You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 37.1

Chapter 37.1

At night, Shen Xin sat alone in a corner booth of the bar, drinking a low-alcohol cocktail and crying.

Her originally delicate eye makeup was now smeared from crying, making her look quite frightening. Even if there were men initially interested in approaching her, they gave up after seeing her in this state.

Shen Xin never thought things would turn out like this. Although she didn’t like Meng Pingting, she never intended for their relationship to deteriorate. She thought that with her aunt’s affection for her, just a bit of complaining would make Xu Yuan’s life difficult. Who would have thought she would be kicked out by her aunt instead?

Thinking back, Meng Zhengrong didn’t speak up for her at all and even showed concern for Xu Yuan. Everyone liked Xu Yuan more. Shen Xin cried even harder, feeling like the whole world had abandoned her.

Despite the bar being so lively, no one cared about Shen Xin, no matter how loudly she cried.

Shen Xin felt like the most pitiful person in the world. One cannot choose their family background. No matter how hard her parents worked, it was always for her brother.

Although Meng Zhengrong and Meng Pingting had a significant age difference, he was genuinely good to Pingting. As for her brother? He never cared about her. Sometimes when she wanted something and acted cute around him, he ignored her.

Whether it was Meng Pingting or Xu Yuan, they both had something she could never reach, a good family background.

Her family background wasn’t bad, but in this circle, it wasn’t good enough. So, Xu Yuan could marry such a good man, and Meng Pingting would also marry an excellent match in the future. What about her?

At that moment, besides hating Meng Pingting and Xu Yuan, Shen Xin also resented her parents.

If only they had been more capable, would she have to suffer like this? If she had a family background like Xu Yuan or Meng Pingting, who would dare treat her this way? Whose favor would she need to curry?

Life was so unfair…

If only Meng Pingting had never been born, then she would be the eldest daughter of the Meng family now.

She would be the one adored by everyone. Why did Meng Pingting have to be born?

She had heard from her mother that if her aunt hadn’t been pregnant, she wouldn’t be named Shen Xin but Meng Pingting.

The thing she longed for was once so close to her. Every time she thought about this, Shen Xin couldn’t bring herself to be friendly to Meng Pingting.

From a certain perspective, hadn’t Meng Pingting taken away something that almost belonged to her?

In a fit of rage, Shen Xin swept the bottles off the table onto the floor.

An employee approached. The staff here were very sharp. Seeing Shen Xin’s attire, her watch, and her bag on the booth, they could tell she was a wealthy girl, probably heartbroken. Not wanting to cause trouble, the employee pretended not to see and walked away.

Just as Shen Xin was resenting everyone, her phone rang from her bag. Annoyed, she took out her phone and saw that it was her mother calling. Instantly, all her anger deflated like a balloon pricked by a needle.

No matter what, her parents still cared about her.

Even if the whole world abandoned her, her parents wouldn’t.

She wiped her tears casually and answered the call, “Mom.”

On the other end, Mrs. Shen was furious. She didn’t notice the crying tone in her daughter’s voice. She held back her anger, trying to remain calm, “Xiao Xin, where are you? Come home quickly.”

Hearing the word “home,” Shen Xin’s nose tingled with tears again.

No matter how good her aunt was to her, she realized today that as long as she had conflicts with Pingting, her aunt would side with Pingting.

“Okay, I’ll be home soon.”

After hanging up, Shen Xin clenched her phone tightly and staggered to the bar’s restroom. She washed her face seriously, feeling much better than before.

Shen Xin took a taxi home and drank two bottles of milk to mask the smell of alcohol on her breath.

As soon as she entered the house, she saw her parents and brother sitting on the living room sofa with serious expressions.

Shen Xin didn’t notice this and ran toward her mother, wanting a hug. But as she approached, Mrs. Shen slapped her hard.

Her cheek stung, and Shen Xin was stunned, looking at her mother in disbelief.

She never expected a slap instead of a hug.

Shen Ming quickly stood up, supporting Mrs. Shen, and sighed, “What’s the use of hitting her? Let’s think of a solution.”

“Mom…” Shen Xin started crying. Mrs. Shen’s slap was so hard that there was a clear handprint on her fair face.

“You’ve ruined your father’s career, and now you want to ruin your brother’s too? How could I have given birth to someone like you!”

Mrs. Shen was furious. Shen Ming kept comforting her. On the side, Shen Cheng watched coldly, but his clenched fists showed his anger.

Shen Xin’s mind was in a complete muddle, unable to understand why her mother was acting this way. Her tears fell uncontrollably, and now not only was her nose feeling sour, but her heart was aching too.

Even if her aunt kicked her out and her cousin disliked her, she was only sad. But now, being treated like this by her parents, she truly felt heartbroken.

“How dare you show off at the Meng family? Who do you think you are? Do you really think you’re the eldest daughter of the Meng family? I’ve told you since you were little to be considerate of Pingting, not to clash with her. Even if she hits or scolds you, you have to endure it!” Mrs. Shen was shaking with anger. “And now, not only did you have conflicts with Pingting, but you also provoked Xu Yuan. Do you think you can afford to provoke Xu Yuan? Who do you think you are, daring to provoke them!”

Mrs. Shen, in her rage, lost all her usual elegance. Her sharp voice echoed through the living room.

Shen Ming and Shen Cheng didn’t dare to breathe loudly, and even Shen Xin, who felt extremely wronged and heartbroken, didn’t dare to sob.

“If you want to die, just die by yourself!” Mrs. Shen is indeed Shen Xin’s biological mother. She swept everything on the coffee table to the floor. “Don’t drag your brother down! Your father and I being ruined by you doesn’t matter, but don’t drag down your brother!”

Before Shen Xin could explain anything, Mrs. Shen coldly decided, “In a couple of days, you’ll go to Australia. Your aunt there will take care of you. Don’t come back unless it’s necessary.”

Despite her outburst, Mrs. Shen was still concerned about her daughter. Before Xu Yuan could possibly retaliate, she had to send her daughter away.

Sending her away was also good. It would prevent further trouble and wouldn’t drag her son down.

Her daughter was already lost, but her son couldn’t be.

“I’m not going.” Shen Xin tried to remain calm.

Her aunt was almost fifty this year, had never married, and after being dumped by her first boyfriend, had become eccentric and reclusive.

She would rather die than live with her aunt!

Shen Cheng, unable to bear it any longer, stood up and glared at Shen Xin coldly, “So, you want to drag the whole family down? You think you can compare with Pingting? For one thing, Pingting is much more sensible than you.”

“Dragging down the family? And you’re better than me? All you do is indulge in debauchery. Who was it that killed someone in a car accident two years ago?”

“Shut up, idiot!”

The siblings started fighting, Shen Cheng pulling Shen Xin’s hair, and Shen Xin kicking Shen Cheng…

The scene became chaotic.

Shen Ming and his wife had their own troubles and didn’t have the energy to deal with this. They had said what needed to be said and vented their anger, so they left the siblings and went upstairs.

Despite everything, the decision to send Shen Xin abroad was final. No matter how she resisted, she had to go.

Of course, Mrs. Shen would never understand that Shen Xin’s initial hostility towards Meng Pingting actually stemmed from her.


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Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

1 comment
  1. M&M's has spoken 1 week ago

    I feel bad for Shen Xin having a family that only cares about their son, but she doesn’t exactly have a pleasant personality or mindset either, so it’s hard to feel much pity for her.

    As for her brother, I’m shocked that he killed someone in a car accident and that the Meng family doesn’t know about it, otherwise how could Mother Meng view him so favorably? It’s just a shame he obviously used his family’s influence to not be held accountable, which is just deplorable considering that person will never get the justice (s)he deserves.

    Thanks for the chapter! 😀


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