You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 46.2

Chapter 46.2

After returning to the villa, Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong had lunch and then rested. Both of them hadn’t slept well, so they slept until the evening.

The butler noticed that both Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong had smiles on their faces, which eased his worries. This morning, when he realized that Meng Zhengrong wasn’t home, he didn’t know if he had stayed out all night or left early. But it was the first time the madam had gone to work alone, which was truly concerning.

It’s normal for a young couple to have some disagreements, as long as they resolve them well.

Because they had slept so much during the day, they were both wide awake at night. After their quarrel, they reconciled, with one party keen on rekindling the romance and the other actively cooperating. They clung to each other like a pair of lovebirds in the throes of a passionate relationship.

The two lay on the bed watching a movie. Even though it was a bad one, they enjoyed it immensely. Meng Zhengrong rested his head on Xu Yuan’s lap, feeling like today’s treatment was worlds apart from yesterday’s.

Yesterday, he was heartbroken and upset, but today felt like a fairy-tale day. He decided that unless arguing was beneficial to their relationship, he’d avoid it at all costs—it was just too exhausting!

“It’s already past ten. Normally, we’d be getting sleepy by now,” Xu Yuan said in surprise, checking her phone, “How long are we going to stay up tonight? I hope we don’t end up tossing and turning all night without sleeping again.”

Meng Zhengrong sat up, looked at her, and with a mischievous grin said, “A little exercise will tire us out and make us sleepy.”

He thought Xu Yuan would roll her eyes at him as she usually did, but to his surprise, she simply looked at him quietly without saying a word—neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

What did this mean?

Meng Zhengrong started to sweat nervously. Seeing that Xu Yuan said nothing, he tentatively placed his hand on her shoulder and slowly leaned in to kiss her cheek.

In the past, Xu Yuan might have wiped away the kiss, but today she didn’t. She even avoided his gaze, too shy to look at him.

Meng Zhengrong felt a jolt of excitement—could today be the day his “abstinence” was finally over?

The surprise came so quickly that he was caught off guard!

Like a starving wolf, he pressed Xu Yuan beneath him. They were so close that even though they weren’t doing anything strenuous, their hearts raced together.

This was the first time they were so close, so focused on each other’s eyes. People say you can see the heart through the eyes, and at that moment, Meng Zhengrong was certain that her heart and her eyes were filled only with him.

It wasn’t until he experienced a genuine, reciprocated kiss from her that he realized how lackluster and insincere the previous ones had been.

Xu Yuan was wearing a spaghetti strap nightgown. After tasting sweetness, Meng Zhengrong couldn’t stop. He slipped her shoulder strap down, revealing her fair shoulder.

His kisses were so eager that Xu Yuan instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned back, unknowingly giving Meng Zhengrong the greatest convenience.

Xu Yuan let out a soft “Ah,” her toes curling involuntarily.

Her face flushed red, and her hands started to grip tighter, her fingers threading through Meng Zhengrong’s hair.

Though Meng Zhengrong was impatient, his movements were gentle and patient. He wanted to give Xu Yuan a great experience, drawing out the foreplay for a long and satisfying time.

Just when the moment was right, Meng Zhengrong suddenly remembered the issue of a condom and snapped back to reality—there were none at home!

They hadn’t prepared any because shortly after their marriage, he’d gone on a business trip, and at the time, he wanted to act all cool, thinking they’d only take that step once Xu Yuan truly liked him.

Who would’ve thought the moment would come so unexpectedly, without any warning?

Though Meng Zhengrong was tempted to just go for it, he knew this was a big deal. He needed Xu Yuan’s consent before taking any risks.

“We don’t have any condoms,” Meng Zhengrong said, struggling to get the words out.

Maybe she didn’t want to get pregnant yet, or maybe she wasn’t ready. Pregnancy is a two-person decision, and one person alone can’t make the call.

He had already prepared himself—if Xu Yuan decided to stop, he wouldn’t object, and of course, he wouldn’t dare to.

Xu Yuan looked at Meng Zhengrong, gradually regaining her composure. She was a bit dazed at first, but after thinking over his words, she understood.

No condom meant the possibility of pregnancy was high, right?

What Meng Zhengrong didn’t know was that Xu Yuan had already accepted the idea. By agreeing to this, she was prepared for the possibility of becoming a mother.

There was nothing to hesitate about. Xu Yuan knew herself well—if she hesitated now, it might be difficult to go through with it later. She didn’t want to leave herself any way out. She wanted to live well with Meng Zhengrong from now on.

Even if she got pregnant, it was okay. After all, she had always longed for a family member of her own, hadn’t she?

She was ready to be a good mother, and she believed she would be.

Xu Yuan hugged Meng Zhengrong tightly and kissed his cheek, whispering, “So what? We’re already married, aren’t we?”

No matter what happened in the future, whether they stayed together or not, for now, they were legally married. They had enough to give a child a good life.

Pregnant or not, she wasn’t afraid.

Meng Zhengrong was deeply moved by her words. For a man, having a woman willing to be with him without a condom, willing to have his child—especially if she was the woman he loved—wasn’t this the most exciting and proud moment?

If the heartbreak from last night led to today’s surprise, he’d be willing to let Xu Yuan hurt him a few more times, as long as she was willing to comfort him afterward.

Meng Zhengrong pressed her down again, ready to continue where they left off. But Xu Yuan, now more rational and a bit shy, held onto his neck and said, “Turn off the lights.”

“Why turn off the lights?” Meng Zhengrong wanted to tease her; her reaction at this moment was just too adorable.

“No reason, just turn them off quickly, or we’ll just go to sleep.”

Meng Zhengrong wasn’t about to take that threat lightly. He quickly reached out to turn off the bedside lamp, and at some point, the TV had also been turned off.

The room instantly went dark.

Meng Zhengrong was gentle, Xu Yuan was cooperative, and the atmosphere was relaxed and romantic.

Everything was perfect, except for the occasional times when Xu Yuan’s head hit the headboard, causing her to curse Meng Zhengrong.

Seeing that she was about to hit her head again, Meng Zhengrong quickly pulled her back. However, instead of praise, he got scolded again.

Afterwards, neither of them wanted to move. Xu Yuan lay in his arms, breathing heavily, her face flushed, not wanting to speak for a long time.

It wasn’t as good as she had imagined, but it wasn’t bad either, Xu Yuan thought to herself. Aside from the initial pain, everything else seemed bearable.

Meng Zhengrong, having been abstinent for so long, wasn’t sure if his performance satisfied her. He was a bit regretful that he hadn’t checked the time, so he didn’t know how long he had lasted.

He really wanted to explain to Xu Yuan that it had been so long since he last did this, so if it was a bit quick, it was understandable. He will improve in the future.

But he couldn’t bring himself to say it.

He recalled that he had said something to her at the end. What was her response again?

She had probably told him to finish quickly, right?

Did that mean he had passed this time?

Neither of them spoke, yet it felt like everything had been said.

It had to be said that when the heart and body draw closer, their relationship takes a qualitative leap.

Meng Zhengrong carried Xu Yuan to the bathroom. Though her legs were trembling, she could still stand steadily. He wanted to tease her by suggesting they shower together, but seeing her nearly furious expression, he held back and considerately closed the bathroom door for her. He then sat on the bed, occasionally listening to the sound of running water from the bathroom, and occasionally breaking into a silly grin.

Xu Yuan struggled to control her trembling legs as she applied body wash, muttering under her breath, “What a shameless rascal.”

Meanwhile, Meng Zhengrong solemnly noted the date on his phone.

Yes, today should indeed be considered an anniversary.

A month later, Xu Yuan received flowers and a gift from Meng Zhengrong. She was puzzled about what the occasion was. When she checked her phone calendar and realized, her face turned dark, and she wished she could bite him to death. But that’s a story for another time.


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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