You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 49.1

Chapter 49.1

Meng Zhengrong demonstrated what true despair looked like.

But maybe she could feel a bit relieved? The chances of pregnancy should be very, very low now, right?

Xu Yuan watched as Meng Zhengrong solemnly turned on the lights, then blew out the candles, and finally climbed onto the bed, resignedly picking up the rose petals scattered on it.

She felt a bit of relief from the discomfort caused by her period. She had to admit, Meng Zhengrong’s expression was quite comforting.

Although Meng Zhengrong felt a bit down, he still remembered that Xu Yuan must be uncomfortable right now. After finishing everything, he instinctively went downstairs to bring up a cup of warm water, placing it on the bedside table. He asked Xu Yuan, “Is there anywhere you feel unwell?”

In her previous life, Xu Yuan had suffered from severe period pain, worsened by not being properly cared for as a child, and the worst part was she couldn’t show it.

So, every time her period came, it felt like a great torment for her.

The original owner had grown up in luxury, with every need catered to, so when this body had her period, the only notable change was slight cramping on the first day; there were no other significant symptoms.

Xu Yuan shook her head. “It’s okay; just a bit of discomfort in my stomach, but it’s manageable.”

Lying on the soft, big bed, completely wrapped in the blanket, was incredibly comfortable.

To be honest, even though she had significant power in her previous life, if given the choice, she would never go back.

Modern society was so convenient! Thinking back, the reason she worked so hard in her past life was just to live peacefully and comfortably.

And now, she already had this kind of life.

Meng Zhengrong turned to the wardrobe, changing into comfortable pajamas and pants, looking very homey. He returned to the bed, holding Xu Yuan in his arms. He gently placed his hand on her stomach. His large, warm hand certainly eased her discomfort.

“Feeling any better?” Meng Zhengrong was no longer so gloomy; after all, there was plenty of time ahead. The most important thing now was to make her feel better.

Xu Yuan nodded in contentment, but then a thought struck her. She opened her eyes, grasped Meng Zhengrong’s large hand, and asked, “How did you know to do this? Have you done it for someone else before?”

Thinking back, Meng Zhengrong probably had quite a rich romantic history, right?

In the past, she hadn’t thought much of it; after all, with his age and conditions, it was hard to believe he had no exes. But now, it is different. Before, she didn’t care because she didn’t like him; now that she had developed feelings, how could she not care?

The thought that he had once done these affectionate things for someone else made her heart sink.

Meng Zhengrong didn’t know how to answer.

His feelings were complex.

Xu Yuan took his silence as a default acknowledgment and found it hard to control herself, saying, “You don’t have to do it anymore.”

Meng Zhengrong gently pressed her head against his chest. “Don’t overthink it; this really is an unnecessary worry.”

He sighed, “I haven’t done this for anyone else. I’ve only seen Song Yu do this for Yu Yu before.”

Xu Yuan gave a soft huff.

Meng Zhengrong knew there would be a day when a woman, while caring for him, would also become petty and let her imagination run wild, conjuring up many thoughts from a small incident. After all, many conflicts between men and women are really just trivial matters that people blow out of proportion.

“I have dated a few girlfriends in the past,” Meng Zhengrong decided to be open and honest, knowing Xu Yuan was aware of his history. To avoid misunderstandings in the future, it was best to clarify things now. “However, I swear to the heavens that you are the one I like the most.”

Xu Yuan clicked her tongue.

Meng Zhengrong knew this sounded like the typical line of a scumbag, but it was the truth.

“Looking back, I still have regrets. It’s not that I regret not treating my ex-girlfriends better; after all, when we broke up, no one owes anyone anything. The only thing I regret is that if I had known one day I would marry you and that you would feel jealous about my past, I would have waited for you like an honest old virgin.”

But the past was set in stone and could not be changed.

Meng Zhengrong was not just saying this; if he could foresee the future, he would have waited for Xu Yuan. It was just that he didn’t know who he would be with in the future, which was why he had a past.

Hearing Meng Zhengrong say this made Xu Yuan feel much better, and she became more understanding. She patted his chest and smiled, “It’s precisely because you have a past that you are who you are now.”

Childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood—each stage is different. It’s those experiences that shape one’s character.

Without those pasts, what would Meng Zhengrong be like now? Would he still attract her like he did? Xu Yuan couldn’t say.

Meng Zhengrong smiled, “Alright, I’ve been honest about everything. My past is boring; my relationships were also dull, and I have no unforgettable memories.”

“What did you do with your ex-girlfriends?” Xu Yuan asked, wanting to know. On one hand, she felt jealous; on the other, she was curious about what dating entailed since she had no experience in that area.

Meng Zhengrong thought for a moment, “I can’t remember. Don’t look at me like that; I really don’t recall. I’ve been single for over a year since we got married.”

It seemed truly boring; he genuinely had no memorable experiences, or else he wouldn’t have forgotten.

“Surely you remember who was the prettiest among your ex-girlfriends?”

Xu Yuan knew this question was trivial, but she couldn’t help but ask.

Meng Zhengrong glanced at Xu Yuan. “They were all pretty.”

After all, he used to be a connoisseur of beauty. He paused and added, “But you’re still the prettiest. I swear it, not a single word of it is false.”

Since getting close to Xu Yuan, Meng Zhengrong has become more playful.

But what he said was true; he had always been a connoisseur of beauty, and his initial attraction to Xu Yuan had started with her looks. However, what truly made him fall for her was not just her appearance.

True beauty appreciation happens when one meets a special person and submits to her completely.

Meng Zhengrong still encountered beautiful women, but they were just sights to behold; he felt no attraction.

Love is like a beautified version of one’s own self. When one has this, their loved one naturally appears more radiant.

Meng Zhengrong then asked, “What about you? Don’t you think I’m the most handsome?”

Xu Yuan considered it seriously before shaking her head. “Not really.”

Meng Zhengrong’s face darkened. “What?”

Xu Yuan found her phone on the bedside table and opened a photo. One picture featured a male god—not the current hot young star, but a solid actor who was low-key and truly talented. “I think he’s more handsome.”

Meng Zhengrong snorted in disdain.

The long night wore on, and sleep eluded them.

Recalling how Meng Zhengrong had teased her earlier, Xu Yuan thought it was a perfect time for some revenge.

As Meng Zhengrong closed his eyes and chatted with her idly, Xu Yuan suddenly draped a leg over him, rubbing against him.

Meng Zhengrong jolted awake, asking, “What are you doing?”

Xu Yuan feigned innocence, “I’m not doing anything; I just wanted to hug you. Is that not allowed?”

Meng Zhengrong: “…”

Xu Yuan didn’t waste words with him; she sat up and positioned herself atop Meng Zhengrong’s waist, looking down at him with a smile. “Is that not allowed?”

Meng Zhengrong was completely stunned, unsure of what Xu Yuan was up to.

Xu Yuan didn’t disappoint his curiosity, deliberately tugging down her camisole strap, revealing her fair shoulder and a hint of softness.

Meng Zhengrong’s breath hitched, his eyes glued to her.


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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