After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 633

Chapter 633: There will never be another excellent painter like you in the world

Elsie came in a hurry.

Recently, he had nothing else to do, so he just came to Robb every day to ask him to show his respect.

It was a big crisis for Elsie. For a man like him who would his best to consolidate his position in his boss’s heart, he wished that he could take care of his boss every day.

Once he had nothing else to do, he was afraid that he would be forgotten by his boss, be alienated, and finally be kicked out of the center of power.

Therefore, it was not a bad thing to have something to do now. He flew to the chapel with his two subordinates and stood in front of Robb. He said respectfully, “Godfather, I heard that you have something to tell me, so your loyal subordinate Elsie immediately came and will listen to your orders. No matter how dangerous it is, I will try my best to complete it.”

“Save it,” Robb said with a smile. “You know it won’t be dangerous to do something for me. Even if you die, you can come back to life.”

Elsie pretended to laugh awkwardly.

Robb said, “I ask you to sell some books for me. Anyway, you have nothing to do, so you must be willing to do it for me.”

Elsie patted his chest and said, “of course. I have been idle for several months since the war for the movie was over. I’m a very diligent person. I feel uncomfortable if I don’t do anything, especially if it’s for Godfather. Please give me the books as soon as possible.”

Robb was at a loss whether to cry or to laugh. He took out the a book of One Punch Man and handed it over to Elsie. “This is the book. This is the sample. Go to the printing factory to pick up the goods. There are still five hundred copies there. Take them out and sell them to the town. Pay attention to recommending it to young people. Older people may not like this kind of thing, but young people should like it.”

Elsie took the book and didn’t read it immediately. He first glanced at the lower left corner of the cover, where a line of words was printed, Godfather’s work!

He knew what it was, but he pretended not to see it at all. After taking a deep breath, he opened the first page with a devout attitude. When he saw the painting for the first time, Elsie gasped in astonishment. [what is this?]

However, he didn’t say it out loud. Instead, it was digested in his heart. Then his face turned serious, He said seriously “Oh my God! What an excellent painting it is! Look at the lines, the brushwork, the exquisite feeling, and the deep meaning. I am deeply moved by it. Only the best painter in the world can draw such a painting. Although I don’t know who he is, I know he must be the best painter in the world. This is art. I feel that my heart has been purified. I will buy this book and show it to my descendants. “

Robb was speechless

The two men behind Elsie were drenched in sweat and thought, [Commander, you’re so ridiculous! We were really convinced by that.]

Elsie’s affectation shocked everyone. Even Robb couldn’t speak for a while.

However, Elsie didn’t blush at all. He closed the book again and said, “I’m here to see who the painter is.” he pretended to look for it on the cover and made an expression of “finally found it”, Pointing at the “Godfather’s work” in the lower left corner of the book, he said, “it turns out to be the work of Godfather. No wonder, no wonder. Just now, I was wondering who in the world can draw such beautiful painting. It turns out to have been drawn by Godfather. Alas! I should have thought that besides you, There will never be another excellent painter in the world…”

“Damn it!” Robb kicked him away and said, “you’re bootlicking too hard. The book is selling the story, not the drawings.”

Elsie stood up from the ground with a dirty face. “Of course it’s a first-class story. How touching it is…”

“What touching story! It’s an invincible story.” Robb scolded, “fuck off! Go and sell the books. Don’t exaggerate here.”

Elsie turned around and ran towards the printing factory as fast as he could. His two subordinates were sweating all over. After a while, they caught up with Elsie and said awkwardly, “Sir, you seem to have flattered too much. Even we know that you are bragging. Will it have any effect? Godfather may be angry.”

Elsie laughed, “what the hell do you know? It’s obviously not good to flatter him. As long as Godfather knows that I’ve tried my best to please him, he will understand that I’m a very obedient subordinate. That’s enough. As for whether I’m on point or not, who cares?”

The two men were rendered speechless

They had to learn it!

However, the two men immediately found that they couldn’t learn it. They were not as thick skinned as the commander, and ordinary people really couldn’t learn such a crazy licking method.

Half an hour later, with a group of armed soldiers, wearing shiny steel armors, Elsie walked up to the street of Westwind Holy City and stopped a young man who looked like a little rich man.

The young man was suddenly surrounded by a group of armed soldiers. He was really shocked. Elsie reached out his hand to take something from under his cloak, and the young man thought he was going to pull out his sword to chop him. He shouted in horror, “this is Westwind Holy city. Godfather is kind and loving. The army can’t bully the good people at will!”

As soon as he finished shouting, Elsie pulled out a book from under his cloak. “Brother, do you want to buy a book of One Punch Man? It’s from Godfather.”

The young man was rendered speechless

After a long time, he calmed down and asked, “is it the work of Godfather?”

“Yes!” Elsie chuckled and said, “do you want a book? It’s very cheap. Look at the price on the back of the book. It’s set by Godfather himself. Ordinary people can afford it. I don’t charge a penny more from it.”

The fact was that the price was different from the factory price, but the young man didn’t know how much money he could earn by selling it.

The young man looked at the price and asked curiously, “The book is so cheap?”

Elsie, “because it’s not made of parchment, but the latest eastern paper with low cost.”

“Well, since it’s the work of Godfather and it’s cheap, I’ll buy one.” the young man took out dozens of copper coins and bought a book.

As soon as he opened the first page, she he shocked by the aura rushing towards him.

On the spot, he grabbed Elsie’s arm and said, “you told me that this children painting style was created by Godfather? You are slandering Godfather. Aren’t you afraid of death?”

Elsie said, “don’t you know who I am? I am the most loyal subordinate of Godfather. How can I slander him?”

The young man thought about it carefully and thought, [that’s right. Even if the whole world has been sentenced to death, Elsie won’t. He is the most famous bootlicking freak in Westwind Town. Well, let’s carefully see what the book has drawn.]

A few minutes later, the young man jumped high and asked, “what about the second volume? I want the second volume!”


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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