingting came down from upstairs. Hearing this, she leaned against the staircase and sneered, “Listen to that, you’ve forgotten your mother now that you have a wife. Someone who doesn’t know better might think you’re my mother.”

Shen Xin froze, feeling embarrassed as she hadn’t expected Meng Pingting to be home. She didn’t know what to say for a moment.

She quickly latched onto Mother Meng’s arm and smiled, “Auntie, I didn’t mean it that way. You know I’m not good with words.”

Mother Meng didn’t take her niece’s slip of the tongue seriously and patted her hand with a smile. “Of course, Auntie knows.”

Thankfully, Mother Meng was sensible. After saying that, she gently pushed Shen Xin aside and approached Xu Yuan, asking with concern, “Xiao Yuan, are you feeling unwell? Do you need the family doctor to take a look?”

Meng Zhengrong placed a hand on Xu Yuan’s shoulder and replied for her, “It’s just that the weather has gotten hot, and she’s been staying in air-conditioned rooms all day, so she seems to have caught a slight cold. It’s not serious.”

Xu Yuan nodded and looked at Shen Xin, her previous indifference replaced with a more conciliatory tone. “Sorry, cousin. Your brother didn’t mean to upset you. Don’t take it to heart.”

“Sister-in-law, there’s nothing to apologize for. Wanting some peace and quiet after work is perfectly normal,” Meng Pingting said, glaring at Shen Xin.

At that moment, Father Meng walked in from the outer hall, overhearing the conversation. He ignored Shen Xin and asked with concern, “Xiao Yuan, are you feeling unwell? If you don’t feel well, you should just rest at home. Maybe you should stay here for the night.”

Seeing that everyone’s attention was on Xu Yuan, Shen Xin felt even more frustrated.

Xu Yuan waved her hand and smiled, “It’s nothing. Zhengrong is just exaggerating. I’m fine now. Drinking some of Mom’s soup will make everything better.”

Mother Meng beamed with pride at the compliment.

Ten minutes later, the family sat down for a particularly sumptuous dinner. The atmosphere was initially pleasant, but Shen Xin suddenly spoke up, “Auntie, my dad hasn’t adapted to retirement. He keeps thinking about work and feels uneasy. He wants to visit the company but is worried that Sister-in-law might have objections. He’s been quite unhappy lately. If you have time, could you talk to him?”

Xu Yuan glanced at Shen Xin. Her words were unpleasant and childish, implying that Shen Ming was forced out because of her.

“Cousin, what are you saying? Zhengrong mentioned that Uncle should rest due to his age. What if he falls ill from overworking? If Uncle is worried, he can supervise my work anytime. I’d be delighted, not offended.”

Xu Yuan’s use of the word “supervise” immediately alerted both Meng Zhengrong and Father Meng, making them wary. They suspected Shen Ming might be interested in meddling in the company and had sent Shen Xin to test the waters.

Supervise? What right did Shen Ming have to supervise President Meng wife’s work?

In terms of eloquence and conversational skills, the entire Shen family combined was no match for Xu Yuan, let alone Shen Xin alone, who was easily outmaneuvered by Xu Yuan’s words.

Shen Xin felt something was off in Xu Yuan’s words but couldn’t pinpoint it. She stifled her frustration and said to Mother Meng, “Auntie, my dad really doesn’t want to retire. He’s going crazy from boredom. Could you let him return to work? Otherwise, I’m afraid he might get sick from staying home all day.”

Shen Xin was aware that life wouldn’t be as comfortable for her family after her father left the Meng family business. The promise of a new house for her had been postponed. Seeing Meng Pingting with several houses while she had none felt unfair.

Her words put Mother Meng in a difficult position. The decision for Shen Ming to retire was made by her husband and son. It was clear where her loyalty lay.

Mother Meng had agreed to travel with her husband to show her stance—she wouldn’t meddle in this issue. Shen Ming hadn’t mentioned it to her since. For Shen Xin to bring it up now, and so directly, left her at a loss for words.

Xu Yuan felt a headache coming on. Although Shen Ming and his wife weren’t particularly intelligent, they had basic social awareness, staying quiet since accepting the situation. It seemed Shen Xin came without informing her parents.

SeeingMother Meng struggling, Xu Yuan decided to help her out. “Cousin, it’s normal for someone who has worked all their life to feel restless after retiring. Uncle is getting older and should enjoy life with Auntie. Life isn’t all about work. Auntie has supported Uncle’s work for many years; they both deserve to enjoy their time now.”

Shen Xin, already upset, couldn’t hold back and said, “Cousin, how would you know what my dad thinks? He wouldn’t have retired if not for you joining the public welfare department…”

Before she could finish, Meng Pingting put down her utensils and coldly interrupted, “”Does the company belong to you? Just because Uncle is there, my sister-in-law should avoid that department? If Uncle doesn’t want to retire, he can talk to my brother directly. Can you make decisions for your family?”

Shen Xin was furious but restrained herself from arguing with Meng Pingting, forcing a smile. “As children, it’s our duty to share our parents’ burdens. Pingting, I heard from a friend that you’re in a relationship. They said your boyfriend is from H City. It’s a nice place, though a bit small…”

Her words implied that Meng Pingting’s boyfriend was from a small, insignificant place.

Meng Pingting’s relationship was known to everyone except her father. He was shocked to hear this.

Mother Meng, already having a headache, had hoped to keep the relationship private until the right time to avoid stressing her husband. Shen Xin’s blunt revelation threatened to ruin the evening.

Meng Zhengrong wanted to throw Shen Xin out, realizing Shen Ming needed a stern warning to prevent Shen Xin from causing more trouble.

Meng Pingting, trembling with anger, looked at her parents, unsure how to respond. Shen Xin’s words were true, leaving her at a loss.

The atmosphere grew tense and awkward. Shen Xin, seeing Meng Pingting’s reaction, felt smug, thinking she had the upper hand.

As Shen Xin prepared to add more fuel to the fire, Xu Yuan calmly said, “Xiao Xin, you’re mistaken. You said you heard it from someone else, which means it’s just a rumor. As sisters, we should defend Pingting against such gossip. If you care, you should clarify with your friends.”

Meng Zhengrong seized the opportunity and said, “Exactly, Xiao Xin, you didn’t think it through. If Pingting is in a stable relationship, she would tell us.”

“Also, Xiao Xin, you might not understand this circle,” Xu Yuan continued, hitting Shen Xin’s sore spot. “Pingting is still young. Such rumors are harmful to her reputation. Don’t you agree? As sisters, we should defend her against baseless rumors.”

Turning to Meng Pingting, Xu Yuan asked, “Pingting, do you have a boyfriend? It’s not a bad thing. We were young once too. Tell us, so we can help.”

Mother Meng chimed in, “Exactly, Pingting, tell us, do you have a boyfriend?”

Meng Pingting, not foolish, realized Xu Yuan was giving her an out. She hadn’t wanted to reveal her relationship with Wang Lin yet, as they were both still students. His family background wouldn’t impress her parents. They had agreed to wait until he was more established before telling her parents.

“No,” Meng Pingting said firmly. “I don’t. I’m old enough to have male friends, right? Just because I have male friends doesn’t mean they’re my boyfriends. If that’s the case, how many boyfriends does Cousin Xin have?”

Xu Yuan didn’t give Shen Xin a chance to react, smiling warmly. “Xiao Xin, as Pingting’s sister, you should defend her. We can’t let these rumors spread, right?”

Shen Xin gritted her teeth, feeling frustrated. Xu Yuan added, “Of course, I know you didn’t mean any harm. It’s lucky you mentioned it today. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have known about these rumors.”

Meng Pingting didn’t want to reveal her relationship yet. If it were any other matter, Xu Yuan wouldn’t have bothered. But Mother Meng had asked her and Meng Zhongrong to look after Pingting, indicating she wanted this kept private. If Xu Yuan stayed silent, Mother Mengmight be upset later.

By countering Shen Xin, Xu Yuan not only helped Meng Pingting and Mother Meng but also gained their goodwill. It was a win-win situation.


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1 comment
  1. M&M's has spoken 1 week ago

    With such a senseless niece, I’m sure Shen Xin’s image in Mother Meng’s heart has decreased a bit. It’ll be good for both of Shen Xin’s parents to scold her and teach her not to be so presumptuous in her actions in the future.

    Thanks for the chapter! 😀


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