Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 66

Chapter 66

“Lu Wenchan was deeply shaken by Su Qiuyue’s words.

But now she really didn’t dare say another word.

At most, she and Captain Yang could be considered a failed blind date. Her sister-in-law had spoken truthfully; arguing here would only end up with her losing out in the end.

Who would care about the failure of a date between comrades? They would think there was something wrong with the woman, so the man didn’t agree.

Seeing Lu Wenchan quiet down, Lu Wenbin gave his wife a look that said, ‘You’re still amazing.’

He really had no way with this sister. He scolded her sometimes, but he couldn’t just hit her.

After all, she was a grown woman; that wouldn’t be appropriate.

Shi Tingyu was forced to eat her words, silently praising Captain Yang’s choice.

The movie had been playing for a while now, and Shi Tingyu saw some people leaving in front. She quickly asked Lu Weiguo to put her down, ‘There’s a spot there; let’s go.’

Lu Weiguo glanced over and indeed saw a vacant seat nearby.

He picked up their things and led Shi Tingyu over.

Sitting in the chair, Shi Tingyu finally felt at ease.

Being carried like a baby by Lu Weiguo had made her a little uncomfortable.

Once settled, Shi Tingyu asked Lu Weiguo, ‘Has the cultural troupe come to perform recently?’

She had just heard Lu Wenbin mention it and wasn’t sure if it was true.

Lu Weiguo looked puzzled; he hadn’t paid attention to anything about the cultural troupe. He had only returned from a mission a few days ago.

Seeing his expression, Shi Tingyu knew for sure that this man definitely hadn’t noticed. She didn’t know whether to be grateful that he wasn’t interested in other women or to lament his carefree attitude.

Lu Weiguo thought back to previous August 1st celebrations; there had always been performances, so he said, ‘There have been performances in previous years, and there should be this year too.’

‘Can military spouses attend on August 1st?’ Shi Tingyu asked.

Attending the August 1st performance was definitely not possible; it was a special day, and there might even be reporters and TV stations coming to interview.

Lu Weiguo said, ‘August 1st is not possible, but there will be a performance the next day, and military dependents can attend together.’

Shi Tingyu took in his words and decided to go with Lu Weiguo when the time came.

The two originally planned to go back to sleep after the movie, but unexpectedly, it started raining before the movie ended.

Initially, the wind was a bit strong, but later it gradually turned into a light rain. However, few people left the scene.

After about fifteen minutes, the drizzle turned into a downpour. The screen was blown up and down by the wind; it was impossible to continue today.

‘Wife, let’s go back.’ Lu Weiguo took off his coat and draped it over Shi Tingyu.

Shi Tingyu also wasn’t accustomed to watching movies in the rain, nodded, and picked up the chair. She was then carried back by Lu Weiguo.

Hastening home, both of them still had slightly damp hair.

Lu Weiguo quickly boiled water and helped Shi Tingyu take a bath.

After Shi Tingyu finished bathing and came out, Lu Weiguo also washed up.

He wasn’t picky about water temperature; usually, he could wash with cold water. This time, he added some hot water.

It was almost nine o’clock after they finished bathing.

Nowadays, there wasn’t much entertainment; the two simply lay down in bed.

Outside, the wind grew stronger, and through the closed window, they could hear the whistling sound.

Shi Tingyu was glad Lu Weiguo was home at this time.

Seeing her tension, Lu Weiguo reached out and pulled her into his arms, kissing her forehead, ‘It’s okay; our windows are very sturdy, and the door has been repaired.’

Shi Tingyu nestled closer to him. Actually, she wasn’t afraid; it was just that the sound was unsettling and made people think of certain things.

It was still early; for Shi Tingyu, who used to be a night owl, going to bed before nine was quite unusual.

Now lying in bed, though, she looked lively and energetic.”

“In his embrace, maintaining a pose for a while made her a bit stiff. She moved, turned a circle in Lu Weiguo’s arms, her back to him.

Lu Weiguo reached out and held her waist.

But soon after, she turned back again.

Lu Weiguo smiled indulgently and let her be, until her hand started misbehaving, sneaking under his shirt hem.

At that moment, Shi Tingyu wasn’t thinking of anything else. When she couldn’t sleep, her hands didn’t know where to rest. Originally, her hands were on his chest, but the rise and fall of his heartbeat under her palm made her hand itch, so she moved it elsewhere.

Of course, she couldn’t wander where she shouldn’t, so her hand consciously took a turn halfway, feeling his tense abdominal muscles.

It must be said, the feel of his abs was very nice—firm and strong, like velvet-wrapped iron blocks, making her unwilling to let go.

Lu Weiguo’s gaze changed…

Perhaps it was the sound of the wind and rain outside that made the atmosphere inside even more intimate. The dim light of the desk lamp amplified all senses, and Shi Tingyu also felt a bit confused and infatuated.

She really wanted to try something else.

Lu Weiguo stopped her hand from going further and, in a voice rough as if rubbed with sandpaper, asked, ‘Have you made up your mind?’

Shi Tingyu’s face flushed slightly. They were legally married, and she was sure she liked him a bit. She had long been curious about his body, and she didn’t want to make things difficult for herself.

Shi Tingyu lowered her eyes, her head resting in his arms, and the hand held by Lu Weiguo struggled.

Lu Weiguo looked at her with fiery eyes, then followed his heart and slowly let go of her hand bit by bit.

Lu Weiguo’s eyes were slightly red…

A hidden corner of Shi Tingyu’s heart was shattered by this unexpected action, instantly collapsing.

‘Wife…’ Lu Weiguo murmured.

Shi Tingyu had never thought a man’s voice could fascinate her so much. Unable to resist, she kissed his exposed neck.

Lost in love, beauty destroyed; passion drowned in the butterfly’s madness,

Heart shocked by the jade’s war, panting like a reed warbler low.

Though born delicate as if to die, smiles not ending in tears,

Blushing with a thousand lines of sweat, one touch like a rhino’s horn.

Outside the window, wind and rain swayed; inside, the passion was intense.

The sound of wind, rain, and friction entered their ears.

The movement of people, the movement of curtains, the movement of dark hair; every movement entered their hearts.

Once curious, Shi Tingyu had wondered about the romance of young lovers in poems, endless love under embroidered tents. Now she knew the taste herself—it melted the soul and turned to water.

After a long while, Lu Weiguo got up and carried the woman to freshen up, his steps exuding vigor.

Deep in her heart, Shi Tingyu couldn’t help but curse silently, ‘Beast.'”

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