You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 67.2

Chapter 67.2

Months flew by in an instant.

A few days before Xu Yuan’s due date, Meng Zhengrong had to go abroad on a business trip due to an urgent matter.

That night, he knelt by the bed, propped up by a pillow, and began to confess, “I was wrong; I shouldn’t have gone on this trip at this time. Honey, you can punish me however you want.”

Xu Yuan felt uncomfortable too, after all, no one knew when Baby Panda would arrive. It could be tomorrow, and if Meng Zhengrong wasn’t there, it just felt like something was missing.

But she understood that Meng Zhengrong had no choice. Just because he was the CEO didn’t mean he could do whatever he wanted. For the sake of the company’s development, there were some matters he needed to attend to personally, and they couldn’t be postponed.

“What punishment can I give you?” Xu Yuan sighed.

She had been working at Meng’s for quite some time, and Meng Zhengrong was indeed very busy. Since their relationship was confirmed, Meng Zhengrong had mostly avoided business trips that could be handled by his deputy. They hadn’t been apart much, but this time he had to go in person to sign an important contract, and he had to be there.

Even Xu’s family didn’t have much to say about it.

Meng Zhengrong couldn’t stand Xu Yuan talking like that. He took her hand and pressed it against his face, speaking softly, “I’ll definitely come back.”

It was undeniable that after getting pregnant, Xu Yuan had become much more sensitive. “Really?”

Meng Zhengrong had not made many promises in his life, but he had fulfilled everything he promised Xu Yuan before, and this time wouldn’t be an exception. “Really, I guarantee it.”

The next afternoon, Meng Zhengrong flew abroad for his business trip.

Xu Yuan didn’t go to see him off; she was close to her due date, and her family didn’t feel comfortable letting her go out alone.


Meng Zhengrong couldn’t wait to return. After signing the contract, he planned to take the earliest flight back the next morning.

However, just as he was about to rest, his phone rang at an inopportune time.

It was a local number, but who could it be?

Meng Zhengrong hesitated for a moment before answering. Before he could ask anything, a woman’s voice came through, “Is this Zhengrong?”

The voice wasn’t very familiar, and Meng Zhengrong thought for a moment but couldn’t recall. He replied cautiously, “May I ask who this is?”

The woman on the other end laughed, her laughter soft, “Have you forgotten me? It’s Liu Zi.”

At that moment, Meng Zhengrong remembered who she was, and his expression became quite complicated.

Liu Zi had been quite popular among their group of international students.

At first glance, she seemed average, but the more you looked, the more charming she became—a type of beauty that grew on you.

Liu Zi had always been aloof; many rich second-generation students pursued her, but she only befriended them and never entered a romantic relationship. Over time, several of those naive rich boys still regarded her as their unattainable dream.

Liu Zi was quite skilled in dealing with men.

During his time studying abroad, Meng Zhengrong was single, and he had a decent relationship with Liu Zi. Everyone thought they had dated, but in reality, they hadn’t.

Liu Zi was intelligent and not superficial, but Meng Zhengrong always felt that she wasn’t suitable to be a girlfriend. He didn’t feel any chemistry with her. However, Liu Zi never refuted people’s assumptions; whether out of disdain for clarification or simply acceptance, he wasn’t sure. Later, when Meng Zhengrong returned home to take over the family business, Liu Zi remained abroad. She had sent him emails and made calls, but he was too busy to respond, and eventually, they lost contact completely.

He never expected she would call him now.

“I saw you the other day and thought I was mistaken. You really came back?”

Meng Zhengrong didn’t think Liu Zi’s intentions were simple. It wasn’t out of narcissism; he believed she had feelings for him but had never expressed them. Now that it was late at night, her call felt inappropriate.

“En.” Meng Zhengrong checked the time—it was getting late, and he needed to sleep early to catch a flight in the morning.

“Do you want to go out for a drink? It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other, old classmates.” Liu Zi’s voice wasn’t soft, but it was pleasant to hear.

However, Meng Zhengrong felt annoyed by her words. He bluntly replied, “No, it’s already late.”

Liu Zi laughed teasingly, “No way, is this really you, Meng Zhengrong? Weren’t you always out late?”

Meng Zhengrong found her words irritating and said, “Sorry, I need to catch an early flight tomorrow. I’ll hang up now.”

Liu Zi seemed surprised by his straightforwardness. After a brief silence, she quickly said, “I’ll come to see you off tomorrow!”

“No need, thank you.” After saying this, Meng Zhengrong hung up the phone.

Do men really not understand some women’s feelings? No, sometimes they just don’t care, or they simply don’t want to deal with it.

He believed Liu Zi knew he was already married.

Some friends had stayed local, and Liu Zi hadn’t lost contact with them. Some even attended his wedding, so it wasn’t a secret.

Knowing he had a wife, Liu Zi called him late at night to invite him to a bar to catch up. Meng Zhengrong wasn’t naïve enough to think she was just interested in catching up.

Besides, there wasn’t really much between them to catch up on.

He decided to sleep early so he could return to his wife’s side as soon as possible.


Coincidentally, several hours after Meng Zhengrong boarded the plane, Baby Panda was demanding to come out of Xu Yuan’s belly.

Because the baby was positioned correctly, the doctor suggested a natural birth.

For a first-time mother, it usually took a long time. Xu Yuan had researched some information and mentally prepared herself. In her past life, she had seen concubines give birth, and one had been in labor for a full two days and nights before finally giving birth.

Giving birth was essentially a near-death experience.

Xu Yuan thought she could endure it, and at first, she really could. The contractions were bearable, but soon the pain intensified.

After nearly ten hours of labor, the doctor checked her and said she still had some time before entering the delivery room, only dilating about three centimeters—far too early.

Meng Pingting had already gone abroad for her studies, and only Meng’s parents were there. Too many people at such a time could be a hassle.

Xu Yuan’s family, including Xu’s father, mother, and Xu Nuo, had all come.

Xu Yuan frequently asked if Meng Zhengrong had returned.

When Meng Zhengrong finally landed and rushed to the hospital, Xu Yuan was already in so much pain that she didn’t want to talk.

Was it because of the pain of childbirth that mothers never forgot their children?

“Zhengrong is here! Zhengrong is here!”

By that time, Xu Yuan hadn’t yet entered the delivery room, as it wasn’t time yet.

A few people pushed Meng Zhengrong to Xu Yuan’s side.

Xu Yuan was in a hospital recovery room, a private room equipped with everything needed. She barely opened her eyes, her hair soaked with sweat, and her eyes red and swollen. She had cried many times from the pain.

When Meng Zhengrong saw Xu Yuan’s expression, his eyes turned red, and his legs felt weak. He almost knelt before her, holding her hand and repeatedly comforting her, “I’m back, I’m back. Honey, I’m here…”

He was so anxious that his back was sweating, seeing Xu Yuan like this made his heart ache terribly.

Xu Yuan opened her mouth, having hardly spoken to save her strength. She forced a smile at the others, “I… I want to talk to Zhengrong.”

Everyone quickly understood and retreated, giving the couple enough space.

Meng Zhengrong held Xu Yuan’s hand, his throat choked with emotions, feeling nothing but heartache.

Xu Yuan, satisfied that the door to the recovery room was closed, lowered her head and bit Meng Zhengrong’s hand with all her strength.

Meng Zhengrong was caught off guard and cried out, quickly shutting his mouth. He finally understood why Xu Yuan wanted everyone else to leave—so she could take her anger out on him.

“Go die! Die!”

“Don’t even think about making me have another child!”

“I don’t want to give birth anymore! Whoever wants to have a baby can go ahead!”

Xu Yuan was in even more pain than before, her eyes filled with tears as she looked at Meng Zhengrong and pointed to a certain part of his body, “I’m in this much pain; shouldn’t you do something for me?”

Meng Zhengrong: “???!!”

Can we just talk it out? Why point there?

“Let me kick you!”


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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