Reincarnated as a Troublemaker Mob, but Nothing Happens Because the Protagonist is Too Competent
Reincarnated as a Troublemaker Mob, but Nothing Happens Because the Protagonist is Too Competent Chapter 14

Chapter 14. Effect of Love Potion

That night, after finishing the meal, I brewed tea for two and added a love potion to one of the matching cups.

I watched the amber liquid being poured into the cup and disappearing with bitter feelings.

All that’s left is to give this to Gil to drink and press him to marry me.

If I do that, as in the novel, Gil will surely realize his true feelings.

“I can’t tell the difference at all…I have to be careful.”

I held the cup with the love potion carefully in my left hand and headed to the living room.

“Gil, I made tea for us.”

“Thank you.”

I handed him the cup I was holding in my left hand.

Gil casually lifted it to his mouth.

His movement seemed unusually slow, and I was sweating nervously.

His lips were about to touch the cup.

At that moment, Gil spoke.

“The tea seems different from usual, doesn’t it?”

I was taken aback by his sudden remark, but it didn’t seem like he had noticed the love potion.

I replied calmly.

“Yeah. It’s the tea that Lily brought back as a souvenir.”

To be extra cautious, I prepared a different type of tea than usual.

The love potion should be tasteless and odorless, but with this, even if there’s any slight discomfort, it wouldn’t be noticed.


Gil put down the cup he had been holding on the desk.

I let out a sigh of relief.

Maybe I should stop after all…


I reflexively set down my cup when called by name.

When I looked towards Gil, he was staring at me with a probing gaze.

“Are you hiding something from me?”

“N-no…I’m not.”

Given Gil’s sharpness, he may have noticed something suspicious.

But there should be no evidence that I did anything wrong.

His gaze was painful, but I couldn’t look away without seeming unnatural.


Gil didn’t pursue it any further and picked up his cup again, taking a sip from it.

It was a momentary action.

I could see his throat move as he swallowed.

He drank it.

– He drank it, and it was too late to go back.

Feeling nervous and parched, I took my own cup and drank its contents in one gulp.

The love potion was fast-acting, so the effects would start to appear soon.

All I had to do now was press Gil to marry…

My heart pounded loudly in my chest with a “thump.”

Suddenly, my body felt hot, and a slow, tingling sensation rose from my lower body.


I was bewildered by the symptoms, which felt like I had just ingested a love potion.

I was certain I gave Gil the one with the drug.

“What’s wrong…?”

I was already having trouble speaking.

I couldn’t support my own weight, so I collapsed onto the sofa.

“Do you want to know why?”

When I looked up at the words coming from above, Gil had a melting smile on his face.

“I noticed that Rei was up to something, so I switched the cups.”

Even the slightest touch of Gil’s hair was like a sweet torture that tickled my nerves.

I trembled softly, unable to scream.

“Is this a love potion? What were you planning to do to me by giving me this? You’re a bad boy.”


This is the worst. I’ve failed again.

And it happened at such an important moment.

If I don’t somehow fulfill my role, I’ll just end up being disliked by Gil.

I was aware of that even with my foggy mind.

I mustered up my strength and climbed on top of Gil.

“Gil…I want to marry you…”

With a slurred voice, I pleaded while trembling hands took off my shirt.

I couldn’t unbutton it properly, so I tore it open.

My face was a mess of sweat and tears.

At least, the fact that I couldn’t see Gil’s face through my teary eyes was a small relief.

Surely Gil would be disgusted by this pathetic sight, too.

“Rei, do you want to marry me?”

“I do…Because I love you, Gil.”

Once I said it, I couldn’t stop.

I love Gil.

I absolutely don’t want to give him to Lily.

I clung to Gil’s chest with both hands and buried my face in it, staining his shirt with tears.

This will probably be the last time I’ll be able to touch him like this.

To remember this sensation, I rubbed my cheek against Gil’s chest.


Gil’s voice echoed in my ear.

His sweet voice sent shivers down my spine.

He patted my head, concerned about my body, and lifted my face up.

To my surprise, Gil blushed a little and had a smile on his face.

“I love you too, Rei. Let’s get married.”

With those words and that expression, the last remaining fragment of my rationality flew away.

“I’m so happy. I love you, Gil…so much…”

I clung to his neck and kissed him repeatedly.

I forgot my role and just reveled in my joy.

“Hehe, my bride is mischievous, isn’t he?”


“Yes. Will you become my bride?”

“I will… I’ll be Gil’s bride…”A wave of joy flooded through me.

As I resumed kissing Gil’s neck, he giggled as if tickled.

“Hey, kiss me too.”

As soon as our eyes met, something soft touched my lips.

It pushed its way in and our tongues entwined.

“Fu, nn…!”

Our intense kiss exchanged saliva, causing my breath to quicken.

Combined with the effects of the love potion, my entire body felt hot and almost unbearable.

“Fuh, ahh…!”

A silver bridge formed between our parted lips.

Gil wiped it away with his thumb and gave me an enchanting smile.

“Shall we do something even more pleasurable?”

I nodded eagerly in response to his whispered words. Gil lifted me up effortlessly and hurriedly made his way to his room.

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