You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 49.3

Chapter 49.3

Over the time they had spent together, regardless of Fang Mingyang’s feelings, he was ultimately not a bad person. He was capable and not very talkative. Just as she said, no matter where he went, his future wouldn’t be too bleak.

She could only do this much for him. If he didn’t want to, he could always look for something better. However, regardless of which path he chose, she likely wouldn’t see him again.

That was fine; she was now Xu Yuan, starting a new life, and she shouldn’t have any entanglements with the past.

Fang Mingyang glanced at Xu Yuan and fell silent for a moment. Xu Yuan didn’t rush him, patiently waiting for his answer.

After nearly five minutes, Fang Mingyang finally said, “I want to go to Xu Corporation sales department.”

From the beginning, he had wanted to apply for the sales department, but he had never been hired because the HR thought he was too quiet and not suitable for the position. Now, he wanted to challenge himself.

People are realistic, and even Fang Mingyang understood that the two paths in front of him were opportunities others could only dream of.

Perhaps the first lesson in society was learning to lower one’s head?

He didn’t want to think about pride; he only wanted to make something of himself and improve his family’s situation. So even though he wanted to resign and find a job on his own, he had to make a choice now.

Even if Xu Yuan would look down on him for this, he would still choose this option.

In this society, there was no room for small individuals to have pride.

Xu Yuan was not surprised by Fang Mingyang’s answer and nodded. “Alright, you can report there on Monday. This is the contact information for the sales department manager. You can reach out to him.”

After saying this, Xu Yuan added, “Fang Mingyang, I’m just giving you an introduction; whether you can stay depends on you.”

It was essentially a reminder for Fang Mingyang.

Fang Mingyang nodded. “Thank you, Manager. I understand.”

“Okay, you can tidy up your things and say goodbye to your colleagues before you leave. After all, you’ve worked together for some time.”

As Fang Mingyang stood to leave, he turned back to glance at Xu Yuan. She was looking at her computer, not noticing him.

He sighed inwardly; she was truly a kind person for going this far for him, while he had such thoughts. Fang Mingyang didn’t want to see Xu Yuan again, as thinking of her would only remind him of his own inferiority and ugliness.

It was time for him to prepare to walk his own path.

Xu Yuan had made it clear that she was just giving him an opportunity. This meant he still had to gain the approval of the sales department manager; the manager wouldn’t be lenient just because she had recommended him. She had hinted at that quite clearly.

He really didn’t have time to be sentimental anymore; the burden of the family rested solely on his shoulders, and there were still many things he needed to do.

However, he likely wouldn’t see her again in the future, which was fine. He and she were not from the same world; they had only had a brief intersection, and it was too short. He had to return to reality.

After work, Fang Mingyang’s colleagues wanted to take him out for dinner and invited Xu Yuan along. However, when Meng Zhengrong showed up, they had to cancel.

Xu Yuan followed Meng Zhengrong to the parking lot, preparing to go to the Meng family’s old house for dinner.

In the car, Meng Zhengrong asked, “Did you talk to him?”

Xu Yuan replied with a yes. “Do you really not mind?”

She felt that what she had done for Fang Mingyang had gone beyond the concern of a superior for a subordinate, but she couldn’t tell Meng Zhengrong the reason behind it.

Because if she did, he wouldn’t believe her.

Meng Zhengrong nodded. “I do mind.” After a pause, he continued, “More than minding your arrangements for him, I mind him staying by your side as your assistant. I hold grudges against others, but not against you. After he leaves, I’ll probably forget about him after a month.”

Xu Yuan turned to look at Meng Zhengrong seriously. She reached out, cupped his face, squeezed it with some humor, but she made a solemn promise, “I guarantee this is the first and last time.”

Meng Zhengrong understood her meaning, shook his face, and returned the gesture, cupping her face and mimicking her earlier action. He leaned in and kissed her pouting lips, “Alright, got it. Just this once.”

He wasn’t a generous man, but sometimes, in front of her, he was willing to be generous.

Just this once.

Moreover, because of this matter, he achieved the outcome he desired, which made it worthwhile.

As long as she didn’t like someone else, as long as her heart was with him, why should he care about the reasons behind it?


Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong arrived at the old house. Father Meng had gone fishing and hadn’t returned yet. Meng Pingting was still at school and on her way back, while Mother Meng was busy in the kitchen, preparing soup to nourish them.

With nothing to do, they sat on the sofa flipping through old photos.

Meng Zhengrong didn’t want Xu Yuan to see the pictures of him when he was a child in the nude; that would ruin his image. But since Xu Yuan wanted to see them, he had no way to stop her and had to let her see his embarrassing past.

The photos were arranged in chronological order, starting from Meng Zhengrong’s birth and showing his growth.

When he was little, Meng Zhengrong was chubby and adorable, completely different from how he was now.

Xu Yuan felt warm inside as she looked at the photos, grateful for modern technology that allowed her to see his childhood through these pictures.

As she flipped through the pages, her expression grew increasingly strange until she reached a certain page. Looking at Meng Zhengrong’s photo from elementary school, she nearly tossed the album away.

This was a picture of Meng Zhengrong in the sixth grade. He was standing seriously at the old house’s door in a white shirt and slacks, looking impatient, as if he was being forced to take the picture.

Xu Yuan’s fingers trembled as she pointed at the photo and asked, “Who is this?”

Meng Zhengrong glanced at Xu Yuan, finding her quite perplexing. “That’s my younger self. How do I look? Handsome even as a child, right?”

Many people look similar in childhood and adulthood, but the difference in Meng Zhengrong was quite noticeable.

However, there was one similarity: he was handsome at every stage of his life.


Handsome my foot! Handsome you, old man!

Xu Yuan was in disbelief because the little Zhengrong in the photo looked just like the new emperor who had ordered her execution in her past life!! They were identical! Even the expression on his face was just like that of the little emperor!


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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