You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 64.2

Chapter 64.2

Time flew by, and it was once again time to record the show.

This was the final episode, and Zhang Mian decided to make some last-minute changes to the script, planning to throw a wedding for the old couple at the end of the shoot.

During a casual chat, the old lady had once mentioned that in her time, weddings didn’t include wedding dresses; they wore simple, clean clothes and had very modest ceremonies—so simple that now, looking back, she hardly remembered any details. Weddings nowadays were much more romantic.

The old gentleman had kept this in mind and discussed with the production team about giving his beloved a romantic wedding.

Everyone knew he would prepare a surprise for her, except for the old lady herself.

The confidentiality measures were quite effective.

As the recording neared its end, Xu Yuan and Shen Li devised a plan to sneak the old lady into the dressing room, where a wedding dress designed just for her awaited.

In the end, Shen Li tricked the old lady into changing into the wedding dress under the pretext of filming a short clip.

Once she put on the wedding dress, the old lady stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself in makeup and the dress, her eyes momentarily blank.

Xu Yuan and Shen Li, watching her expression, felt a touch of sadness.

The old lady had once been young, had once been a beauty, and now, gazing at her reflection as she aged, she couldn’t help but think, “I was once young, too.”

To help convince her, Shen Li and Xu Yuan also changed into formal dresses, linking arms with the old lady as they walked out together to the venue the production team had rented. By this time, it was already beautifully decorated.

When they opened the door, the old lady saw the red carpet laid out and her husband, dressed formally, waiting at the end. In that moment, everything clicked, and her eyes instantly turned red.

Xu Yuan watched this scene and thought, it doesn’t matter that youth has faded; the person by her side has always been there. Growing old together is also a kind of rare happiness.

The wedding planned by the production team was a resounding success, and several staff members were secretly wiping their tears.

Even Meng Zhengrong felt moved, staring blankly at the scene and thinking, if fifty years later he could have the same with Xu Yuan, that would be wonderful.

Indeed, grand romances are dazzling, but living a peaceful life is what’s truly remarkable.

Both Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan realized that their lives were still long; this was just the beginning, and they would face many, many things together in the future. Saying they would always be together was the heaviest promise.

After the recording wrapped up, the three couples didn’t head home immediately. Instead, they decided to stay one more night and spend the next day there, treating it as a family trip.

The production team had to hurry back for editing, so they left ahead of time.

Xu Yuan and Shen Li disguised themselves and went out for a stroll. By the time they returned, it was already late. When they opened the door, they found the room dimly lit. As they walked in and saw the candles arranged into a heart shape on the floor, Xu Yuan was taken aback.

Rose petals were scattered all around. Just as she was surprised, Meng Zhengrong walked over, dressed in formal attire, holding a bouquet of roses. He knelt on one knee in front of Xu Yuan and presented her with the flowers.

Xu Yuan was still in shock, blankly accepting the bouquet, completely at a loss.

She didn’t understand what Meng Zhengrong was up to.

Meng Zhengrong opened a ring box, revealing a sparkling diamond ring. Calling it a “pigeon egg” wouldn’t be an exaggeration; it captivated all of Xu Yuan’s attention.

Every woman loves jewelry; that’s the truth—who could resist the allure of a “pigeon egg”?

Meng Zhengrong cleared his throat, pulling Xu Yuan’s attention back to him. He looked deeply into her eyes and said, “This is something I’ve prepared for a long time; I just wanted to find the right moment to give it to you.”

Xu Yuan looked at him, her heart racing, sensing that what Meng Zhengrong was about to do was going to be extraordinary.

“Today is the best moment.” Meng Zhengrong was also a little nervous. “I feel like I should create many romantic memories for you. I’ve thought it through; a proposal seems to be something many women long for, yet I never proposed back then.”

At this point, he smiled. Who would have thought back then that he would come to love her so much?

Fortunately, many things in this world can be made up for.

Hearing this, Xu Yuan also smiled, then quickly put on a serious face and said, “You never even proposed; I can bring this up a hundred times.”

Meng Zhengrong knew she was joking, trying to scare him. “I know how important proposals are to you, so I want to make up for it with a proposal, my wife…”

Just as he was about to say something romantic, Xu Yuan interrupted him. “You’re wrong. If you’re proposing, it means we’re not married yet. Don’t call me ‘wife’ before we’re married.”

“Okay then, Xiao Yuan…”

“Be formal; call me Miss Xu.”

Meng Zhengrong felt quite helpless. “Miss Xu, I hope you will marry me. The only mother of Panda can only be you.”

Originally, he had rehearsed many heartfelt words, but all of that flew out of his mind with her interruption.

“This is your proposal?” Xu Yuan laughed.

In TV dramas, every proposal is deeply moving; it’s never this simple!

Meng Zhengrong made a face. “… I forgot my lines.”

Xu Yuan: “…”

Well, she would definitely remember this proposal; she wouldn’t forget it.

“First, answer me: who is the most beautiful person in the world?” Xu Yuan glanced at him, trying to stifle her laughter.

Meng Zhengrong replied without hesitation, “It must be Xu Yuan.”

This answer satisfied Xu Yuan. She then asked, “What if one day I grow old and am no longer the most beautiful person in the world, and a younger, prettier person likes you and pursues you? What would you do?”

Meng Zhengrong sighed but looked at Xu Yuan seriously. “Miss Xu, I’ve faced temptations before in my thirty years of life. You should trust me; I’m the one who feels anxious about this issue, not you.” He paused, “I’m more afraid of losing you.”

He spoke from the heart. Xu Yuan was younger than him; she was still so young and hadn’t experienced many things in life, while he had gone through them all.

Having experienced much also means having seen a lot; he had a certain ability to discern and the resolve to resist temptation.

Xu Yuan was different, so the one truly fearful was him.

He had already determined that she was the best, most suitable, and most beloved person. But what if one day she met someone she thought was better than him?

Ultimately, it was he who was feeling uneasy.

Xu Yuan listened to Meng Zhengrong’s words. Although he hadn’t said much, she understood and couldn’t help but smile internally. After all, she had experienced more than he had.

She knew what she wanted; she understood what shouldn’t be done in a marriage; she understood what respect means.

Even though she hadn’t liked anyone or loved anyone before him, who said you needed a rich romantic history to understand marriage and love?

She had experienced life and death, endured a dark and intense life; many things were already clear to her.

Xu Yuan looked at Meng Zhengrong, suppressing her smile, and extended her right hand. “I’ll marry you.”

Meng Zhengrong was overjoyed. It truly felt like a pre-marriage proposal; after a flurry of movements, he finally managed to slip the ring onto her finger.

“I promise to give you a romantic wedding in the future.” Meng Zhengrong held her hand, still kneeling on the floor, and sincerely kissed the back of her hand.

Xu Yuan looked at him and chuckled. Before, she didn’t think a proposal was such an important moment; was it because she hadn’t experienced it?

Now that she had gone through it once, she finally understood why women were so fixated on proposals.

Because his eyes were filled with her, as if she were the whole world. Such romance was certainly something to desire.

After a moment of silence, she suddenly spoke, “Mr. Meng, I actually have a surprise prepared for you too.”


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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