You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 4

Chaoter 4

Meng Zhengrong was taking a bath while reminiscing about every move and word that Xu Yuan had made when making her wish. He couldn’t help but chuckle when he thought about how she had called him “Your Majesty” and said those strange things. It turned out she had a talent for acting, at least her expressions and tone from earlier seemed so real.

However, he had no interest in the entertainment industry, mainly because he had a childhood friend who owned an entertainment company, and he had heard about some of the dirty business that went on inside. So, he was not very enthusiastic about his wife wanting to enter the entertainment industry.

Of course, if Xu Yuan insisted on pursuing a career in the entertainment industry, he wouldn’t be too opposed. But seeing her determination, Meng Zhengrong couldn’t help but feel relieved.

After Meng Zhengrong finished his bath, Xu Yuan was sitting on the balcony of the bedroom, gazing at the stars and contemplating life, reflecting on herself. When she was younger, she had learned a few characters from her master, and she could read some scripts. She had even seen some magical stories in those scripts. However, she never expected to experience something like soul transmigration herself.

It seemed that fate had other plans for her.

In her previous life, she had risen to a high position, not just because she was good at understanding people’s thoughts and had a sweet tongue, but also because of her excellent judgment and self-awareness.

Now that she had become the young miss of the Xu family, she had to play her role well. However, she also had another job to do now, and that was being Mrs. Meng. She was grateful for the protection of her ancestors and was determined to fulfill both roles with professionalism.

She couldn’t help but be surprised that Meng Zhengrong’s face was exactly the same as the emperor. Xu Yuan was initially frightened when she saw that face. It was deeply ingrained in her to show reverence when she saw such a face. She had to adapt to this new reality.

A while later, Meng Zhengrong came out of the bathroom and called out, “Xu Yuan?”

Xu Yuan, who was lost in her thoughts, almost instinctively stood up and was about to greet him with a bow when she realized what she was doing. She scolded herself silently, withdrew her foot that was about to step forward, and continued to sit on the chair, trying to appear composed.

“I’m on the balcony.”

Meng Zhengrong draped a robe over himself and came over. The weather was pleasant at the moment, but it was a bit cool in the evening. “Have you taken your bath?”

“Not yet.” Xu Yuan replied, looking up at the sky. She thought to herself that bathing in this era was so convenient and enjoyable. But her mind was also occupied with thoughts of how to interact with Meng Zhengrong.

From Meng Zhengrong’s perspective, they weren’t very familiar with each other, and after being apart for half a month, it was natural to feel a bit awkward. He didn’t want to rush her, especially when she seemed so determined earlier. Meng Zhengrong was secretly relieved by her attitude.

“Then take a shower early. It’s been a long day. I will go to bed early.” Meng Zhengrong said.

“Okay.” As the sound fell, Xu Yuan got up in a whoosh and ran to the bedroom in a blink without looking at Meng Zhengrong.

Standing under the shower, Xu Yuan took off all her clothes and put a fragrant shower gel on her body. Her mind was divided into two pieces. On one hand, she felt a comfortable feeling that it was convenient and pleasant to take a bath in this era, while on the other hand, she was thinking about how to get along with Meng Zhengrong. Mrs Meng, this errand she had to do well, otherwise her life would be in chaos.

Previously, because the emperor trusted her too much, she couldn’t escape being the subject of gossip. Every time she listened to it, a person would kneel at the palace where the emperor was at night, not to mention having that kind of relationship with the emperor. Just thinking about it in that way, she felt that she should throw it out and chop it up. This kind of self-brainwashing was useful. Up to now, Xu Yuan has no such thoughts in her mind. 

When Xu Yuan dawdled out of the bathroom, she saw Meng Zhengrong lying on the enormous bed and almost fainted again. She seemed to have forgotten a very important thing. Now she and Meng Zhengrong were husband and wife, and husband and wife should sleep in the same bed … If Meng Zhengrong hadn’t put on that face, Xu Yuan wouldn’t have any psychological obstacles if they did something else. 

But now glancing at Meng Zhengrong’s face, she subconsciously wants to kneel and sweetly call him the Emperor Auspicious. Meng Zhengrong heard the noise and looked over. His gaze collided with Xu Yuan’s eyes. Xu Yuan felt her knees weakening and took the lead in avoiding his gaze.

In Meng Zhengrong’s view, two people were not familiar with each other before, but they will feel unfamiliar when they separate for half a month at the moment. He also couldn’t open his mouth to urge Xu Yuan to go to bed quickly. He continued to flip through the emails on his mobile as if nothing had happened. After reading no less than ten e-mails, he looked up again and saw Xu Yuan still standing there, as if she was going to stand until she was old.

“Not sleepy?” Meng Zhengrong kindly reminded.

Xu Yuan had to move reluctantly towards the bed and finally sat on the bed. She did not dare to move any more.

“Go to bed early, we need to go back to the main house tomorrow.” Meng Zhengrong glanced at the time on the mobile phone. “It’s almost midnight.”

Xu Yuan hadn’t had many questions; she didn’t even dare to have any questions. She quickly opened the quilt and lay down. Meng Zhengrong conveniently turned off the desk lamp of the bedside table. They were sleeping at the edge of a two-meter bed; even two people could sleep in the middle. After sitting on the plane for over ten hours, although Meng Zhengrong wanted to chat with Xu Yuan before going to bed to exchange feelings, he couldn’t resist sleepiness at the moment and soon fell asleep. Xu Yuan’s ears pricked up, counting Meng Zhengrong’s breathing once and for all. When she saw that it was becoming long and even, she knew that he was asleep, her body could not help but relax. However, when she relaxed, once again she imagined the face of the person sleeping next to her, her entire body tensed.

It’s really …. a long endless night without sleep! 

Xu Yuan’s mind was a mess. Xu Yuan didn’t fall asleep until after midnight. She tried her best to keep the farthest distance from Meng Zhengrong in this bed. She accidentally fell while moving. Fortunately, the bedroom was covered with thick wool carpet, so Xu Yuan didn’t feel pain when she fell to the ground. She observed Meng Zhengrong and realized he was not woken up by her. Xu Yuan didn’t dare to go to bed again. Finally, she lay directly on the carpet and curled up.

The room was still very warm, so sleeping on the ground for only a night wouldn’t let her catch a cold. It’s better to sleep on the ground than to sleep in the same bed with Meng Zhengrong.

She closed her eyes, suddenly calmed down, and soon fell asleep.

Meng Zhengrong slept earlier than Xu Yuan so woke up before her. He sat up and saw that Xu Yuan was not in bed, thinking that she had already got up, so habitually got out of bed and put on slippers to go to the bathroom to wash. He saw that Xu Yuan was lying on the ground sleeping soundly when he came to the bed. Suddenly, Meng Zhengrong felt unprecedented guilt in his heart.

Weren’t they just gotten married? And he had to go on a business trip for half a month. it should be because of her bad sleeping position that she would fall, and he doesn’t even know how long she slept on the ground. Meng Zhengrong was about to take Xu Yuan to bed. Didn’t know why her eyes suddenly opened.

“You high…” ness!

Fortunately, Xu Yuan came to her senses in time. She retreated three steps away. Because her movement was a little harsh, and the back of her head directly hit the bedside table. Xu Yuan immediately covered her head while gritting her teeth.

Meng Zhengrong stayed for a while, before he got up quickly, and walked up to her. He bent down to help her, “Did I startle you?”

Xu Yuan felt that the back of her head was bulging. She nodded her head despite her anger.

Unfortunately, Meng Zhengrong was not good at sweet words and had never apologized to anyone seriously. Although his heart urged him to apologize. His ‘I’m sorry’ didn’t get out of his mouth. On the first morning when Meng Zhengrong came back from a business trip, the atmosphere between the couple was awkward because of this incident.

Meanwhile, Mother Meng was listening to her daughter’s gossip about Xu Yuan.

Meng Pingting said while eating breakfast, “Is it only the Xu family who have the power? Who would run to her maternal house as soon as she had got married. Mom, you need to reprimand her, otherwise, she will do it again!”

“That’s your sister-in-law, an elder, it’s not for you to say that.” Father Meng came downstairs to hear such a sentence. He scolded his daughter angrily.

Meng Pingting was terrified of her father. So, she ate her bread silently.

“Your dad is right, no matter how bad Xu Yuan is, she is your sister-in-law, so talk to your sister-in-law nicely later.”

Meng Pingting muttered in a low voice, “I understand. Let her have it. Let her have it. It’s a minor act, anyway.”

Meng Pingting couldn’t retaliate against her parents, she also didn’t dare to confront Xu Yuan, as there was still her brother to defend her. Meng Pingting somehow felt dejected. Suddenly, she thought of the gossip about Xu Yuan that her friend had told her yesterday. She immediately became spirited and said with joy: “I have something to tell my brother later …”

Although she had never thought of interrupting her elder brother’s marriage, Meng Pingting felt that she still had to let her elder brother know about certain things, right?!


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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