The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife
The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife Chapter 240 – Countdown To Collapse

No one could move a single inch. In their eyes, the world had turned into a kaleidoscope.

They could only watch as it shattered more and more viciously, cracks multiplying and fragmenting relentlessly.

This scene overturned the understanding of the people. At the same time, it shattered the last glimmer of hope in their hearts.

Everyone realized that it was the end…

They just didn’t know if it would hurt. Perhaps they would die in agony beneath the excruciating pain of space shattering and distorting?

〚 Warning! Warning! Minor Dimension 390, a dimension of magic and technology, is collapsing! 〛

〚 Warning! Warning! Please start energy absorption immediately! The dimension is collapsing! 〛

Lin Moyu’s body trembled with fear.


Connect already!

Please, I beg you! Hurry!

At this moment, Sui Li’er in Chen Ling’s arms was still bewildered…

Lord God kissed me…

So, are we…

Considered together now!? Am I in a relationship with Lord God!?

〚 Ding~ Sui Sui’s emotions are abnormal, score +100 billion! 〛

97 Dark Mage: I’m tired. Let it be destroyed, let it collapse…

The somewhat dazed Sui Li’er still hadn’t grasped what was happening around her. She was still immersed in her own fantasies…

“Ding dong~ Ding dong~”

In this world of silence, aside from the sound of shattering, suddenly a mobile phone ringtone echoed.


Sui Li’er snapped back to reality, her small hand reaching into her pocket and taking out the mobile phone the Lord God had given her.

However, she also noticed the strange anomaly in this world and was instantly captivated by it, “Wow…. so beautiful…”

Now, the whole world looked like a distorted collage of colors in her eyes, fractures and pieces fitted together, resembling stained glass in a shattered church.

She didn’t know what Chen Ling was doing, but she felt an odd sense of beauty. She couldn’t help but be entranced by the scene.

Meanwhile, Lin Moyu, who was watching the dimensional mirror, stood rooted to the spot.

Chen Ling’s mom… daughter-in-law…

Was it Sui Li’er?

No, that’s not important.

The important thing is…. stop being mesmerized! Answer the call!

“Answer the call, Sui Li’er!” Lin Moyu couldn’t help but shout.

“Ding dong~ Ding dong~”

In the distant dimension, Sui Li’er seemed to hear her shout and suddenly snapped back to reality.

“Ah…” Hastily, she glanced at her mobile phone in Chen Ling’s embrace.

〚 Incoming call from: Unknown 〛

“Hmm? Who’s calling…”

Sui Li’er wiped away the tears on her face. Although she had stopped crying, her tears hadn’t dried yet.

“Answer it!” Lin Moyu shouted loudly.

〚 Ding~ Call in progress~ 〛

Fortunately, Sui Li’er wasn’t the type to hang up on unknown calls.

“Hello? May I ask…”

〚 Sui Li’er! Quickly stop Chen Ling! He’s destroying the world! 〛

Sui Li’er: ???


Sui Li’er’s face was full of confusion…

The Lord God is destroying the world?

She turned her head to look at the world before her and finally understood what was happening…

Seeing that she hadn’t grasped the situation yet, Lin Moyu urgently and anxiously shouted:

〚 Stop him quickly! If the world is destroyed, he’ll end up in jail! 〛


〚 He’ll be imprisoned, and you won’t see him for the rest of your life! 〛



“No, Chen Ling!”

Sui Li’er reacted immediately.

The notion of world destruction didn’t compare to the impact of Lin Moyu’s final words.

“Chen Ling! Don’t go to jail… sob…”

The thought of Chen Ling leaving her and not being able to see him for the rest of her life made her heart ache. Her small hand quickly grasped the arm he had raised.

“Don’t… don’t leave me… don’t go to jail…”

“Chen Ling…”

However, Chen Ling wasn’t listening to her right now. Everything he had done to Sui Li’er moments ago was merely a reflex in his deep subconscious.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, how could he blatantly kiss her face when Sui Li’er was conscious?

He would always wait until she fell asleep at night or when she was in complete darkness and couldn’t see anything to sneakily kiss her.

Sui Li’er’s cries had no effect on him.

“Lord God!”

Sui Li’er was so anxious in Chen Ling’s embrace that she even kicked her feet.

“Don’t, don’t! Lord God!”

As she shouted, she tried to pull down Chen Ling’s raised arm, thinking it might stop him from destroying the world.

However, he remained unmoved.

Sui Li’er grew frantic and looked at Chen Ling, noticing his hollow gaze. He seemed to be looking at her, yet not really looking at her.

He was looking at this world on the brink of destruction, his pitch-black eyes devoid of any emotion.

Lin Moyu yelled: 〚 He’s lost consciousness! Wake him up! 〛

Sui Li’er paused: Lost consciousness?

She immediately hooked her arms around his neck, leaned close to his ear, and said: “Lord God! Lord God! Wake up!”

After shouting, she quickly moved back in front of Chen Ling, but he still showed no response. His gaze remained stagnant, like a pool of still water.

Sui Li’er was panicking.

What should I do? How can I wake him up?

〚 Call him “hubby”! 〛

Lin Moyu shouted.

The people around her were startled by her sudden exclamation.

Sui Li’er hesitated for a moment, her face turning red. She once again leaned close to Chen Ling’s ear, took a deep breath, and said: “Hubby~~~!”

“Wake up!”

After shouting, her heart rate couldn’t help but accelerate.

Quickly returning to Chen Ling’s front, she seemed to catch a glimpse of a glimmer in his eyes for a moment. However, that glimmer vanished as quickly as it appeared, replaced by the stillness of before.


Sui Li’er bit her lip: “Hubby… hubby, can you wake up, please?”

Her small hands gently cradled Chen Ling’s face. She clearly felt like she was right in front of him, yet his eyes didn’t hold any recognition of her.

“Hubby… look at me…” Sui Li’er spoke softly.


〚 Ding~ Rune Continent world destruction countdown: 10… 9… 〛

The alarm sound within the dimensional mirror’s space echoed through the phone into Sui Li’er’s ears. Panic surged in her heart.

Was there no time left?


As the countdown continued second by second.

Even though Chen Ling held her, Sui Li’er felt him growing farther away. Tears welled up once again in her silver eyes.

He was going to jail…

Would I never see him again in this lifetime?

〚 Countdown to destruction: 8 〛


We’ve only just met not too long ago.

I waited for you for ten years…

You can’t just leave me like this.

I don’t want this…

What will happen to me without you?

〚 Countdown to destruction: 7 〛

I don’t want you to go…

You’ve just kissed me…

But I want more…

〚 Countdown to destruction: 6 〛

How can I grasp Lord God who is getting farther and farther away before my eyes…

Sui Li’er’s mind was in chaos, as if she had fallen into water, unable to breathe.

And her god, he watched her sink into the abyss.

In the quiet depths, she could only hear the sound of her own heart beating. As they drifted farther and farther apart, this parting… would be forever.

“I don’t want this! Husband!”

Like someone drowning, she emitted a desperate plea before what seemed like her final moments.

At the same time, her small hand instinctively reached downward. Just as when Chen Ling had taught her to swim, she desperately clung to a lifeline.

“Bu jiu~” – a sound – and she grasped the last lifeline to save the world.

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