You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 58.2

Chapter 58.2

Hot pot is delicious, but cleaning up afterward can be quite a hassle.

Song Chaowen and his wife, along with Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan, didn’t want to let the older actors take on the dishwashing duty. After all, they were getting older, and if footage of them washing dishes aired, they would likely be criticized by the public.

Clearing the table, tidying up, and cutting fruit were all manageable tasks.

The real headache for all four of them was doing the dishes.

When Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan had cooked before, they didn’t want to deal with greasy dishes. Back then, they could hire a maid, but if they hired one for the show now, the critics would surely attack them.

Clearly, Song Chaowen and Shen Li were also considering this issue. Both were actors and probably hadn’t cooked much at home, let alone washed dishes.

After some thought, the couples decided it was fair to have one couple do the cleanup and fruit cutting while the other couple washed the dishes.

However, the problem arose: neither couple wanted to wash dishes.

Song Chaowen and Meng Zhengrong especially didn’t want to wash dishes but didn’t want to say it directly. They cleverly used their wives as excuses.

“I don’t mind washing the dishes, but my wife… sigh,” Meng Zhengrong said.

Song Chaowen chimed in, “Yes, it’s not that I don’t want to wash dishes; it’s just that my wife doesn’t seem to want to.”

Xu Yuan and Shen Li, well aware of their husbands’ characters, exchanged glances and suggested, “How about we clean up and cut fruit while you two wash the dishes?”

Shen Li added, “Anyway, you both don’t mind washing dishes, so it’s perfect. The division of labor is clear.”

With the cameras on them, neither Song Chaowen nor Meng Zhengrong could argue further. If they continued to resist, they’d probably be labeled as not being manly after the show aired.

So, the two men went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, and through this little scene, they developed a mutual understanding.

While the cameras weren’t focused on them, Song Chaowen took the initiative to say, “Next time, let’s not cook for ourselves, or we’ll end up washing dishes again.”

Most people don’t want to cook because they don’t want to wash dishes, and they haven’t found anyone willing to wash dishes for them.

Meng Zhengrong nodded in agreement. “If there weren’t so many cameras around, we could hire someone.”

Song Chaowen laughed, “I’ve thought that too.”

Of course, it was just a thought.

As the two men washed the dishes and chatted, they quickly grew closer.

Meng Zhengrong found Song Chaowen to be a decent guy. If only Xu Yuan wasn’t such a fan of his, things would be perfect.

Song Chaowen also thought Meng Zhengrong was great. If he weren’t Shen Li’s idol, maybe they could grab a drink after filming.

Outside, Shen Li and Xu Yuan were enjoying the moment, with the cameras capturing their playful banter.

“My husband thinks I don’t know he’s avoiding washing dishes while dragging me into it,” Shen Li said, then added, “I hope his fans aren’t surprised when they see him. He’s really lazy behind the scenes.”

Xu Yuan was curious about the gossip surrounding Song Chaowen, but she couldn’t ask directly, so she said, “My husband is the same. I can’t even get him to help me collect things from the balcony.”

After the show aired, Meng Zhengrong would discover that Xu Yuan had made such comments about him.

Could he really be blamed for it? Who was at fault for the trauma of going to the balcony?

Now, Meng Zhengrong avoided going to the balcony whenever possible. Just seeing it reminded him of that night.

Xu Yuan had exhausted all her efforts to get him to go to the balcony.

The older actor couple was playing with their pet dog in the yard, and the camera captured just how lovely the afternoon was.

It felt like a variety show, but it had a natural vibe, as if it was just a gathering among friends. This was the effect Zhang Mian wanted.

If the scripted elements were too obvious, it would only make people uncomfortable.


By the time everything was wrapped up, it was already past three o’clock.

The show wasn’t finished yet. According to the script, they were supposed to sing at home, with the three couples representing different eras.

Filming two weeks’ worth of content in one day was hardly enough; this was just today, and they’d have to continue filming tomorrow and the day after.

Zhang Mian said they needed to shoot six episodes, but in reality, it was only three episodes. Each episode required three days to a week of filming, which wasn’t much time for the three couples.

The older couple’s home still had decor from the ’80s and ’90s, which was why Zhang Mian chose to shoot the first episode there.

The popularity of youth-themed dramas wasn’t without its nostalgic elements.

The older couple had a son and a daughter; the son lived in the city but didn’t live with them, while the daughter had settled abroad. The two of them often felt a bit lonely, so having so many people around made them smile, and they brought out their best fruit to treat the guests.

Zhang Mian had set up a temporary family karaoke setup. It wouldn’t be good to shoot a variety show in a KTV setting.

The older couple were karaoke enthusiasts, singing several popular songs from their era. Their strong voices showcased their good health, easily hitting high notes.

After they finished singing, the staff applauded.

Everyone was quite happy, and even Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan gradually forgot they were recording a show.

Why was this segment arranged? Strictly speaking, it didn’t have much significance, but the main highlight was getting Song Chaowen to sing.

Many actors, due to their good acting skills, would sing a few songs to please their fans, but Song Chaowen had never sung before. Directors had previously considered having him sing an opening or closing song, but he always refused.

Fans joked that their idol was probably tone-deaf; otherwise, why wouldn’t he sing?

Of course, if that were true, it would mean God was fair. If Song Chaowen were handsome and a great actor, but also a good singer, then how would others live?

Previously, Zhang Mian had discussed this segment with Song Chaowen, and he surprisingly agreed. Knowing his feelings, Xu Yuan couldn’t help but sigh; Song Chaowen was really doing it for his wife.

Song Chaowen could easily have opted out of this show; why come down from his pedestal? He could stay up there forever. Everything he was doing now, including singing for the first time on a variety show, was solely for his wife.

Even Xu Yuan was moved. She glanced back at Meng Zhengrong, who was happily eating fruit, thinking, “Oh, never mind.”

Not only Xu Yuan but even the staff were eager to hear Song Chaowen sing.

Needless to say, Song Chaowen’s first performance on the show would surely boost the viewership ratings.

Xu Yuan felt as though the room had suddenly become exceptionally quiet; everyone was watching Song Chaowen.

Originally, they thought he would be tone-deaf, but to their surprise, he actually sang quite well.

He might not match professional singers, but with this level, he could dominate in KTV.

Halfway through his song, he suddenly stopped singing, leaving Xu Yuan and the others feeling disappointed.

Xu Yuan secretly glanced at her phone, recording the segment. She decided to use it as her ringtone, listening to it every day.

When the microphone reached Meng Zhengrong, he sang a line, and Xu Yuan instinctively looked up at him.

He was singing with his eyes closed, completely absorbed in it.

Zhang Mian quietly snuck up behind her and said something before quickly disappearing.

“Zhengrong was very popular when he sang in school.”

Song Chaowen had been singing well, but as soon as Meng Zhengrong opened his mouth, it became obvious who was better.

Xu Yuan felt a bit eager to try herself; she had never been to KTV and had never sung into a microphone. The most she had done was hum while showering.

Such entertainment wasn’t available in ancient times.

She was feeling a bit pumped.

Finally, Meng Zhengrong finished singing, and the microphone was passed to Xu Yuan. Even though they were singing, it felt like a game. They had taken turns, and Xu Yuan hadn’t had a chance to grab the mic until now. She was excited at the prospect of finally being able to showcase her voice.

Xu Yuan picked a love song she had been listening to frequently.

She loved it so much that she almost sang along every day.

Meng Zhengrong felt a bit of a headache. He didn’t know how to stop his wife from singing. Naturally, he didn’t dare to stop her.

Perhaps all tone-deaf people didn’t realize they were tone-deaf.

She sang every day while showering, and the more she sang, the more into it she became. He was restless in the room, not knowing how to politely remind her.

After some thought, he figured she was his wife; he couldn’t deny her the right to sing at home. He would bear the pain himself, as long as she was happy.

Since the script was finalized, Meng Zhengrong had been stressed over this issue.

To others, Xu Yuan’s voice was pleasant, and she looked beautiful. They thought she would sing as well as her husband, Meng Zhengrong.

As everyone listened eagerly to her voice, it only took a few seconds for them to be completely stunned, as if their souls had been shaken; this wasn’t an exaggeration.

Xu Yuan was still singing earnestly.

Song Chaowen and Shen Li’s expressions turned blank, revealing their professionalism. Even the staff were momentarily shocked but didn’t forget to capture everyone’s reactions, knowing it would surely be a comedic highlight later.

The older couple was also taken aback.

Only Meng Zhengrong listened with admiration and enjoyment, as if his wife didn’t have a tone-deaf voice, but rather a celestial one.

What is a good man? This is!

In fact, this was a little act Meng Zhengrong added for himself. Since the situation couldn’t be changed, he couldn’t react like everyone else. Whether his wife sang well or poorly, he had to be her most loyal listener.

Of course, afterward, Meng Zhengrong sneakily hid in the restroom and sent a message to Zhang Mian.

【Bro, how much do I have to pay you to cut out the footage of my wife singing?】 He knew that if Xu Yuan felt embarrassed later, the only person she could vent her frustration on would be him.


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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