You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 36.4

Chapter 36.4

“Are you angry?” Meng Zhengrong, seeing Xu Yuan not speaking, restarted the car and drove on. He glanced at her several times before finally raising the white flag.

Xu Yuan didn’t respond, only giving a soft hum as a sign of her disdain for Meng Zhengrong.

Meng Zhengrong chuckled softly, “You bit me first. Well, I did go to the restroom, but I washed my hands, so they’re clean.”


“You were acting like a dog just now…” Meng Zhengrong, feeling mischievous, started teasing her again when he saw that she wasn’t responding.

Xu Yuan glanced at him, “Then what are you? Poop?”

They say you can’t change a dog’s habit of eating poop…

Wait, if she admitted what he said, it would mean she’s eating poop? Ugh.

Xu Yuan gave Meng Zhengrong a fierce glare, “Stop talking!”

Meng Zhengrong didn’t know what she was thinking, but seeing her look so disgusted made him look innocent as he said, “I didn’t say anything. Even if you think I’m poop, I didn’t say anything, so why are you getting mad at me?”

It was impossible to have a rational conversation with someone like this. How did he become the president of a major corporation?

Xu Yuan didn’t want to talk to him anymore. The temperature in the car was too low, so she simply rolled down the window, and a gust of warm air rushed in.

The road was particularly quiet. Xu Yuan stared out the window and saw a couple on the side of the road. The man was walking on the outer side, and the woman was holding a large stuffed bear. They were chatting and laughing.

Coincidentally, the couple walked right under a streetlamp, and Xu Yuan saw the man’s face clearly, causing her to freeze.

Without thinking, she shouted, “Stop!”

Meng Zhengrong was startled by her sudden shout and quickly hit the brakes. Xu Yuan, like a madwoman, opened the door and got out of the car.

He followed her out.

The couple was just getting into a taxi not far away…

Xu Yuan wanted to rush over, but as soon as she took a step, the taxi sped away.

She stared blankly, still in shock, barely believing her eyes. She doubted whether she had hallucinated, but the face she saw was imprinted in her mind, and her trembling hand reminded her that it wasn’t an illusion.

How could this happen? How could she see him here??

Meng Zhengrong walked up to Xu Yuan with a puzzled look, “What’s wrong?”

Xu Yuan didn’t answer; she needed time to calm the shock inside her.

Meng Zhengrong had seen the couple too. Although he only saw the man’s back, he vaguely remembered that the woman was holding a stuffed bear.

His eyesight was good, and those weren’t people he knew.

Could they be Xu Yuan’s acquaintances?

Xu Yuan quickly recovered, and despite her internal confusion, she managed to remain calm on the surface.

“Do you know them?” Meng Zhengrong asked again.

Xu Yuan shook her head, her face calm, “I don’t know them.”

“Then why were you looking?” Meng Zhengrong was even more curious. He had never seen Xu Yuan so agitated before. Was it possible she didn’t know them?

Xu Yuan’s mind raced, knowing she needed to prevent Meng Zhengrong from suspecting anything. She said nonchalantly, “I just wanted to ask where she got that big stuffed bear.”

Meng Zhengrong knew Xu Yuan was probably lying, but he also knew he wouldn’t get anything out of her by pressing further. He responded, “Do you want it?”

Xu Yuan nodded, “It looks really cute. Never mind, let’s go home.”

After saying that, she turned and got back into the car. Meng Zhengrong glanced around. He often traveled this route and was somewhat familiar with it.

Was there a toy store nearby?

He wasn’t sure but got back into the car as well.

Whether she really wanted that stuffed bear or not, since she mentioned it, as her husband and admirer, he should fulfill her wish.

Although Meng Zhengrong was driving, he drove slowly, looking for a toy store along the way.

Xu Yuan was absorbed in her thoughts and didn’t notice he was driving slowly.

After a while, the car stopped. Xu Yuan realized it and looked at Meng Zhengrong, who was unfastening his seatbelt, “What’s wrong?”

Meng Zhengrong winked at her, “I have something to do. Wait for me outside.”

Without waiting for Xu Yuan’s response, Meng Zhengrong got out of the car and parked it by the roadside. This area was completely different from where they had been; it was much more bustling, with a row of shops.

Meng Zhengrong went to a toy store and immediately noticed several life-sized stuffed bears in the window.

There weren’t many people in the store at the moment, so Meng Zhengrong drew attention as soon as he entered. A store clerk approached him warmly, “Sir, is there something you’d like to buy?”

“I’m just looking.” Meng Zhengrong saw a large Winnie the Pooh on a nearby shelf. Even though he hadn’t watched many cartoons as a child, he recognized Winnie the Pooh.

He walked over, picked up Winnie the Pooh from the shelf, and was about to tell the clerk he wanted this one when he suddenly noticed another Piglet.

The cartoon characters of Winnie the Pooh and Piglet were deeply ingrained in people’s minds.

He picked up Piglet as well, and holding one of each, Meng Zhengrong looked quite comical.

“I’ll take these two couple’s dolls,” Meng Zhengrong said at the checkout, placing Winnie the Pooh on the counter and taking out his wallet to pay.

The clerk looked slightly embarrassed, “These two are good friends.”

He regretted saying that immediately. What was he blabbering about?

“…” Meng Zhengrong felt helpless.

After paying, Meng Zhengrong called Xu Yuan and mysteriously said, “Come outside and wait for me.”

Although Xu Yuan was puzzled, she got out of the car, thinking Meng Zhengrong must have something to discuss.

Soon, Meng Zhengrong appeared, each hand holding a stuffed toy and walking towards her.

Despite feeling speechless, Xu Yuan couldn’t help but smile when she saw Meng Zhengrong smiling.

Realizing she was also grinning foolishly, Xu Yuan quickly composed herself and resumed her calm demeanor.

When Meng Zhengrong reached Xu Yuan, just as she was about to reach out to take Winnie the Pooh, he turned to the side and avoided her.


The two of them locked eyes. Since Xu Yuan was standing by the car, Meng Zhengrong simply pressed her against the car door and used the large stuffed toys to shield them—

He leaned down and kissed her, kissing her deeply and passionately.

Although the stuffed toys blocked them, ensuring no one would see them kissing, anyone passing by might guess what they were up to.

Never mind, being in love means not being afraid of embarrassment.


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Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

1 comment
  1. M&M's has spoken 1 week ago

    I’m so curious about who the man resembled in Xu Yuan’s memories! Was he perhaps the newly-crowned emperor who had her killed or a family member that died before she entered the palace? Either way, they must have had a close relationship for it to shock her that much.

    Thanks for the chapter! 😀


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