You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 48.2

Chapter 48.2

Yu Yu was frustrated and didn’t notice that Xu Yuan’s question was a bit peculiar. “We broke up a long time ago. He agreed to it back then; who knew he would act like this? Last night, I went out for dinner with friends. I had a few drinks and couldn’t drive. One of my friends drove me home, and when that friend left, he showed up. I was scared to death.”

It seemed that Yu Yu and Song Yu had genuinely been in a relationship.

Without needing Xu Yuan to pry further, Yu Yu began venting. “He actually said I was fickle! It’s ridiculous! We broke up ages ago; even if I started dating someone else, what business is it of his? I was so angry that I kicked him, but who knew he would break so easily?”

Whether Song Yu was playing the pity card was a different matter.

Xu Yuan thought of this as a messy situation.

Song Yu was clearly determined to cling on.

After Xu Yuan’s subtle questioning, she finally understood what was going on between Yu Yu and Song Yu.

There were no melodramatic twists, no deep emotional entanglements, and no misunderstandings.

It was just that they had spent little time together, and during a minor argument, Yu Yu had brought up breaking up. Song Yu had likely agreed to maintain his pride, intending for them to part ways without further contact. However, after a year of calm, Song Yu had begun to approach her again.

Yu Yu was currently focused on her path to becoming an award-winning actress and had no time for romance, let alone revisiting old flames.

After analyzing the situation, Xu Yuan calmly said, “Don’t worry, neither Meng Zhengrong nor I will help Song Yu.”

Their own relationship was still unresolved, so they had no time to interfere in others’ matters.

Yu Yu was relieved to hear that. “I’m not planning to get back together. However, I do feel a bit bad about him breaking a bone, so I’ve hired a nanny to deliver soup to him every day. I hope that’s sufficient?”

“Hmm, that’s enough.”

Yu Yu sighed. “I never intended to break up; who enters a relationship without thinking about marriage? But breaking up means we weren’t meant to be. I really don’t have the time to deal with this now.”

Xu Yuan agreed with Yu Yu’s perspective. In life, having a personal dream and the means to pursue it was quite rare. Yu Yu was at a pivotal point in her career, busy as ever; there was no time to think about dating.

After work, Xu Yuan went with Meng Zhengrong to visit Song Yu at the hospital. They stopped by a flower shop to buy a bouquet and then went to a nearby fruit shop for a fruit basket, preparing for a proper visit.

When they arrived at Song Yu’s hospital room, Meng Zhengrong was no longer worried about him.

Song Yu lay in the hospital bed, playing on his phone, the familiar tune of a matching game playing, accompanied by the phrase “unbelievable.”

Seeing Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan enter, he put down his phone and smiled widely. “Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Meng are here? This is quite an honor!”

Meng Zhengrong sat down, with Xu Yuan next to him. They leaned close to each other, and Song Yu could tell their relationship had improved. Even when they were at home, they used to keep some distance.

“Are you really hurt, or just faking it?” Meng Zhengrong tapped on the cast on Song Yu’s leg and asked.

Song Yu glanced at Xu Yuan. “Look at your husband. I’m in the hospital, and he still thinks I’m faking an illness.”

Xu Yuan shot back, “So are you really hurt or faking it?”

Song Yu clicked his tongue. “So you really are a couple.”

This wasn’t Xu Yuan intentionally getting back at Song Yu. Since Yu Yu had to maintain her figure, she was even skinnier than Xu Yuan and didn’t have much strength. While Song Yu wasn’t as tall as Meng Zhengrong, he was nearly 1.8 meters tall. Could Yu Yu really have kicked him down the stairs and caused a fracture? It was indeed suspicious.

Although Song Yu didn’t say it outright, both Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan could understand: it was all an act to gain sympathy from Yu Yu, hoping that even if he couldn’t win her back, she would still come to visit him in the hospital.

Xu Yuan didn’t feel any sympathy for Song Yu, and neither did Meng Zhengrong.

Regardless of how close Xu Yuan was to Yu Yu or how strong Meng Zhengrong’s friendship with Song Yu was, these were personal matters for others. They were mere bystanders, watching the drama unfold. It would be overly intrusive to interfere in someone else’s affairs.

After spending some time in the hospital, they prepared to leave. Song Yu should be fine after a few days of rest.

Song Yu hoped they would leave soon. He was eagerly awaiting Yu Yu’s return, and with the two bright lights in the room, he felt it would be a bit awkward.

Xu Yuan went to the parking lot first to wait for Meng Zhengrong while he chatted with Song Yu for a bit before heading out separately.

Just as Meng Zhengrong exited the elevator, he saw Chen Hao standing at the elevator door with a woman.

Chen Hao looked terrified and quickly scanned the area, acting like a stereotypical coward. Without thinking, he said to Meng Zhengrong, “I didn’t see her; I’m not here on purpose!”

He remembered what Meng Zhengrong had said earlier, and who would’ve thought he would run into him today? His first reaction was that Xu Yuan was nearby, and he wanted to leave immediately.

Despite still having some lingering feelings for Xu Yuan, they paled in comparison to his family. Chen Hao had decided long ago never to associate with Xu Yuan again; it was best for them not to meet at all.

Meng Zhengrong coldly regarded Chen Hao and then the woman beside him, who was not Sun Zhi and instinctively cradled her small belly.

“Don’t just stand there; hurry and leave,” Meng Zhengrong said with a cold voice.

Chen Hao felt relieved and quickly escorted the woman into the elevator. The hospital wasn’t very tall, and as the elevator stopped at the fourth floor, Meng Zhengrong recalled that it seemed to be the maternity ward.

Thinking back to the woman’s protective gesture and Chen Hao’s arm around her waist, Meng Zhengrong understood everything.

It really is true that a dog can’t change its nature.

Last time Xu Yuan mentioned that Sun Zhi was pregnant, and the Chen family was saying if it was a boy, he could be brought into the family, but if it was a girl, there’d be no acknowledgment…

Now Chen Hao was accompanying another woman to the hospital; it was easy to guess why.

Meng Zhengrong quickly found his parking spot, returned to the car, and saw Xu Yuan with her head down, looking at her phone.

He wasn’t sure if Xu Yuan had seen what had just happened, but he was certain that her feelings for Chen Hao were long gone.

When two people are together, they can sense whether the other’s heart is truly with them.

Meng Zhengrong felt a bit indignant for Xu Yuan. He believed she had genuinely invested her heart when she was with Chen Hao; she had loved the wrong person.

At the same time, he felt a heavy sense of responsibility. To be honest, a man’s promise to a woman is inherently unreliable; no one can guarantee their promises will always hold true. Meng Zhengrong wasn’t willing to make promises to anyone, but as he glanced at Xu Yuan’s profile, he thought she had already loved the wrong person once; he couldn’t let her make that mistake again.

Yes, he wanted her to never regret marrying him, whether thirty, forty, or even fifty years down the line.

Overwhelmed by his feelings, Meng Zhengrong couldn’t help but lean closer to Xu Yuan, kissing her cheek. When she turned to him, their lips met, but instead of deepening the kiss, he gently pecked a few times and touched her nose, simply smiling softly without saying a word.

Xu Yuan had seen Chen Hao; she felt indifferent, which was normal. After all, it wasn’t her past with him, but she couldn’t help but sigh for the original owner.

She didn’t understand how the original owner had vanished, but it seemed Chen Hao could be considered a catalyst.

Loving the wrong person was not a big deal as long as she had no regrets; there was nothing pitiful about it.

She just hoped the original owner could also live on in another way and meet someone who truly understood and cherished her.

Of course, Xu Yuan had never pinned her future solely on Meng Zhengrong. Even though she had feelings for him, she still believed that her future was something she needed to fight for herself.

There was no feeling in the world that could replace what she earned through her own efforts.


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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