Salted Fish Become Viral After Ignoring the Love System!
Salted Fish Become Viral After Ignoring the Love System! Chapter 22

In addition to the melon seeds, pecans, and goji berries at the beginning, the audience never expected to see Ning Xiaoyu take out jujube from her pockets.

So, there were more things she carries with her?

But to be honest, it’s a good habit for girls to carry jujube with them. After all, there’s a few days every month when a girl could eat some to nourish their blood. Plus it also had many benefits.

Seeing Ning Xiaoyu eating silently, the guests had different thoughts. Xi Rui couldn’t help but lean over and said, “Xiaoyu, do you still have more?” She ate goji berries earlier and wanted to try jujubes this time.

Ning Xiaoyu didn’t bring much. Under normal circumstances, eating three or four red dates a day was enough. She didn’t need to eat too many as it could lead to overeating.

Ning Xiaoyu glanced down at the small package containing jujubes and said, “There are five more.”

Xi Rui didn’t dislike it and immediately said, “That’s enough.” In the end, Xi Rui took three and Shen Yueyue took two.

Not many people paid attention to Ning Yuwei singing her love song as most of the audience were staring at the three female guests eating jujubes. And the three, while listening to the affectionate love song and eating, were very happy.

【Hahahaha, I’m dying of laughter. First goji berries, then jujubes, what else will Xiao Yu bring out?】

【Xiao Yu: I’ll take out a big treasure to show you. Dog head.jpg】

【Xiao Yu: As long as it’s food, there’s nothing I won’t take with me. Squinty-eyed smile.jpg】

【Looking at them makes me want to eat jujube too. Xiao Yu’s enjoying it too much!】

【I didn’t expect Xiao Yu to be big on wellness. I’m following a health anchor, hahaha.】

In fact, jujube and goji berry tea was more effective than goji berry tea alone, but adding jujube wasn’t suitable for Lu Jingdu to drink, so Ning Xiaoyu just brewed the goji berry.

By the time she finished eating, Ning Yuwei and Xu Cheng were also finished singing their love song.

Mu Jiajia clapped in support and the rest of the guests followed suit, however, Ning Yuwei’s expression wasn’t very good.

When other guests came forward to perform, Ning Xiaoyu just sat there and did nothing, but when she went ahead to sing, Ning Xiaoyu started eating jujubes? Ning Xiaoyu used her song as an accompaniment for snacking?

Not many people listened to her sing seriously, they’re attention were all drawn away by Ning Xiaoyu!

Is watching Ning Xiaoyu eat jujube that interesting?

If some passersby audience could hear Ning Yuwei’s inner voice, they would reply with an affirmative expression— It’s really interesting!

Who wouldn’t like hamsters gnawing on pine nuts?

The picture of Ning Xiaoyu eating jujubes, in their view, was as cute as that.

After the guests performance was the highly anticipated bonfire party. Participants would hold hands and dance around the burning fire in the middle as they sing together, creating a lively atmosphere.

The staff added logs to the fire and in an instant, the flames soared high.

Night had completely fallen and the burning flame stood out against the dark background, its bright fiery red color illuminating all the guests surrounding it.

Holding the loudspeaker, the director coughed lightly, “Find where you want to stand. After a while you can hold hands!”

Many guests started wandering around the fire, finding a spot they liked.

Ning Xiaoyu also stood up from her seat. She didn’t want to change positions nor pick partners since it’s too troublesome. Thus, she remained standing where she was and whoever it was on her side would be her partners.

No need to ask, just go with the flow.

As a result, before she noticed who was standing next to her, the excited voice of the love system rang in her ears.

【The movie king is here!!!】

Ning Xiaoyu: Huh?

The director shouted with a loudspeaker, “Hold hands! Are you guests still shy? Take each other’s hands! How can you dance around the fire if you don’t hold hands?”

Before Ning Xiaoyu could react, her hands were held by Shen Yueyue and…… Lu Jingdu respectively.

Everyone faced the bonfire without looking or communicating with each other.

On Lu Jingdu’s left was her and on his right was the assistant director.

On Ning Xiaoyu’s left was Shen Yueyue and on her right was Lu Jingdu.

Ning Xiaoyu’s ears were too noisy because the dating system was so loud.

【Love System: Wuuwuuwuu, Girl, you and the movie king are holding hands and he was the one who took the initiative! Today’s sugar is really good! The sweetness is over the limit!】

Ning Xiaoyu said expressionlessly, “Be normal.”

【Love System: I don’t want to be normal, wuuwuuwuu, please let the sugar come harder!】

Ning Xiaoyu deeply felt that the person who made the love system must be a person with a love brain, the kind that wouldn’t be happy without any sugar.

How else would a system like this one, who always issues various artificial tasks with the sole intention of getting sugar, be created?

Unfortunately, the love system was bound to a host who couldn’t understand the charm.

 In addition to the director, most of the staff also joined in.

The director gave the command, “Okay! Jump up!”

The firelight illuminated the young and beautiful faces. No matter how the guests’ private relationships were, at least at this moment, the joyful atmosphere of the bonfire party spread to every corner of the beach.

The guests swung their legs, making a common dance move. Lift the right foot, then the left foot, and then the right foot once again, they repeated this simple action over and over again.

In order to get the audience notice themselves more, several guests wore bright business smiles on their faces, festive to the point of being ready for the spring festival gala.

At this time, Ning Xiaoyu, who didn’t want to be in the picture, seemed a bit dazed.

She’s wearing a salted fish onesie while swinging her legs slightly. It could be seen that her business attitude was perfunctory, but the salted fish head on her head moved along with her, adding a touch of humor to the scene.

【Laughing to death. The salted fish has really become a spirit!】

【The salted fish is swinging its flippers!】

【The salted fish is actually moving!】

【Ning Xiaoyu: What? Can you be polite? Hahahaha.】

The audience felt that they should praise the manufacturer of this onesie because the salted fish head was really too realistic!

That pair of dead fish eyes with more white than black was really vivid, as if the emoji has come to life.

The guests sang and danced, and the scene was full of joy. The bonfire party was a great success.

However, the most successful one was Ning Xiaoyu, who became the most popular guest with the audience.

When she first joined this variety show, her number of fans hadn’t even exceeded 10,000. She didn’t have a current work or buy bots, so her Weibo was hard to look at.

After landing on several hot searches, her followers exceeded one million.

But after that night, her number of fans broke through the 1.5 million mark in one fell swoop.

In front of other actresses with tens of millions of fans, this 1.5 million fans might not be something to look at, but these were loyal fans with high stickiness. If Ning Xiaoyu brought goods, they would probably join in on buying them.

Ning Xiaoyu didn’t feel much about gaining massive fans overnight, but the next morning, when she arrived at the hall of Friends Lodge, she noticed a subtle difference.

The way Mu Jiajia looked at her seemed to carry a certain deep meaning.

However, Ning Xiaoyu was too lazy to bother. She used 4 friendship coins to buy herself a bowl of dumplings with thin skin and plenty of stuffing. She also took a small dish of vinegar to dip it in.

Shen Yueyue took a portion of congee with preserved egg and lean meat.

The two chatted casually while eating breakfast.

Suddenly, Shen Yueyue mysteriously said, “Did you spot anything?”

Ning Xiaoyu shook her head. “Spot what?”

Shen Yueyue lowered her voice. “Look at Mu Jiajia’s earrings.”

Ning Xiaoyu glanced up and realized where the subtle feeling had come from.

The design of Mu Jiajia’s earrings was actually a salted fish.

However, what other people wear was their freedom. Ning Xiaoyu didn’t care nor could she control it.

Once the guests have filled their stomachs, the day’s activity was given out.

The director smiled and said, “Everyone looks like you have a great time at the bonfire party yesterday. Unfortunately, there will be no such thing today.” Before the guests could show regretful expressions on their faces, the director immediately said, “However, we’re going to a nearby landscape park and you can think about what activities you want to do.”

The guests of 《Hi, My Friend》 have a high degree of freedom. The whole process was unscripted and it was up to the guests to achieve any variety effect.


The landscape park was only an hour’s drive away.

As soon as they got out of the car, the director pointed to the pavilion not far away. “The guests will be doing activities there until the afternoon, don’t spread out.” The previous incident of the obsessive fan ended all right but it still frightened the director.

For the guests there, no matter who had an accident, it wouldn’t be a trivial matter.

That’s why now, he had the guests act in groups, so that not only was it lively, but if something happens, the others could help in a timely manner.

There were many retired old people in the park. And as the pavilion wasn’t small, some old people played chess nearby.

Ning Xiaoyu was just about to find a comfortable place to lie down when the voice of the love system suddenly sounded in her ear, 【Girl, the movie king has gone to play chess with a retired veteran cadre. The movie king is excellent at chess, watching him play is definitely a kind of enjoyment. At this moment, it’s time to show your caring and clingy side, you can——

A: Stand behind the movie king and call out to him the whole time!

B: When this game is over, play a game against the movie king and tell him face to face, “This is a love-hate relationship!”

C: Attract the movie king with another form of entertainment and invite him to join you!】

Ning Xiaoyu glanced at the three options, but before she could make a good choice, she suddenly saw Mu Jiajia choose a wide place and lay down comfortably. Before she could react, the love system had already called out, 【Girl, she seems to be imitating you!】

【Love System: Girl, how can she do this?!】

Although the love system felt that its host never act as it expected, it didn’t mean that it was fine with others imitating its host. At this time, it wasn’t only the love system that discovered this, but also the audience. One must know that most of the audience have a pair of sharp eyes.

【Mu Jiajia?】

【Is this imitating Ning Xiaoyu?】

【Upstairs is really funny. Who says that only Ning Xiaoyu can lie down and sleep? Do you never lie down? I’m dying of laughter. It’s not like Ning Xiaoyu has a patent on it or something.】

The love system was filled with righteous indignation, but the person involved, Ning Xiaoyu, didn’t react much.

Mu Jiajia could imitate her if she wanted to. Should she go over and say, “You can’t lie down here”? Technically she could, but that’s completely unnecessary.

Ning Xiaoyu wasn’t interested in chess or go and finds them too boring. It was impossible to choose A and B.

Thus, she could only reluctantly choose C.

C ah…… The love system immediately forgot about Mu Jiajia. It looked expectant. So what entertainment would Ning Xiaoyu choose to attract the movie star to join along?

Would it be basking in the sun together, or eating melon seeds together?

Alternatively, they could also drink goji berry tea together!

No matter what activity, as long as two people were together, it was sweet.

Under the expectant eyes of the love system, it saw Ning Xiaoyu borrowed a fishing rod from somewhere, hooked the bait, flung it with ease, and then sat on the chair, motionless as a mountain, and began to leisurely fish.

Love System: This…… This……

Why was it different from the sweet picture it imagined?


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

1 comment
  1. Stephanie has spoken 12 months ago

    Thanks for the update


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