Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Lu Wenbin didn’t make Shi Tingyu and her husband wait long. The next day, he bought the tickets to send his mother back to their hometown.

Lu Wenchan immediately felt a loss of support.

She held her mother’s hand and said, “Mom, do you really have to leave? Can’t you stay? If you leave, I’ll be all alone.”

Aunt Lu sighed, “What nonsense are you talking about? Your brother and sister-in-law are here, how can you be alone?”

Lu Wenchan snuggled closer to her mother and whispered, “If you leave, what if my sister-in-law makes things difficult for me? My brother listens to her the most.”

Aunt Lu glared at her and whispered back, “She wouldn’t dare. You have your own salary. At most, give your brother five or six yuan a month. You’ll still have thirty left for yourself, which is quite a lot.”

Thinking about losing five or six yuan every month made Lu Wenchan feel a bit distressed. When her mother was around, she didn’t have to pay a penny.

Aunt Lu could see through her daughter’s thoughts but knew she would still need to rely on her brother in the future, so she comforted her, “I know you’re worried about the money, but giving some to your brother isn’t like giving it to an outsider. Besides, wasn’t it through your brother’s connections that you got this job? If you stay here, you can also find a capable partner.”

Lu Wenchan pouted, still unwilling, and muttered, “But when you were here, we didn’t have to pay anything.”

Aunt Lu rolled her eyes, “You don’t understand. I didn’t have to pay because I was here to take care of your sister-in-law during her postpartum period. How could she ask me for money? It’s different for you. If you stay here long-term, you’ll need to contribute. Otherwise, you won’t have a good time.”

In the end, Lu Wenchan didn’t insist on those few yuan anymore.

Holding her baby, Su Qiaoyue watched her mother-in-law and sister-in-law whispering. The range of expressions on their faces was quite a sight to behold.

She knew their conversation was likely about her, but she didn’t care. She was happy that her troublesome mother-in-law was leaving.

As for her sister-in-law, without the support of their mother, she would quickly change from a noisy sparrow to a timid quail.

When Aunt Lu was leaving, she walked through the long corridor. It was midsummer, and few families had their doors closed, keeping them open for better ventilation.

Seeing Lu Wenbin carrying a bag and Aunt Lu in new clothes, everyone curiously looked outside.

A neighbor who was familiar with Aunt Lu asked, “Aunt Lu, where are you off to?”

Aunt Lu awkwardly replied, “My daughter-in-law has finished her postpartum period, and my family needs me, so I’m heading back.”

The neighbor, surprised, put down her vegetables and stepped out, “You’re leaving so suddenly. You just got here. Stay a few more days.”

Aunt Lu felt her face turn blue at the other’s gossipy expression.

With the conversation reaching this point, anyone sensible would have said goodbye and let them go.

“No, I won’t stay. This place is small and uncomfortable.”

The neighbor, sharing the sentiment, said, “Isn’t that the truth? So many people cramped in one place. The countryside is much more spacious.”

But even after saying this, she didn’t let them leave and moved closer, whispering, “Be honest, Aunt Lu, are you leaving because of Captain Lu’s wife?”

Aunt Lu was miserable. When she spread rumors, she didn’t think much of it, but now, being the center of gossip was stifling.

Sensing something wrong, Lu Wenbin called out, “Sister-in-law, we need to hurry, or we’ll miss the train. Mom, hurry up.”

Aunt Lu felt like she had been granted a pardon and quickly walked toward her son, calling out, “Coming, right away.”

The neighbor, pouting, went back inside with her vegetables.

She thought, later she would have a good chat with the neighbors.

It was said that Captain Lu’s wife was really something, managing to send someone back home with just a rumor.

But Aunt Lu’s mouth was truly sharp.

The news of Aunt Lu returning to her hometown quickly spread around the residential compound.

Although most people didn’t know the details, some neighbors close to Aunt Lu knew she hadn’t planned on leaving so soon.

Aunt Lu often told them during their chats: “Oh, there’s nothing much at home. I’m planning to stay here for a while longer and go back with Binzi for the New Year.”

But there were still more than six months until the New Year.

Those who paid attention naturally knew the reason. Their perception of Shi Tingyu had changed somewhat. Initially, when they didn’t know her parents’ identities, they just thought she was a pretty girl from a good family.

Later, she became a teacher and painted wall murals, and people saw her as someone capable. Once her family background was revealed, they started looking at her with colored lenses.

However, they didn’t expect that due to a mere rumor, Aunt Lu would be forced to return to her hometown. This young wife of Captain Lu was truly remarkable.

While washing clothes in the sink at the end of the corridor, the residents couldn’t help but chat, and this new topic centered around Captain Lu’s wife.

Shi Tingyu’s name became famous again.

However, this time, people were more cautious in their discussions.

Shi Tingyu was unaware of this as she was listening to the principal talk about an upcoming interview.

The interview team would arrive at the school in the afternoon, and at noon, they would be accompanied by the principal to the military district canteen for lunch.

Shi Tingyu had no objections to this arrangement and was just waiting for the interview in the afternoon.

Principal Ren glanced at her and said, “Why don’t you join us for lunch?”

“Is that appropriate?” She wasn’t keen on dining with outsiders.

“Why not? You’re part of the afternoon interview, and having lunch together would help you get acquainted with them.” The principal, thinking it was a good idea, teased her, “You might even see your husband, Captain Lu.”

In the end, Shi Tingyu was persuaded.

The canteen staff, knowing that radio and newspaper personnel were coming, were on high alert.

The interviewers were first taken to the camp, where the sentries escorted them to the canteen.

The leaders had given clear instructions.

This honor for the primary school was also a point of pride for the military district.

After all, the children there were those of military personnel.

This indeed brought them great honor.

Shi Tingyu, after finishing her morning classes, accompanied Principal Ren to the camp.

When they arrived at the canteen, it wasn’t yet time for the soldiers to eat, so the only people there were the interviewers and the reception staff.

Shi Tingyu recognized the tall, slender figure with his back to the door—it was her husband.

Principal Ren, smiling, said to Shi Tingyu, “See, I told you. There’s Captain Lu.”

Shi Tingyu wasn’t embarrassed by the teasing. She and Lu Weiguo were married, and such things didn’t faze her.

The interview team was led by two people: Sun Qing from the radio station and Zhou Ming from the newspaper.

Besides the leaders, there were reporters, photographers, and clerks in the team.

When they saw Principal Ren and Shi Tingyu approaching, they were momentarily stunned.

They knew Principal Ren from the award ceremony but were unfamiliar with the woman beside him.

However, they couldn’t help but think she looked like a fairy.

The Jinling Military District was indeed fascinating, with some people as intimidating as gang leaders and others as beautiful as celestial beings.

1 comment
  1. RenTheWitch has spoken 2 days ago

    oh gosh the wives rly have nothing better to do and have not learned… whatever they do reflects on their husband’s jobs! specially if it reflects poor moral conduct


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