Entertainment Circle’s Mascot
Entertainment Circle’s Mascot: Chapter 67

At the entrance of the emergency room of the hospital, which should have been quiet, suddenly there were about ten strong men who appeared out of nowhere. They were all wearing untagged white coats and masks, and they walked with a menacing air.

Director Li, felt a chill in his heart and thought to himself, “They’ve arrived.” He stood up and greeted them with a smile, blocking their way and asking, “Do you need something? This is the entrance to the emergency room, and we are currently treating patients. Did you come to the wrong place?”

One of the nurses, who sensed that something was off, also came over and asked, “Which department are you from? Why aren’t you wearing your work badge? Can you show it to us?”

One of the men with a loud voice said, “We are doctors from a hospital under the Yu family. Our chairman is a friend of Mr. Lian, who is currently in the emergency room. This can be verified online. We heard that Mr. Lian was injured, and Mr. Yu asked us to take him to our hospital. Please do not obstruct us. Our hospital has already invited experts and made all the necessary preparations for treatment.”

This was obviously a lie. When patients are transferred from other hospitals, there are always proper procedures to be followed. Moreover, it’s unheard of to take a patient who’s in the middle of surgery. Taking such action would be making a joke of the patient’s life!

The nurse and Li exchanged a glance, both thinking the same thing. People were coming and going in the hospital, and the security guard at the gate didn’t bother to check everyone. These people must have entered the hospital earlier, disguised themselves, and then put on their white coats and masks. Otherwise, the security guard at the gate would have noticed them.

Perhaps because of the recent spate of medical disputes, there was a security guard near the emergency room. However, the guard who was supposed to be on duty there had just gone to the bathroom.

No, perhaps these people took advantage of the fact that the security guard with a stun gun had gone to the bathroom to sneak in!

The nurse silently signaled to Director Li to stall for time. She casually replied to the men, then returned to her post and immediately called the security office and the police.

Left alone to face so many people, Director Li calculated the time in his mind. It had been an hour since Mr. Yu made the phone call. If he took a helicopter, he might be able to arrive if they delayed long enough.

Thinking of this, he forced a smile and tried to delay the transfer of Lian Qing. “He’s in the middle of surgery, and it’s risky to transfer him midway. It could easily cause wound infection. Why don’t you wait until he’s done with surgery before transferring him?”

The leader of the group sneered, clearly seeing through his intentions and lack of cooperation. Without further ado, he waved his hand and led the group towards the emergency room.

Director Li turned pale, realizing they were going to force their way in. He opened his arms and tried to stop them, saying, “Are you trying to kidnap him? Do you know it’s illegal?”

“Get out of the way, or I won’t be polite!” The leader tore off his facade of peace and revealed his thuggish side. He had a fierce look in his eyes, and a small knife appeared in his hand…

However, before they even reached the door, they were hit on the head by something that came from nowhere and fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

Seeing this strange situation, the others simultaneously stopped what they were doing and looked up. They saw a group of black-clothed men appearing on the other end of the corridor at some point, all of them tall and strong. These people didn’t say a word and went straight up to subdue the other group one by one, overpowering them all.

The others stared at the people who were all subdued without much resistance and then looked in the direction where the black-clothed men came from.

There, a man with a white shirt, a handsome face, and a slender figure was walking towards them step by step. His sharp and angular face was filled with hostility, and his eyes were calm but with an unmistakable intent to kill, even the curve of his thin lips was very cold and hard.

He didn’t walk fast, even step by step, regular and slow, and even if he changed the venue, he would surely have a sense of leisurely and carefree demeanor. However, the sound of his footsteps seemed to press into everyone’s hearts, full of oppression.

“Mr. Yu…” Director Li sighed and called out thankfully as they held on.

Yu Wenning stood in front of him and nodded, “Thank you for your hard work.” His gaze turned to the other people and he asked, “Who are these?”

“This is our screenwriter, and that is Lian Qing’s new assistant. The others are all Lian Qing’s fans.” Director Li said from the bottom of his heart, “I really owe them a lot just now, otherwise, I would definitely not have lasted too long…”

The few fans who were squatting outside the emergency room were either accompanying someone to see a doctor or looking at some trivial illness. They were really unexpected and yet expected to stand up and help, fighting alongside these people regardless of their safety, after all, the one lying in the emergency room was the star they loved so much.

Yu Wenning’s gloomy and heavy gaze finally softened a bit. His eyes swept over one of the boys who had been scratched by a small knife in his hand, and he calmly said, “Thank you all, you saved us this time. I will have someone take you to get checked up later, and all the medicine and so on will be on me. I will also give you some compensation…”

“We don’t want compensation!” said the boy who had been scratched on his arm. “We just want to know what happened and why these people came in your name… no, why did they want to kidnap Little Monk?”

Yu Wenning glanced at him with a faint look, just one look made the boy shrink. He didn’t answer directly, but went straight past everyone and sat down at the door of the emergency room, with his head lowered and his expression dark and unclear.

One of the fans who plucked up the courage to say something was pressed down by his companions. They weren’t stupid. They couldn’t easily provoke big shots like Mr. Yu, whose aura was strong and was like a black/society boss. All they could do was to cooperate with the bodyguards and get their bodies checked, and then come back to squat as soon as possible. After all, they had to see Lian Qing come out safely before they could rest assured.


Lian Qing woke up with a stabbing pain in his back, a feeling of pressure in his chest, and the familiar sound of weeping in his ears.

He thought with a headache that it seemed he would have to lie down and sleep like this for some time to come. His back would probably hurt for a while.

He would also have to endure his own child’s weeping for quite some time.

Before he even opened his eyes, he weakly called out in a hoarse voice, “Don’t cry… Xiao San’er, Shixiong is okay…”

The barely audible weeping paused for a moment, and then turned into loud sobbing the next second. Lian Qing opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at the bald-headed tiny monk standing beside his bed, his heart aching.

He was just about to lift his weak hand to touch his little bald head, but as soon as his hand was raised, the door to the ward was pushed open with great force.

Lian Qing turned his head to see Yu Wenning standing at the door, looking anxious and with disheveled hair.

Their eyes met, and after a moment’s pause, Lian Qing waved his hand and said foolishly, “Hey…”

His childish demeanor was so embarrassing and stupid.

Yu Wenning’s heart, which was about to jump out of his chest in impatience, was strangely pushed back in by this. He closed the door behind him, first touching the little guy who was crying so hard he could hardly speak, then half-kneeling down to hug him in his arms and comfort him softly, “Good boy, it’s okay now. Your shixiong is awake, don’t cry. Xiao San’er, your shixiong is worried about you…”

He comforted him like this for a long time, until the little guy gradually stopped crying, but still occasionally sniffled.

The little guy stuttered, “Shi…shixiong…”

Lian Qing pulled the corners of his mouth and said, “Good boy, Shixiong… isn’t in pain.” Yeah right. The anesthetic had already worn off a lot, and his whole back felt like it had been poked with needles, numb and painful, making him so uncomfortable that he wanted to howl a few times himself.

But no, Xiao San’er was here and he would be scared. His big brother was also here and would worry.

The little guy didn’t believe him, how could it not hurt? But he didn’t dare to cry again, his senior brother would worry. He grabbed his senior brother’s slightly cool finger, and his emotions slowly calmed down.

Seeing the little guy calm down, both Yu Wenning and Lian Qing were relieved. The way the little guy had cried just now, gasping for breath, was the most damaging to his body. If he didn’t recover his voice for a long time, there could still be hidden dangers.

After comforting the little guy, Yu Wenning poured a cup of warm water and handed it to Lian Qing with a straw.

Lian Qing was so thirsty that he drank it almost in one gulp. After drinking, he sighed and said, “Finally I’m alive again…”

Yu Wenning pursed his lips and said, “Next time, don’t risk your own safety to save someone, I hope you can put your own safety first.”

Lian Qing weakly smiled and said, “It’s not just for the sake of saving people, even if I didn’t save her, I would still be injured, it’s just a matter of severity. Speaking of which… what happened later? When I was admitted to the hospital, I didn’t have time to cover you, and a lot…”

“Hmm?” Yu Wenning thought he misheard and couldn’t believe that after avoiding him for so many days, the person who was injured would ask him such a question with anticipation on his face.

“I mean, if I fall asleep again, will you… leave?” Lian Qing sincerely hoped that Yu Wenning would stay with him.

“… No.”

Relieved to hear the hesitant response, Lian Qing comforted the little guy a few more times, then closed his eyes and slowly slowed down his breathing.

If he could breathe a little lighter, the pain in his back would ease a bit. He also took the opportunity to think about how to confess to his big brother… and to mentally prepare himself for being rejected.

After slowing down his breathing for an unknown amount of time, he suddenly felt his lips covered by something soft and moist, then quickly pulled away.

Lian Qing immediately had a bold guess in his mind, so he maintained his sleeping position and listened carefully to the sounds in the ward.

He heard only a small gasp, followed by a “shh”, and then a slight voice: “Good boy, this is our little secret, don’t tell your shixiong, okay?”

Lian Qing heard a soft, nasal voice saying, “Okay, I’ll definitely keep the secret!”

“Very good. You stay here and watch your shixiong. I’ll go make a call and come back soon.”


After the barely audible footsteps and door closing sound, Lian Qing opened his eyes and met his shidi’s still slightly red eyes.

The little guy was first surprised, then he put a finger to his lips and made a “shh” gesture, and then he whispered, “Sixiong, let me tell you a secret. Yu gege just stole a kiss from you.”

Lian Qing felt complicated emotions and said, “I know…”

The little guy couldn’t understand, “Shixiong, are you not happy?”

Lian Qing wished he could cover his face, “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet!”


New fear unlocked: Having kids know my secrets. Coz best believe they’ll turn into sirens announcing it everywhere! PS. If anyone is willing to help me with editing this story, I have all the chapters ready but they need some minor editing like with grammar and such and I’m currently swamped with work and also need to migrate 150+ chapters from the other site to this one so I could really use the help. I can’t pay you but at least you get to read the rest of the chapters, there’s only like 20+ chapters that are unedited. If you’re up for the task please contact me via email at [email protected].


Certified member of the IIO(International Introverts Organization), PhD holder in Overthinking and Ghosting, Spokesperson for BOBAH(Benefits of Being a Homebody), Founder of SFA(Salted Fish Association), Brand Ambassador for Couch Potato fall line Pajama set.

  1. Ethereal Rainbow has spoken 1 year ago

    Thanks for the chapter! Kids & secrets don’t go well together, lol

    • EuphoriaT has spoken 1 year ago

      Fake biology alert!!! The synapses connecting their “shut the f**k up” nerves and the “zero brain to mouth filter” are fried. One sends “don’t do it” but the other receives “ruin this person’s whole career”.


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