You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 36.3

Chapter 36.3

Father Meng felt relieved hearing his wife’s words.

Thus, Shen Xin unknowingly cut off her parents’ last hope and ended the Meng family’s patience with them.

Meng Zhengrong was driving, while Xu Yuan sat in the passenger seat, pondering the events of the day. She glanced at Meng Zhengrong and casually asked, “What was Shen Xin trying to do today? Even if she had suspicions, she should have asked Pingting privately. But no, she brought it up directly in front of our parents. Thinking back, it’s really fortunate that there were no outsiders present, or it could have been much worse.”

“What was she trying to do?” Meng Zhengrong sneered, “She just loves causing trouble. I told you before that she and Pingting never got along. When they were little and our families dined together, if there was a dispute, she would claim that Pingting stole her mom.”

“What does that even mean?” Xu Yuan couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Shen Xin was truly a unique case.

“Probably overheard Uncle and Aunt talking about the past without realizing she was listening. I told you, back then, my mom wanted a daughter so badly that Aunt considered giving her to our family. She must have heard and believed that Pingting’s birth took her place.”

Even Xu Yuan, who had seen many unreasonable people, was dumbfounded by this twisted logic.

“When they were little, she used to bully Pingting secretly. Pingting told me, and I intervened for a while. She stopped then, and as they grew up, she didn’t dare to argue with Pingting openly. I thought she might have changed, but she’s still the same.”

Xu Yuan didn’t know how to respond. Shen Xin was truly one of a kind.

Meng Zhengrong glanced at Xu Yuan and comforted her, “Don’t worry. My dad talked to me today. He said he’d have a good talk with mom. After today’s incident, I don’t think mom will deal with that family anymore.”

Xu Yuan thought Meng Zhengrong was being too optimistic. A troublesome person doesn’t just go away because you ignore them. If they were that perceptive, they wouldn’t be called troublesome.

After today, Shen Xin would probably dislike her even more. To prevent Shen Xin from coming back to cause trouble, they needed to nip it in the bud.

“Zhengrong, I’m not trying to scare you. You waited until now to deal with Uncle because he’s family, right? Even if mom and dad stop interacting with them, do you think they’ll easily cut ties with wealthy and influential relatives? That’s impossible. Once things calm down, they’ll come back to find mom again. Mom won’t be able to harden her heart against her own brother,” Xu Yuan shrugged. “So, things will go back to square one.”

Meng Zhengrong thought about what she said and realized she was right.

He knew his mother’s personality well. She was angry now, but she wouldn’t sever ties with her brother. They needed to resolve this while she was still upset.

“What do you think we should do?” Meng Zhengrong already had a solution in mind but wanted to see if Xu Yuan was thinking the same thing.

Xu Yuan glanced at Meng Zhengrong, and seeing the smile in his eyes, she understood his thoughts. “I guess Uncle and Aunt don’t know about Shen Xin’s visit. We should act first and call them. If they have any sense, they won’t cause any more trouble.”

Shen Xin wouldn’t be foolish enough to confess what happened. Mother Meng wouldn’t bring it up either. After a month or two, when things settled down, they would try to come back.

“So, who do you think should call?” Meng Zhengrong asked, guiding her.

Xu Yuan rolled her eyes at him, “Of course, Aunt.”

Over time, she had figured out the dynamics of the Shen family. Although Shen Ming appeared to be the head, the real decision-maker was Mrs. Shen.

Mrs. Shen might have made a foolish decision before, but that didn’t mean she lacked judgment. Offending Meng Zhengrong and his wife wouldn’t benefit her.

After all, Meng Zhengrong wasn’t as emotionally attached to his family as Meng’s mother was.

“So, are you calling or am I?” Meng Zhengrong asked.

Xu Yuan took out her phone and glared at Meng Zhengrong, “Of course, I am.”

Meng Zhengrong, as the president of Meng Corporation, would look petty discussing Shen Xin’s issues with Mrs. Shen. Handling family diplomacy was the wife’s role. Men shouldn’t get involved in such matters.

During a previous family gathering, Xu Yuan had saved Mrs. Shen’s number. She dialed it and put it on speaker so Meng Zhengrong could hear.

The call was quickly answered, and Mrs. Shen’s surprised voice came through, “Xiao Yuan?”

Mrs. Shen was extremely surprised, not expecting a call from Xu Yuan at this time, and a sense of foreboding crept in.

Xu Yuan didn’t disappoint her, asking, “Is Shen Xin back yet?”

Why bring up Xiao Xin out of the blue? Mrs. Shen’s heart raced, “Not yet, why? Did something happen?”

Even someone like Mrs. Shen was most concerned about her children.

Xu Yuan slowly said, “Cousin came to visit us today. We had dinner at the old house. She mentioned that Uncle wanted to return to work and seemed a bit dissatisfied with me and Zhengrong. So, I thought I’d call to clear up any misunderstandings. It’s best to resolve any issues among the family.”

Mrs. Shen nearly fainted upon hearing this. She had hoped her daughter would behave, but now she learned Xiao Xin had visited the Meng family and expressed dissatisfaction in front of Father and Mother Meng?

She almost choked, coughing violently.

To Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan, the sound of her coughing was music to their ears. This troublesome family had been causing problems for too long.

“No, no, no,” Mrs. Shen hurriedly explained, “Xiao Xin is young and doesn’t understand. Your uncle is just at loose ends, and she misunderstood. We’re not dissatisfied at all. In fact, we’re grateful to you and Zhengrong. I’ve wanted him to retire for a long time, and now he finally has. Xiao Yuan, Xiao Xin is still a child. Don’t take her seriously.”

Xu Yuan replied, “That’s good to hear. We’d feel guilty if cousin misunderstood our intentions. But there’s one more thing I need to mention.”

Mrs. Shen leaned against the sofa, “Go ahead.”

She couldn’t believe there was more to this.

“Today, cousin directly asked Pingting at the dinner table if she was dating a poor boy, saying she heard rumors. This should have been addressed by Mom, but she probably didn’t want to scold cousin, so I, as the sister-in-law, had to step in. I hope you won’t hold it against me.”

Meng Zhengrong almost burst out laughing. Xu Yuan was truly impressive with her words.

“Pingting is still young. If cousin is considered a child, then Pingting is even younger. The circle is small, and it’s not wrong for Pingting to be in a relationship, but there’s no truth to these rumors. Such talk can damage a girl’s reputation. As her older cousin, cousin should stand up for her. Don’t you think? We’re family. If someone spoke ill of my nephew, I’d be upset. Our parents were very angry today, so they sent cousin home first. If cousin feels wronged, I apologize on behalf of the family.”

Mrs. Shen was so enraged she couldn’t speak. She never imagined her own daughter could be so foolish!

After Xu Yuan finished her conversation, she had no intention of chatting more with Mrs. Shen. She exchanged a few pleasantries and hung up the phone, confident that Mrs. Shen would educate Shen Xin properly.

Once the call ended, Xu Yuan was about to speak with Meng Zhengrong when she saw him extend his hand towards her, giving her a thumbs-up with a smile, “It’s a pity you didn’t become a lawyer, my wife.”

Without a second thought, Xu Yuan bit Meng Zhengrong’s thumb.

This guy!

Meng Zhengrong yelped in pain. Xu Yuan released her bite and nonchalantly said, “You flatter me.”

She had really bitten hard, and Meng Zhengrong shook his hand, still feeling the pain.

“I just came from the bathroom and didn’t wash my hands,” she said. “You make me hurt, so I make you disgusted.”

Seeing Xu Yuan’s expression as if she had stepped in dog poop, Meng Zhengrong laughed. He knew he was being childish, but strangely, he enjoyed being childish in front of Xu Yuan.

Meng Zhengrong didn’t want to delve into the reasons behind this. He usually avoided overthinking such matters, especially since Xu Yuan was right beside him, and their relationship was growing stronger, wasn’t it?

Xu Yuan thought Meng Zhengrong was like a grown-up kid. Looking out the car window at the scenery, she wondered again if she really wanted to have a child with such an immature person.

Having a child was fine, but she would never let him interfere with the child’s education!

That was already the biggest concession she could make!


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Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

1 comment
  1. M&M's has spoken 1 week ago

    Shen Xin just ruined all hope for her family, lol. I’m interested to see how her mother cleans her up because the best way would be to send Shen Xin abroad, where she can’t directly cause trouble for them with their in-laws.

    Thanks for the chapter! 😀


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