After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 640

Chapter 640: Show your strength to the enemy

Elsie chuckled and said, “yes, I’m Elsie, the most loyal subordinate of Godfather.”

The cardinal was a little dissatisfied. That man didn’t come to welcome him in person. He just sent an officer to send me away. He really didn’t take him seriously. I’m a cardinal! Even the king of a kingdom wouldn’t dare to neglect me.

However, a person in a high position like him was not young. He would not easily show his anger on his face. Instead, he did not show any uncomfortable expression on his face. Instead, he revealed a smile. “The famous Elsie, your personal guard team, has shown a strong fighting ability in the battle against the monster army. We have heard of it in Lost City.”

Elsie smiled and said, “what fighting power? It’s nothing. It’s all given to me by Godfather.”

“So, where is this Godfather now?” the cardinal asked. “I came to Westwind city this time to discuss business with him.”

Elsie immediately put on a serious face and said, “Godfather is currently busy with government affairs and can’t get leave yet. You can follow me first. Let’s find a place to rest and have a cup of tea. When he finishes his work, he will see you.”

In fact, Robb was looking at a manhua on his stone stool, smiling ridiculously.

The cardinal smiled and said, “since godfather is busy with government affairs, of course we should wait until he finishes his work. There’s no hurry at all.”

Elsie led the way with a large group of soldiers, followed by twenty people from the Church of Darkness.

The two sides talked and laughed as they began to visit the town.

A black cloaked man whispered in the ear of the cardinal, “Your Highness, if we stab him from behind when he is off guard, the personal security team of Westwind city will lose their leader and they will be in chaos.”

The cardinal shook his head and said, “don’t be silly. As long as that man doesn’t die, Westwind city won’t be in chaos. It’s useless to kill Elsie. If the man is resurrected, he will be alive again.”

The black cloak man nodded and left.

The two sides continued and looked around Westwind Holy city.

The cardinal looked around. He had only heard about the mine, iron factory, technical school, sewers and dwarf factory from intelligence before. After all, Westwind holy city was an “unsuspecting” city. Anyone and any spy could easily come in and walk around. Whatever they wanted to see, they could see, except the most important core technology.

However, what he heard from the intelligence was still different from what he saw with his own eyes.

When he saw iron ore pulled out from the mine one after another and a large tank of iron poured out of the large furnace, he was really shocked.

When he saw the train moving more than 1000 people away, he was shocked again.

And when he saw a warship half made in the factory, he was really shocked. Sure enough, this was the kind of ship that had been used to defeat the warships of Norma before. Now, they were actually making a second one. Moreover, the second ship was obviously bigger and more powerful than the first one. It seemed that after accumulating the experience of the first ship, Westwind city had the ability to build a larger warship.

The cardinal was stunned.

This was a game Elsie learned from Robb. In a word, it was to show the enemy how strong they were. They should let the enemy see how powerful their weapons are, so that the enemy did not dare to look down upon them, then the enemy would not dare to bully them casually.

It had to be said that the effect was excellent!

The subordinates behind him had thought that he would make a scene at any time, but after circling in Westwind holy city, they had no intention of making a move. They randomly pulled out a few strong weapons such as the steel warships and steam tanks here, and if they made a scene in the city, they would definitely be in trouble..

If they really wanted to be an enemy of Westwind Holy City, they had to use the power of Thor’s Roar. If they don’t beat the city in one hit and they manage to retaliate, then Lost City would definitely not win!

Of course, he had to suppress her intention of making trouble.

Of course, they were also very careful to observe the development of the new Church of Light in Westwind holy city. Without this city, it was impossible to really understand the new Church of Light. When they arrived here, they found that the new Church of Light had almost occupied the whole city.

It seemed that everyone here could say a few words of the new light bible. They could even give out a bible to every household. Many people could read it. Although they didn’t seem to know much, such a degree of reading shocked the cardinal.

These were civilians. They could even read to such a level. How could it be so unreasonable?

After they toured the whole Westwind city, it was getting dark. It was not until then that Elsie finally brought the group of people to the chapel.

The first thing they saw was the Chapel of Darkness. As soon as the night fell, a group of cat folk were moving at the entrance of the Chapel of Darkness. The cat folk were a race that had reversed day and night. They liked darkness. They were born to be loyal to the Church of Darkness.

As soon as he saw the cat folk, he felt happy! He quickly walked over and saw number 8 and two little dark nuns who were talking about the Dark Bible with the people of the cat clan in the courtyard outside the chapel. The cardinal stood aside with a smile on his face, expressing his relief for this holy preaching scene.

However, something unpleasant was about to happen.

After listening to number 8, the members of the cat folk race stood up and said goodbye. Then they ran to the new Chapel of Light next door and began to talk with Little Yi and the two little light nuns.


He quickly jumped to number 8 and whispered, “how did you teach them? Why are the members of the cat folk going to the new Church of Light? Only the cat folk would not go to the new Church of Light. They are a race that loves darkness.”

Number 8 glanced at him. He didn’t want to talk to him, but since the queen hadn’t broken up with the Church of Darkness yet, he still had to pretend, He pretended to be respectful and said, “your excellency, it’s not my fault. In Westwind city, the churches are not allowed to interfere in the free spread and faith of other churches. They are not allowed to maliciously slander other churches, and they are not allowed to interfere in the government affairs of Westwind city. In a word, they are not allowed to interfere with others. These cat folk want to learn reading and writing, so they went to learn the new Bible of Light from the people of the new Church of Light, but I can’t do anything about it. If I pull the cat folk and try to stop them, the Church of Darkness will be driven out of Westwind city. “


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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