After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 626

Chapter 626: I need to borrow your craftsmen

“Bingo!” Robb gave her a thumbs up and said, “my queen, you are not stupid. You understood immediately. After using this method, you only need to pay interest every year, and the money of the nobility and the rich families are increased by five percent every year. Everyone is happy.”

Although the queen was praised in a strange way, she still admired Robb’s excellent plan with bonds. At the same time, she couldn’t help but sigh secretly, [this guy is so cruel. He even wants to use the second batch of money earned to pay back the first batch of money. This operation is the same as the idea of the tap water last time, which provides a year’s water fee in advance to pay for the first batch of money. It is simply crazy and evil, but there is nothing wrong with it.]

His proposal was unique in that everyone could be happy from top to bottom.

Why were there so many strange things in his mind?

This was the limitation of her time! She thought if she got too much, others would get less.

However, Robb’s thought was ahead of others. He had learned from another world and had passed the test of time. It was an advanced idea that could make everyone rich together. Of course, it was completely different. Although there was a total amount of money, as long as the money was circulated, not stored at home, then the same amount of money could do more things.

“Got it. I’m going to prepare for the distribution of the bonds,” the queen said. “You can help prepare all kinds of craftsmen. The craftsmen produced by your Westwind Technical School are now famous for their bright futures. Although I don’t want to admit, I have to admit that your craftsmen are more efficient.”

It turned out that in the past two years, Westwind Technical School had been busy training all kinds of talents.

Blacksmith, masons, chefs, tailors, farmers, alchemists, magicians, mathematicians, literature majors, magic items specialists…

As Robb got more and more professional people, more and more subjects were opened in Westwind Technical School. Up to now, it was no longer the “Technical school” it used to be. In terms of the number of students, it was far more than the Royal Magic Academy, and in terms of the subjects taught in it, it also had a variety of subjects, far more than the Royal Magic Academy.

Most importantly, the tuition here was not expensive!

At first, the fees of the first batch of craftsmen sent by the queen were rather expensive, but later, the local people began to become teachers, and the tuition became lower and lower. Of course, the salary of the first batch of teachers did not decrease, because they had all been promoted to senior professors. They had brought various novel core technology and were worth such a high salary. The low-level teachers taught the elementary classes at a low price, so that the poor people in Westwind Holy city could also go to the technical school, where they could learn some skills and support their families.

There were more and more craftsmen coming out of Westwind Holy city, and they were getting more and more famous. Now, many factories on Bright Road would also come to Westwind Holy city to invite a few senior masters to go back to the town to take some of their workers as disciples.

A large-scale technology production had begun here.

The queen wanted to build an advanced city from scratch. It was almost impossible for her not to hire craftsmen in Westwind holy city. There were always some key points that she could not avoid Westwind Town in all walks of life. Unless she didn’t want to build the most beautiful new city, but an old city.

Robb smiled and said, “of course I’m willing to do that. As long as I can find some work for the people in Westwind Town, I’m willing to do it. I’ll send a lot of craftsmen to participate in your new city. Don’t worry.”

The queen had a question “I’m quite surprised. You have trained so many senior craftsmen, but generously let them leave Westwind, run out to Bright Road, or work in other cities. Many of them have already settled in new places, and may never return to Westwind Town. I’m sure that many of the craftsmen you sent to work in my new harbor city will stay in the new city forever, which will lose you talents. If I were you, I wouldn’t have let these skilled craftsmen leave. “

“Haha, everyone has their own ambitions. If they want to go far away, I’ll just let them go. The world is so big that there are always some people who want to go out to have a look. If I don’t let them go, won’t it be inhuman of me?” Robb said, “as long as I can cultivate new talents as fast as the speed of the old talents leaving, there is no problem.”

The queen listened to him silently. She neither agreed nor opposed, “I see.”

He hung up the phone!

It was tiring to talk to the queen. Robb crossed his legs

At this moment, a Chinese voice came from behind, “priest, nice to meet you.”

Robb looked back and found that it was the leader of the rabbit trade team, Shang Yang, and his rabbit daughter, Shang Hui. Of course, Robb could not recognize them at all only by looking at their faces. The rabbit heads could not be distinguished between male and female. He could only recognize that they were all dressed differently from other rabbits.

Shang Yang wore the most luxurious clothes, while his daughter wore women’s clothes.

Of course, she didn’t wear a Hanfu, but a western dress. Her Eastern dress had been changed when the people of Norma asked her to disguise as a princess. Now she was wearing a noble long dress that she got when she swaggered around Lost City.

Robb greeted with a smile, “good evening.”

“Thank you for taking us in, priest. We have been treated well these days. We have finally recovered.”

Robb said, “it’s not a big deal. It’s pleasant to have friends from afar. You don’t have to be so polite.”

Shang Yang sighed, “It’s amazing. In Westwind Holy city these days, we drank the long lost soybean milk, tofu, and bean sprouts. We felt as if we had returned to our hometown. It’s really a great joy.”

“Haha,” Robb said, “I like these too.”

Then he went straight to the point.

Perhaps this was the cultural difference between eastern and western kingdoms. The queen had always been straightforward when she called Robb, so when she greeted Robb, she would always talk about food first. Although it was long winded, Robb liked this very much.

“We have recovered, and the fright we have suffered has almost been healed. We can’t keep bothering you. I’m here to say goodbye and intend to return to our hometown.”

“Oh.” Robb said with a smile. “Come, I’ll give you a transmission portal scroll. You can just open the portal to go back.”

He put a transmission scroll in the hand of Shang Yang.


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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