Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Lu Weiguo brought Shi Tingyu to the interrogation room.

Wang Ming was in the inner room of the interrogation chamber, separated from the outer room by a wall with a glass window, allowing visibility into the inner room.

Upon entering the outer room, they did not proceed into the inner room. Wang Ming looked unwell, his demeanor listless, and his face pale, though there were no visible injuries.

Captain Zhao, noticing Lu Weiguo and Shi Tingyu’s arrival, waved them over. There were two chairs beside Zhao, and with his gesture, Lu Weiguo and Shi Tingyu sat down.

Captain Zhao began kindly, “Comrade Shi, we need your help this time.”

Shi Tingyu nodded in response.

The interrogation was ongoing in the inner room, and they only needed to listen from the outer room.

Lowering her voice, Shi Tingyu asked, “Can I go closer to the glass?”

Although they could hear the conversation, she couldn’t clearly see the expressions. When sketching, the subject’s expressions and emotions could provide valuable insights.

Captain Zhao opened a small metal panel on the interrogation room door, revealing a window the size of an eraser.

Without needing further instruction, Shi Tingyu approached the window. Captain Zhao smiled inwardly, appreciating her perceptiveness.

Lu Weiguo followed her. The window was set at a height of about 1.7 meters, suitable for an average man’s height, which made it difficult for her to see inside.

Lu Weiguo said softly, “Wait a moment, I’ll get something for you to stand on.”

Shortly, he returned with a few red bricks. After stacking three bricks, Shi Tingyu stood on them, allowing her to see inside.

In the inner room, the interrogator repeatedly questioned Wang Ming about the appearance of the person he mentioned.

Wang Ming, staring at the interrogator, said, “He wore a high-collared outfit that covered his face below the nose. I could only see his eyes.”

The interrogator asked, “Do you remember the style of his clothes?”

Wang Ming seemed to think for a moment, then replied, “I don’t remember.”

The interrogator continued his questions, but the information remained sparse and repetitive.

Shi Tingyu observed Wang Ming’s micro-expressions intently.

When the interrogator ran out of questions, Shi Tingyu stepped down from the bricks.

Captain Zhao looked at her expectantly.

Shi Tingyu, without speaking, took the prepared paper and pen, noting down useful information from the conversation.

After ensuring she missed nothing, Shi Tingyu finally spoke, “Captain Zhao, Wang Ming’s words are unreliable.”

Captain Zhao, surprised, asked, “Comrade Shi, explain in detail.”

Shi Tingyu glanced at Lu Weiguo, who nodded for her to proceed. She then said, “Based on his micro-expressions, Wang Ming is lying.”

Although unfamiliar with the term “micro-expressions,” Captain Zhao understood its meaning from context.

Shi Tingyu, having studied micro-expressions after becoming a sketch artist, continued, “When people lie, contrary to popular belief, they don’t avoid eye contact. Liars often seek eye contact to gauge if the listener believes them, especially those with strong mental fortitude like Wang Ming.”

Captain Zhao reflected on the interrogation and confirmed Wang Ming did indeed keep eye contact with the interrogator as Shi Tingyu described.

Wang Ming’s position as a platoon leader indicated his strong psychological resilience.

Shi Tingyu added, “Furthermore, when Wang Ming answered questions, his eyes often darted to the upper left, which suggests fabrication. When recalling memories, eyes typically glance downwards to the left or right.”

Micro-expressions, fleeting as they are, often elude detection during interrogations as both parties are preoccupied with their thoughts.

Especially in this era, interrogation techniques were not systematically developed, relying heavily on personal experience.

“Are there any other details to pay attention to regarding micro-expressions?” Captain Zhao asked, as if he had discovered a new continent, eager for Shi Tingyu to elaborate.

He couldn’t help but marvel at the knowledge of intellectuals.

During the political review, the higher-ups were aware that Shi Tingyu had attended university abroad.

Shi Tingyu thought for a moment and then explained some common meanings of micro-expressions she knew.

For example, even if a liar can keep a straight face, their nostrils will involuntarily flare because lying requires more energy, leading to the need for more oxygen intake. Additionally, flared nostrils may cause itching due to congestion, prompting the liar to touch their nose.

Another example is that liars generally avoid mentioning themselves or related individuals by name. They instinctively exclude themselves from their lies. So, in conversations, if someone repeatedly omits “I,” it’s worth considering whether they are telling the truth.

Also, if a person struggles to continue their story after being interrupted and needs prompts to carry on, it’s usually a sign they are lying or recounting something they heard rather than experienced themselves.

Shi Tingyu shared many such micro-expression details.

Captain Zhao went from listening intently to furiously taking notes.

In reality, they weren’t entirely ignorant of these signs, but unlike Shi Tingyu, they hadn’t systematically summarized and categorized them.

The points she just mentioned could be compiled and used for training others.

Their military district personnel had plenty of experience but lacked systematic knowledge reserves.

Seeing that he had learned quite a bit, Shi Tingyu tore off the sheet of paper she had been writing on and prepared to leave and start sketching.

Captain Zhao quickly stopped her. “Comrade Shi, since Wang Ming was lying, can you still create a sketch based on his false statements?”

Shi Tingyu smiled. “I didn’t say everything he said was a lie. Often, when describing someone, the things people emphasize are the opposite of the truth. I’ll go back and try to draw based on what he described.”

Captain Zhao nodded, somewhat understanding.

Shi Tingyu added, “If you gather any useful information during subsequent interrogations, have Weiguo bring it to me.”

Finally, Lu Weiguo left with Shi Tingyu.

On the way back, Lu Weiguo frequently glanced in her direction.

Shi Tingyu smiled and asked, “What are you looking at?”

Lu Weiguo replied, “I’m looking at how amazing my wife is.”

Shi Tingyu felt the need to explain, “These are some psychology materials I came across while studying abroad. I found them interesting and took notes.”

Lu Weiguo believed her without question. Even if she were lying, he wouldn’t be able to tell.

“Can you create a sketch based on the current information?” he asked.

Shi Tingyu pursed her lips and honestly replied, “I’ll only know after I start sketching. Sometimes, things come together only when I put pencil to paper.”

For now, she might only be able to draw a rough likeness. If Captain Zhao could provide more useful information later, she could create a sketch that more closely resembles the target.

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