Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 68

Chapter 68

“Shi Tingyu felt this matter was very important. She wanted to see the faces of the two men clearly, but at this moment, she could only hear their voices inside the space and couldn’t see what was happening outside.

She didn’t know if this feature would be activated in future upgrades of the space.

But for now, there was nothing she could do.

She could only hold her breath and focus on listening intently to the conversation outside. Unfortunately, after just a few sentences, the two men left. It seemed everything they needed to say had been said earlier.

After they left, Shi Tingyu didn’t immediately come out, fearing they might double back.

Only after confirming they were unlikely to return did she exit the space.

Seeing that it was getting late, she prepared to go back, but at that moment, she noticed a wild beehive on a tree ahead of her.

Approaching within two meters of the hive, she brought it into the space. Immediately after, she entered herself to take a look.

The hive fell to the ground, and a swarm of bees buzzed around it.

She feared bats, mice, and some other soft-bodied animals, but she wasn’t afraid of bees.

Subconsciously, perhaps she felt that unlike bats or mice, bees weren’t carriers of diseases all over their bodies.

Looking at the chaotic swarm of bees, she hesitated to act. There were no trees here suitable for the bees to nest in.

She searched further west and found a wild chestnut tree. The chestnuts weren’t ripe yet, but that didn’t matter. With a thought, she moved the chestnut tree into the space.

When the chestnuts matured in the space, she could pick some to eat.

Just as she was briefly pleased, facing the fallen chestnut tree ahead of her, Shi Tingyu began to feel a headache again, thinking, ‘If only I could plant this tree myself; otherwise, I won’t be able to move it.’

The next moment, the chestnut tree moved. In her incredible sight, it landed in a corner of the black soil and quickly took root.

The previously damaged branches seemed to come alive.

Shi Tingyu was stunned.

Initially, when she thought about growing vegetables, she had considered using her mind, but after planting a few plants, she felt unusually tired. In the end, she had to personally pick up the hoe and plant the vegetables through manual labor.

Could it be that her mental strength had grown?

She suddenly had a bold speculation: Could developing and using the space to grow crops enhance her ability to control the space?

Looking at the bees still fluttering aimlessly on the ground, Shi Tingyu said, ‘Build your nest on the tree.’

The next moment, the chaotic swarm of bees started to move. They flew towards the direction of the chestnut tree.

She even vaguely felt the bees’ joyful mood in her heart.

It seemed she could communicate with these little creatures, which was quite miraculous.

Moreover, Shi Tingyu also saw the queen bee fly for the first time.

She had previously thought the queen bee could only fly inside the hive.

She quickly noticed that there were no more bees left in the previous hive. Shi Tingyu planned to go back and store the honey in a jar before Old Lu returned.

Thinking about this, Shi Tingyu hurriedly walked back to the family compound with her basket.

By the time she got home, it was almost five o’clock.

Shi Tingyu found the remaining jars she had saved before, washed them again, and let them dry.

The weather was hot now, so they dried quickly after wiping them clean with a clean cotton cloth.

Inside the space, Shi Tingyu divided the hive’s honey and filled a large jar, enough to last a long time.

After packing it up, she didn’t take the honey out immediately, planning to find a source for it the next time she went out.

As for using glass jars, in the future, people might think it definitely wasn’t bought from a store, but in this era, it was very common. Even soy sauce was used in their own soy sauce bottles, so there was no need to worry about being found out.

After finishing this, she started preparing dinner.

Today, without buying meat or fish, Shi Tingyu prepared wild vegetable and egg noodles.

Nowadays, many wild vegetables were a little old, but she specifically picked the tender ones, which were still enough for the next meal.

When Lu Weiguo came back, the noodles were already cut.

Seeing him return, Shi Tingyu turned on the stove and started cooking noodles.

Shi Tingyu was skilled in making noodles, not inferior to those northern housewives. The noodles she made were very chewy and delicious.

After Shi Tingyu finished eating, she served a bowl to Lijian, and Lu Weiguo finished the rest.

There were no entertainment activities here at night, and the two were just beginning to get along, even if there was something attractive about each other.

After dinner, they quickly washed up and went to bed.

Lu Weiguo found that the desk lamp was indeed a good thing. Although Comrade Shi Tingyu sometimes seemed bold on the surface, if the light was bright, she would feel inexplicably embarrassed, so the dim light of the desk lamp just met the ambiguous atmosphere in her heart.

“The old man can’t resist indulging in extravagance.

At this moment, he acts purely on instinct and hasn’t learned to control himself yet.

After a vigorous session, both were left breathless. By midnight, they freshened up again.

During the day today, Shi Tingyu took advantage of Lu Weiguo’s absence for training and used the Spirit Spring water herself. This time, the sensation was much better than the first time.

The pain was lessened, replaced more by an uncontainable sense of comfort and pleasure.

At this moment, she truly understood what it meant to be satisfied.

After washing up and lying in bed, Shi Tingyu didn’t want to move a single toe.

However, now that she was out of desire, her mind started working again. Thinking about the people she encountered on the mountain this afternoon, she felt it was necessary to tell Lu Weiguo.

“Weiguo, when I went up the mountain to gather wild vegetables today, I encountered two strange people.”

Upon hearing ‘strange people’, Lu Weiguo instantly tensed up.

“What kind of strange people?” he asked.

Shi Tingyu organized her thoughts and said, “There weren’t many people around when I went up the mountain. Then I heard someone speaking not far from me in a dialect. I couldn’t hear clearly, but the last thing I caught was something like ‘be careful of the everlasting ship.’ I’m not sure if I misheard.”

“One of them was in military uniform, younger, around twenty-five. The other was a middle-aged man in a white short-sleeved shirt, with a big backcombed hairstyle.”

Lu Weiguo’s heart jumped upon hearing this, and he asked his wife anxiously, “Did they notice you?”

Shi Tingyu shook her head firmly. “Absolutely not. I was at a distance from them, and besides, the vegetation there is dense. The spot I sat in was very concealed.”

Lu Weiguo pulled her into his arms and softly advised, “Don’t go up the mountain alone next time. Jinling is a place with deep waters, and there are many spies. If something doesn’t seem right, leave quickly.”

Shi Tingyu was receptive to advice. She was also worried about the two people she encountered today, so she said, “Okay, I understand. A wise man avoids danger.”

Lu Weiguo nodded and held her tighter.

Shi Tingyu felt a bit frightened afterward. Today’s events were truly terrifying upon reflection.

If those people were indeed spies and if she didn’t have the space, she might have been in serious trouble.

After a while, Lu Weiguo suddenly asked, “Wife, would you like to learn some martial arts?”

Shi Tingyu’s eyes lit up immediately.

When she was abroad, she occasionally exercised and even learned horse riding. Her equestrian skills were noteworthy in the stables.

However, after returning to China, the overall environment didn’t allow her to pursue these hobbies. She didn’t want to exercise in the family compound to avoid attracting attention, so she had given up on them.

“I want to learn!” she exclaimed.

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