Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning
Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning Chapter 103

Chapter 103: Setting Off with Peace of Mind

Chen Luo’s storage of cigarettes was not extensive, with just over twenty thousand packs, which amounted to a value of over ten million.

It was intended for future core members and was more than enough for their needs. Chen Luo didn’t care whether ordinary members had cigarettes to smoke.

Chen Luo smiled and said, “Tell me what’s going on.”

Song Ling nodded hesitantly and began, “Here’s the situation. We recently encountered a formidable ability user on our side named Jiang Wu. He has been competing with us for resources and recruiting survivors.”

“That alone wouldn’t be an issue, and Brother Hai didn’t want to conflict with him either. But this guy is crazy and overbearing. He threatens to eliminate us, claiming that there can’t be two tigers on one mountain. He released harsh words, saying that if Brother Hai doesn’t become his subordinate, he will wipe us out.”

“This guy is genuinely powerful. He easily killed more than ten of our isolated members, some of whom were skilled, with the majority being second-level ability user.”

“Brother Hai can’t handle him, and we have no choice but to seek your help.”

One person defeating more than ten others, including many second-level ability users? It was highly unlikely for them to be third-level ability user because the gap between the second and third levels wasn’t that significant.

At the very least, the enemy had to be fourth-level, but it was unlikely they were fifth-level.

Unless they had a continuous supply of high-level crystals right from the beginning of the apocalypse and had excellent innate talent, it would be difficult to reach the fifth level.

Chen Luo himself started with absorbing low-quality crystals, even though he had excellent innate talent, and couldn’t grow rapidly.

After reaching the fifth level, without high-level crystals, having only two fourth-level crystals had already been slow for power growth. This person’s talent had surpassed that of the Thunderbolt King?

Absolutely impossible.

Chen Luo quickly came to a conclusion. Most likely, this person, like Leng Chen, had incredible luck to obtain a high-level crystal, and coupled with good innate talent, managed to advance to the fourth level.

Even if there was an extremely slim chance that this person was fifth level, Chen Luo was confident in defeating him.

Chen Luo contemplated that this person likely hadn’t fully absorbed the high-level crystal within them, so by defeating him, he could obtain that crystal, along with his own likely sixth or seventh-level crystal. It was a good deal.

While Chen Luo didn’t care much for Zhao Hai’s gratitude, these two crystals did intrigue him.

As a cautious measure, Chen Luo asked, “What elemental power does this person possess, and how did he manage to kill over a dozen people?”

Song Ling replied, “He seems to be a physical-type ability user, relying on brute strength and not much technique.”

A pure fourth-level physical-type ability user would have defenses similar to Chen Luo’s. Chen Luo thought for a moment and nodded his agreement, “Alright, I’ll go with you and take a look.”

Song Ling was excited to hear Chen Luo’s consent and expressed his gratitude, “Thank you very much, Brother Chen.”

Without the ability to walk through the void, Chen Luo wouldn’t have taken this risk. He advised Song Ling, “Let’s not waste any time; we won’t stop for lunch. Let’s go now.”

Every minute delayed would allow Jiang Wu to absorb more of the high-level crystal. Song Ling was  also eager to depart.

Chen Luo left Song Ling at the entrance and turned back to pick up Rice, asking, “Rice, do you think there might be any danger on this trip?”

If Rice indicated any danger, Chen Luo wouldn’t go. Rice thought for a moment and replied, “I don’t sense any danger.”

Chen Luo was concerned about Rice’s initial response. He cautiously asked, “Is it a definite ‘no danger,’ or is there some uncertainty?”

Rice carefully sensed and confirmed, “No, you can go without worry.”

“On the road?” Chen Luo hesitated for a moment. He was taking this risk for the sake of Rice. As levels increased, Abilities and powers grew stronger, and once Rice advanced to the fourth level, even without acquiring new abilities, the accuracy of his perception would increase. To help Rice reach the fourth level sooner, Chen Luo decided to hit the road.

Chen Luo lifted Rice and thought, “If we’re going on this journey, let’s go together.” He left Thunderbolt King behind to watch over their base. Given Thunderbolt King’s current strength, he could easily handle any threats.

Xia Haoran offered, ” Brother Chen, I’ll go with you. It would be good to have some backup.”

Chen Luo smiled and declined. He believed that whether they encountered danger or not, Xia Haoran would be more of a burden at this point. Xia Haoran’s current strength was still low.

Song Ling had brought a golden Bentley and two SUVs for the journey. If it weren’t to provide Chen Luo with a more comfortable ride, Song Ling wouldn’t have chosen this vehicle.

He opened the car door for Chen Luo and ensured that Chen Luo’s forehead wouldn’t accidentally hit the car roof. It was clear that Song Ling was skilled at these actions.

Inside the Bentley, only Chen Luo sat in the back seat while Song Ling drove.

Even if the SUVs behind were a bit crowded, Song Ling didn’t even consider letting others ride with Chen Luo in his car. Song Ling had given Chen Luo plenty of face, and Chen Luo was quite comfortable with the flattery.

Chen Luo playfully remarked, “This car is quite nice.”

Song Ling immediately responded, “Brother Chen, if you like it, we can arrange for it to be sent to you, or you can drive it back when you return. When you’re at Brother Hai’s place, if you fancy something, just let us know. Brother Hai won’t hesitate.”

Chen Luo smiled faintly, appreciating Song Ling’s finesse in social matters. Song Ling and Zhao Hai were both skilled in this regard.

On the way, there were sporadic zombies, but Chen Luo didn’t need to take action. The people in the SUVs behind him cleared them away on their own. If they encountered a larger group of zombies, Chen Luo didn’t mind helping them out. After all, he was enjoying the compliments from Song Ling.

The distance to Zhao Hai’s base wasn’t far, only about ten miles, and they took a detour that took less than an hour to arrive.

Zhao Hai’s base was located in a place called Golden Dragon Community. It wasn’t large, but the environment was quite good. The entrance to the community was tightly guarded, and they had people on watch.

Zhao Hai’s base also had a walkie-talkie system, but it seemed he had been waiting for Chen Luo and hadn’t used it. As soon as Chen Luo entered the base, Zhao Hai came forward to greet him.

With a grateful expression on his face, Zhao Hai approached Chen Luo and said, “Brother Chen, I’m really thankful for you coming to help. I’ll remember this favor, and if you ever need anything in the future, just give the word.”

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