You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 60.2

Chapter 60.2

That evening, Meng Zhengrong proved with actions that he had truly overcome his psychological barriers.

After a thrilling drive, both his body and mind felt satisfied.

“I thought you didn’t like this kind of thing,” Meng Zhengrong said, holding Xu Yuan, one hand lifting the lace nightgown that had been tossed aside.

Xu Yuan was lying there with her eyes closed, too tired and disinterested to say anything. Her fair face was flushed, making her look incredibly alluring.

To Meng Zhengrong, Xu Yuan at this moment resembled the coarse berry cream cake he loved as a child.

Sweet and fragrant.

Just taking a bite was enough to unleash an explosion of flavor, unforgettable.

“If I had known you liked this, I would have bought you more sets,” he said, thinking back to how Xu Yuan had looked while killing fish; he didn’t feel any discomfort about it anymore.

Killing fish? That was completely trivial, nothing to worry about.

Xu Yuan reluctantly opened her eyes. “You dare to buy more? Try it.”

“Couples need to have this kind of fun!” Meng Zhengrong earnestly sought benefits for himself. “Anyway, it’s just the two of us; no one else will see.”

Xu Yuan was too lazy to bother with Meng Zhengrong. “Even if you buy them, I won’t wear them.” She paused. “Stop talking nonsense; hurry and carry me to take a shower.”

Meng Zhengrong’s eyes lit up at her words. “Shower? Sure, sure!”

Xu Yuan said, “…You carry me to the bathroom, and then I’ll wash myself.”

The fact that he could overcome his barriers today was a pleasant surprise, so Meng Zhengrong didn’t dare ask for more. He obediently carried her to the bathroom and then went out.

Xu Yuan lay in the bathtub, reflecting on the events of the past two days. She managed to regain some rationality and couldn’t help but think how truly miraculous it all was.

Now, when she looked at Meng Zhengrong’s face, she no longer thought of the past. She wouldn’t associate him with the emperor, as if the events of her previous life were merely a dream.

And indeed, to her, the past was just a fleeting dream.

Now was what was real.

This was quite good, wasn’t it?

After confirming everyone’s travel arrangements, Zhang Mian sent a notification that the second filming would take place at the beginning of next month.

It takes time to edit the program, submit it for review, and confirm the broadcast date.

During this period, both Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong were quite busy. However, the WeChat group created by the three couples had been active, maintaining a connection.

Xu Yuan had also been more actively engaged in public welfare projects. Sister Zhou had given birth, and she was unable to sit still. She planned to return to work once the baby grew a bit, and at that time, she would certainly reclaim her authority in the finance department.

Zhang Mian mentioned in the group that the program had passed the review and would soon start filming. He also told them that the editing effects were particularly good. Even the staff who filmed with them laughed heartily upon reviewing it, making it clear that the viewership would not be low.

On Weibo, the TV station had leaked information to industry reporters and marketing accounts, revealing that Song Chaowen would be appearing on a variety show. Now, whenever Xu Yuan opened Weibo, it was filled with news about Song Chaowen’s participation in the show.

Some people speculated that Song Chaowen might be appearing on the program, while others couldn’t believe that such a god-like figure would participate in a reality show.

The show had gained attention even before airing. After all, with Song Chaowen as a popular figure, the ratings would be good even if the program itself was subpar, not to mention having a director like Zhang Mian, which guaranteed the quality of the show.

Originally, fans were a bit worried about Song Chaowen’s participation in the show, considering that well-executed reality shows could attract fans. Many artists with previous controversies managed to turn their careers around thanks to variety shows. However, if the show turned out poorly, it could lead to undesirable consequences.

But when fans learned that the show was directed by Zhang Mian, they breathed a sigh of relief and eagerly anticipated the premiere.

The day before filming officially began, Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong were set to depart for a remote mountainous area to deliver warmth to the local children.

Their appearance on the show was originally intended to promote Meng’s commitment to public welfare. It would be quite embarrassing to publicize it only to be discovered doing nothing.

Since taking over the public welfare project department, Xu Yuan had been actively following up on welfare initiatives.

Those in the know understood that Xu Yuan was particularly passionate about projects for sick children. In fact, she had successfully completed several projects. Now, it was no secret that Meng’s involvement in public welfare was well-known in the industry, and everyone knew that the newly appointed project manager was none other than Mrs. Meng, who cared deeply about social causes.

Achieving such results made both Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan satisfied.

Of course, merely talking without action would be meaningless. Xu Yuan was genuinely doing practical work. Regardless of her motivations, she had helped many people, and that was enough.

In this world, how many people would dare to claim they had no selfish motives?

With winter approaching, Xu Yuan dragged Meng Zhengrong along to deliver cotton clothes and shoes to the left-behind children in the remote area.

She also wanted to assess the number of sick children in the area.

Compared to urban areas, there were indeed more sick children in remote areas, and they were the group in most need of help, as their parents often lacked the financial means to provide medical treatment.

Sitting in the vehicle heading to the village, the road was bumpy and rugged. Xu Yuan leaned against Meng Zhengrong’s shoulder. “The program should be starting to air soon, right?”

They had flown in the previous afternoon, spent the night in the local city, and were now traveling to the village. The journey had taken quite some time, and it was almost evening. Xu Yuan was still thinking about the show.

Meng Zhengrong looked at the time. “Yeah, soon.”

It went without saying that there were probably not many televisions in the village. Even if there were, they were there for business; they couldn’t possibly go to someone’s house to watch TV.

The signal in the mountains wasn’t very good either. It took minutes for Weibo to load; let alone watching videos. They could only wait until they returned to watch properly.

“I wonder how the show will be received?” Xu Yuan said softly.

To say she wasn’t scared would be a lie. Who wouldn’t care about others’ opinions?

Meng Zhengrong patted her cheek. “The internet updates too quickly. Even if someone criticizes us, not long after the show ends, there won’t be many people who remember us. So there’s no need to be afraid. We’re not celebrities; we don’t rely on popularity for resources.”

Meng Zhengrong was speaking the truth; they weren’t celebrities, and without any subsequent works, people would quickly forget about them. This was one reason he had agreed to participate in the show.

After all, they were just ordinary people who had tasted what it was like to be a star for a moment. However, they didn’t want to keep experiencing it; they would eventually return to their normal lives.

“…That sounds so bittersweet.”

After the show ended, would anyone really remember them?

So, whether they were liked or disliked wouldn’t have much impact on them.

Thinking of it this way indeed relieved some of the burden.

“Actually, I have my own selfish motives for doing this,” Xu Yuan said softly, her voice low enough that only Meng Zhengrong, sitting beside her, could hear. In the dimming light of the evening, her words felt especially gentle. “On one hand, it’s definitely for reputation and fame, but on the other hand, I can’t shake the feeling that by doing this, my future children will be blessed.”

She didn’t want any rewards for herself; she just hoped that all the good luck would come to her children in the future, and that was enough.

It was quite interesting to think about, considering she wasn’t a mother yet, and there wasn’t a baby in her belly, but she still had these thoughts.

Meng Zhengrong lowered his head and kissed her cheek, his gaze becoming particularly gentle. “You will have them for sure. I’ll give all my good luck in the second half of my life to you and the baby.”

He didn’t know how other men thought, but for him, nothing in this world was more important than his little family.

Having this little family made him more motivated at work than ever before. He felt like he was fighting for more than just himself.

Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong had visited several remote mountainous areas and were mentally prepared for the harsh conditions. They spent the entire night scrolling through Weibo, hoping to see comments about them, but unfortunately, there was no signal, so they had to give up.

After a restless night, they woke up and went to the local primary school in the village, where the signal was slightly better.

Before long, the WeChat notifications started flooding in.

Taking advantage of the free time, Xu Yuan opened WeChat, and among the messages, Meng Pingting’s was at the top and most eye-catching.

[Sister-in-law, you’re famous! Did you know?!]

[Ahhh! My god, sister-in-law, you were so cute in the show! So beautiful! I want to be your number one fan!!]


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