Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning
Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning Chapter 157

Chapter 157: Ironhead’s Mutation

Taking advantage of the openings in Su Dazhu’s attacks on the earth pillars, Sun Yu began to unleash his formidable supernatural abilities.

Su Dazhu’s swift destruction of the earth pillars made Sun Yu’s face change, realizing that he wouldn’t be able to trap him for long. Was this Su Dazhu more inclined towards strength?

“Mud Swamp Technique.”

Under Su Dazhu’s feet, the previously flat ground suddenly transformed into a swamp, trapping Su Dazhu’s feet, making it difficult for him to move.

Chen Luo rubbed his chin, noting that this Sun Yu also had great potential as a Level Ten, and his leadership abilities were impressive.

“Earthen Spikes.”

Su Dazhu, momentarily immobilized, became a living target.

Three consecutive spikes headed toward Su Dazhu, but he remained unfazed, extending his hands forward to block the spikes.

Su Dazhu only felt a slight discomfort; it was challenging for a Level Four supernatural being to harm him.

Sun Yu’s ability to trap is impressive, but his offensive capabilities are somewhat lacking.

Su Dazhu struggled fiercely in the swamp, and each struggle consumed a significant amount of Sun Yu’s supernatural power to maintain the swamp.

Sun Yu attacked Su Dazhu with all his might, but it had no effect.

Feng Zhengqing’s face turned pale. Although Sun Yu’s attacks were weaker, they shouldn’t be incapable of causing any harm, should they?

Why is this person’s defense so strong?

Soon, Su Dazhu broke free from Sun Yu’s restraint and pursued him.

Sun Yu reluctantly conceded. He couldn’t really harm his opponent, and fleeing wasn’t an option either; passive fighting would result in a loss.

Sun Yu was supposed to have an advantage against those with a physical system, which was why Feng Zhengqing sent him out, but he didn’t expect that he wouldn’t be able to break through the defense. What was going on?

Feng Zhengqing’s face darkened upon realizing that the opponent had such a promising talent.

Losing the first round was one thing, but he absolutely couldn’t afford to lose the second round.

This time, it was Feng Zhengqing’s turn to send someone first. Should I go for it just to be safe?

No, if I go, the opponent might just send any random person to deal with me and save their main players for later. If there’s a Level Five opponent waiting, I’ll be in trouble.

That zombie hasn’t reached Level Five strength yet.

After giving it some thought, Feng Zhengqing had a small truck brought in, and they released the zombie from inside.

As soon as the zombie was released, the entire arena erupted in astonishment. Nobody had expected Feng Zhengqing to send out a zombie.

The zombie had blood-red eyes, making it easily distinguishable.

Chen Luo was left dumbfounded. “Wait, they’ve managed to control a zombie?”

Its strength was undoubtedly not weak. Was sending out a Level Three zombie some kind of joke?

A sudden mutation was impossible; Feng Zhengqing didn’t have the power to control that.

Zombies could potentially communicate and cooperate once they had gained intelligence, but their bloodthirsty nature was impossible to eliminate. They would seize any opportunity to attack and feed.

The zombie croaked, “If you want me to act, you’ll have to provide me with an extra meal.”

Feng Zhengqing quickly agreed.

Ouyang Lu frowned, watching the scene. She was fine with keeping zombies in captivity and using them to combat other zombies, but she disagreed with using humans as their food source.

However, Feng Zhengqing insisted on using hostile survivors as a food source for the zombie, and Ouyang Lu decided not to interfere further.

What if this zombie undergoes a sudden mutation, right here around them?

Could this Level Five zombie be restricted by Feng Zhengqing?

Chen Luo didn’t really care about the outcome of the second round.

If you’re sending a zombie, then I’ll send one too.

Ironhead, Chen Luo had to keep a close eye on him.

They needed at least two Level Five members, or Chen Luo himself needed to be at the base.

Su Dazhu, Mi Ling, and the others had all come, so of course, Chen Luo brought Ironhead as well.

Chen Luo instructed, “Release Ironhead.”

Su Dazhu and Shu Yun personally escorted Ironhead over.

As soon as Ironhead saw Chen Luo, he roared, “I’m starving! Give me something to eat!”

Chen Luo chuckled, “Didn’t we agree to wait until tomorrow?”

Ironhead grew even angrier, “Tomorrow, tomorrow! I’ve been waiting for a month, and still nothing. Are you lying to me?”

Chen Luo squinted and kicked Ironhead in the groin.

Pointing at Ironhead, Chen Luo said, “You’ve been quite obedient this past month, and I appreciate that. But I didn’t like your tone just now. What’s the matter, don’t want your ‘eggs’ anymore?”

After being scolded, Ironhead regained some composure.

Chen Luo then pointed to a zombie on the opposite side, “Go, kill it.”

For the past month, Ironhead had been abused by Xia Haoran, Mi Ling, and Su Dazhu. He couldn’t defeat anyone anymore and had lost his value. Chen Luo was considering extracting its crystal.

As soon as Tie Tou heard that he was going to kill something, he immediately became interested and roared at the zombie on the opposite side.

Feng Zhengqing frowned as he watched this big-headed zombie.

What the heck, what is Chen Luo up to?

I controlled a zombie, and now he’s controlling one too?

How strong is this zombie?

It seems like Chen Luo is handling it casually.

Doesn’t look very powerful.

Strong or not, you’ll find out in a moment.

Ironhead roared and charged towards the fire-based zombie on the opposite side.

The fire-based zombie quickly unleashed a fire explosion.

Ironhead didn’t shy away. He bent his neck, extended his head, and forcefully confronted the oncoming fire explosion.

The fireball hit Ironhead’s head, leaving only a slight burnt mark but causing no real harm to him.

Ironhead’s  head was indeed quite durable. Xia Haoran had struggled to threaten it as well and had to target other body parts.

Chen Luo, with his Level Eight tremendous strength, is the only one who managed to disorient Ironhead’s head.

Ironhead  charged recklessly, with no regard for his safety. The fire-based zombie on the opposite side cast another spell, but it was ineffective.

It panicked; this head was too resilient.

However, with just a one-level difference, it couldn’t outrun Ironhead. It could only flee into the crowd.

By leaving the designated duel area, the fire-based zombie had lost according to the rules.

Ironhead quickly caught up, and when he passed by Feng Zhengqing’s subordinates, he accelerated and caught one of them.

The person he caught was Ouyang Lu.

Chen Luo’s face turned grim. He absolutely couldn’t let Ironhead eat a human, especially not Ouyang Lu, who still held value.

Sun Yu desperately pounded Ironhead, as Ouyang Lu was someone special to him.

Chen Luo rushed over at lightning speed, leaving Feng Zhengqing’s face in shock. Why was he faster than him, even though he had wind abilities?

Even if he went all out, he couldn’t match this speed.

Chen Luo exerted all his strength to pull Ironhead’s head away and rescued Ouyang Lu.

Ironhead roared furiously, “I want to eat people, I want to eat people!”

Chen Luo remained expressionless. “We agreed on tomorrow.”

Ironhead erupted in anger. “You lied to me! I’ll never live to see tomorrow. If you don’t give me something to eat, I’ll eat you.”

Ironhead  used to have three meals a day, and each meal was two little friends. He had had enough in this past month.

Chen Luo squinted his eyes. Well, it was too much trouble to look after Ironhead, and it was becoming a waste of energy. He no longer held any value. It was better to put him down.

This Ironhead was not as easy to deceive as Ironclaw.

Just then, the enraged Ironhead underwent an unknown transformation. His height, which was originally 1.7 meters, began to rapidly expand, and his whole body was getting larger.

Chen Luo’s expression changed. He was undergoing a mutation.

There was a process to mutations. Should he deal with Ironhead before the mutation completed?

Chen Luo thought for a moment, his eyes cold as he watched Ironhead’s transformation.

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