You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 61.2

Chapter 61.2

This wasn’t entirely Xu Yuan’s fault; she didn’t want to remember something that embarrassed her in front of the entire nation either.

People often have this mindset—when they embarrass themselves, they wish they could just forget it completely.

Unfortunately, the segment where Xu Yuan sang off-key had become one of the highlights of the episode. Even if she wanted to forget, there were plenty of people constantly bringing it up, making it impossible for her to pretend she had amnesia.

The president and the first lady appeared on a show, so naturally, the employees at the company had to support the ratings. Within the department, no one deliberately mentioned her singing off-key.

However, a few colleagues invited Xu Yuan out to play with claw machines, claiming they wanted her help catching a toy, and they intended to brag about it on their WeChat Moments for several days.

Xu Yuan naturally agreed happily, and it turned out that when she tried catching toys that day, it wasn’t just luck—she truly had a knack for it.

That day, the outing fell on a workday, and after having lunch with her female colleagues, they went to the claw machine. Xu Yuan was entirely focused when trying to catch the toys, and when she finally managed to grab one, applause erupted around her. When she looked up, she realized several people were taking photos.

Thanks to the show’s effect, Xu Yuan’s image appeared on the headlines that day.

Looking at the pictures taken by passersby on Weibo, Xu Yuan was grateful that she sensed she was about to become popular, prompting her to carefully coordinate her outfits and put on makeup every morning before leaving the house.

Comments on Weibo like “Miss, can you help me catch a toy?” “Please share a claw machine tutorial!” and “Miss, you’re so beautiful!” flooded in. Of course, no matter how popular one became online, there would always be some unkind voices, but Xu Yuan chose to ignore those comments.

People who over analyze others’ unintentional actions while watching a variety show and rant like a shrew are the most pitiful in the world.

She didn’t have time for such people.

That day, Song Yu finally returned to the company from the filming set with Yu Yu and rushed straight to Meng Zhengrong’s office, holding a banana and seriously asking, “Excuse me, now that your wife has a much higher popularity than you, what are your thoughts?”

Meng Zhengrong shot him an impatient glare.

“My niece wants your wife to help her catch a toy. Is that okay?”

Meng Zhengrong picked up a file bag from his desk and threw it at him. “You can go catch it yourself!”

His wife wasn’t a professional claw machine player! This one wanted his wife to help, and that one wanted her help too. Didn’t they know how to do things for themselves?

Song Yu dodged the file bag and chuckled, “By the way, how much did you spend that day? You didn’t manage to catch a single toy!”

Over the past few days, many people had asked Meng Zhengrong the same question, and saying he felt no emotional turmoil would be an exaggeration. “Do you think catching toys is that simple?”

“It’s not simple, which is why your wife became popular because of it.” Song Yu slapped his forehead. “No, wait. Your wife became popular because she sang off-key. Speaking of which, do you really not know your wife can’t sing in tune?”

Several others had asked Meng Zhengrong the same question.

Meng Zhengrong shook his head and cursed, “What does her being off-key have to do with you? I think she sings quite well.”

He couldn’t tell the truth; it would give others ammunition against him. Someone like Song Yu might say it to please Yu Yu, and then Yu Yu would tell Xu Yuan. All his previous acting skills would be for nothing.

Song Yu gave him a thumbs-up. “I now believe your love for your wife is real.”

With a voice that off-key, he still claimed she sang well. If that wasn’t love, then what was?


No colleague in the company would mention Xu Yuan’s off-key singing in front of her, but it was a different story at home.

That day at noon, Meng Zhengrong had a last-minute meeting to attend, so Xu Yuan went back to the Xu family’s house for lunch alone.

The elusive Xu Nuo had also returned, and the family of four finally gathered for a meal.

While Xu Yuan was sipping soup, Xu Nuo suddenly said, “I remember Xiao Yuan used to sing on pitch, right? Mom and Dad?”

“I don’t remember. It seems she’s always sung poorly.” Xu Yuan’s father recalled how adorable Xu Yuan was as a child, his face filled with paternal love. “Back then, she loved singing so much. Once, during a school event, she was eliminated while singing and came home crying.”

Thinking that his daughter was now married made Xu Yuan’s father feel a sense of melancholy.

If only children could stay young forever.

“I remember! I remember!” Xu Nuo eagerly continued. “That incident left a deep impression; she cried so hard, I’ve never seen her that upset.”

Xu Yuan’s emotions were complex.

On one hand, she envied the original owner; even now, her family had such vivid memories of her. From those few words, she could feel the original owner had been spoiled by her family while growing up.

On the other hand, she empathized with the original owner. It seemed unlikely the original owner would return; she didn’t know if the original owner was alive or dead, only hoping she could live on in this way.

However, after feeling these complex emotions, Xu Yuan remembered her embarrassing moment on the show and felt somewhat indignant.

Who would want to become popular in this way?

How was she to know she sang off-key?

If she had known she was tone-deaf, she would never have sung on the show!

No one had ever told her she sang poorly!

Thinking about how enthusiastically she had sung, believing she sounded decent while everyone else was holding back laughter, she couldn’t even bear to think about it! Just the thought made her face burn!

The worst part was that the video was now widely circulated, and she had no idea how much her colleagues were laughing behind her back!

Great! She had wanted to present herself as a gentle and caring goddess on the show, but now it had turned into this! She felt like flipping a table!

Xu Yuan expressionlessly sipped her soup while her family, seemingly oblivious to her mood, continued chatting. “I can sing; Mom and Dad can sing too. How come my little sister sings off-key? Is this a genetic mutation?”

“Enough! Yesterday, when I was playing cards, Chen Tai told me about this and asked if Xiao Yuan was pretending to sing off-key for the show’s effect.”

Xu Yuan: “…”

She would rather have been pretending; unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

Perhaps that was what family was like. They knew this matter embarrassed Xu Yuan, yet they still brought it up as a joke.

Xu Yuan’s gloomy mood only improved slightly when Meng Zhengrong came to pick her up to go home.

Of course, this improvement didn’t mean she had forgotten about the incident; it meant she had found someone to vent her frustrations on.

No matter how much people advocated for equality and mutual respect in relationships, in moments like this, it seemed she couldn’t help but want him to share some of her burdens.

“Hubby.” Xu Yuan suddenly called out sweetly from the passenger seat.

Upon hearing her call, Meng Zhengrong’s entire being went on high alert.

Generally, when nothing was wrong, she would call him by his name. She only used “hubby” when there was something to discuss, and that usually meant it was not something good for him.

“What’s wrong?” Even though he felt a sense of danger, Meng Zhengrong had to respond.

Xu Yuan turned to look at him, her smile warm. “You said before that you didn’t think I sang off-key. Was that true?”

Meng Zhengrong’s scalp began to tingle. “… Yeah.”

“Okay then.” Xu Yuan resumed her position. “Since it’s still early, let’s eat out and then go to KTV to sing.”

Meng Zhengrong: “…”

“I really like singing. Since I sing off-key at home, I won’t sing anymore. So let me sing to my heart’s content at KTV.” Xu Yuan winked at Meng Zhengrong. “You said you didn’t think I sang off-key and that I could only sing for you in the future.”

Meng Zhengrong remained silent.

“Could it be you were lying to me? Do you think I sing poorly too?” Xu Yuan squinted at him, her tone becoming less pleasant.

“No, no, no.” Meng Zhengrong hastily replied, “Let’s go! Others want to hear it and might not get a chance!”

Xu Yuan was satisfied.

She truly loved singing; otherwise, she wouldn’t hum a few songs while taking showers every day. Now that everyone said she sang off-key, she felt embarrassed to sing again.

Since Meng Zhengrong had said he didn’t think she sang poorly, then she would sing her heart out at KTV!

More than an hour later, Meng Zhengrong sat on the sofa in the KTV private room, watching Xu Yuan at the high stool, immersed in her singing, her expression particularly serious and focused. While she wasn’t paying attention, he pinched his nose.

Today would be a day to remember; he would always recall this moment.

Those netizens who only knew to laugh on Weibo wouldn’t realize that, at this moment, he was a tragic hero.

All the pain would be shouldered by him alone.

Such punishment was better than being denied access to the bed.

He picked up a piece of apple from the fruit platter, finding it tasteless.

Meng Zhengrong recalled a joke he had heard in the past and sighed deeply.

Some people sang for money, like him.

Others sang for their lives; he wouldn’t say who, but he wanted to keep laughing.


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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