You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 65.2

Chapter 65.2

The Nan and Meng families had a longstanding relationship. They had two sons, both of whom were already married. There were rumors that if Nan’s family had a daughter, she would certainly become Meng’s daughter-in-law, or if Meng Peiting were a bit older, she would also likely be a bride of the Nan family. Of course, these were just rumors.

Father Meng had a good relationship with the Nan family, and Nan’s wife treated Pingting like a daughter, so they were aware of this situation. Wang Lin’s dream was to work for Nan Corporation, which was the dream of everyone in his profession.

The Nan family had a clear understanding and didn’t comment on Pingting’s situation. However, Xu Yuan could sense that the people from the Nan family didn’t hold Wang Lin and Meng Pingting in high regard during their conversations.

Meng Pingting deserved someone better; how could she settle for an ordinary guy? Especially someone like Nan’s wife, who had always regarded Peiting as a daughter, simply couldn’t accept it.

Father Meng slammed the chopsticks down, his face darkening. “So now it’s our family that has to help him get into Nan Corporation? And what about later? Should we also help him get into Meng Corporation to share the profits?!”

Hearing her father say such things about her boyfriend made Meng Pingting furious, her eyes red with anger. “Dad! Do you think I don’t know? He didn’t tell me anything! I only found out through his good friend that he applied for a position at Nan Corporation. He clearly aced both the written test and the interview but was inexplicably rejected! It’s not fair!”

Xu Yuan exchanged glances with Meng Zhengrong, both surprised. Was this a side of Meng Pingting they hadn’t seen before?

Wouldn’t she feel extremely guilty if her boyfriend couldn’t get the job because of her?

Neither Meng’s father nor mother spoke, tacitly accepting the situation.

Xu Yuan believed that Meng’s parents didn’t mean to do this. They had previously said they only wanted to see if Wang Lin had the capability and how solid the couple’s relationship was. Regardless of whether they ended up together or not, Meng’s family wouldn’t interfere in Wang Lin’s job.

They probably thought Meng’s parents were angry, which led them to make unilateral decisions, thinking they liked Pingting.

Could Meng’s family blame the Nan family? Absolutely not.

In Meng’s father’s view, this might have been a test for Wang Lin. Although the company’s platform was important, if Wang Lin really joined Nan Corporation, would that really be good for him?

That was hard to say.

Meng’s father was a very upright person. After being accused by his daughter, he momentarily couldn’t respond. Meng’s mother wanted to say something but didn’t know what.

The atmosphere was very awkward.

Xu Yuan thought it was time to intervene. Meng Pingting should know when to stop. If this continued, Meng’s father might become angry and deny her even the slightest opportunity.

Thinking this, Xu Yuan looked at Meng Zhengrong, originally intending to hold off a bit longer and tell him in the evening.

She had only been pregnant for a short time, and there were no signs of morning sickness yet. Xu Yuan glanced at the dishes in front of her, realizing it was time for her to act.

What a difficult situation; she wasn’t an actress.

Xu Yuan picked up a piece of rib, then quickly dropped her chopsticks. The sound of the chopsticks hitting the ceramic bowl drew everyone’s attention.

Before Meng Zhengrong could ask, Xu Yuan covered her mouth and rushed toward the bathroom. Meng Zhengrong was startled and hurried after her.

At that moment, Meng’s father and mother looked at each other, sensing something was off, but after the last misunderstanding, they didn’t dare to hope too much.

Inside the bathroom, Meng Zhengrong patted Xu Yuan’s back, asking with concern, “What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?”

Seeing that the bathroom door was closed, Xu Yuan was relieved that she could drop the act. She hugged Meng Zhengrong’s waist, tiptoed, and nuzzled his cheek, whispering, “I really am pregnant! I was just teasing you earlier.”

Meng Zhengrong’s heart felt like it was on a roller coaster.

He first looked at Xu Yuan in disbelief, then shouted, “Really? Is it true?”

He had already accepted that Panda hadn’t arrived yet, and now he was suddenly told that Panda had come.

Meng Zhengrong’s joy increased exponentially.

Xu Yuan pinched his nose. “It’s true! But that’s not the most important thing right now. We need to divert Dad, Mom, and Pingting’s attention. If we keep making noise like this, it might not end well.”

Meng Zhengrong replied, “The arrival of Panda is definitely the most important thing.”

When Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan went back out, the atmosphere in the dining room wasn’t very good.

Mother Meng looked at her son, who was grinning like a fool, and then at her daughter-in-law, who looked a bit shy, instantly understanding what was going on. She nervously asked, “What’s going on?”

Could it be that there’s really good news?

Father Meng and Meng Pingting also looked over, and thankfully it wasn’t too noisy anymore.

At this moment, announcing that Panda had arrived would be quite significant.

Xu Yuan didn’t say anything and nudged Meng Zhengrong, signaling him to speak.

With everyone’s gaze on him, Meng Zhengrong wanted to suppress his smile but failed miserably. He beamed like a proud father and said, “Dad, Mom, Xu Yuan is pregnant. Yes, pregnant! It’s true!”

Father Meng demonstrated that a man could change his expression very quickly.

Initially, he had a stern face, but now he was beaming with joy, laughing heartily. He didn’t stand up but called for the family servant to get some wine from the wine cabinet.

The Meng family was going to welcome a new generation!

Mother Meng was more direct; now that she couldn’t see her son and daughter-in-law, she hurriedly helped Xu Yuan sit down and asked nervously, “Were you feeling unwell just now? Is there anything you want to eat?”

She babbled on, but Xu Yuan didn’t feel impatient at all; instead, she felt warm inside.

Panda would surely be very happy, with so many people who loved them.

Meng Pingting also forgot about her efforts for her boyfriend’s future and stared at Xu Yuan blankly, suddenly realizing, “Sister-in-law is having a baby?”

Does that mean she would become an aunt?

Meng’s mother looked at her. “Your sister-in-law is pregnant, so don’t be so noisy at home. You probably scared her earlier.”

Meng Pingting: “…”

Fortunately, because of this happy event, the gloomy atmosphere in the family was finally washed away. Everyone temporarily set aside their opinions and truly felt happy for the upcoming little life.


After three months of pregnancy, the Meng family finally shared the good news with others.

Although it was modern society now, for Meng’s father and mother, this was their first grandchild, so they had to be extra cautious. The Xu family thought the same way.

Panda would be the first grandchild of both the Meng and Xu families, and both families valued this very much.

Being cautious was always wise; other families did the same. Until three months had passed, they wouldn’t speak to outsiders, fearing to disturb the fetus.

That day, Xu Yuan went out shopping and eating with Yu Yu, leaving Meng Zhengrong to gather a few friends to chat. Of course, the most important thing was to show off about becoming a father.

His wife was so amazing! Panda was so well-behaved!

Panda was now living in her belly! In a few months, they would see Panda—what an exhilarating thought!

His friends congratulated him with feigned indifference, not because they weren’t happy for him, but mainly because he had already called each of them to brag about it, and his Weibo had been buzzing with activity—good news brings popularity!

Meng Zhengrong glanced at Song Yu, the only single guy among his group of friends.

“Song Yu, you need to work hard,” Meng Zhengrong said with a smile. “Don’t let our Panda start kindergarten before you’ve found someone.”

“Ha ha.”

Once Meng Zhengrong was satisfied with his bragging, the quiet Song Ci pulled him aside for a “heart-to-heart talk between men.”

Song Ci’s baby was already several months old and was in a clingy phase.

“Bro,” Song Ci patted Meng Zhengrong’s shoulder seriously and said, “You should really cherish this time before your Panda arrives.”

Meng Zhengrong didn’t think much of it.

Their whole family couldn’t wait for these few months to pass quickly so they could see Panda. Xu Yuan had just said yesterday how she wanted to open her eyes and have the baby already.

Seeing Meng Zhengrong like this, Song Ci felt a sense of familiarity. Just a few months ago, he had been doing the same, showing off everywhere about becoming a father, eagerly waiting for the baby to be born.

Now… heh.

Song Ci thought that since he was such good friends with Meng Zhengrong, he had to give him a warning, speaking in a rather melancholic tone, “Once your Panda arrives, your wife won’t even see you.”

“Even if you create a scene, she won’t even glance your way. Expecting your wife to care about you like now?”

“Ha, dream on.”


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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